Search results

  1. Phil Giordano

    Bear Broadhead Choice

    I would use Slick Tricks. They fly true, are all steel, super sharp, and very tough. I used 125 Slick Tricks for two elk, and Viper Tricks for a big bison, so I guess they can work very well for even a big bear.
  2. Phil Giordano

    Rimmed (only) Cartridges

    7x65R is very effective and can be chambered in a light and trim kippplauf : the perfect mountain rifle - at least to me, since I noticed Mountains are steeper this year...
  3. Phil Giordano

    Meeting other AH members

    Ahhh you bet my friend! Drop by any time and I'll be glad to show you the best places to eat and buy some very good food :cool:
  4. Phil Giordano

    Meeting other AH members

    Friends, give me a PM when you're in my area in Rome - I live in the very center. Now I'm going away for summer holidays, and I'll be back in september.
  5. Phil Giordano

    Practicing With Dangerous Game Rifles

    I'll save your article and share it with my hunting friends. Your words are tailored especially for DG, but will do fine for every challenging kind of hunt.
  6. Phil Giordano

    Practicing With Dangerous Game Rifles

    This is a very good article Fred, I couldn't agree more with you - it's something I always stress my friends and customers. A big part of them don't understand that the best piece of equipment they have, is themself. Be prepared, and shot a lot, I mean A LOT! You said it very well.
  7. Phil Giordano

    Krieghoff Hubertus

    Very good to know you're totally back in saddle, my warmest congrats for your strenght and perseverance - and for your new kippplauf, the Hubertus is by far my favourite of his kind, an authentic beauty indeed!
  8. Phil Giordano

    My new K95 is finally here!

    Fantastic... So happy for you Gorgeous woods, great light kippplauf (y)
  9. Phil Giordano

    Well boys, what's your temperature like now?

    Since we are quite neihbors (I'm Italian) let me say that I totally understand you - we're in the same boat...
  10. Phil Giordano

    Well boys, what's your temperature like now?

    Well, you know, 47 is in the car, at 2 pm, in the traffic of a big city...I guess the official temperature today is something around 40 - but we all live out there in the middle of cars, traffic and so... So the "official" is always a lot less then the real one!
  11. Phil Giordano

    Well boys, what's your temperature like now?

    It's not getting better here in Rome my friends...
  12. Phil Giordano

    Barrel break-in and maintenance

    I do a sort of break in. As soon the new rifle arrive at home, I clean it very well : usually the rifle has been previously shot some times in the factory, and then again for the proof marks. Also, and more important, during the process of rifling, the barrel is lubricated with grease to help...
  13. Phil Giordano

    SOUTH AFRICA: BOWHUNT: First African Hunt Cape Buffalo With My Bow

    Thank you for your detailed field report - what a great bull...congratulations, fantastic achievement indeed (y)
  14. Phil Giordano

    Heym Left Handed 500 NE Double Rifle For Sale

    I confess I'm writing just to make my warmest congratulations for the Brown / Kodiak Bear on your picture - a life time goal for me. And, your express is beautyful, of course...
  15. Phil Giordano

    Not so new New Guy

    A warm welcome to a bowhunter, from a bowhunter! Great to have you here.
  16. Phil Giordano

    Water buffalo caliber recommendation

    ...arrived here from your recent post on the difference between Interiors / Coastal Australian Buff, very interesting to me, as I'd like to hunt them in the next few years, maybe after African Buffalo. Anyway is and impressive trophy second to none. I have and shot well a 416 Rem that seems ok...
  17. Phil Giordano

    Head north

    It's very pleasant to see that elegance and class still exist
  18. Phil Giordano

    What's Your Oldest Ammo?

    ...and what about the good old Weatherby ammo?
  19. Phil Giordano

    Northern Territory Buffalo

    Thank you Ben, also interesting the difference between the Coastals and the Interiors ones
  20. Phil Giordano

    Northern Territory Buffalo

    Congrats to your friend! It's a hunt I really would like to do in the next few years...
  21. Phil Giordano

    Northern Territory Buffalo

    Is correct to say that those NT Buffs are a full 20% larger than theyr African cousins, on everage?
  22. Phil Giordano

    You be the Judge! Caliber Question

    8x68S is by far my favourite caliber, and the Norma A Frames are excellent ammo - to me it's an easy choice :sneaky:
  23. Phil Giordano

    Partition 416 : any opinion?

    You know, the Italian importes do not list them anymore in any caliber above 338
  24. Phil Giordano

    Partition 416 : any opinion?

    Thank you Phil! Ok - I'm a passionate reloader since maybe 20 years, so I suppose I know what I'm doing, but you're plenty right, and I'll double check every aspect of my recipe, you bet!
  25. Phil Giordano

    Partition 416 : any opinion?

    Great to know deeper details about your Lion hunt - I can figure out the effect of that slug when you say "hammered"... Ok : so it seems that at least I have some Lion bullets!
  26. Phil Giordano

    Partition 416 : any opinion?

    Bad (mixed) news from a good source... But ...Sir, what a lion!
  27. Phil Giordano

    Partition 416 : any opinion?

    In fact I guess that part of the bad reputation NP has in Africa is due to the fact that many used it in a PG caliber. I bet a 416 @2400 would retain 75/80%, sure a lot less than A Frame and TSX but still enough. Maybe ..."enough ain't enough" for Cape Buff - this is also true.
  28. Phil Giordano

    Partition 416 : any opinion?

