
But LHO was no Franz

Franz is a very talented rifleman
But Oswald didn’t need to be talented for every shot he ever made. An adequate shot can get lucky and make a spectacular shot every now and then. He could have just got lucky at the right time like Gavrilo Princip, who killed Franz Ferdinand.

And of course we could never know because Oswald never went to trial and his death laid the perfect soil for conspiracy theories to grow.

I think Ruby had a bit of a John Wilkes Boothe complex where his actions were carried out for the perceived benefit of another group (he wanted to avenge JFK like Boothe wanted to support the South) but ended up making the situation worse (Oswald’s death prevented the nation from getting the closure of a proper trial and Lincoln’s death hurt the post war south by removing the greatest advocate for reintegrating and rebuilding the south).
Back to LHO and the conspiracy. LHO acted alone because when the wider conspiracy fell apart, he was the only one left to do the job.

You see, it all started when LHO, @Brent in Az , @freefall , @fourfive8 , @sestoppelman , @John Wasmuth , @Newboomer , @BSO Dave and @flatwater bill decided that the Kennedy's had gotten too big for their britches and they decided to "drain the swamp" and put Trump in charge. They had a secret meeting at a pub in London, where they ran into @spike.t and @WAB , who were there celebrating and knocking a few back after a visit to the Rigby showroom, where they had just placed orders for rifles, Rigby jackets and bloomers. These two new members of the conspiracy convinced the founders that they needed to bring in some ex-military guys, CEOs and contractors to help set plans, hire mercenaries and assist. @spike.t also said he knew of a nightclub owner he referred to as "JR" in Dallas that might help. Seems @spike.t had some "dirt" on the nightclub owner!

They quickly recruited @Red Leg and @rookhawk to be in charge of all things weaponry, battle plans and risk assessment; @mdwest to recruit mercenaries and to help @spike.t with the social (drinking party) calendar; @Corey0372 to run drone strategy; @Mark A Ouellette to handle outfitting the mercenaries with weapons; @1dirthawker from Alaska to handle amphibious assaults along the Dallas coast and falconery operations; @sgt_zim as the tech guy; @375 Ruger Fan for Press relations and video sourcing, with an assist by @Red Leg ; @Doubleplay to be the Devil's Advocate; @Boyd Brooks, @Kevin Peacocke, and @VertigoBE for foreign advisors; @steve white to be the Mannlicher expert; @ActionBob for funding the effort; @Hunt anything because he will hunt anything with legs; and @Wheels because, well you know, because he's Wheels and super smart, especially about Tanzania.

@mdwest hired the soldiers/killers such as me, @Tanks , @Altitude sickness , @shootist~ , @PHOENIX PHIL , @Tundra Tiger , @PARA45 , @BourbonTrail , @LivingTheDream , @BeeMaa , @CoElkHunter , @Bob Nelson 35Whelen , and @375Fox .

The initial planning was going great but then took a turn for the worst when people started defecting due to petty disagreements amongst friends:

@Tundra Tiger couldn't agree to bringing Trump in after Kennedy and LBJ were taken out and he was limited by his lever action rifle so he quit.
@PHOENIX PHIL quit to consult for JKO Hunting Safaris because he insisted that AZ would be a better place to act but the group, being dominated by Texans, wanted Dallas at all costs.
@WAB insisted on a proper tracking hunt for the target instead of a roadside shooting so he quit.
@375Fox wanted to take the target out in a free-range environment somewhere in the Great Plains instead of a hemmed in, fenced environment like a city, so he quit.
@CoElkHunter insisted that all members of the assault team carry .338 Win Mag rifles and was overruled because a 338 doesn't quite qualify for DG, so he quit.
I @Scott CWO disagreed with some members using Nosler Partitiions so I quit.
@sestoppelman got mad about the vaccination requirements for SF Operators so he quit.
@spike.t loathed that the group adopted the .375 H&H as standard issue and he also missed too many planning meetings from staying out all night so he was terminated.
@BeeMaa quit when the group voted to disallow the R8 and go with CRF only.
@Tanks was terminated after insisting that he be allowed hide in the trunk of the presidential limousine to take out the target with a double rifle at close range through the backseat and we also found out that the only reason he wanted to participate was to be able date Jackie and take her dancing afterwards.
@LivingTheDream quit because he was worried about getting caught and no longer living the dream.
@Kevin Peacocke and @VertigoBE were terminated by @Red Leg for trying to tell him how to run things from overseas. @Boyd Brooks was fired by @Red Leg just for being Canadian.
@rookhawk quit because of his risk assessment and because of a conflict of dates with a gun auction.
@flatwater bill quit because his "." computer key broke ................ and he couldn't.................. deal with............. that.
@375 Ruger Fan quit when we hired some guy named Abraham Zapruder to be our videographer instead of him.
@ActionBob was forced to quit after disclosing the plot to @Just Gina and she said, "Oh heck no, not for all the coffee in Colombia!" Bob also had too many hunts booked to be of help.
@Altitude sickness quit because the altitude in Dallas is too high for him.
@steve white quit when LHO didn't pick a real Mannlicher for a weapon.
@BSO Dave quit after an argument with @Red Leg over using the "nuclear option" that Dave favored over the @Red Leg favored option of 155mm artillery. Less collateral damage, said Joe.
@BourbonTrail quit when supplies of bourbon and cigars ran low.
@Hunt anything quit when told the operation was only for one high value target. He wanted to hunt all politicians.
@Bob Nelson 35Whelen was terminated by @Mark A Ouellette for wanting to use a .243.
@1dirthawker was fired by @Red Leg for being former Navy.
@Doubleplay was fired by @Brent in Az for getting Brent so upset that Brent went a little "cray cray" and was temporarily banned from the group. When Brent was allowed back in, he got his revenge.
@sgt_zim quit after realizing that VPN had not been invented yet and he didn't want to be discovered by the CIA and NSA.
@PARA45 was terminated by LHO because LHO's Cuban and Russian "friends" heard that he liked Colombian women more than Cuban and Russian women.
@Red Leg quit when he discovered that the target wasn't Putin.
@mdwest quit when funding dried up with the departure of @ActionBob.
@Corey0372 was fired for suggesting suicide B-52 "drone" strikes.
@shootist~ quit when he couldn't source enough reloading supplies for the mission.
@Mark A Ouellette quit when his wife told him that if he went through with the plot that she wouldn't ever take him back to Africa again.
@Wheels quit because, well, because the whole thing was just stupid.
@Brent in Az @fourfive8 @freefall @John Wasmuth @Newboomer quit because Jack Ruby threatened to shoot anyone who squealed and because Trump pulled out with Nikki Haley the only remaining option.

This left just LHO, who acted alone.

Hope you enjoyed a little humor. No hard feelings! THE END. :A Outta:
Great, now we are all going to end up in a kangaroo court headed by Latisha James and Fani Willis charged with insurrection and over due library books.
Back to LHO and the conspiracy. LHO acted alone because when the wider conspiracy fell apart, he was the only one left to do the job.

You see, it all started when LHO, @Brent in Az , @freefall , @fourfive8 , @sestoppelman , @John Wasmuth , @Newboomer , @BSO Dave and @flatwater bill decided that the Kennedy's had gotten too big for their britches and they decided to "drain the swamp" and put Trump in charge. They had a secret meeting at a pub in London, where they ran into @spike.t and @WAB , who were there celebrating and knocking a few back after a visit to the Rigby showroom, where they had just placed orders for rifles, Rigby jackets and bloomers. These two new members of the conspiracy convinced the founders that they needed to bring in some ex-military guys, CEOs and contractors to help set plans, hire mercenaries and assist. @spike.t also said he knew of a nightclub owner he referred to as "JR" in Dallas that might help. Seems @spike.t had some "dirt" on the nightclub owner!

