Search results

  1. Graham Hunter

    SOUTH AFRICA: Back From A Wonderful Journey & A Great Hunt With Wayne Wagner Safaris

    If you turn it over you should still have the lead in the base below the partition.
  2. Graham Hunter

    Blaser S2 470NE Safari Double Rifle

    Funny how when a right handed DR is listed on here. The lefties always say. If only it was left handed. Are you all hiding?
  3. Graham Hunter

    Zimbabwe Bound

    Hunt Well! Stay Safe.
  4. Graham Hunter

    Combo plains game and Dangerous Game scope

    I use a Leupold VX5 HD 2-10x42 with the firedot on my 416 Rem, 300 H&H and 7 Weatherby. Good for close up and 400 yds.
  5. Graham Hunter

    New multi-country Africa Visa program

    Brazil no longer requires a Visa. My buddy just arrived there on Sunday.
  6. Graham Hunter

    SOUTH AFRICA: TERMINATOR 10 Day Group Hunt with KMG Hunting Safaris in East Cape RSA July 25-August 5

    That would be a hell of a Kudu in the Limpopo and I wouldn't turn it down there. Congratulations.
  7. Graham Hunter

    SOUTH AFRICA: A Week With The Beasts... Bos en Dal SAFARIS 2024

    I want to hunt with Bos en dal but I think you and MArk shot everthing.LOL
  8. Graham Hunter

    Who was at fault, me or the PH?

    We hunters from North America don't know Squat about judging trophies in Africa. We have to rely on our PH to qualify the animal we shoot. The other thing is for any guided hunt it is a bad idea to dwell on the horns or Antlers. Your job is to make a good shot.
  9. Graham Hunter

    Maybe, don’t shoot while the guy is “riding” the bull…

    And then the Dickhead says I hope you got that on video!
  10. Graham Hunter

    What caliber for M70 build?

    For Deer size and down you can't beat the 25-06.
  11. Graham Hunter

    Model 70 Question

  12. Graham Hunter

    Model 70 Question

    I believe the base you are looking for is a Leupold cross slot #171342.
  13. Graham Hunter

    BC Outfitter Stole? my Deposit. Any Ideas?

    Jeff at this point nothing has been stolen! The only thing you have lost is communication. Hopefully with some effort you can restore that.
  14. Graham Hunter

    BC Outfitter Stole? my Deposit. Any Ideas?

    Check with the GOABC. If he is a licensed Outfitter he will be bonded. They can help you retrieve your deposit. I was a member so my info is pretty solid.
  15. Graham Hunter

    August 2024 Taxidermy quote **STICKER SHOCK**

    We used African Wildlife Artistry for our 2022 hunt. I was very happy with the work and the crating was exceptional. What pisses me off here in Canada is the cost of tanning. Whitetail Cape $100.00. Impala Cape $300.00. As soon as it's Africa price triples!
  16. Graham Hunter

    SOUTH AFRICA: A Month In Africa

    Good luck stay free. Can't wait for the reports.
  17. Graham Hunter


    Saul you are correct but when one side doesn't follow the rules of the the game the other side has only one option. No rules, play the game and win by any means, Revolutions were started by less BS than is going on now.
  18. Graham Hunter

    New member from Montana

    Welcome. Watch out for the Bull thrower!
  19. Graham Hunter

    Canada deer hunting question

    I believe he is flying from South Carolina. Easiest way is Toronto to Saskatoon. Or he could go Toronto to Calgary to Saskatoon? I am not a travel agent but if you would like to help him, help yourself.
  20. Graham Hunter

    Canada deer hunting question

    You will probably have to go through Toronto. It will be your 1st Port in Canada so you will have to clear Customs with your luggage anyway. Have your 4457 form and your Canadaian firearms permit filled out but not signed. Take 3 copies. Good news is there are good flights from TO to Saskatoon...
  21. Graham Hunter

    New malaria vaccine

    Don't blame us!!! He is an American.
  22. Graham Hunter

    Texas Trophy Hunters Outdoors Extravaganza- Dallas, January 10-12

    It will be quite interesting to see what Outfitters attend this event . My brother in law and I attened several of these shows in different locations over the years. Generally directed more towards hunting leases for Deer, Quail and Dove. Some Mexican Outfitters, a few Canadian and some from the...
  23. Graham Hunter


    Explosives could be for any number of things. IED's are specific explosive. Don't think he was smart enough to build or place an IED. As a side note there is usually enough products under the average household kitchen sink to build a explosive!
  24. Graham Hunter