    Yes, another friend advices me about Peregrine an Greywolf, this evening as soon as I back home I'll give a look at both! (y) Thank you!
  29. Phil Giordano

    Partition 416 : any opinion?

    Well I have a lot of time No rush Just I'd like to start reloading and experiment with my pet rifle I would be great to keep in touch with some other EU members!
  30. Phil Giordano

    Partition 416 : any opinion?

    I have in back order the new Hornady DGX Bonded that should work very well. Other than that, it's impossible even to order any other bullet. Not A Frames, Barnes, Woods, nothing. Maybe in a German site, in a couple months I could find 350gr TTSXbut I would stay with 400 gr.
  31. Phil Giordano

    Partition 416 : any opinion?

    Yes, you know...A Frames are totally impossible to find, don't even mention the Woodleighs. So I'll start to experiment with the NP We'll see...
  32. Phil Giordano

    Well boys, what's your temperature like now?

    Ah my friend...don't tell me! It's right here in Rome, we're living one hell of a Summer, today was 38/40, and the same will be for the next 8 or 10 days. 15 days ago was really brutal. Spain and France are even hotter in these days. A friend of mine who lives in Ireland, is telling me that...
  33. Phil Giordano

    What's Your Oldest Ammo?

    This one should be from the pre WW2 era, in fact is made in Germany - not "West Germany". It's the brainchild of one of the greatest cartridge designer, Vom Hofe - creator also of the 7x66.
  34. Phil Giordano

    Partition 416 : any opinion?

    Totally agree
  35. Phil Giordano

    Partition 416 : any opinion?

    ...And also I would add that yes, it probably will loose a big portion of the front core - but in so doing, it does a looot of damages! I'm definitely on your side One Day.
  36. Phil Giordano

    Partition 416 : any opinion?

    I also know you're a very experienced hunter - and I agree on the fact that there are better options. I have great respect of your opinions. As always also, where you hit him is a paramount. That said, my intention was (is) to understand if a well placed 400gr @2400 would do a good job on a...
  37. Phil Giordano

    Partition 416 : any opinion?

    Thank you so much. Good to know you used them with good (and safe) results. I have olso some Nosler Solids, they seems very well done and at Nosler they promise very close point of impact. We'll se...
  38. Phil Giordano

    Partition 416 : any opinion?

    Good news for me Bill! Same caliber/same bullet - so I can start to work on a recipe with a bit more confidence...
  39. Phil Giordano

    Partition 416 : any opinion?

    Yes, in my experience too any NP I shot from my rifles is very accurate - not yet shot one from my 416 anyway... I know them have a good reputation in AK - better than they have in Africa for sure...
  40. Phil Giordano

    Partition 416 : any opinion?

    Thank you OneDay for the extensive explanation on that topic. It seems that a 416 NP will retain 70/80% so in a 400gr bullet it should be enough (and more). The F16/F22 example is plenty clear ...(y):cool:
  41. Phil Giordano

    Partition 416 : any opinion?

    Thank you everyone for the inputs Obviously I listen to you all very careful, since I lack the experience on African DG - that said, I am a bit more on the side of One Day, since I guess that a caliber (416) very effective "then" is or it should be even more effective today with a bullet like a...
  42. Phil Giordano

    Partition 416 : any opinion?

    'Morning Friends, I plan to find a good recipe for my 416 Rem - I will start in autumn but I'd like to ask an advice to you all well in advance. I have Norma 203B, Norma Brass, Fed 215 and.... Nosler Partitions 400 gr. Now : I know it's not the first bullet that comes to mind talking about...
  43. Phil Giordano

    Carlo Caldesi Big Game Hunter

    Great to know something more on a hunter I like so much! I really hope the Room is still intact - but I have no info about that. Living in Italy and having some friends up there in the North, I will try to know more, and post promptly...
  44. Phil Giordano

    ZIMBABWE: BOWHUNT: Zimbabwe Leopard

    Welcome aboard and my warmest congrats! I'm a bowhunter too, what a great achievement Sir...something to be really proud of.
  45. Phil Giordano

    SOUTH AFRICA: Getting To Africa

    Fantastic, thank you for sharing! Keep hammering!
  46. Phil Giordano

    Is the sako 85 safari a good rifle?

    Yes, you know... I guess a riflescope is designed to work with the turrets in the normal position, and more than that, a rifle should work well with it - again, in a normal position, as every other rifle do.
  47. Phil Giordano

    Is the sako 85 safari a good rifle?

    The rifle itself is very well finished, but personally, my advice for a dangerous game rifle is to find one with a good Mauser tipe action. Again, as IvW said, just google "Sako 85 ejection issue" and you'll answer your question by yourself.
  48. Phil Giordano

    Joining this forum from Germany- nice to meet you!

    Hello Agrarle, welcome aboard! You'll enjoy this site, it's really like a bunch of friends, and I learn every day a bit more just enjoying a thread or another...
  49. Phil Giordano


    Willkommen, Megatherium! You'll find a family in this forum - you'll like it!
  50. Phil Giordano

    New 375 H&H

    Perfect rifle, action, stock and caliber - a true great hunting companion... I like it very much (y)