The answer is very easy...
Firstly, (and this is what many are failing to acknowledge) Trump doesn't need control of both houses to get a significant portion of his agenda done. He can be enormously impactful almost immediately with just the power of executive order alone...
With the stroke of a pen, he can reenact all of the effective border policies that Brandon revoked which created this disaster in the first place.... For me, if he accomplished nothing else in 4 years, reestablishing control of the border would in itself be worthy of his reelection. The border is that important! And, not to get off topic, but another thing that most folks on both sides fail to realize is that a comprehensive, bipartisan immigration legislation is a dream that will likely never happen with the current policy position of the democrats. The gap is far too wide to get any meaningful legislation passed. That's precisely why we have not had any meaningful immigration reform in 30 years... Furthermore, if the democrats ever resume control of the WH and both houses, the USA will cease to have borders and a republican will never be elected POTUS again...
Secondly, with EO's alone Trump can put this country back on the fast track of energy independence and the pursuance of affordable, realistic energy sources. There will be an immediate halt to the ridiculously wasteful and idiotic green initiatives that Brandon has put into place. Trump will be able to reopen every available federal lease and greenlight every new pipeline turning the spigot wide open to renewed exploration and extraction of all types of fossil fuels within the USA.
Trump will also have the immediate ability to appoint conservative judges at all levels of the courts, and God willing, the opportunity to appoint another SC Justice during his term...
Now, if by some stroke of good luck, the republicans regained both houses in 2024, Trump would be able to extend the tax cuts from his first term, and even possibly actually pass meaningful immigration reform. I think even the RINO republicans would have recognize this might be there only window in time to get something meaningful done on immigration...
I have provided a link to the complete list of EO's Trump signed during his first term if you would like to see in more detail the accomplishments that can be done via a POTUS's EO's...