
She learned from a perennial swamp thing, her father.

Dick Cheney had Scooter Libby out a covert CIA field agent because that person was pushing back against the narrative that Iraq possessed chemical weapons. And therefore justifying the Iraq war. Enabling Halliburton to make billions
What that brain dead twit masquerading as a president doesn’t understand about yesterdays SCOTUS ruling is that it protects his less than brilliant ass from prosecution when he’s shown the door, if Trump winds I’m very certain that the DOJ won’t be as sympathetic to an old feeble minded moron as was Mr. Hur.
As for the people who don't care for Trump "letting their emotions affect their obligations to the people who have elected them ......" I would suggest someone quickly buy Trump a mirror. He and his blindly supportive followers would benefit enormously.

It is frankly beyond me how even the biggest fan of Trump can't see how brazenly stupid and childish this behavior is. His uncontrollable adolescence grievances don't seem to affect his loyal base at all, but it is the last thing he needs to demonstrate to those shying away from Biden and the unconvinced in his own party. To remind, he still needs that skeptical 15-20% of the Republican party to come home. He seems determined to instead drive them away.

What is beyond me is that fact that some folks are still whining, complaining, and pearl clutching about the latest terrible thing Trump said... To readdress your point of Trump driving away prospective voters, I don't see it that way because Trump's behavior is not a new thing... Anyone who has not lived under a rock or in a parallel universe since 2016 knows exactly what Trump is and they now know what he has done as POTUS... Now, they have that record to compare to the record of what I truly believe to be the most incompetent, dangerous, and destructive POTUS of my lifetime in Brandon. I think the voters' decision will reach beyond those character flaws this time around simply because Brandon is far worse than expected and the stakes are way too high.... I'm not arguing that Trump makes it harder than is has to be... But that's who the guy is, and crying about it is not going to change the fact that Trump is the presumptive republican nominee...

With that fact in mind, the choice going forward is very easy. If you hold any hope for your children or grandchildren having a country that even bares a slight resemblance to the country we grew up in, the alternatives are completely unthinkable... Therefore, we must all choose which we hold more dearly which is a symbolic moral high ground from where one can more easily watch the country burn, or the actual preservation of what is still left of the greatest country on this planet... I know which one I am choosing...

Make no mistake, Trump is not the guy I wanted running this time around, but he's the guy we have...
With that fact in mind, the choice going forward is very easy. If you hold any hope for your children or grandchildren having a country that even bares a slight resemblance to the country we grew up in, the alternatives are completely unthinkable... Therefore, we must all choose which we hold more dearly which is a symbolic moral high ground from where one can more easily watch the country burn, or the actual preservation of what is still left of the greatest country on this planet... I know which one I am choosing...
If Trump were to win, what are some specific policies that you believe he will realize this time around? For the sake of discussion, assume that the GOP takes the Senate but loses the House.
Watching side show bob,(KJP), try to gas light the entire country at todays press briefing that we didn’t see what we saw Thursday night at the debate…… talk about a load of fertilizer…
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If Trump were to win, what are some specific policies that you believe he will realize this time around? For the sake of discussion, assume that the GOP takes the Senate but loses the House.
Says he’s going to tackle the illegal alien problem, the inflation problem, the Russia problem, the Israel problem, fentanyl problem, etc., but with out the house and the senate being able to agree on anything it’ll be same as last time, the never trumpets will stonewall anything and everything that crosses their path. And that includes both democrats and republicans same as last time do everything will be executive orders.
If Trump were to win, what are some specific policies that you believe he will realize this time around? For the sake of discussion, assume that the GOP takes the Senate but loses the House.

The answer is very easy...

Firstly, (and this is what many are failing to acknowledge) Trump doesn't need control of both houses to get a significant portion of his agenda done. He can be enormously impactful almost immediately with just the power of executive order alone...

