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  1. Newboomer


    To me that whole thing was a clusterf***k from the getgo as far as "security" went. That SS outfit acted like a bunch of Keystone cops,"Don't fire until fired upon." What in hell kind of strategy is that? No wonder we lost so many good men in the sandbox and elsewhere. The object of security is...
  2. Newboomer


    Why no sniper team on that building where the shooter was? Why no patrol in the AGR area? Pretty obvious that's where he came from. Very poor planning and I'm just a layman. And what is off to the right of the seating area? So many big holes that even I can see.
  3. Newboomer


    My question is how could anyone not invited to the venue get to within 150 yds without security noticing? Especially with outbuildings so close. That is a prime recipe for disaster. Seems like a major breakdown in security. Should have been LEO or someone out to at least 1/4 mile in a full...
  4. Newboomer


    "Time to put Trump in a bullseye." WOW!!! Now that is a loaded statement. One could draw some very interesting theories or conclusions from that.
  5. Newboomer


    He's more like sewer sludge, the bottom layer of filth.
  6. Newboomer

    Alec Baldwin Movie Set Accident

    That doesn't surprise me. Justice is for those who can afford it or baffle the system with big name bullshit.
  7. Newboomer

    Alec Baldwin Movie Set Accident

    A couple times until I stretched the spring a little and cleaned the tube. Surprising how much crap gets into such places.
  8. Newboomer

    on a lighter note...

    Special instructions for woke.
  9. Newboomer

    Alec Baldwin Movie Set Accident

    Learned back when I was competing 3 gun to thump the butt on the ground a few times after clearing. I've shaken one loose a few times in a tubular magazine after a long sequence and things heat up some.
  10. Newboomer


    Yup. We kinda like our alky and if you think back about 80 years there wouldn't be much of an England if us "Colonials" hadn't bailed you out.
  11. Newboomer

    If this rifle could talk....

    Love that burl table.What is the wood and how about some more pix.
  12. Newboomer

    Well boys, what's your temperature like now?

    Sizzling next few days here in NV. Today 92F, 100-102 through the weekend. Luckily we have low humidity 10-20%.
  13. Newboomer

    Well boys, what's your temperature like now?

    92F and 20% here in northern NV. I've been bucking and splitting firewood and I'm soaked. Even my pants are wet to the knees.
  14. Newboomer

    on a lighter note...

    And Nevada.
  15. Newboomer


    Yo, Clintons!
  16. Newboomer

    Alec Baldwin Movie Set Accident

    Totally agree with your post. I was responding to the baldwin case. He has no excuse and should be proecuted to the fullest extent of the law --- about 20 years worth behind bars. Call it learning for his next movie role.
  17. Newboomer


    Well, there are women and then there are freaks. Sadly, they are--- (American)?
  18. Newboomer

    Alec Baldwin Movie Set Accident

    There is no way possible for a single action revolver to fire even with a live round in the chamber until the hammer is manually cocked and the trigger pulled. The only exception being a vintage Colt with no transfer bar and even then only if it is dropped and lands on the hammer.
  19. Newboomer

    "Lighter Politics" Humour

    Rhetorical question: Could it happen or he wind up in an assisted living facility before September?
  20. Newboomer

    "Lighter Politics" Humour

    But that doesn't mean he could read or understand them.
  21. Newboomer


    What in hell was he trying to say?? That was beyond painful.
  22. Newboomer


    None could (or can) qualify.
  23. Newboomer

    on a lighter note...

    Some places they are yellow ( NY, I think.)
  24. Newboomer


    Amen. May I remind the participants in this childish foolishness of the last paragraph in my previous post: "Keep your mouth shut and no one will know you're a damn fool." Don't go blatting your face off unless you want to get called on it. The rest of us here don't give a damn but it is rather...
  25. Newboomer

    "Lighter Politics" Humour

    Sometimes they aren't.
  26. Newboomer


    Second that. Dry since 1975.
  27. Newboomer


    Well, thank you for owning up to a stupid mistake. However, it would be a great idea to really think about something before posting. Granted, this is a political forum and people are quite paassionate about their politics, sometimes to the extreme. I strive to remain neutral and have to chuckle...
  28. Newboomer


    "Sometimes you have to fight th be a man." I think now is the time to put those radicals in their place--painfully.
  29. Newboomer


    Another goddamn freak in the dem circus.
  30. Newboomer

    In memoriam - Mark Hampton of GSCO & SCI RIP

    Terrible, but I guess if you're gonna go that's the place doing what you love. Always enjoyed his articles. Prayers for the family.
  31. Newboomer

    on a lighter note...

    Sometimes it sure feels like they are ringing my bell. Don't like the cold and damp.
  32. Newboomer

    on a lighter note...

    My neck and two shoulders get some attention and I get scanned.
  33. Newboomer


    Reminds me of the saying, "I ain't fonda hanoi jane."
  34. Newboomer

    A good old buffalo

    The stories that old guy could tell. Bet he had quite a life.
  35. Newboomer

    on a lighter note...

    In my top three favorites. Saw his show in Branson, MO some years back. Small crowd that day and he say on a stool on the edge of the stage and it felt like he was singing to just my wife and me. We had a nice chat with him after the show. Genuine all round nice guy.
  36. Newboomer

    on a lighter note...

    eenie meenie minie mo. You win anyway.
  37. Newboomer

    Any other Cheese lovers here?

    Prima Della makes a good pepperjack. Walmart carries it.
  38. Newboomer

    Any other Cheese lovers here?

    Coastal is a good hearty British cheddar with a bite.
  39. Newboomer

    shooting 375 H/H

    It may rattle your teeth when practicing but in the field you won't hear or feel it. A 375HH recoil is more of a push than a jab like others. Get a Past Recoil Shield and you're good to go. A Win 70 Safari Express at about 10 lbs is just about ideal. The King of Rifles for anything from mice to...
  40. Newboomer

    Would you mount a Female Cape Buffalo?

    I have a bull buf shoulder mount and had plans to go for a cow. Covid killed that trip(no pun intended). I had even built a custom wide pedestal to mount them side by side.
  41. Newboomer


    "Those who give up some freedom for security receive neither."
  42. Newboomer


    Me?? HELL, NO. Bidumdum was never fit for anything. A fool elected by fools.
  43. Newboomer

    Oh Jeez, what happened?

    My WAG: Not fully brazed. If you shoot it could the barrels separate and cause real problems?
  44. Newboomer


    Bastard's probably behind the whole thing.
  45. Newboomer


    If it needs to be tweaked it ain't working.
  46. Newboomer

    on a lighter note...

    Boat: Object in the water into which you pour money.
  47. Newboomer

    Memorial Day

    May their memory never fade.
  48. Newboomer

    Memorial Day

    I shed an unabashed tear in rememberance and gratitude.
  49. Newboomer

    In praise and defense of Wood & Blue

    Amen to wood and steel. I have that, laminates, and synthetics but the overriding favorite is wood and steel. Just has much more personality and feel.
  50. Newboomer

    Memorial Day

    "Freedom is not free. I paid for it,"from a 30+ year veteran. Remember all who wore a uniform. They (we) gave us what we have.