They quickly recruited @Red Leg and @rookhawk to be in charge of all things weaponry, battle plans and risk assessment; @mdwest to recruit mercenaries and to help @spike.t with the social (drinking party) calendar; @Corey0372 to run drone strategy; @Mark A Ouellette to handle outfitting the mercenaries with weapons; @1dirthawker from Alaska to handle amphibious assaults along the Dallas coast and falconery operations; @sgt_zim as the tech guy; @375 Ruger Fan for Press relations and video sourcing, with an assist by @Red Leg ; @Doubleplay to be the Devil's Advocate; @Boyd Brooks, @Kevin Peacocke, and @VertigoBE for foreign advisors; @steve white to be the Mannlicher expert; @ActionBob for funding the effort; @Hunt anything because he will hunt anything with legs; and @Wheels because, well you know, because he's Wheels and super smart, especially about Tanzania.

@mdwest hired the soldiers/killers such as me, @Tanks , @Altitude sickness , @shootist~ , @PHOENIX PHIL , @Tundra Tiger , @PARA45 , @BourbonTrail , @LivingTheDream , @BeeMaa , @CoElkHunter , @Bob Nelson 35Whelen , and @375Fox .

The initial planning was going great but then took a turn for the worst when people started defecting due to petty disagreements amongst friends:

@Tundra Tiger couldn't agree to bringing Trump in after Kennedy and LBJ were taken out and he was limited by his lever action rifle so he quit.
@PHOENIX PHIL quit to consult for JKO Hunting Safaris because he insisted that AZ would be a better place to act but the group, being dominated by Texans, wanted Dallas at all costs.
@WAB insisted on a proper tracking hunt for the target instead of a roadside shooting so he quit.
@375Fox wanted to take the target out in a free-range environment somewhere in the Great Plains instead of a hemmed in, fenced environment like a city, so he quit.
@CoElkHunter insisted that all members of the assault team carry .338 Win Mag rifles and was overruled because a 338 doesn't quite qualify for DG, so he quit.
I @Scott CWO disagreed with some members using Nosler Partitiions so I quit.
@sestoppelman got mad about the vaccination requirements for SF Operators so he quit.
@spike.t loathed that the group adopted the .375 H&H as standard issue and he also missed too many planning meetings from staying out all night so he was terminated.
@BeeMaa quit when the group voted to disallow the R8 and go with CRF only.
@Tanks was terminated after insisting that he be allowed hide in the trunk of the presidential limousine to take out the target with a double rifle at close range through the backseat and we also found out that the only reason he wanted to participate was to be able date Jackie and take her dancing afterwards.
@LivingTheDream quit because he was worried about getting caught and no longer living the dream.
@Kevin Peacocke and @VertigoBE were terminated by @Red Leg for trying to tell him how to run things from overseas. @Boyd Brooks was fired by @Red Leg just for being Canadian.
@rookhawk quit because of his risk assessment and because of a conflict of dates with a gun auction.
@flatwater bill quit because his "." computer key broke ................ and he couldn't.................. deal with............. that.
@375 Ruger Fan quit when we hired some guy named Abraham Zapruder to be our videographer instead of him.
@ActionBob was forced to quit after disclosing the plot to @Just Gina and she said, "Oh heck no, not for all the coffee in Colombia!" Bob also had too many hunts booked to be of help.
@Altitude sickness quit because the altitude in Dallas is too high for him.
@steve white quit when LHO didn't pick a real Mannlicher for a weapon.
@BSO Dave quit after an argument with @Red Leg over using the "nuclear option" that Dave favored over the @Red Leg favored option of 155mm artillery. Less collateral damage, said Joe.
@BourbonTrail quit when supplies of bourbon and cigars ran low.
@Hunt anything quit when told the operation was only for one high value target. He wanted to hunt all politicians.
@Bob Nelson 35Whelen was terminated by @Mark A Ouellette for wanting to use a .243.
@1dirthawker was fired by @Red Leg for being former Navy.
@Doubleplay was fired by @Brent in Az for getting Brent so upset that Brent went a little "cray cray" and was temporarily banned from the group. When Brent was allowed back in, he got his revenge.
@sgt_zim quit after realizing that VPN had not been invented yet and he didn't want to be discovered by the CIA and NSA.
@PARA45 was terminated by LHO because LHO's Cuban and Russian "friends" heard that he liked Colombian women more than Cuban and Russian women.
@Red Leg quit when he discovered that the target wasn't Putin.
@mdwest quit when funding dried up with the departure of @ActionBob.
@Corey0372 was fired for suggesting suicide B-52 "drone" strikes.
@shootist~ quit when he couldn't source enough reloading supplies for the mission.
@Mark A Ouellette quit when his wife told him that if he went through with the plot that she wouldn't ever take him back to Africa again.
@Wheels quit because, well, because the whole thing was just stupid.
@Brent in Az @fourfive8 @freefall @John Wasmuth @Newboomer quit because Jack Ruby threatened to shoot anyone who squealed and because Trump pulled out with Nikki Haley the only remaining option.