With the stroke of a pen, he can reenact all of the effective border policies that Brandon revoked which created this disaster in the first place.... For me, if he accomplished nothing else in 4 years, reestablishing control of the border would in itself be worthy of his reelection. The border is that important! And, not to get off topic, but another thing that most folks on both sides fail to realize is that a comprehensive, bipartisan immigration legislation is a dream that will likely never happen with the current policy position of the democrats. The gap is far too wide to get any meaningful legislation passed. That's precisely why we have not had any meaningful immigration reform in 30 years... Furthermore, if the democrats ever resume control of the WH and both houses, the USA will cease to have borders and a republican will never be elected POTUS again...

Secondly, with EO's alone Trump can put this country back on the fast track of energy independence and the pursuance of affordable, realistic energy sources. There will be an immediate halt to the ridiculously wasteful and idiotic green initiatives that Brandon has put into place. Trump will be able to reopen every available federal lease and greenlight every new pipeline turning the spigot wide open to renewed exploration and extraction of all types of fossil fuels within the USA.

Trump will also have the immediate ability to appoint conservative judges at all levels of the courts, and God willing, the opportunity to appoint another SC Justice during his term...

Now, if by some stroke of good luck, the republicans regained both houses in 2024, Trump would be able to extend the tax cuts from his first term, and even possibly actually pass meaningful immigration reform. I think even the RINO republicans would have recognize this might be there only window in time to get something meaningful done on immigration...

I have provided a link to the complete list of EO's Trump signed during his first term if you would like to see in more detail the accomplishments that can be done via a POTUS's EO's...

The answer is very easy...

Firstly, (and this is what many are failing to acknowledge) Trump doesn't need control of both houses to get a significant portion of his agenda done. He can be enormously impactful almost immediately with just the power of executive order alone...

With the stroke of a pen, he can reenact all of the effective border policies that Brandon revoked which created this disaster in the first place.... For me, if he accomplished nothing else in 4 years, reestablishing control of the border would in itself be worthy of his reelection. The border is that important! And, not to get off topic, but another thing that most folks on both sides fail to realize is that a comprehensive, bipartisan immigration legislation is a dream that will likely never happen with the current policy position of the democrats. The gap is far too wide to get any meaningful legislation passed. That's precisely why we have not had any meaningful immigration reform in 30 years... Furthermore, if the democrats ever resume control of the WH and both houses, the USA will cease to have borders and a republican will never be elected POTUS again...

Secondly, with EO's alone Trump can put this country back on the fast track of energy independence and the pursuance of affordable, realistic energy sources. There will be an immediate halt to the ridiculously wasteful and idiotic green initiatives that Brandon has put into place. Trump will be able to reopen every available federal lease and greenlight every new pipeline turning the spigot wide open to renewed exploration and extraction of all types of fossil fuels within the USA.

Trump will also have the immediate ability to appoint conservative judges at all levels of the courts, and God willing, the opportunity to appoint another SC Justice during his term...

Now, if by some stroke of good luck, the republicans regained both houses in 2024, Trump would be able to extend the tax cuts from his first term, and even possibly actually pass meaningful immigration reform. I think even the RINO republicans would have recognize this might be there only window in time to get something meaningful done on immigration...

I have provided a link to the complete list of EO's Trump signed during his first term if you would like to see in more detail the accomplishments that can be done via a POTUS's EO's...

A very well-reasoned response, thank you.
What is beyond me is that fact that some folks are still whining, complaining, and pearl clutching about the latest terrible thing Trump said... To readdress your point of Trump driving away prospective voters, I don't see it that way because Trump's behavior is not a new thing... Anyone who has not lived under a rock or in a parallel universe since 2016 knows exactly what Trump is and they now know what he has done as POTUS... Now, they have that record to compare to the record of what I truly believe to be the most incompetent, dangerous, and destructive POTUS of my lifetime in Brandon. I think the voters' decision will reach beyond those character flaws this time around simply because Brandon is far worse than expected and the stakes are way too high.... I'm not arguing that Trump makes it harder than is has to be... But that's who the guy is, and crying about it is not going to change the fact that Trump is the presumptive republican nominee...

