
The rifle that was entered into evidence is an M38 6.5mm Carcano. Was it the rifle used? Who knows. But it’s the one that will forever remain known as LHO rifle that killed Kennedy.
LHO used an Italian Carcano.
An old army bolt action rifle using ball ammo which punches a small hole and not a very big exit wound. Not nearly enough to do the damage that was caused. And multiple rounds so close together at a moving target just doesn't smell right. I doubt Oswald was that good a shot.
As far as vaccines go, they lost me after the second corona jab. I'm 68 years old, if I catch something and die, I guess I'll die. But I've had it with being the beta testing program for some chemical company.
I havent had one yet and no plans to do so! Everyone I know who has gotten any jabs, have all gotten Covid at least once.
As far as I know, I have not had it.
Like the scene in Sniper 3, Tom Berenger picks up a Mosin Nagant and says "98 Mauser, finest rifle ever made".
No technical adviser on set that day I guess....

If someone just said Mauser, it’s one thing. If they said 8mm Mauser (the most common) that is understandable too. Or even 7mm. Or even 6.5x55. But to state it’s a 7.65 Mauser, a scarce model in a non-typical caliber from Argentina is getting mighty specific. You’d have to know a bit about guns to get that specific, and you wouldn’t be that specific on something so radically different in design and appearance versus a carcano.
You’re probably right, but they are brainwashed imbeciles that lost their critical thinking.
You obviously associate with a very different class of medical professionals than I do.
You obviously associate with a very different class of medical professionals than I do.

I remember on a road trip I explained to a professor and top MD at one of the best hospitals in the country how clinical trials are funded, then peer reviewed, and who holds the abstracts versus the data.

It was a moment of shocking disbelief.

Doctors are taught to cherish the double blind study, the control group, the placebo, and the peer review. Most don’t understand its limitations and the lack of scrutiny that goes into it. Big pharma is absolutely the problem.

It’s funny how quickly the story came and went last year when they got the Covid director at Pfizer on undercover wire explaining their full regulatory capture of FDA and CDC, and the gain of function research. It was all on tape, most doctors haven’t even heard the tapes, recorded on a date with project veritas.
The vaccines would probably be fine IF THEY WERE SPACED WELL APART. But packed together, they seem to trigger something in children.

I was going to reply to earlier comments. Two medical professionals have told me this exact thing, that I dont have to follow the recommend schedule, take more frequent trips to the doctor and have them spaced out. One was worried about the mercury level, I didn't push it with the other one.
You’re probably right, but they are brainwashed imbeciles that lost their critical thinking.

Some examples;

In Illinois you cannot opt out of having your infant temporarily blinded with syphillus or ghonerrea cream. Had to threaten the hospital. It turns out they made it a state law because the crack whores cause blindness in their infants, and the manufacturer was friends with the legislature, so they made it a medically unnecessary, highly lucrative scam to thrust on all citizens.

All the kids in our neighborhood were being pushed to get the HPV vaccine as young children. This, even though it is ineffective at the strain that causes cervical cancer. Another scam.

Then there was a vaccine they wanted for my kids that is contracted by a dog licking itself, then transmitting to a child. We didn’t have a dog and we didn’t take our children to places with dogs at that tender age.

There is no safe injection or medicine, all have side effects, including lethal side effects. The fact that medical practitioners cannot engage in risk reward calculations shows how out to lunch they truly are.

Then there is soulless big pharma. Shall we recall that NSAIDs worked fine for reducing inflammation, but a tiny amount of people complained about tummy aches as the side effect? Big Pharma invented Vioxx, which was less effective than NSAIDS but they prescribed it to countless people based on BS from pharma. Pharma suppressed the adverse reactions data and of course most docs have no idea that the raw data is always held by pharma, the clinical trial synopsis is all that is peer reviewed by JAMA, lancet, et Al. Vioxx killed 60,000 people before they scam came to light.

I won’t even touch on the global all-cause mortality rates over the past three years that cannot be explained by the medical establishment. Hmmm.

Please elaborate on Gardasil, the HPV vaccine to this brainwashed imbecile.

Your singular use of the word “strain that causes cervical cancer” also confuses me.

I live in the area with the highest HIV incidence in the world. Hence the highest HPV incidence as well. I’m open to be convinced of the truth out there…
Please elaborate on Gardasil, the HPV vaccine to this brainwashed imbecile.

Your singular use of the word “strain that causes cervical cancer” also confuses me.

I live in the area with the highest HIV incidence in the world. Hence the highest HPV incidence as well. I’m open to be convinced of the truth out there…

In my area, the variety popular was designed for the promiscuous, prostitutes, etc. Those high risk groups weren’t interested in the vaccine, so pharma lobbied to give it to children and won.