This left just LHO, who acted alone.

Hope you enjoyed a little humor. No hard feelings! THE END. :A Outta:
VPN is so 2008. These days, it's SASE or nothing. ;)
Back to LHO and the conspiracy. LHO acted alone because when the wider conspiracy fell apart, he was the only one left to do the job.

You see, it all started when LHO, @Brent in Az , @freefall , @fourfive8 , @sestoppelman , @John Wasmuth , @Newboomer , @BSO Dave and @flatwater bill decided that the Kennedy's had gotten too big for their britches and they decided to "drain the swamp" and put Trump in charge. They had a secret meeting at a pub in London, where they ran into @spike.t and @WAB , who were there celebrating and knocking a few back after a visit to the Rigby showroom, where they had just placed orders for rifles, Rigby jackets and bloomers. These two new members of the conspiracy convinced the founders that they needed to bring in some ex-military guys, CEOs and contractors to help set plans, hire mercenaries and assist. @spike.t also said he knew of a nightclub owner he referred to as "JR" in Dallas that might help. Seems @spike.t had some "dirt" on the nightclub owner!

They quickly recruited @Red Leg and @rookhawk to be in charge of all things weaponry, battle plans and risk assessment; @mdwest to recruit mercenaries and to help @spike.t with the social (drinking party) calendar; @Corey0372 to run drone strategy; @Mark A Ouellette to handle outfitting the mercenaries with weapons; @1dirthawker from Alaska to handle amphibious assaults along the Dallas coast and falconery operations; @sgt_zim as the tech guy; @375 Ruger Fan for Press relations and video sourcing, with an assist by @Red Leg ; @Doubleplay to be the Devil's Advocate; @Boyd Brooks, @Kevin Peacocke, and @VertigoBE for foreign advisors; @steve white to be the Mannlicher expert; @ActionBob for funding the effort; @Hunt anything because he will hunt anything with legs; and @Wheels because, well you know, because he's Wheels and super smart, especially about Tanzania.

@mdwest hired the soldiers/killers such as me, @Tanks , @Altitude sickness , @shootist~ , @PHOENIX PHIL , @Tundra Tiger , @PARA45 , @BourbonTrail , @LivingTheDream , @BeeMaa , @CoElkHunter , @Bob Nelson 35Whelen , and @375Fox .

The initial planning was going great but then took a turn for the worst when people started defecting due to petty disagreements amongst friends:

