Both this article from one of the typical right of center sites, and the complaint, initiated by a republican members of the House critical of our support of Ukraine, is the actual political posturing being created around the Zelensky visit. US aircraft are often used to fly foreign dignitaries when visiting US defense installations or defense industries. During the visit they typically will have both a State and DOD representative along with them. Representative Gooden knows this as well, but nothing like a bit of theater for a news cycle or two during an election.
That said, I think Zelensky made a mistake by calling Vance's views on solving the Ukraine war "radical" in an article published by the New Yorker. He should have had no comment at all because any comments would be taken out of context (something Trump knows about as well). However, it is worth noting that Vance has called for Ukraine to surrender all territory currently held by Russia as a basis for negotiations. I personally think that is so naive as to be actually stupid. After all, he is essentially demanding Ukraine surrender. I am sure Zelensky feels the same way as does every other Ukrainian fighting and sacrificing for their right of self determination.
As to his visit, it was absolutely appropriate for him to accept the invitation to visit one of our major ammunition production facilities and thank those workers on behalf of the Ukrainian people while in this country.
In the article he also offers Vance some advice which I too think would greatly benefit the young, rather inexperienced man from Ohio.
“Let Mr. Vance read up on the history of the Second World War, when a country was forced to give part of its territory to one particular person, What did that man do? Was he appeased or did he deal a devastating blow to the continent of Europe — to many nations, broadly, and to the Jewish nation in particular? Let him do some reading.”