
In the major cities in PA, the mantra is vote once and vote often. Every city is a cesspool of corruption and I'm not talking about the contract bidding process.
Reagan was eloquent and presidential. He handled the press with ease. Sam Donaldson, his toughest combatant (ABC News), admired and respected him. Reagan never engaged in a personal fight with anyone - regardless of party. And famously never spoke bad of a Republican. If Trump had one tenth Reagan's grace, presence, and common sense he would be president right now.

And yes, because of his lack of presidential and leadership qualities, history will remember him very differently than Reagan whatever his accomplishments.
It's revisionist history to say Ronald Reagan was always refined and polite. He mixed it up and ruffled countless feathers. He absolutely called people out directly. Reagan took ’em head-on, never backed down, and beat them. For his time, it was extreme. Republicans were supposed to shut up and take it. He gave it back with both barrels, and a smile.

It was a more civilized time back then. Celebreties weren't on TV holding his bloody head. They didn't call him a child rapist. He wasn't called a Russian asset. His own DOJ wasn't weaponized against him before taking power.
And Reagan battled for it, every day for 30 years. He lost the 1976 Primary to Gerald Ford, causing a split in the party greater than any time in any of our lifetimes. 1980 he took the nomination with ZERO support from establishment republicans like the Bush's or Ford's. Even his vice president wasn't a true believer in Reagan's policies, Bush was chosen only to unify the party.

The media HATED Reagan and lied about him and his agenda for two decades. They did everything they could to destroy him and they failed. They did everything they could to destroy Trump and they have succeeded. In my lifetime, only two republicans had the spine to stand up to the democrat media and not waiver. One, you want to emulate, the other you hate. I don't think you appreciate how similar their goals were.

Once Trump is gone, the media will turn their claws onto any republican that dares get in the way of a democrat led progressive agenda. Until then, they will continue to play most republicans like a View attachment 499397
Their goals may overlap, but thats where the comparison starts to break down. Reagan was a skilled communicator with deeply held belief in the American dream. Trump is a poor communicator with a deeply held belief in only himself.
When Reagan won the California Governorship, democrats had a 3-1 voter registration advantage. Reagan knew the only way to win was to have a unified Republican party that brought in crossover voters. His party was CONSERVATIVE to the core and NEVER acquiesced to attract democrat voters.

The plan since Reagan (and all the pinheads agree) has been to attract crossover voters at the cost of conservitive voters. They tell us we have to cross over to attract democrats. The media works to tear Republicans apart, and it works every time so they will never stop.

Reagan said, “We don’t intend to turn the Republican Party over to the traitors in the battle just ended. We will have no more of those candidates who are pledged to the same goals of our opposition and who seek our support. Turning the party over to the so-called moderates wouldn’t make any sense at all,” and the traitors he was referring to were the Rhinos of his day who had undermined the Goldwater conservatives during the 1964 campaign.
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Their goals may overlap, but thats where the comparison starts to break down. Reagan was a skilled communicator with deeply held belief in the American dream. Trump is a poor communicator with a deeply held belief in only himself.
No argument there. Reagan spent 20 years talking to normal people on behalf of the studios. He was the Great Communicator for a reason. We don't have that in our party today. Not likely to have it again. Democrats don't have it either.
I have it figured out. Elect me for President and I'll pay off $10K for everyone with a mortgage. $20K if you'll buy an EV also. Same deal if your a renter. But there's MORE! You'll also get an IPhone 14 AND a 6.5 Creedmoor if you get solar panels on your house. LOL It's kinda funny, but I see us becoming a nation of "takers", especially many of the younger generation. "Ask not what I can do for my country, but rather, what freebies can my country give to me so I don't have to work for a living"- Democrats. Simple.
That is what we are up against from now on.
Trump has been teasing a big announcement next Tuesday.

Will he announce his bid for the Presidency.? Like many of us, Trump was probably expecting a red wave last night.

I would vote for Desantis in a heartbeat, but recent polls have shown that Desantis doesn't come close to Trumps popularity percentage.
Maybe that could change with last night's win by Desantis, and change the dynamic over the next 2 years.? Maybe Desantis wont even run?

