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  1. Newboomer

    Why all the 6.5 Creedmoor Hate?

    I have a 6.5 cm and like it--for what it was designed for. I took it to Africa on my last hunt and used it for small pg: springbok and impala and it worked perfectly. For anything bigger I used my 375HH. Use the right weapon for the job and don't try to be the hero because more often than not...
  2. Newboomer


    Bingo!! The "investigations" yielded what they wanted it to.
  3. Newboomer

    A time to sell & a time to buy

    I have enjoyed your experiences posted on these forums and look forward to many more. Hang in there, buddy. You CAN and WILL beat this thing. It can't keep a good man down.
  4. Newboomer


    I discovered Cummins diesel in 1991 when I bought my first one and have never looked back. Best move I made in trucks and I'm on my third and probably my last one. Old 05 pre all the garbage and it just goes.
  5. Newboomer


    I believe it is due, in large part, to all the additives and preservatives in the food we eat today. That and the inactivity of kids today. When I was growing up we had pt in school and chores and work at home. Of course this was back in the good old days before tv, video games and junk food...
  6. Newboomer

    Favourite quotes - Here's mine, Quite a long list. What's yours?

    It's not so much getting into a girl's pants as getting the girl out of her pants.
  7. Newboomer

    on a lighter note...

    That's a great one for telemarketers.
  8. Newboomer

    on a lighter note...

    That's a real bargain for the cargo.
  9. Newboomer


    An old army bolt action rifle using ball ammo which punches a small hole and not a very big exit wound. Not nearly enough to do the damage that was caused. And multiple rounds so close together at a moving target just doesn't smell right. I doubt Oswald was that good a shot.
  10. Newboomer


    I was teaching a builder's math class at Port Hueneme Naval Station. About halfway through the Chief came bursting through the door and hollered ,"The President's been shot! Secure your class and everyone is dismissed. Go home. " You could have heard a pin drop and we all held our breath for a...
  11. Newboomer


    I have always had a sneaking suspicion that jughead johnson(LBJ) was involved in that. I don't think Oswald was smart enough or had the resources and connections to pull it off by himself. And johnson sealed all info until after his death and even then not much came out. Too many unanswered...
  12. Newboomer

    UN Convention On The Rights Of The Child Calls On South African Government To ‘Protect Children Against Violence Of Trophy Hunting’

    The UN needs to disappear. They are completely useless. Kinda like the league of nations which flopped.
  13. Newboomer


    Terrorist cells strategically placed??
  14. Newboomer

    Drunk Cursor

    It's OK as long as you don't lean lefty.
  15. Newboomer

    on a lighter note...

    How many recognize or remember that?
  16. Newboomer

    on a lighter note...

    Little Rock.
  17. Newboomer


    Yeah, someone would lose a nice kickback.
  18. Newboomer


    I think part of it actually goes for defense materiel, servicemembers' needs and training. But a fair share also goes into contractor pockets just as in any business and not into the contracted items. $400 hammers, multi hundred dollar anything you care to name which goes for a fraction of that...
  19. Newboomer


    They want to prolong it as long as possible because it's big money in their pockets. Iraq and asscrackistan ring any bells? What did 20 years of horrendous expense get us except a lot of wasted young lives?
  20. Newboomer

    Age of first African hunting trip

    My first was 2017 at age 77. RSA for pg.
  21. Newboomer

    on a lighter note...

    Yup. Grew up doing that. We burned wood exclusively. We'd log an area in the summer and go back and get the tops for the next year's firewood.
  22. Newboomer

    Rifle Actions (Ranked)

    Bolt guns: Win 70 in any caliber. Montana Rifle Co-same. Tactical: M1 Garand. I know, it's big, it's heavy but when you reach out and touch someone you get results. And it just feels good.
  23. Newboomer

    Rolex- the stupidest, lamest company

    Never could rationalize the outrageous prices for "just a fancy watch." I wear a self winding Wyler Starfire dive watch that I bought back in the 70s. I've had others but when they fail the old Wyler comes out. It just goes and goes.
  24. Newboomer


  25. Newboomer


    A very large dose of methane comes from congress and the media.
  26. Newboomer


    OMG!! Is that for real??
  27. Newboomer

    What Line Of Work Are You In

    My guy. He is the epitome of a real logger. I watch all his posts and even after a lifetime of logging I learn something from every one.
  28. Newboomer

    What Line Of Work Are You In

    I like to work with knotty cedar and knotty alder. I build all kinds of cabinetry and furniture.
  29. Newboomer


    Not since Pres. Reagan.
  30. Newboomer

    on a lighter note...