@Tundra Tiger couldn't agree to bringing Trump in after Kennedy and LBJ were taken out and he was limited by his lever action rifle so he quit.
@PHOENIX PHIL quit to consult for JKO Hunting Safaris because he insisted that AZ would be a better place to act but the group, being dominated by Texans, wanted Dallas at all costs.
@WAB insisted on a proper tracking hunt for the target instead of a roadside shooting so he quit.
@375Fox wanted to take the target out in a free-range environment somewhere in the Great Plains instead of a hemmed in, fenced environment like a city, so he quit.
@CoElkHunter insisted that all members of the assault team carry .338 Win Mag rifles and was overruled because a 338 doesn't quite qualify for DG, so he quit.
I @Scott CWO disagreed with some members using Nosler Partitiions so I quit.
@sestoppelman got mad about the vaccination requirements for SF Operators so he quit.
@spike.t loathed that the group adopted the .375 H&H as standard issue and he also missed too many planning meetings from staying out all night so he was terminated.
@BeeMaa quit when the group voted to disallow the R8 and go with CRF only.
@Tanks was terminated after insisting that he be allowed hide in the trunk of the presidential limousine to take out the target with a double rifle at close range through the backseat and we also found out that the only reason he wanted to participate was to be able date Jackie and take her dancing afterwards.
@LivingTheDream quit because he was worried about getting caught and no longer living the dream.
@Kevin Peacocke and @VertigoBE were terminated by @Red Leg for trying to tell him how to run things from overseas. @Boyd Brooks was fired by @Red Leg just for being Canadian.
@rookhawk quit because of his risk assessment and because of a conflict of dates with a gun auction.
@flatwater bill quit because his "." computer key broke ................ and he couldn't.................. deal with............. that.
@375 Ruger Fan quit when we hired some guy named Abraham Zapruder to be our videographer instead of him.
@ActionBob was forced to quit after disclosing the plot to @Just Gina and she said, "Oh heck no, not for all the coffee in Colombia!" Bob also had too many hunts booked to be of help.
@Altitude sickness quit because the altitude in Dallas is too high for him.
@steve white quit when LHO didn't pick a real Mannlicher for a weapon.
@BSO Dave quit after an argument with @Red Leg over using the "nuclear option" that Dave favored over the @Red Leg favored option of 155mm artillery. Less collateral damage, said Joe.
@BourbonTrail quit when supplies of bourbon and cigars ran low.
@Hunt anything quit when told the operation was only for one high value target. He wanted to hunt all politicians.
@Bob Nelson 35Whelen was terminated by @Mark A Ouellette for wanting to use a .243.
@1dirthawker was fired by @Red Leg for being former Navy.
@Doubleplay was fired by @Brent in Az for getting Brent so upset that Brent went a little "cray cray" and was temporarily banned from the group. When Brent was allowed back in, he got his revenge.
@sgt_zim quit after realizing that VPN had not been invented yet and he didn't want to be discovered by the CIA and NSA.
@PARA45 was terminated by LHO because LHO's Cuban and Russian "friends" heard that he liked Colombian women more than Cuban and Russian women.
@Red Leg quit when he discovered that the target wasn't Putin.
@mdwest quit when funding dried up with the departure of @ActionBob.
@Corey0372 was fired for suggesting suicide B-52 "drone" strikes.
@shootist~ quit when he couldn't source enough reloading supplies for the mission.
@Mark A Ouellette quit when his wife told him that if he went through with the plot that she wouldn't ever take him back to Africa again.
@Wheels quit because, well, because the whole thing was just stupid.
@Brent in Az @fourfive8 @freefall @John Wasmuth @Newboomer quit because Jack Ruby threatened to shoot anyone who squealed and because Trump pulled out with Nikki Haley the only remaining option.

This left just LHO, who acted alone.

Hope you enjoyed a little humor. No hard feelings! THE END. :A Outta:

I haven't been here as long as some of you, but that is easily the most clever, creative thing I have seen on here. Thank you for that Scott.

That said, I am offended. "Limited by his lever action rifle"?? WTH are you talking about? Limitations?? Nay, good sir.

Best thing I will read this week.

EDIT: We all know Chris Pratt used a lever, not a double or a bolt gun, and we know Hollywood would never, ever lie.
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@PHOENIX PHIL, my most sincere apology for bringing this up, and I didn't mean any disrespect to you or any parent dealing with this.