What candidate could the Republicans parade, that would energize the voter base, and give us a solid chance of winning the 2024 Presidential election?

I don't see anyone outside of Trump that could pull it off.

If Republicans were smart (Which they aren't) they would get Trump elected in 2024, and then get Desantis elected in 2028, and 2032. 12 years of control of the Whitehouse.
Long shot? Absolutely, but not impossible.

Republicans don't have what it takes to make that happen. Not when you have swamp rats like Mitch McConnell manipulating the outcome of candidates that he doesn't endorse. McCarthy isn't much better.
I see things very differently.

Trump is very popular with the hardcore Republican voter, but then the hardcore Republican voter doesn't matter. They'll always turn out and vote R, even in the R candidate was literally a potato. Trump is also an excellent rallying cry to energize the hardcore Democrat base. He's every single thing they despise write large and heavily publicized. For every MAGA voter Trump gets to the polls, he forces at least as many D voters to rush there to spite him.

In addition, Trump is highly, highly undesirable to the more moderate swing voter, those who might actually vote for either party and therefore do matter and do need to be courted. After all, he lost to Biden, who's only one step away from a vegetable himself, and has failed badly in using his influence to secure seats for those whom he supports in 2022. He also burnt all his bridges during his term, demonstrating a complete and utter inability to garner any support from the center or even from his own party to strengthen his position. He's not even universally well liked on this forum, which is way, way more right wing than the overall nation. Doesn't that tell you something?

Once again, those swing voters are the ones who matter, they decide elections. Not the 30% of folks on either wing who will never, ever cross the aisle.

That being the case, I see a very good chance of the Reps winning in '24 with any candidate. Except Trump. DeSantis looks solid, but 'a candidate who is not Donald, is relatively coherent (unlike Biden) and has the sense to know when to shut the hell up' is probably enough no matter who they are. This hasn't been a red wave like you may have hoped, but it does represent a moderate swing right, and considering 2 more years of Dem rule, the almost inevitable continued recession and the closeness of the last election, that should be plenty for an R victory in 2024.

If the Republicans were smart (which I agree, they aren't), they'd be hoping for Trump to either put his support and rhetoric behind a more palatable candidate who might actually win and hope that in doing so he can still invigorate his 30% base, or alternatively for Trump to outright die in the next 2 years so they can use him as a martyr for the campaign trial. Right now he's useless, if not outright obstructive, to the R's cause. There's at least an outside chance that he'll split the party as well as the vote and that'll mean the loss not just of 24, but probably 28 as well.

Think of it this way. You can do whatever you like ahead of 2024 to draw up support for the R's in South Dakota or Alabama, or the D's in California or Vermont. It changes nothing, because they were always going to go that way. Alabama would vote for Trump, they'd vote for De Santis, hell they'd probably vote for Max the Golden Retriever if he was the Republican party candidate. But a candidate from either party who can appeal to the Georgia, Wisconsin, Florida and Pennsylvania voters of this country will be president. Biden managed that in 2020 by running on a platform that boiled down to simply not being Trump, and he might yet do it again if given a chance.
l was watching this show for the "George Christensen birth rates are down in Australia" part but the introduction is very concerning towards the American Elections, watch from 1:35 to 3:30
has anyone from America seen anything like this at the booths?
if so how can anyone in America consider fair elections were held?
or is this another conspiracy theory and is Trumps fault?

l was watching this show for the "George Christensen birth rates are down in Australia" part but the introduction is very concerning towards the American Elections, watch from 1:35 to 3:30
has anyone from America seen anything like this at the booths?
if so how can anyone in America consider fair elections were held?
or is this another conspiracy theory and is Trumps fault?

Too funny. Two minds an scarcely a thought between them. You would have to look hard to find two more certifiable kooks. Alex Jones is likely pulling double or triple shifts to pay off a rather staggering recent judgement.

Catch the news from kherson this evening? Your friends over on Telegram are not happy.
l dont do the telegram app Red Leg, so l dont get your point?
although your quick reaction to my post makes you look burnt by me or something LOL
but l would like to know, do you have anything to say about the content or are you just going to do the usual and play the player not the ball?
its not very mature is it?