    Great idea. Put a bunch of gators in the Rio Grande. Bet that will get some attention.
  31. Newboomer

    NRA wayne La pierre

    I watched that with my mouth hanging open wondering what in hell was going on. That clown should never been even close to an elephant, say nothing about trying to kill one.
  32. Newboomer

    What Line Of Work Are You In

    Grew up logging. 6 years Navy Seabees. General Contractor til a few years ago. 24 years US Army Reserve. Also ski instructor, scuba diver, 3 gun competition, woodworker, steel fabricator. Retired now and still doing what I always have, just on my terms.
  33. Newboomer


    Now that's a real meat grinder.
  34. Newboomer

    Travel question

    On my way to Port Elizabeth. Same coming back. They checked guns and ammo and brass.
  35. Newboomer

    Hi from a Namibian born Nevada resident

    Welcome to the great State of Nevada, neighbor. I live in Minden, just a hop, skip snd jump from you. Some of us Nevadans should get together some day.
  36. Newboomer

    Travel question

    I've had my gun case and ammo boxes opened in Joburg. They checked to see that the ammo matched the rifle and the rifle serial numbers matched the paperwork. On my first trip there was a discrepancy in the paperwork. Someone had transposed one digit in the serial number. They were going to...
  37. Newboomer

    on a lighter note...

    Behind every succesful man there is a woman telling him he's wrong.
  38. Newboomer

    So I built a Book/gun case

    Being a woodworker myself, I will say that is one fine project. What's going on the other walls?
  39. Newboomer

    on a lighter note...

    Hype a 6.5 Creedmoor.
  40. Newboomer


    A plan is fine until the first shot is fired.
  41. Newboomer

    Truck - what do you drive, and why?

    That, too. Big bears, cows, moose, etc.
  42. Newboomer

    Truck - what do you drive, and why?

    It's a shop crane I redesigned and fixed a 9k winch onto for lifting stuff I can't handle by hand. I mounted it on the rear right corner of the bed and power it with welding cable run from the batteries. I have Tweco welding sockets mounted to the side of the bed with cables runniing to the...
  43. Newboomer

    Truck - what do you drive, and why?

    My old 05 Dodge 3500 4x4 6 speed stick Cummins diesel flatbed. No smog, no piss tank, pre all of that crap. I rigged it fore and aft with receiver hitches for winches and mounted a crane on the bed. I replaced the stock 35 gal tank with a 60 gal aftermarket that gives me around 900 miles...
  44. Newboomer

    Generations separated by a common language...

    Gun = weapons system. Bullets = projectiles.
  45. Newboomer

    Range days sometimes go in Ka Boom!

    Had a squib load in my 45acp that stuck the bullet halfway out the muzzle. It was a factory round, too, from a new box. I was about to crank out another round when the RO grabbed my hand and hollered stop. If he hadn't things could have become interesting. I sent that round and the rest of the...
  46. Newboomer

    on a lighter note...

    And I'm a disabled vet. Does that count?
  47. Newboomer

    Favourite quotes - Here's mine, Quite a long list. What's yours?

    When I'm asked about my military career,"I wouldn't take a million dollars for the memories, but I wouldn't give a penny to do it again."
  48. Newboomer

    Trusting A Wild Animal - And Nearly Killed By Him

    Two sides to that one. I have been attacked by one before. My daughter had that would come after me or anyone not family every chance he got. Not any damage but scared the hell out of me. He'd make a flying leap for my face. Mutt was psychotic and they put him down, On the other hand, my...
  49. Newboomer

    New name same opinions

    That was my take, too. Totally groundless conservative bashing.