My concern is why was this illness not as common when we were growing up (maybe the advancement in medicine has something to do, I don't know), and it is so common today. My wife is a K-3 & K-4 teacher, and she tells me the number of kids on meds is alarming. Is it big Pharma to blame? Are the docs to blame? The parents? Are the docs not doing their jobs by diagnosing bad behavior, vs. true illness?
I believe it is due, in large part, to all the additives and preservatives in the food we eat today. That and the inactivity of kids today. When I was growing up we had pt in school and chores and work at home. Of course this was back in the good old days before tv, video games and junk food that kids live on today.
My oldest daughter had adhd and was a handful. She was so quick and smart in school that the teachers couldn't find enough work to keep her occupied. We put her in private school where she was way ahead of her grade level and she straightened out to a degree. That and controlling her diet, enrolling her in every sports program the school had (where she excelled) seemed to keep her busy enough to fly right.
I believe it is due, in large part, to all the additives and preservatives in the food we eat today. That and the inactivity of kids today. When I was growing up we had pt in school and chores and work at home. Of course this was back in the good old days before tv, video games and junk food that kids live on today.
My oldest daughter had adhd and was a handful. She was so quick and smart in school that the teachers couldn't find enough work to keep her occupied. We put her in private school where she was way ahead of her grade level and she straightened out to a degree. That and controlling her diet, enrolling her in every sports program the school had (where she excelled) seemed to keep her busy enough to fly right.
Whole heartedly agree, I saw an interview with Dr Phill last night and he thinks a lot of these issues have been accelerated by the invention of the smart phones in 2008 or 2009.
I must have been misinformed. I thought it was built off of a Mannlicher action.

I feel the need to revisit / elaborate on my previous reply:

To a large part, you have the press and Warren Commission to blame for that misinformation. There have also been cartridge manufacturers (Western...) that identified their 6.5X52 ammunition as "Mannlicher Carcano".

The rifle found at the Texas School Book Depository on November 22, 1963 was first misidentified as a Mauser, soon thereafter 'corrected' to "Mannlicher Carcano" which does not exist.

Newspaper and magazine articles continued to misidentify the arm as "Mannlicher Carcano" (as many still do) and the error was perpetuated by the Warren Commission which labeled the rifle, en bloc 'clip', and cartridges found at the Depository as "Mannlicher Carcano".

Warren 6.5_millimeter_Mannlicher-Carcano_cartridge_from_rifle_-_NARA_-_305136,_CE141.jpg

To be clear, they were wrong.

The only thing 'Mannlicher' about the M91/38 Carcano was that it employed the _Mannlicher Packet Loading System_ (en bloc) for which royalties of 300,000 Lire were paid to Österreichische Waffenfabriksgesellschaft (ŒWG, Austrian Arms-Manufacturing Company; now Steyr) before production of its ancestor, Fucile Modello 1891, entered production.

Warren Brass_clip_from_Lee_Harvey_Oswald's_Mannlicher-Carcano_rifle.jpg

En bloc, or _Mannlicher Packet Loading System._

Otherwise the Carcano M91, its variants and descendants, had nothing at all to do with Ritter Ferdinand von Mannlicher or with Steyr. The bolt, safety, trigger, springs... are of Italian design (rather innovative, actually) and are _entirely_ different than any of Mannlicher's designs. The degree of machining and 'finish' are worlds apart from Steyr products.

I've never owned or fired a Carcano but from what I've read they're decent firearms when properly fed. They are not, however, Mannlichers of any sort.
Bidens new budget proposal for 2025.... wait for it....

7.3 TRILLION $$$$$$$$$$$$$

To add to the current 34 Trillion it already is and every app. 3 months, it goes up another TRILLION!!!!!!

We are so screwed....
I do not watch as well. I don't need someone to tell me what's good to watch.

If D.C. politicians had their own Oscars, think of the categories they might have! :love:

"And the award for Shortest Senator in Nipple High Pants goes to... Jerry Nadler!"

"And the award for There is not Enough Alcohol on this Planet Representative goes to... Rosa DeLauro!"

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I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
500 schuler bore.jpg
500 and 425 rifles.jpg
500 and 425 magaizne.jpg
cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
Goat416 welcome to the forum ,youve got some great pics and Im sure trophy's
ghay wrote on professor's profile.
Would you consider selling just the Barnes 235's and 250g TTSX's?