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  1. Z

    ZIMBABWE: Zim Hunt With Sharp & Langerman & A Kok Too

    The conservancy has a limited quota of Nyala but we have seen some fairly nice bulls over the years. Last trip I managed to take a nice one and this year my son was interested as this is done in some of the thickest bush, in an area he took a good bushbuck previously. First three days between...
  2. Z

    ZIMBABWE: Zim Hunt With Sharp & Langerman & A Kok Too

    We saw elephant most every day. Right now there seems to be a higher concentration in certain areas. A few bulls in must which always makes for an interesting encounter. A few years ago a number of bulls died as a result of a rat Bourne virus but there are still plenty around.
  3. Z

    Is the 275 Rigby up to larger Plains Game like kudu?

    Have loaded my 275 with 160 grain but will not attempt to take an Eland with it. Used a 416 on Eland just recently. 275 and 270 took wildebeest and Kudu this past trip.
  4. Z

    Small gifts for PH and tracker

    Gifts are Gifts and are not a replacement for cash. In Zim I put my tips in an envelope with each persons name on the envelope and then hand that to them personally. The family then handed out gifts to each person. In Moz the Lodge staff tip was handed to the owner and the PH let the staff...
  5. Z

    ZIMBABWE: Zim Hunt With Sharp & Langerman & A Kok Too

    Took the Family including the two grandsons and hunted the Lowveld Conservancy in Zimbabwe in early June 2024 with PH’s David Langerman, John Sharp and Petrus Kok. My third trip into the Conservancy and for most of the family their second. My wife stayed home and took care of my pointing lab...
  6. Z

    ZIMBABWE: Zim Hunt With Sharp & Langerman & A Kok Too

    Samanyanga, but did head up to Malangani to do some fishing.
  7. Z

    ZIMBABWE: Zim Hunt With Sharp & Langerman & A Kok Too

    Just returned from a 10 day Family hunt in the Conservancy with Dave Langerman, John Sharp and Petrus Kok. Will work on some details but we had a fantastic time even in the thick brush and some cool windy weather. Main quarry was two buffalo and Nyala. Day 4 as usual produced. Double Dugga...
  8. Z

    Was anyone flying Delta 200 on Monday night?

    Plane took off after a delay because of a passenger wanting to get off and the bag needed to be retrieved. Take off was smooth and when the pilot started to climb after init takeoff the plane dropped. He said we had an electrical issue and we spent next hour plus burning fuel. Made an...
  9. Z

    Tuffpak 1050 Lock Style

    Looks like Airlink and JNB are likely the cause for the change. Accepting only firearms and related items in the gun case. Delta is not entirely specific also allowing firearms, shooting equipment and tools, and you can package your firearms in a hard sided piece of luggage. Does this mean...
  10. Z

    Tuffpak 1050 Lock Style

    Can you tell me what this new rule is regarding Tuffpaks? Is this one person stating this or actual policy.
  11. Z

    Victoria Falls After hunt tour

    We have done the Vic Falls thing twice, once the wife and I with Hwange thrown in the other with the kids and grandkids. Both times I used some local people from the Falls who are in the travel business. Chris and Liz Worden Foot Steps of Livingstone The Hotel for a stay but at a minimum...
  12. Z

    Country Rec for Buffalo Hunt w/ Wife

    I second the Conservancy. Taking the family for second time in June for double buffalo. My wife does not hunt so we spend afternoons on plainsgame and finding the big 5. We are also in our 60’s, have done the SA thing and prefer Zim. Only a few spots left next year which should indicate the...
  13. Z

    Chamalaya Camp Bubye Conservancy question?

