
Someone can correct me, but I do not see anything that restricts the use of any “official” evidence against a President with respect to determining high crimes and misdemeanors. In fact, I believe that distinction was in part an intent of the decision.
As I said yesterday sir, it’s as clear as mud……. As written, it lays upon the prosecution to decide what is and isn’t official or unofficial in the course of duties, at least to my understanding, and I don’t think I’m wrong. It leaves for a lot of different interpretations and it can have grave consequences down the road for ex presidents.
Someone can correct me, but I do not see anything that restricts the use of any “official” evidence against a President with respect to determining high crimes and misdemeanors. In fact, I believe that distinction was in part an intent of the decision.
It is Part III-C. This is also the part of the opinion which Justice Barrett dissented.
However irrelevant it may be for Trump supporters, Trump being Trump in the worst sorts of ways is the stupidest thing he can do at a time when he needs to be acting presidential and garnering every single vote who does not view democrat leadership quite so cataclysmically.

I assume you watched the last debate. Replace the doddering Biden with a youthful, articulate Newsome and imagine how well Trump's boasts would have withstood withering rebuttal. The contrast alone to the first debate would be staggering. And remember, the millennials turned off by Biden have a different view of California than you and me.

Trump needs to do everything in his power to build and solidify his coalition and momentum before that potential day. He had a great week. He needs a great six-weeks prior to August 19th in Chicago. So yes, I am frustrated.

You miss my point as well, and I think we are talking past one another as we often do...

I do understand your frustration, and as much as we all wish Trump would portray himself differently for the sake of getting elected, he is not and will not especially when he is appealing to his base... So why continue to cry about it? I would reiterate for the umpteenth time, that I personally don't think it's going to matter this time around... Trump was polling very well with millennials this time around especially with young males before the debate. I can only image that margin increasing post-debate... I think they have finally realized over the last 3 1/2 years that the dems were full of BS... California's model of government under Newsome doesn't seem to have the appeal that it may have once had. I could be wrong, and time will tell if I am...

As far as the fear of democrats replacing Brandon with a "youthful articulate" candidate like Newsome, I don't share your concerns and I don't agree that Trump would not expose a guy like Newsome for the fool that he is... Newsome has destroyed California, and his record is atrocious... Slick talk cannot defend a terrible record as DeSantis proved by exposing Newsome for the greasy, used car salesman that he is... Trump would so the same with much less kindness...

Ironically, I think Brandon actually did conservatives a favor beyond exposing himself in that debate... He also exposed every democrat politician, pundit, and staffer that has lied, shielded him, and carried water for him over these last 3 1/2 years for the scum that they truly are...
Every president needs immunity for official acts. Honestly, I thought they had it already. Can you imagine the president failing to act because they are worried about being charged with a crime. Nothing would get done that needs to be done. For example: Imagine if Obama was charged when a drone attack killed a US citizen, I believe it was Syria. Can you imagine if a rebublican DA charged him with murder. Or the inept withdrawl by Biden from Afghanistan that lead to 19 service members killed. If one standard persists can you imagine a corporation whose negligence lead to 19 people getting killed. What would the penalty be there?

The decision was absolutely needed because of the new “law fare” tactic being used by the democrats and deep state.

But the ruling did state this is not an absolute immunity. It must be official vs personal/not in their official capacity. I personally cannot think of a better dividing line.

Let the courts decide if it is official or not. Did Biden withhold Ukraine funds until they fired the prosecutors investigating Burisma and his son in his official capacity and when trump tried to get them to investigate it. Clearly not official in the first case as there was clear personal benefit and no other reason to benefit the USA to withhold the funds. Tougher case on the second as getting rid of corruption is official but when it is a political opponent it gets grayer.

My 2 cents.
You miss my point as well, and I think we are talking past one another as we often do...

I do understand your frustration, and as much as we all wish Trump would portray himself differently for the sake of getting elected, he is not and will not especially when he is appealing to his base... So why continue to cry about it? I would reiterate for the umpteenth time, that I personally don't think it's going to matter this time around... Trump was polling very well with millennials this time around especially with young males before the debate. I can only image that margin increasing post-debate... I think they have finally realized over the last 3 1/2 years that the dems were full of BS... California's model of government under Newsome doesn't seem to have the appeal that it may have once had. I could be wrong, and time will tell if I am...

