He seems to have generated a lot of positive feedback re past experiences as well as genuine interest in this offer ... from genuine folks. Lon has very much sparked my interest as a colorful straightforward down to earth sort, exactly the kind of guy I would want to share camp and hunt with. If I was at all interested in an elephant hunt, and I'm not, I would jump at the chance to meet him. Your criticisms seem to me rather lacking in substance and would not dissuade me in the least. In fact, given the source, I'm sure they would steer me in his direction.

This thread took an interesting and unusual direction but I don't think it hurt his offer. Good advertising is about making the product interesting and Lon is selling himself and his lodge as much as the elephant. As far as I'm concerned, he succeeded. Or I could click on some glossy patronizing terribly predictable high tech ad. Tons of those. Yawn.