    Have not hunted Chamalaya but have hunted in the area around that camp. Like all camps in the conservancy they are very good. Who are you hunting with and when.
  14. Z

    Hunting multiple buffalo

    You will not regret that option especially in the Conservancy.
  15. Z

    Which Camp in the BVC

    Dyers is a great camp. Centrally located excellent buffalo
  16. Z

    Zimbabwe Big Game Safari Rates Question

    Had a Ranger with us in the Nyakasanga when it was the auction area but on any of the private lands including the Save and BVC have not had a ranger along. Agree with do things by the book.
  17. Z

    Zimbabwe Big Game Safari Rates Question

    We are in the Conservancy early to mid June. Another lovely camp. Took a big Hyena in Chamalaya.
  18. Z

    Zimbabwe Big Game Safari Rates Question

    Nengo and Samanyanga are the two, we have visited all the other camps looking them over with the exception of the camp in Malangani. This year we will spend time in Samanyanga and Malangani, and at least an afternoon out into the local community. My Wife loved Nengo as she could sit and watch...
  19. Z

    Zimbabwe Big Game Safari Rates Question

    If you have the opportunity to take your Parents and Wife and do a Buffalo hunt in Zimbabwe go and go to the Conservancy. You will have a great chance to see the Big 5, stay in a very comfortable Camp and everyone will have a great time. The area is over 800,000 Acres. If you head to some of...
  20. Z

    Swift A frame unavailable, whats next best?

    Last trip 5 one shot Buffalo with partitions. Any of the modern bullets do well. I don’t bother saving every recovered round but the few I have saved are mushroomed as perfectly as any of those posted. Shot placement is most important.
  21. Z

    .375 H&H 300 grain Nosler Partition vs Swift A-Frames

    Over the past several hunts I have used partitions in my 416 and have made several frontal, quartering and broadside shots resulting in one shot kills. (might be an insurance shot thrown in but that would happen using any bullet.). early on I used A frames but not as successfully. Could be...
  22. Z

    Billed after a safari question

    Zim PH's drinking up all the beer on the ride back to camp does not sound right. Drinking the beer after the hunt is over and in camp, okay. Are a couple guys that hunt Charara that are good guys, but also seems to be some non Zim outfitters that go into that area. Two sides to this story I'm...
  23. Z

    First Buffalo hunt: Mozambique vs. South Africa

    Niassa is easy enough to get to. If you go into JNB, the next day take the SA Airlink flight to Pemba and then you will take a charter to camp. For Big Buffalo later in the season is better. Dave Langerman has had great success for many years in the L7 concession and just this week he was...
  24. Z

    Upgrades on Delta to JNB

    For this season there were plenty of those under $7 K Delta One seats and then it just went way up and next years Ones are at least 10K. Maybe they will come down maybe they wont.
  25. Z

    Upgrades on Delta to JNB

    Thanks Going to likely stick with Comfort plus or Premium Select and then see if Diamond Status does anything for those in my party. Got lucky with United last time as they were reasonable on Polaris seating but not this time around.
  26. Z

    Upgrades on Delta to JNB

    That's what I am thinking, a crap shoot.
  27. Z

    Upgrades on Delta to JNB

    Absurd is an understatement. Tickets for next year on anyone, Qatar, Emirates, United and Delta are insane. Yet especially on Delta seats towards the front of the plane are filled. flights in the near future to some destinations are reasonable based on what I pay for US travel. Can't even...
  28. Z

    Upgrades on Delta to JNB

    I'm Diamond and have plenty of miles, taking the family again and they are going to be pissed if I put them in comfort and don't at least get them into Premium. Delta is not providing clear signals on their upgrade policies for the JNB flights. Yes they are spoiled, but what's a grandfather to do
  29. Z

    Upgrades on Delta to JNB

    Has anyone had any experiences, in the past year or two, with Delta and getting upgrades? Comfort to Premium Select or Premium select up to Delta One? Either miles, cash or Diamond, Platinum or Gold courtesy upgrades, even with Global upgrades.
  30. Z

    Hunting multiple buffalo

    $7,000 including all fees for a Buffalo hunt?
  31. Z

    Planning for Mozambique

    The Niassa proper is a great choice for hunting, Leopard, Buffalo and Sable. There are some really nice Eland and the Nyassa Wildebeest is a must to have on the list. Plenty of other game as well. Late season Big Buffalo is the real draw. Getting there require a charter and typically going...
  32. Z

    Zimbabwe Recommendations

    While I am biased in my choice, David Langerman is an excellent PH and you would be hard pressed to find anyone better. where to go in Zim depends on many Factors. Some areas have few plains game and others sporadic Buffalo. Make sure whoever you choose in a native Zimbabwean and you are not...
  33. Z