Biden won last time for not being Trump. Trump does not need to make it easier for independents and moderates to overlook many failings of Biden once again and vote for Biden with Trump's advocacy of trying political opponents for treason etc., etc.. Why keep giving his opponents more ammunition for reasons to vote for Biden?

Bill O'Reilly said it the best:
With the Democratic Party in disarray, Donald Trump should take advantage of the situation by doing... nothing. Let historical events unfold. The Dems don't need help. They are sinking quickly on their own.

Mr. Trump should go to Scotland to play golf on his fine course there. Or, he should go to a spa in New Zealand. Perhaps visit the beautiful country of Bhutan.

A galaxy far, far away is even better.

When your enemies are defeating themselves, allow them. In other words, don't do anything to distract the destruction.

For years, the unholy liberal-media alliance has misled the world about President Joe. His accumulation of power was always an anti-Trump play. Jill, Hunter, and the family stone have emotion invested. Almost no one else does.

The truth is that Joe Biden is a presidential accident in addition to being a disaster. He's a guy who received 80 million plus votes most of which were protesting Don, not supporting Joe.

So now reality has intruded, and the weak president is unmasked. It's an avalanche. More snow isn't needed.
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What is beyond me is that fact that some folks are still whining, complaining, and pearl clutching about the latest terrible thing Trump said... To readdress your point of Trump driving away prospective voters, I don't see it that way because Trump's behavior is not a new thing... Anyone who has not lived under a rock or in a parallel universe since 2016 knows exactly what Trump is and they now know what he has done as POTUS... Now, they have that record to compare to the record of what I truly believe to be the most incompetent, dangerous, and destructive POTUS of my lifetime in Brandon. I think the voters' decision will reach beyond those character flaws this time around simply because Brandon is far worse than expected and the stakes are way too high.... I'm not arguing that Trump makes it harder than is has to be... But that's who the guy is, and crying about it is not going to change the fact that Trump is the presumptive republican nominee...

With that fact in mind, the choice going forward is very easy. If you hold any hope for your children or grandchildren having a country that even bares a slight resemblance to the country we grew up in, the alternatives are completely unthinkable... Therefore, we must all choose which we hold more dearly which is a symbolic moral high ground from where one can more easily watch the country burn, or the actual preservation of what is still left of the greatest country on this planet... I know which one I am choosing...

Make no mistake, Trump is not the guy I wanted running this time around, but he's the guy we have...
You miss my point entirely Dave. I am not "clutching pearls," but I am beyond frustrated that the man I am stuck with as the alternative to Biden or Newsom or Harris or God knows whom the Democratic party settles upon seems to be determined to be a self-destructive adolescent imbecile. You may have all the reasons to vote for Trump nicely settled in your mind, but a meaningful group of people within the electorate do not. Moreover, I suspect that group has enormous fluidity if the democrat nominee suddenly has a last name other than Biden. That should worry Trump supporters who believe the democrat nominee will destroy
any hope for your children or grandchildren having a country that even bares a slight resemblance to the country we grew up in......

However irrelevant it may be for Trump supporters, Trump being Trump in the worst sorts of ways is the stupidest thing he can do at a time when he needs to be acting presidential and garnering every single vote who does not view democrat leadership quite so cataclysmically.

I assume you watched the last debate. Replace the doddering Biden with a youthful, articulate Newsome and imagine how well Trump's boasts would have withstood withering rebuttal. The contrast alone to the first debate would be staggering. And remember, the millennials turned off by Biden have a different view of California than you and me.

Trump needs to do everything in his power to build and solidify his coalition and momentum before that potential day. He had a great week. He needs a great six-weeks prior to August 19th in Chicago. So yes, I am frustrated.
If Trump were to win, what are some specific policies that you believe he will realize this time around? For the sake of discussion, assume that the GOP takes the Senate but loses the House.

