Zimbabwe Big Game Safari Rates Question

Hi everyone

Firstly great to meet you all a wonderful community got going here, an honor to join!
Being young and inexperienced myself I being part of the upcoming generation, would love to hear some of your suggestions/ advice. I have done a couple of safaris in South Africa which have been great but am keen to do my first Big Game Safari in Zimbabwe hopefully later on in the year. I plan on taking my parents as well as my wife which would be their first safari.

The main focus being I am quite keen to get my old man onto a buffalo and once he has been successful try my hand at one should there be availability/ opportunity to do so. And then I would look to pick up a couple of plains game along the way, and possibly look at a hippo on land. So aiming at a 12-16 day safari length in a high quality area.

Being a family we don't want to split up and thus want to go with one PH. What I am wanting some advice on is a situation where you have 1x full time so to speak hunter that would be me and, 1x hunter that would only be after one animal, what is the procedure for daily rates? Due to the fact that I am after a variety of species I obviously would be considered a full time hunter. However, should due to the fact that I would like my father to take the first buffalo and lets say it takes him 4 days to do so, upon completion will he still be considered a full time hunter? So having successfully getting his target animal and calling it a day on the hunt, from the next day does he technically become an observer? or because he has hunted an animal he is still regarded as a hunter thus paying those rates?

Otherwise really appreciate the advice
Speak with different outfitters. There are some who would likely let you be the hunter paying a full daily rate and charge your old man an observer rate but let him shoot some of your bag. I know if an outfitter in Mozambique that offered a situation like this to me.

I second @375Fox comment on Zim not being the ideal place for your wife as an observer, BUT i don’t know your wife. Personally it’s not where I’d take my girlfriend or mom for their first safari unless they was actually hunting. It’s very different than South Africa, granted it’s area dependent. There are some really nice camps and lodges near some touristy stuff as well. The more people in the bush on each stalk the more challenging it will be.

I’ve never hunted Mozambique but I’m between that for buffalo and finishing my tiny 10 or going back to Zim for a leopard for my next safari. If the girlfriend decides to join, I’ll probably have her shoot some PG especially for bait animals if Leopard is on the menu.
Hi everyone

Firstly great to meet you all a wonderful community got going here, an honor to join!
Being young and inexperienced myself I being part of the upcoming generation, would love to hear some of your suggestions/ advice. I have done a couple of safaris in South Africa which have been great but am keen to do my first Big Game Safari in Zimbabwe hopefully later on in the year. I plan on taking my parents as well as my wife which would be their first safari.

The main focus being I am quite keen to get my old man onto a buffalo and once he has been successful try my hand at one should there be availability/ opportunity to do so. And then I would look to pick up a couple of plains game along the way, and possibly look at a hippo on land. So aiming at a 12-16 day safari length in a high quality area.

Being a family we don't want to split up and thus want to go with one PH. What I am wanting some advice on is a situation where you have 1x full time so to speak hunter that would be me and, 1x hunter that would only be after one animal, what is the procedure for daily rates? Due to the fact that I am after a variety of species I obviously would be considered a full time hunter. However, should due to the fact that I would like my father to take the first buffalo and lets say it takes him 4 days to do so, upon completion will he still be considered a full time hunter? So having successfully getting his target animal and calling it a day on the hunt, from the next day does he technically become an observer? or because he has hunted an animal he is still regarded as a hunter thus paying those rates?

Otherwise really appreciate the advice
As some have mentioned, there are some very nice camps and hunting areas in Zim that observers would enjoy. I have taken my wife to Zim in the Save Valley Conservancy and she loved it. I put her in charge of the photography. She has also been with me to Mozambique twice and we even fly-camped in the Niassa Reserve for part of that safari. She has been to Tanzania twice. I took my parents to Zambia and had no issues. Makes for a bit of a crowded Landcrusier but it can work. In November 2023 in Tanzania, a friend and I split a full bag and our wives both went with us several days in the Landcruiser. They usually stayed behind at the vehicle and one of the crew stayed with them. The PH drove with one of the wives in the cab. The other wife sat or stood in the back with us guys and trackers. It's a bit crowded but can work. Some days one of the wives stayed in camp. If your womenfolk are used to being outdoors and a decent bed, sink and toilet are all they need, no worries.
Speak with different outfitters. There are some who would likely let you be the hunter paying a full daily rate and charge your old man an observer rate but let him shoot some of your bag. I know if an outfitter in Mozambique that offered a situation like this to me.

I second @375Fox comment on Zim not being the ideal place for your wife as an observer, BUT i don’t know your wife. Personally it’s not where I’d take my girlfriend or mom for their first safari unless they was actually hunting. It’s very different than South Africa, granted it’s area dependent. There are some really nice camps and lodges near some touristy stuff as well. The more people in the bush on each stalk the more challenging it will be.

I’ve never hunted Mozambique but I’m between that for buffalo and finishing my tiny 10 or going back to Zim for a leopard for my next safari. If the girlfriend decides to join, I’ll probably have her shoot some PG especially for bait animals if Leopard is on the menu.
I am not saying that observers do not occasionally take animals under someone elses TR2, but to be legal. To take game or to be in possession of a firearm you must have a valid TR2 in that persons name.

Remember in Zimbabwe you will have either or both a campfire or NP ranger and they will make notes of caliber firearm, who the shooter was, GPS location, age, etc.
I know of a husband wife he took a buff she took a leopard. The TR2 was in the husbands name. She was very fortunate she only lost her leopard. They did save some daily fees. It always amazes me how many people make a plan to break the law and shame on the PH that participates.

Oops I forgot your not supposed to say “ashamed” I was reprimanded for using that word.
Had a Ranger with us in the Nyakasanga when it was the auction area but on any of the private lands including the Save and BVC have not had a ranger along. Agree with do things by the book.
Hi all

Really appreciate all the advice and suggestions, given me a lot to think about!
Looking forward to sharing a successful hunting report here in the future.

Else thanks again and wishing you all a great season ahead.
Zimbabwe, under Zimbabwe National parks regulations a NP ranger is required on hunts for elephant, Lion, Leopard or on a national parks estate.

Under campfire any hunt that takes place requires a campfire ranger. If the hunt consists of lion, leopard elephant both are required.

Forestry just like campfire, but forestry ranger required.


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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?