I wouldn't count out the Senate just yet. Lots of assumed GOP voted still uncounted in AZ, and a Georgia run-off appears to be on he horizon. A miracle may yet occur.
However, I do agree that these results to reflect an alarming slide to the left and possibly beyond the point of return.
I do not believe that those Trump-endorsed candidates who lost did so because of Trump's backing, or that they were weak candidates as McConnell so stupidly put it.. They lost because a lot of stupid, uninformed voters voted for the democrats.. Regardless, these seats needed to be filled by the new class of America-First agenda republicans and not more rubber stamp rhinos for McConnell. In my view, the election of another establishment republican would be just as useless and destructive as electing a democrat.
This election set national record turnout numbers across all voting blocks. The republicans who lost did so because the number of low information, low IQ, and blind party loyalists showed up in big numbers and voted democrat. The fact that every national poll taken in the last 20 months shows that the American people feel that this country is headed in the wrong direction by at least a 2/3rds margin and yet they
STILL voted to elect the very people who caused and will perpetuate the misery is beyond comprehension.
This election emphatically proves that the often used political cliché that the American people are smart is completely false. Stupid Americans are now the majority, and there is no cure for stupid. Any Pennsylvanian, democrat, independent, or republican, who voted for Fetterman proves that! And, in Georgia, Kemp wins by 8 points, but Walker is in a dead heat with the false preacher who voted 100% for the Brandon agenda? Dear Georgia & Pennsylvania voters, WTF are you thinking? God help us all because we are obviously incapable of helping ourselves.
Thank God I live in Florida! Our idiot margins actually appear to be getting smaller..! My only concern is that now even more people will want to move here..