As far as the fear of democrats replacing Brandon with a "youthful articulate" candidate like Newsome, I don't share your concerns and I don't agree that Trump would not expose a guy like Newsome for the fool that he is... Newsome has destroyed California, and his record is atrocious... Slick talk cannot defend a terrible record as DeSantis proved by exposing Newsome for the greasy, used car salesman that he is... Trump would so the same with much less kindness...

Ironically, I think Brandon actually did conservatives a favor beyond exposing himself in that debate... He also exposed every democrat politician, pundit, and staffer that has lied, shielded him, and carried water for him over these last 3 1/2 years for the scum that they truly are...
If the candidate is anyone but Biden or perhaps Harris it could matter a very great deal.

Biden expose no one but his immediate staff, his wife, and the press.
You miss my point entirely Dave. I am not "clutching pearls," but I am beyond frustrated that the man I am stuck with as the alternative to Biden or Newsom or Harris or God knows whom the Democratic party settles upon seems to be determined to be a self-destructive adolescent imbecile. You may have all the reasons to vote for Trump nicely settled in your mind, but a meaningful group of people within the electorate do not. Moreover, I suspect that group has enormous fluidity if the democrat nominee suddenly has a last name other than Biden. That should worry Trump supporters who believe the democrat nominee will destroy

However irrelevant it may be for Trump supporters, Trump being Trump in the worst sorts of ways is the stupidest thing he can do at a time when he needs to be acting presidential and garnering every single vote who does not view democrat leadership quite so cataclysmically.

I assume you watched the last debate. Replace the doddering Biden with a youthful, articulate Newsome and imagine how well Trump's boasts would have withstood withering rebuttal. The contrast alone to the first debate would be staggering. And remember, the millennials turned off by Biden have a different view of California than you and me.

Trump needs to do everything in his power to build and solidify his coalition and momentum before that potential day. He had a great week. He needs a great six-weeks prior to August 19th in Chicago. So yes, I am frustrated.

If the candidate is anyone but Biden or perhaps Harris it could matter a very great deal.

Maybe, but not Newsome... He's an ass clown, and the American people know it..

Who then would the dems put up that you feel would beat Trump? So, far the polling indicates nobody...

Biden expose no one but his immediate staff, his wife, and the press.

WTF? The MSM press includes thousands of individuals and hundreds of outlets... And, you are forgetting every dem politician from small town mayors to US senators and governors who have supported Brandon throughout this charade... Every single one of them who have touted Brandon's "accomplishments" and insisted that there is nothing to see here has done their constituency and this country a great disservice... It goes to prove all along what scum anyone supportive of the democrat party and their agenda is...!
If Biden isn’t going to stay on the ticket why in the world are people still donating money to a walking corpse? What did people see in that debate to encourage donations in the neighborhood of $27,000,000 since the debate?
Maybe, but not Newsome... He's an ass clown, and the American people know it..

Who then would the dems put up that you feel would beat Trump? So, far the polling indicates nobody...

WTF? The MSM press includes thousands of individuals and hundreds of outlets... And, you are forgetting every dem politician from small town mayors to US senators and governors who have supported Brandon throughout this charade... Every single one of them who have touted Brandon's "accomplishments" and insisted that there is nothing to see here has done their constituency and this country a great disservice... It goes to prove all along what scum anyone supportive of the democrat party and their agenda is...!

I think the point of much of this discussion is that it is highly disappointing that Trump has not built on recent victories to strengthen his position with independent voters. He actually appears bent on driving them away in an effort to solidify his base, which is completely unnecessary.

We can argue all day about who the Dems may or may not field. However, simple math tells us that, should they field a credible candidate, Trump must have independent support to win. I honestly get the impression that some republicans would prefer to lose without the independents than win with them. Either that, or my math skills have seriously decayed in my retirement.
Maybe, but not Newsome... He's an ass clown, and the American people know it..

Who then would the dems put up that you feel would beat Trump? So, far the polling indicates nobody...

