
for example, there are 40-50 active volcanoes worldwide spewing "global warming emissions" all the time. does that have an effect? when mount saint helens went off, i read an article that stated that that one event put out more"greenhouse gasses" than all of mankind had delivered in the previous 100 years.

If you haven't had a chance, go watch that video I posted about "The worst year ever?" It actually addresses that specifically. It's really interesting.

I agree with you very much. Like I said, I do my best to clean up after myself when outdoors/at sea, respect our resources, and really try to make sure I respect the environment.

Am I racing out to get an EV or voting to support offshore wind turbines? Absolutely, not. I think what's been going on lately is pure profit taking based on conjured fear.
I’m pretty sure this is the cause of global warming!

Because all the ice didn’t melt and cover the world with water, they now have to use CLIMATE CHANGE, as the new buzz words to brainwash the libiturd masses. Climate change is the cause of hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, forest fires, locusts, mental health issues etc. I am so f*cken sick of hearing about this shit.
Rant over.
I found the Admiral's comments at 2h 19m 46s to be more interesting. Link below.
As a citizen of the world but not of the US, looking in from the outside, y'all could benefit from remembering that a fundamental element of democracy is peaceful passing of the baton from one administration to another.
Here in Australia we have an independent, federal authority that runs elections and counts votes. It also sets and adjusts electorate boundaries, to keep everything above board. It is unthinkable in our country that electoral results would be disputed. It really should be that way in the US too.
As a citizen of the world I sincerely wish for a peaceful and sensible election cycle for my US friends.

As a citizen of the world, with all due respect, you don't have enough American civics knowledge to understand A.) how State laws for assigning electors and congressional districts can be abused, B.) How many non-citizens illegally voted, C.) How many people's names were used to cast votes for which they did not authorize, and D.) How false the January 6th narrative is, wherein many people were waved into the capital to peacefully protest that are retroactively being detained.

America is becoming a totalitarian shithole, just like Australia with their covid concentration camps. Apologies for the insults, they are mutual and I weep for both nation's former greatness.

The Rank and file union members in the Detroit area also support Trump. Of course their assessments go to DC, which are funneled to the Democrats. They have no choice in that decision.
Yes they do.
Leave the union.
That is the issue with our current "divide." It is political and cultural, not geographic. Even in red states like Florida and Texas, they are red by only a few percentage points. There is no geographic divide to exploit. Any civil unrest in this country in this century would have far more in common with the Spanish Civil War of the last century than the American experience in 1860. The Spanish Civil War was a far more brutal and far more destructive conflict.

The red/blue state and county maps tell us very little because they do not account for population density. This is a population based map of the 2016 election. Red and blue America look easily divisible by state and county - but not by vote. Any such violence would be chatastrohically destructive.

View attachment 632466

This is a more complete discussion of the issue and far clearer charts.

Liberalism (and leftism to a greater extent) is a luxury of a decadent, affluent society. I naively believe we can pump the brakes and vote for the status quo to kick the can down the road another generation or two. That's my naive hope.

My pragmatic opinion is we need a catastrophe of seriously hard times. We need a 10x severity George Floyd / BLM debacle. We need a potential world war. We need rampant inflation. We need civil unrest. Only then, with a bankrupt economy and a bleak outlook will be be able to disrobe from the novelty of leftism that we can no longer afford and for which the voter will no longer tolerate. America 2.0 will rise from the ashes, but at a great cost to all citizens.
Liberalism (and leftism to a greater extent) is a luxury of a decadent, affluent society. I naively believe we can pump the brakes and vote for the status quo to kick the can down the road another generation or two. That's my naive hope.

My pragmatic opinion is we need a catastrophe of seriously hard times. We need a 10x severity George Floyd / BLM debacle. We need a potential world war. We need rampant inflation. We need civil unrest. Only then, with a bankrupt economy and a bleak outlook will be be able to disrobe from the novelty of leftism that we can no longer afford and for which the voter will no longer tolerate. America 2.0 will rise from the ashes, but at a great cost to all citizens.
A good point. Whatever the cause, it is difficult to a find a historical example of a democratic form of government being followed in the aftermath of civil or economic chaos or war by a better democratic government. As Samuel P. Huntington (I highly recommend "The Soldier and the State" and "Political Order in Changing Societies") would note - that is the moment the man on the white horse and the Praetorians almost inevitably take charge.
Liberalism (and leftism to a greater extent) is a luxury of a decadent, affluent society. I naively believe we can pump the brakes and vote for the status quo to kick the can down the road another generation or two. That's my naive hope.