One of many studies:

The World Health Organization [WHO] recommends a genotype-specific human papillomavirus [HPV] vaccination as a primary prevention strategy to control the burden of cervical cancer globally. In Ethiopia, where the non-vaccine-targeted HPV genotypes have not been adequately studied, a vaccination initiative was launched in 2018 targeting HPV-6,-11, -16, and -18 for girls aged 14–18 years. The co-existence of both vaccine-targeted and non-targeted genotypes is a serious concern, as it can accelerate cancer progression. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the prevalence of non-vaccine-targeted HPV genotypes and assess the level of multiple infections with other genotypes in eastern Ethiopia. A health facility-based cross-sectional study including 110 women with positive HPV DNA results was conducted from April to August 2021. A structured questionnaire to collect demographic and clinical data was used. Cervical swabs were collected using L-shaped FLOQSwabs. Women's cytological profile was determined based on Pap smear test results. An automated nucleic acid extraction system using STARMag 96 ProPrep Universal Extraction Kit was utilized following the manufacturer's protocol. An amplification assay in real-time was employed to amplify and identify the HPV Late 1 [L1] gene, which is utilized for genotyping purposes. Following this, the collected data was entered into Epi data version 3.1 software, and the analysis was performed using STATA version 14. A total of 110 women [age range 30–60 years, mean age = 36.5 years and SD ± 6.9] had positive HPV DNA results and were included in the study. Among these, 108 women had valid co-testing [Pap test and HPV DNA test] results for further analysis, and the results of the remaining 2 women were rejected. Overall, the prevalence of non-vaccine-targeted HPV was 56 (51.8%, 95%CI [0.42, 0.61]), of which 28 women (25.4%, 95%CI [0.18, 0.34]) had a single non-vaccine HPV genotype infection. The remaining 29 women (26.4%, 95% CI: 0.190–0.355) experienced multiple infections. The non-vaccine-targeted genotypes of HPV-35 accounted for 11 cases (10%, 95%CI [0.06, 0.17]), HPV-68 was detected in 9 women (8.2%, 95%CI [0.04, 0.15]), HPV-56 and HPV-66 were both found in 8 cases each (7.3%, 95%CI [0.04, 0.14]) of the total. In addition, out of these 108 women, 93 (86.1%, 95%CI [0.78, 0.91]) had low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions, 13 (12%, 95%CI [0.07, 0.20]) no intraepithelial lesion or malignancy, and two (1.9%, 95%CI [0.01, 0.07]) high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions. Furthermore, there was no statistical difference [p = 0.755] between vaccine-targeted and non-vaccine-targeted genotypes as the primary cause of cervical lesions. In conclusion, the findings of the present study highlight the existence of a notable prevalence of multiple infections caused by non-vaccine-targeted HPV genotypes. Therefore, it is recommended that both the Federal and regional health bureaus to evaluate the range of hr HPV genotypes protected by the current HPV vaccine and explore the option of transitioning from the quadrivalent HPV vaccine to a novavalent vaccine that includes seven high-risk HPV genotypes.
I remember on a road trip I explained to a professor and top MD at one of the best hospitals in the country how clinical trials are funded, then peer reviewed, and who holds the abstracts versus the data.

It was a moment of shocking disbelief.

Doctors are taught to cherish the double blind study, the control group, the placebo, and the peer review. Most don’t understand its limitations and the lack of scrutiny that goes into it. Big pharma is absolutely the problem.

It’s funny how quickly the story came and went last year when they got the Covid director at Pfizer on undercover wire explaining their full regulatory capture of FDA and CDC, and the gain of function research. It was all on tape, most doctors haven’t even heard the tapes, recorded on a date with project veritas.
I am sure it was. However, I think I'll continue to put my faith in actual medical professionals.
The rifle that was entered into evidence is an M38 6.5mm Carcano. Was it the rifle used? Who knows. But it’s the one that will forever remain known as LHO rifle that killed Kennedy.
The Carcano HAS a Mannlicher action.
This book is worth a read, even know that I do not always agree with RFK Jr. Or very rarely.

Here is a movie that some might enjoy. I have it on VHS and at the end credits they have some very interesting statistics published by (I believe) TIME magazine. Worth a watch.

I am sure it was. However, I think I'll continue to put my faith in actual medical professionals.

I wish you good luck finding them. The super majority joined a religious cult in exchange for their independent thinking and their doctor-patient relationship.
The Carcano HAS a Mannlicher action.
Not really.
It is sometimes called the Carcano Mannlicher but only because the original design incorporated some Mannlicher and Mauser features, the magazine, stripper clips etc., but the design of the action is Italian, and they were built in Italy.
Mannlicher nor Steyr had anything to do with it.
Eyewitness police at the book depository that were former military reported in the written record that he used a Mauser. They recovered a Carcano later on, and a bullet from a Carcano on his hospital gurney, and a receipt from LHO for a Carcano and a defective scope from a Chicago milsurp dealer.