    Was he trying to hit more targets of or still trying to hit Trump? IED's? they said he had explosives in his car. No mention of IED;s that I have seen. If he wanted to use the explosives I'm he he would have placed them before he tried to shoot Trump.
  25. Graham Hunter


    N⁹ Seriously???? One nicked his target. The other 3 were innicents not the intended target. Are you 100% when you miss the Buck but hit the Doe?
  26. Graham Hunter

    ZIMBABWE: Dalton & York Safaris & Mr. T

    Outstanding. Thankyou.
  27. Graham Hunter

    Alec Baldwin Movie Set Accident

    I don't like to see this POS get off anymore than OJ. But when the Prosecution screws up that's on them, I think the DA should be fired and lose his license to practice law!
  28. Graham Hunter

    Hornady CX Bullets

    Hornady makes the CX in 250gr. The 270gr. would be the Interlock which would explain the blowup!!!!
  29. Graham Hunter

    Hornady CX Bullets

    I would seriously question her shot placement. I have not seen a copper or copper alloy bullet blow up! One of the problem with comparing CX and TTSX is that bullet recovery is rare. Straight thru shoulder on large hogs, Warthogs, Elk, Kudu and Gemsbok with either brand of bullet.
  30. Graham Hunter

    Hornady CX Bullets

    I have found the CX shoot a little faster than the TTSX in the same weight and charge.. Better yet.
  31. Graham Hunter

    Hotel’s in Jberg

    So what does Africa Sky and Afton House have to offer. What is different and which one has the Animal mounts?
  32. Graham Hunter

    Hornady CX Bullets

    I have tried CX in 7mm, 6.5, 270 and 30 cal. Plains game up to Kudu as well as Deer and hogs.. Have had absolutely excellent performance. Shoot as accurate or a touch better than Barnes. Same velocity with a touch less powder and less fouling. Used them 2 yrs ago in the Eastern Cape on Duiker...
  33. Graham Hunter


    Great Hunt and Great Report. Thanks Mark.
  34. Graham Hunter

    Zambia Hunt At Takeri Private Reserve Zambia 2024 & 2025

    No questions. Just know you have been on a couple recent hunts. Your reports are usually entertaining and enlightning for all.
  35. Graham Hunter

    SOUTH AFRICA: Has Anyone Hunted The Eastern Cape With Two Waters Safaris?

    Highly recommend Nick Bowker Hunting. Excellent Operation.
  36. Graham Hunter

    Transport CITES Leopard back to Canada ...

    What Country are you exporting from?
  37. Graham Hunter

    Transport CITES Leopard back to Canada ...

    Rigel Logistics can help you. 306 693 1723. Ask for Tracy.
  38. Graham Hunter

    We are taking my Dad on his FIRST African Safari!!!

    Hope you all have a great and successful trip! Great memories to be made.
  39. Graham Hunter

    One Last Elephant Hunt - Changes In The Wind

    I know that Mefloquine can cause upset stomach, cause nightmares to the point of hallucinations. Never had any problems with malerone. It can make you sensitive to bright sunlight or possible upset stomach. I and any one hunting with me have always taken Malerone with no side effects. Two of my...
  40. Graham Hunter

    SOUTH AFRICA: A Return To The Eastern Cape

    Very easy. Just cross the road when you exit the Airport. Head to the Parkade. Signs and arrows pointing the direction. About 4 minute walk.
  41. Graham Hunter

    For Sale Browning Superposed Diana 410 Trap

    Well choked SKT& SKT would indicate it's not a Trap gun?
  42. Graham Hunter

    For Sale Browning Superposed Diana 410 Trap

    410 Trap. Joined yesterday. No scam here.
  43. Graham Hunter

    Barnes TSX review

    I have switched from Barnes to Hornady CX. I find they perform consistently better. 6.5, 270,7mm and 30. Also they make an ECX for slower European calibers similar to the LRX. And usually available.
  44. Graham Hunter

    We are taking my Dad on his FIRST African Safari!!!

    Hope you and Bob and your Father have a great and successful trip. It will make some great memories. And get a monster Kudu.
  45. Graham Hunter

    Shipping - Delta or Turkish?

    I have had good luck with Turkish. Delta could srew up the Lord's Prayer and does regularly.
  46. Graham Hunter

    Consensus on Length of Pull

    With rifles lop is not as critical unless it's overly short or overly long. More important is where your scope sits. Every time you pick up your rifle you should have a full view thru the scope. If you have to move your head like a chicken pecking corn the scope is not positioned proper. Second...
  47. Graham Hunter

    MOZAMBIQUE: My safari With Juan Pace Of Chasseurs de Mocambique

    They are two peas in a pod. It was Lloyds turn as he screwed lots of hunters over. Run from either one.