You miss my point as well, and I think we are talking past one another as we often do...
I do understand your frustration, and as much as we all wish Trump would portray himself differently for the sake of getting elected, he is not and will not especially when he is appealing to his base... So why continue to cry about it? I would reiterate for the umpteenth time, that I personally don't think it's going to matter this time around... Trump was polling very well with millennials this time around especially with young males before the debate. I can only image that margin increasing post-debate... I think they have finally realized over the last 3 1/2 years that the dems were full of BS... California's model of government under Newsome doesn't seem to have the appeal that it may have once had. I could be wrong, and time will tell if I am...
As far as the fear of democrats replacing Brandon with a "youthful articulate" candidate like Newsome, I don't share your concerns and I don't agree that Trump would not expose a guy like Newsome for the fool that he is... Newsome has destroyed California, and his record is atrocious... Slick talk cannot defend a terrible record as DeSantis proved by exposing Newsome for the greasy, used car salesman that he is... Trump would so the same with much less kindness...
Ironically, I think Brandon actually did conservatives a favor beyond exposing himself in that debate... He also exposed every democrat politician, pundit, and staffer that has lied, shielded him, and carried water for him over these last 3 1/2 years for the scum that they truly are...