None of this info gave me much comfort, someone calling something a Mauser is fairly declarative, and it looks nothing like a Carcano.

From the web:

The rifle Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly used to shoot President Kennedy was an Italian-made 6.5 Manlincher-Carcano. However, the rifle was originally identified by Dallas police as a German-made 7.65 Mauser. Was it human error that caused this discrepancy, or was this a sign there was a conspiracy?

Deputy Eugene Boone worked for Bill Decker in the Sheriff’s Department. After JFK was shot, Boone was on the 6th floor of the TSBD when he found a rifle hidden behind a stack of boxes. He credited the flashlight he was carrying, saying without it he never would have seen it. Captain Fritz and Lt. J.C. Day of the Dallas Police Department arrived next and examined the rifle. They were soon joined by Deputy Constable Seymour Weitzman, who had once owned a sporting goods store, and he identified the rifle as a 7.65 Mauser. He was so certain that the next day he wrote in his deputy’s report that the rifle was a 7.65 Mauser. When he testified before the Warren Commission, he told them he had told the FBI in Dallas that the gun was a 7.65 Mauser. Sheriff’s Deputy Roger Craig said the same thing, and under oath and in sworn testimonies, both Weitzman and Craig said the rifle was a 7.65 Mauser.

Captain Fritz took control of the rifle and handled it closely. He confirmed it was a German-made Mauser. He even ejected a live round from the chamber, so he had a good look at the rifle.

In the early morning hours of November 23, Dallas District Attorney Henry Wade told a press conference that the murder weapon was a Mauser. Later that day, the FBI reported that Oswald had purchased a 6.5 Italian-made rifle through the mail under the name A.J. Hidell, and once that was known, all references to the Mauser disappeared and the murder weapon became a Manlicher-Carcano. There were no signed affidavits from police officers or sheriffs deputies explaining why the rifle was originally said to be a Mauser, nor was there an explanation from Captain Fritz or anyone else in authority that it was a Carcano. No one claimed to have seen or handled the rifle the day before.

A receipt from Klein’s Sporting Goods in Chicago with Oswald’s handwriting was then found among his possessions, indicating that’s where he had bought the rifle. The Post Office receipt for the rifle should have been signed by the person who received it, which would have been Oswald. However, Postal Inspector D.H. Homes, who was also an FBI informant, somehow lost the receipt, even though the Post Office was supposed to retain it. So, an opportunity to connect Oswald directly to the rifle could not be done.

The Carcano rifle had stamped on the barrel: “Made Italy” and “Cal 6.5.” How was it that so many people handled this rifle, for extended periods, on the 22nd and the 23rd, but no one noticed this?

Also of interest is the story of a man who would eventually become the director of the Marine Corps in the Intelligence Center at Quantico, Virginia. He did not want his name revealed, but he is on record as saying, “I know more about the rifle found in the Depository than most people.” At the time of the assassination, he worked as a clerk for the Dallas FBI, and was asked by FBI agent Vincent Drain to build a box for the rifle so it could be flown to Washington for testing late on the night of November 23rd. The clerk’s name is in the Warren Report, his fingerprints were found on boxes on the 6th floor, and Agent Drain said that two clerks had packed the rifle, so his story is believable.

The unnamed clerk would also state, “The rifle had a dirty bore…an exceptionally dirty bore,” which meant it had not been fired for quite some time. It was likely wrapped in something that collected dust particles inside the barrel. With this in mind, let’s consider the testimony of Robert Frazier, the FBI firearms expert who examined the rifle closely when it was sent to Washington. He was asked by Warren Commission member John McCloy specifically if he found any metal fragments in the barrel of the rifle. Frazier replied, “I did not examine it for that.” It seems plausible that an expert like Frazier would have checked the barrel to compare metal fragments found there to fragments removed from JFK’s and Connally’s bodies. So, he dodged the question, which suggests he did not want to honestly answer what the barrel looked like.

Supporters of the Warren Commission have said that at Ruth Paine’s house after the assassination, Marina Oswald directed the police to the garage where she said Oswald kept his rifle. All that was found was a blanket. Ruth Paine never saw the rifle, so we only have Marina’s account that a rifle was there, and her testimony was most inconsistent and unreliable throughout the assassination weekend.

One final point. If the Dallas Police, FBI, and Warren Commission were so sure it was Oswald’s gun that was found on the 6th floor, why did Police Chief Jesse Curry tell Dallas reporter Tom Johnson on July 16, 1964, “We don’t have any proof that Oswald fired the rifle, and never did. Nobody’s yet been able to put him in that building with a gun in his hand.” Something does not add up. For more stories like this, please check out It Did Not Start With JFK, published by Sunbury Press.
There must be photos that were taken of the original rifle described as the Mauser? Maybe the photos have “disappeared” though?

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rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
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cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
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