In my opinion this would be great, nothing would get done except the appointment of judges. Maybe the Trump tax cuts get extended with some tweaks around SALT or some green energy credits as a compromise. But it is pretty much gridlock.
Looks like the Supreme Court decision on immunity may be affecting the NY case brought by Bragg. Sentencing has been pushed back two months. Judge Merchan allowed evidence after Trump took office as President that Trump's attorneys had objected to. It will be interesting to see if Merchan throws out the case or goes along with sentencing. Highlighted verbiage may be telling.


For the love of Pete!! Did any of these moron democrats actually take the time to read the SCOTUS ruling on presidential immunity? Good lord, “death squads”? Freaking insane.
There are a few reasons why many are reacting in such a way to the ruling. Allow me to play devil’s advocate for a moment.

First, it does not define what is an “official act” and muddies the waters even further by seemingly conflating official powers with official acts.

Second, prosecutors cannot argue motive when seeking to establish whether or not an action falls under “official acts.”

Second, the ruling prohibits that which falls under the umbrella of “official acts” to be introduced as evidence when prosecuting non-protected criminal acts.

When these points are taken together, one can see how a president might be able to commit a criminal act for personal gain but does so through the official powers of the presidency, thus rendering prosecution impossible.

If we were to apply this understanding to the first Trump impeachment, it could be argued that even though Trump threatened to withhold military aid to Ukraine unless they announced an investigation into Joe Biden, prosecutors could not argue that the motivation for Trump doing so was to hurt a political rival, and because the act of communicating with a foreign government over military aid could be considered within the official powers of the president. Even if it was found not to be an official act, one could argue that because it took place within the context of an official act, it could not be used as evidence.

I am not saying that this is how the ruling will ultimately be interpreted, but the looseness of the wording opens such hypotheticals. We will have to wait for the district and appellate courts to apply the ruling first before we will gain more clarity.

Personally, I thought the opinions of Justices Barrett and Jackson were the only ones to fully and substantively engage with the case, even though they ultimately came to differing conclusions. I recommend reading both of their opinions.
Understandable Saul, what I’m getting at is people like Rachel Madcow and several senators and congressmen claiming this allows Trump or any gop president to order death squads to take out political rivals….. complete and total bs and it’s insane.
Understandable Saul, what I’m getting at is people like Rachel Madcow and several senators and congressmen claiming this allows Trump or any gop president to order death squads to take out political rivals….. complete and total bs and it’s insane.
I’m sure there are probably republicans with the same fears that haven’t bothered to actually read the decision.
There are a few reasons why many are reacting in such a way to the ruling. Allow me to play devil’s advocate for a moment.

First, it does not define what is an “official act” and muddies the waters even further by seemingly conflating official powers with official acts.

Second, prosecutors cannot argue motive when seeking to establish whether or not an action falls under “official acts.”

Second, the ruling prohibits that which falls under the umbrella of “official acts” to be introduced as evidence when prosecuting non-protected criminal acts.

When these points are taken together, one can see how a president might be able to commit a criminal act for personal gain but does so through the official powers of the presidency, thus rendering prosecution impossible.

If we were to apply this understanding to the first Trump impeachment, it could be argued that even though Trump threatened to withhold military aid to Ukraine unless they announced an investigation into Joe Biden, prosecutors could not argue that the motivation for Trump doing so was to hurt a political rival, and because the act of communicating with a foreign government over military aid could be considered within the official powers of the president. Even if it was found not to be an official act, one could argue that because it took place within the context of an official act, it could not be used as evidence.

I am not saying that this is how the ruling will ultimately be interpreted, but the looseness of the wording opens such hypotheticals. We will have to wait for the district and appellate courts to apply the ruling first before we will gain more clarity.

Personally, I thought the opinions of Justices Barrett and Jackson were the only ones to fully and substantively engage with the case, even though they ultimately came to differing conclusions. I recommend reading both of their opinions.
Someone can correct me, but I do not see anything that restricts the use of any “official” evidence against a President with respect to determining high crimes and misdemeanors. In fact, I believe that distinction was in part an intent of the decision.

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mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)
Spending a few years hunting out west then back to Africa!