    Hotel near Harare airport / Fast Jet: comments please

    Talk to your PH on the rifles and the restrictions on a Zim permit. You may have to take them with you but most hotels have a safe.
  34. Z

    Zimbabwe Buffalo 2023 - Recommendations

    Do you really want to go there? Time for you to stop with the comments, please. There are plenty of Buffalo in the Bubye. The bush was thick when you hunted. Those are facts.
  35. Z

    Zimbabwe Buffalo 2023 - Recommendations

    Just saw a recent comment and very disappointed with that person. John Sharp and David Langerman are in the Bubye now and are already successful. I believe John was there for around a month previous and took 4 or 5 Buffalo. Don't want to fan the fire but again there are plenty of Buffalo in...
  36. Z

    Zimbabwe Buffalo 2023 - Recommendations

    John is too good a man to come on and say anything. He is well aware of Mopani and his comments as are the staff at the BVC. The BVC is not the perfect place, but no place is perfect. The BVC has done well for me and my family and countless others. It has lots of Buffalo and without...
  37. Z

    Best season for hunting buffalo at Bubye Valley Conservancy (BVC), Zimbabwe?

    I along with others have hunted the BVC with no issues. No one should go to the BVC with expectations of the game out in the open and standing still waiting to be hunted. In order to hunt the Dugga Boys you have to get out of the truck and track and hunt sometimes for hours. Long Siestas...
  38. Z

    Hunting buffalo: method of hunting

    For a moment I thought that was a picture of my hip. What a difference this has made and wish I had done the surgery before my hunt last year. Wouldn't have changed the success but would have been a more pain free adventure. We did take one Buff along the Bubye River after spotting him from...
  39. Z

    Hunting buffalo: method of hunting

    If I go to Africa to hunt Dugga Boys I'm not going to sit around and wait and ambush them as they come to water. One of the great things about hunting these old Bulls is the tracking and stalking. I don't want to just shoot something to shoot something. Why not just shoot one from the car...
  40. Z

    Hotel near Harare airport / Fast Jet: comments please

    Mopani The only problem I had with Fasjet is their website says only one weapon per case however the actual policy is one case of weapons. Quick cheap flights serving Harare, Bulawayo, The Falls and Johannesburg. Have you thought of a charter straight into the hunting area? Normally stay up...
  41. Z

    Best season for hunting buffalo at Bubye Valley Conservancy (BVC), Zimbabwe?

    We hunted Nengo in late September early October and were able to track the Buffalo as it had been a dry year and late in the year the tracking was easier. Saw plenty of game including Eland and Kudu. We hunted for Buffalo for 5 days, rest of the time was hanging out and had opportunities each...
  42. Z

    partitions for dangerous game

    Switched to Nosler Partitions 400 grain in a 416 Remington few years ago and last 5 Buffalo were down with one shot. Only used one insurance shot other 4 were dead by the time we walked up. Had heard Partitions were not recommended but most of those experiences seem to be several years old.
  43. Bushbuck Hunt Zimbabwe

    Bushbuck Hunt Zimbabwe

  44. Nyala Hunt Zimbabwe

    Nyala Hunt Zimbabwe

  45. Z

    ZIMBABWE: Bubye Hunt With David Langerman

    Bushbuck and Nyala Early on we saw a very nice Bushbuck and tired several times to take him but he would take off whenever he saw the truck coming. We put up several cameras and tried walking in and coming from different directions. Dave and my Son decided to dedicate a day to this particular...
  46. Z

    Review - United flight from Newark to JNB

    It took me over three hours to go through CBP and then TSA with guns coming back from JNB. The issue is with TSA. CBP inspects your guns then gives them to TSA via the United baggage handlers. They asked us to give them the locks and they would lock the guns after TSA did their inspection...
  47. Zimbabwe Buffalo Hunt

    Zimbabwe Buffalo Hunt

  48. Zimbabwe Buffalo Hunt

    Zimbabwe Buffalo Hunt

  49. Zimbabwe Buffalo Hunt

    Zimbabwe Buffalo Hunt

  50. Zimbabwe Buffalo Hunt

    Zimbabwe Buffalo Hunt