WTF? The MSM press includes thousands of individuals and hundreds of outlets... And, you are forgetting every dem politician from small town mayors to US senators and governors who have supported Brandon throughout this charade... Every single one of them who have said there is nothing to see here has done their constituency and this country a great disservice... It goes to prove all along what scum anyone supportive of the democrat party and their agenda is...!
Newsom or Whitmer would be the most formidable opponents Trump could face. It doesn't matter an iota that you think either or both are "ass clowns." Neither is remotely interested in your vote. They will be focused on the middle and stay at home millennials turned off by both old men. Trump might think about that as well.

Either, in the format used with Biden, could make almost as strong a contrast to Trump that Biden did - only in reverse. Pull up the debate and listen to Trump's actual responses again. They are largely barely articulate braggadocio that would not stand up well to articulate counter argument laden with facts. Also, both were governors and so they have no actual ownership of any bad aspects of Biden's policies they might chose to ignore or disparage.

I do not want to see either president of this country. I absolutely fear this will be a totally different race if either emerges from their convention with the nomination. Polling head-to-head with respect to Trump is pretty meaningless at the moment. Biden's replacement, if it happens, will have enormous televised momentum coming out of Chicago

Team Trump should pray Biden remains stubbornly on the ticket - I think that is more unlikely with every passing hour.

In case you missed it, I think we are in agreement with respect to the press. Perhaps sometimes all the "WTFs" and outrage can get in the way of reading comprehension? But, I am fairly confident that whatever revelations were exposed during the debate, no democrat or moderate has likely changed their news sources.

Trump needs every republican and every moderate he can persuade. He needs to reflect about that periodically before Truthing his nest self-destructive post.
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This is exactly what’s happening and there are way to many stupid people in america
One thing to consider in the scenarios of replacing Biden with someone other than Kamala. Biden/Harris ticket has $240 million in donations that campaign finance laws DO NOT allow to be spent on behalf of someone else. So, if Democrats pick someone other than Kamala they would be starting with a huge financial disadvantage just a few months before the election.
One thing to consider in the scenarios of replacing Biden with someone other than Kamala. Biden/Harris ticket has $240 million in donations that campaign finance laws DO NOT allow to be spent on behalf of someone else. So, if Democrats pick someone other than Kamala they would be starting with a huge financial disadvantage just a few months before the election.

true.. but there are some work arounds.. .

Biden/Harris could legally transfer the money to the DNC..

the DNC could only legally contribute $5K to whoever the new candidate is directly.. but.. it could run its own advertisements, fund its own initiatives, etc.. to support a new candidate..

Of course that would require the consent of Harris and Biden.. who I am pretty certain arent just going to allow $240M slip from their grasp for the betterment of their party, the nation, etc..etc..

While leftover campaign funds cant legally be spent on "personal use"... they can fund charitable organizations and a number of other things..

Kamala and Jill for example could fund foundations that they own/operate.. and then those foundations could fund "business" excursions in Paris.. use of private aircraft to travel to go see project sites, etc..etc..

There are certainly ways they could see personal gain from the $240M...

I think a more likely scenario for Biden/Harris if the DNC leverages them to step out would be to tell the DNC cool.. but we're not giving you a dime.. thats the price for leaving.. and then Jill and Kamala spend the rest of their days living in luxury at the expense of some "foundation" that they run...
Tanks, who would prosecute the Democrat party for not following the law. :giggle:

Conservative courts.. Im betting the RNC would have lawsuits filed within 10 minutes in the 5th circuit after finding out the DNC violated federal law..

Granted it might take a couple of years.. but the DNC doesnt want a ruling from the 5th Circuit that holds them criminally and civilly liable to the tune of multiple people going to jail and hundreds of millions of dollars being taken away from them... to then have the only option be getting appealed up to the current USSC..

5 years ago I think the DNC is dirty enough that they might have taken their chances..

Today that would be suicide.. Theyd be bankrupt as an organization before the next election cycle..
One thing to consider in the scenarios of replacing Biden with someone other than Kamala. Biden/Harris ticket has $240 million in donations that campaign finance laws DO NOT allow to be spent on behalf of someone else. So, if Democrats pick someone other than Kamala they would be starting with a huge financial disadvantage just a few months before the election.
I wonder if they could keep Kamala on the ticket as VP and keep the money.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?