My pragmatic opinion is we need a catastrophe of seriously hard times. We need a 10x severity George Floyd / BLM debacle. We need a potential world war. We need rampant inflation. We need civil unrest. Only then, with a bankrupt economy and a bleak outlook will be be able to disrobe from the novelty of leftism that we can no longer afford and for which the voter will no longer tolerate. America 2.0 will rise from the ashes, but at a great cost to all citizens.
While I think it’s needed I don’t see too much good coming out of it.

WWII broke our nut. We have never fought a war since with the policy of nothing less than unconditional surrender. Since then the world has become more liberal as the good times flowed after the war.

War is good for the economy. Man needs war. Sadly we don’t have wars on the scale that we used to. This has allowed our psyche to become fettered with thoughts of liberalism, peace, and tranquility. All bovine fecal matter.

America is a shithole. The only reason I don’t leave is there is nowhere else to go. Get a good war going, let me die and be reincarnated in the future, and reset the world.
A good point. Whatever the cause, it is difficult to a find a historical example of a democratic form of government being followed in the aftermath of civil or economic chaos or war by a better democratic government. As Samuel P. Huntington (I highly recommend "The Soldier and the State" and "Political Order in Changing Societies") would note - that is the moment the man on the white horse and the Praetorians almost inevitably take charge.

Jefferson thought our nation as he knew it would last about 50 years. His quote paraphrased is "the tree of liberty must be frequently watered by the blood of patriots and tyrants".

I think the founders would be amazed that we sustained what they built for as long as we have. We have two choices ahead, reformation, or the ultimate collapse. I hope for the mostly peacefully and minimally harmful former option.

America is a shithole. The only reason I don’t leave is there is nowhere else to go...

I strongly disagree. I have a lot of places to go overseas and spend close to four months of the year with overseas traveling.

Even with the current cultural divide there really isn't somewhere else I'd rather be than the USA. It is still the land of opportunity (as evidenced by millions that try very hard to get here) and freedom.

Heck, even in England, the land of Magna Carta, people get arrested for expressing their thoughts or having a >3" pocketknife (possible 4 year sentence).
Jefferson thought our nation as he knew it would last about 50 years. His quote paraphrased is "the tree of liberty must be frequently watered by the blood of patriots and tyrants".

I think the founders would be amazed that we sustained what they built for as long as we have. We have two choices ahead, reformation, or the ultimate collapse. I hope for the mostly peacefully and minimally harmful former option.
The CSA should have been allowed to remain it’s own country.

I personally think the end of this nation is coming and while I don’t welcome it, I will not fight to prevent it, I see it as inevitable.
I strongly disagree. I have a lot of places to go overseas and spend close to four months of the year with overseas traveling.

Even with the current cultural divide there really isn't somewhere else I'd rather be than the USA. It is still the land of opportunity (as evidenced by millions that try very hard to get here) and freedom.

Heck, even in England, the land of Magna Carta, people get arrested for expressing their thoughts or having a >3" pocketknife (possible 4 year sentence).
As I pointed out several days back, the volume of immigration is changing the character of this country, away from what many of the immigrants think they're moving to. We've "grown" from 225 million to 340 million in a span of 44 years, during which time our TFR has only met "hold steady" for a couple of those years. The rest of that time, TFR has been well below 0 population growth. At least 100% of our population growth is due to immigration.

No nation, least of all one founded on a particular moral philosophy and culture, can sustain that level of immigration and hope to retain what it was that made it a destination where people wanted to live.

Most of them are bringing over screwed up moral philosophy and screwed up culture which created the shit holes they're fleeing. It's no different than Californians who've fled to MT, CO, and now TX, never realizing they're just starting to recreate the problems they left.
While I think it’s needed I don’t see too much good coming out of it.

WWII broke our nut. We have never fought a war since with the policy of nothing less than unconditional surrender. Since then the world has become more liberal as the good times flowed after the war.

War is good for the economy. Man needs war. Sadly we don’t have wars on the scale that we used to. This has allowed our psyche to become fettered with thoughts of liberalism, peace, and tranquility. All bovine fecal matter.

America is a shithole. The only reason I don’t leave is there is nowhere else to go. Get a good war going, let me die and be reincarnated in the future, and reset the world.
Every now and then I read something that really does give me real pause for the future. I have spent my professional life and much of my private travel in a lot of the actual real "shit-holes" on this planet. There is no place with greater opportunity than here anywhere, and I would not chose to live anywhere else. If it is really that bad, you should indeed leave. It will be a lot easier and likely far less exhausting than the whole glorious death in battle thing.