Everything is Trumps fault!

I guess some folks feel that in order to ever win again, we need to play nice politics as if the demtards played nice politics. BS!
I dont think we should have to pander to the useless ner-do-wells of this country to win their votes. Screw them and screw that!
This aint the Reagan years, I lived under his time in office and was never more proud to be American, but the times they have-a-changed just a wee bit since then and they aint no going back to those days, not ever. The gloves are off.
While its very difficult to prove massive voter fraud, I do believe it took place 2 years ago and probably some last night, for there are irregularities in PA and ongoing in AZ.
Here in WA, Smiley was polling within 1.5 pts of the ridiculous career Little Mom in Tennis Shoes or as I call there the Morlock on Ludes! I can hardly stand to look at her ugly puss! She is there now for another 6 years after beating Smiley by about 20 pts. So what happened?

When the demtard candidate for Gov is the sitting Sec of State who is in charge of elections, but wont recuse from those duties in view of the fact that she is just smacks of dishonesty.
She hoped to win by pulling a basement campaign like Uncle Joe did, wouldnt even debate Lake.
Crooked politics is ongoing.
Beat me up if you like, I dont care. Time will prove who is right.
Their goals may overlap, but thats where the comparison starts to break down. Reagan was a skilled communicator with deeply held belief in the American dream. Trump is a poor communicator with a deeply held belief in only himself.
Crude, yes but I take exception to the idea he was only in it for himself--he didn't take a salary, didn't allow his children to enrich themselves (they divested), SEEMED TO ALWAYS COME DOWN ON THE SIDE OF TRADITIONAL/FOUNDING FATHER VALUES, AND Supreme Court APPOINTMENTS REFLECTED THAT. (not to mention lower court apptments. He took care of veteran affairs. He worked his butt OFF, and I mean no one EVER worked as 4:00am early to 12:00 late month after month. He believed in America--that's why he ran--have you read any of his speeches lately in retrospect? He did a lot to right this country, and I refuse to let hatred of him be allowed to build an unfair straw man. No one knows how they would have done under the same onslaught. His opponents on the left were scum bag lying lawbreakers and first class Bastards all the way. (perverts, too) He had few real friends in Congressional leadership. Heck there was not even any hanky panky in his term.
Yes, he offended just about all the women, but with what in actual practice while in office? Sometimes a political "Gen. Patton" is needed--he was actually what we needed at the time in terms of policies. Can you imagine Garland in the Supreme Court today--where would your gun rights be then? When I think of the near seditious behavior, and third world election cheating (using the same machines as Venezuela for God's sake) of the left I am infuriated, and I doubt if time will soften a well earned malice. I'm going to remember them...
Love you guys, though...
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Oops, forgot to mention I think it's time THIS TIME for another to run, but in his term he was helpful to our cause...
And BTW, gridlock keeps government from doing as much damage in many cases.
Everything is Trumps fault!

I guess some folks feel that in order to ever win again, we need to play nice politics as if the demtards played nice politics. BS!
I dont think we should have to pander to the useless ner-do-wells of this country to win their votes. Screw them and screw that!
This aint the Reagan years, I lived under his time in office and was never more proud to be American, but the times they have-a-changed just a wee bit since then and they aint no going back to those days, not ever. The gloves are off.
While its very difficult to prove massive voter fraud, I do believe it took place 2 years ago and probably some last night, for there are irregularities in PA and ongoing in AZ.
Here in WA, Smiley was polling within 1.5 pts of the ridiculous career Little Mom in Tennis Shoes or as I call there the Morlock on Ludes! I can hardly stand to look at her ugly puss! She is there now for another 6 years after beating Smiley by about 20 pts. So what happened?

When the demtard candidate for Gov is the sitting Sec of State who is in charge of elections, but wont recuse from those duties in view of the fact that she is just smacks of dishonesty.
She hoped to win by pulling a basement campaign like Uncle Joe did, wouldnt even debate Lake.
Crooked politics is ongoing.
Beat me up if you like, I dont care. Time will prove who is right.
You have two choices.