"Sadly we don’t have wars on the scale that we used to" Frankly this sounds like someone who has devoted far too much time to "Tour of Duty" or perhaps "World of Tanks."
Every now and then I read something that really does give me real pause for the future. I have spent my professional life and much of my private travel in a lot of the actual real "shit-holes" on this planet. There is no place with greater opportunity than here anywhere, and I would not chose to live anywhere else. If it is really that bad, you should indeed leave. It will be a lot easier and likely far less exhausting than the whole glorious death in battle thing.

"Sadly we don’t have wars on the scale that we used to" Frankly this sounds like someone who has devoted far too much time to "Tour of Duty" or perhaps "World of Tanks."
Don’t play video games and don’t even know how to play them.
I do however read a bit and study past leaders. Napoleon, Patton, J.E.B. Stuart among others. I fully recognize that I’d likely not survive a war on this nation’s soil and I’m OK with that. Not much worth living for here anyway.
Don’t play video games and don’t even know how to play them.
I do however read a bit and study past leaders. Napoleon, Patton, J.E.B. Stuart among others. I fully recognize that I’d likely not survive a war on this nation’s soil and I’m OK with that. Not much worth living for here anyway.
How old are you?

If not empathy, then I guess I do feel in some sense sorry for you. Though you seem to be handling that fairly well on your own. If you are being serious, @Tanks suggestion is a valid one.

Fortunately, yours is not an attitude shared by any of my extended family or any of my friends and acquaintances. I should note they represent a fairly broad slice of the social and economic fabric of our society. Some are even democrats. Though they don't all wear it on their sleeve, they are all pretty much solidly in the proud American category.
While I think it’s needed I don’t see too much good coming out of it.

WWII broke our nut. We have never fought a war since with the policy of nothing less than unconditional surrender. Since then the world has become more liberal as the good times flowed after the war.

War is good for the economy. Man needs war. Sadly we don’t have wars on the scale that we used to. This has allowed our psyche to become fettered with thoughts of liberalism, peace, and tranquility. All bovine fecal matter.

America is a shithole. The only reason I don’t leave is there is nowhere else to go. Get a good war going, let me die and be reincarnated in the future, and reset the world.
America is NOT a sh#t-hole. It is worth fighting for. We just need to forget about the Marquis of Queensbury rules when battling leftists, and treat them like the revolutionaries they are.
Sigh, It looks like Trump's unerring nose for supporting lousy candidates hasn't let him down again. This latest little tidbit of news about the Republican candidate for governor, Mark Robinson, who Trump has strongly supported against the wishes of much of the state's party leadership, could take a major bite out of his prospects in the Tarheel state. And yes, a disaster down ticket can affect the top of it.

It is pretty obvious Trump's pathway to the presidency is pretty difficult without North Carolina.

For the first time since 1996, the Teamster's Union is not endorsing a Democrat candidate.
Almost 60% of the Teamsters internal members are endorsing Trump even if the Union itself is remaining neutral at this time.

AOC is pissed .......LOL.
Every now and then I read something that really does give me real pause for the future. I have spent my professional life and much of my private travel in a lot of the actual real "shit-holes" on this planet. There is no place with greater opportunity than here anywhere, and I would not chose to live anywhere else. If it is really that bad, you should indeed leave. It will be a lot easier and likely far less exhausting than the whole glorious death in battle thing.

"Sadly we don’t have wars on the scale that we used to" Frankly this sounds like someone who has devoted far too much time to "Tour of Duty" or perhaps "World of Tanks."

I think his sentiment was about like this:

America is a shithole in the same way that capitalism is shit....except for all the other options.

America is a hollow shell of its former self, but its the last, best hope we have on this planet.

I guess I'm a moderate extremist. When people muse over the end of the republic, they usually discuss the roving bands of zombies, cannibalism, and other post-apoloyptic scenarios. We're a resilient people, when the collapse comes, it will be a collapse of entitlements, largesse, and a runaway government. What will most likely happen? 6 weeks of utter living hell similar to early Covid. What would happen next? A net new government represented by the same constitutional rights, civil servants, military, etc. What will be gone? Most of the superfluous government agencies, entitlements, and of course a forfeit of our sovereign debt / currency.

That day will come, I pray that the good people of this nation can delay, delay, delay that inevitability. I'll vote for any politician that promises to do absolutely nothing, let our semi-functional system sustain with all its warts but no worse.

Unfortunately, the trajectory at present looks like we're accelerating to the abyss rather than coasting.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!