1. Screw those guys and don't pander to them. Take an absolute stance, lose every election, let the dems do what they want and have no bearing on the conversation. Your moral position will be unblemished, but to what end? You said yourself, the Reagan years are gone, so why would taking the same policy positions somehow be effective?

2. Pander to them, make compromises, but at least have some input on the direction the country and it's policies may go. Even slowing the drift to the left is better than actively accelerating it by refusing to even have a voice in the conversation and who knows, once the right is seen as sensible, credible and willing to model honest communication, maybe you can even sway some of those ner-do-wells to your views.

At the end of the day, even the most moderate, wishy washy, swamp dwelling establishment Republican would be a better president than Biden or god forbid Harris, so the intelligent, realpolitik approach for the R's should be 'how far right can we go with our candidate whilst still winning', not 'I agree with all of these policies, so we'll run on 'em, even if they're unelectable'. Ironically, the futher left the D's go, the further right you can go within the wider Overton window, but you've still got to win to achieve any of your policy goals, first and foremost.
Too funny. Two minds an scarcely a thought between them. You would have to look hard to find two more certifiable kooks. Alex Jones is likely pulling double or triple shifts to pay off a rather staggering recent judgement.

Catch the news from kherson this evening? Your friends over on Telegram are not happy.
Genuinely sorry.

Based upon your previous posts, you seem to be comfortable with the Russian version of the performance of the second army in the world in Ukraine. I simply wanted to make sure you didn't miss that they aren't having a particularly good day today. That army's supporters, many of whom populate the Telegram channel, are deep into shadenfreude this evening.

So I don't think I attacked you personally. Perhaps I misread the tenor of your comments with respect to Ukraine, but I don't think so - and that isn't personal. I actually know the definition of ad Hominum. However, I absolutely did mean to attack Alex Jones. He is a certifiable nut job and conspiracy crank. He just received a billion $ civil judgement against him for spreading particularly vile conspiracy nonsense about a terrible school shooting in this country several years ago. It looks like it may go to $3 billion before everything is done.

Some of his other more intriguing conspiracies besides Sandy Hook include Hillary Clintons's child sex ring run from a pizza parlor, Robert Mueller's secret identity as a demonic pedophile, and the US government's control of weather to punish the administration's enemies (floods in Texas) and to control the climate change narrative. What better source could you find on the current election.
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You have two choices.

1. Screw those guys and don't pander to them. Take an absolute stance, lose every election, let the dems do what they want and have no bearing on the conversation. Your moral position will be unblemished, but to what end? You said yourself, the Reagan years are gone, so why would taking the same policy positions somehow be effective?

2. Pander to them, make compromises, but at least have some input on the direction the country and it's policies may go. Even slowing the drift to the left is better than actively accelerating it by refusing to even have a voice in the conversation and who knows, once the right is seen as sensible, credible and willing to model honest communication, maybe you can even sway some of those ner-do-wells to your views.

At the end of the day, even the most moderate, wishy washy, swamp dwelling establishment Republican would be a better president than Biden or god forbid Harris, so the intelligent, realpolitik approach for the R's should be 'how far right can we go with our candidate whilst still winning', not 'I agree with all of these policies, so we'll run on 'em, even if they're unelectable'. Ironically, the futher left the D's go, the further right you can go within the wider Overton window, but you've still got to win to achieve any of your policy goals, first and foremost.
History shows you can unite more people with a strong platform rather than a moderate one.

Besides, when do democrats choose democrat-lite over a real democrat? Pandering is what McCain, Romney both did. Worked well, er wait, it didn’t. People on both sides are drawn to confident and charismatic leadership. Pandering never expands the base, it never inspires confidence.
History shows you can unite more people with a strong platform rather than a moderate one.

Besides, when do democrats choose democrat-lite over a real democrat? Pandering is what McCain, Romney both did. Worked well, er wait, it didn’t. People on both sides are drawn to confident and charismatic leadership. Panderers never expand the base, they never inspire confidence.

I simply want a candidate who can actually articulate such a platform and spend his or her time selling it to an ever skeptical media rather than wrestling with the latest pig.

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