AH ambassador
@Dragan N.
I mistakenly referenced Vasper instead of @Foxi in one of my posts... My apologies to @Vashper.. The quote above was the one that I questioned the OP in regard to a nation's right to self-defense which he absolutely puts into question..
As far as your assessment of Germany or Japan being viewed as a plausible threat, I would ask the same of you? What exactly do you base that assessment on? According to how I read their comments, both Foxi and Vashper alluded that the threat was based on 80+ year old history of two governments and cultures that are all but extinct. I wouldn't confuse and remnants of Germany's post-WW2 arrogance with power... If you have any new, current facts that substantiate any plausible threats these two countries pose to world order I would leave to hear them.
As far any plausible threat from China, it's apples and elephants comparing China to Germany or Japan of today... China poses a real threat to global stability on every conceivable level.
This is someone whom the left/ anti gun acivists present as an "expert" on firearms:Well, not according to our president.
"Joe Biden Says 9mm Bullet 'Blows The Lung Out of The Body"
as German soldiers,God forbid ?Conscription via Selective Service. Start with the million plus immigrants Merkel let into your country in 2015
You also have to want to fight.Conscription is always an option.
Believe it or not, agree or disagree, it happened and has not been altered in any way. Fantastic shooting and the way one handles such a situation. So much for gun free zones. What would have happened if that young man had been unarmed? How many innocent lives would have been sacrified? He did the right thing whether he should or should not have been armed.I would challenge anyone to place rounds on target from 40 yds..120 ft..under such stressful and life endangering circumstances to best his 80 per cent success. Using a Glock on a moving target within a collateral environment and no innocents were injured…a Damn Miracle. Vertigo BE nailed it. If we are to assume, which I believe that info has not been released, that he was using a 9mm at that range of 40 Yds, doubtful that one or two rounds would have terminated the threat unless a head or spinal column was hit. Keep firing until the threat is no longer, whether I or 17 shots.
Got that whole general officer thing all figured out? Look I agree his technique blows and I am not sure about "full semi-automatic." But he is making a point that all of us should, I think, understand.This is someone whom the left/ anti gun acivists present as an "expert" on firearms:
Yet this man shoots an AR-15 like a 5 year old... Even though this Hertling is a retired general officer, (I am shocked), I would imagine he did not have a combat MOS....
Being an officer he probably did not come in very close contact very often, if ever, with the actual use of the rifle. If he did, he never learned the proper use and handling from the way he handled it in the video. Not the most accurate demonstration or narrative.This is someone whom the left/ anti gun acivists present as an "expert" on firearms:
Yet this man shoots an AR-15 like a 5 year old... Even though this Hertling is a retired general officer, (I am shocked), I would imagine he did not have a combat MOS....
The sad thing is that from the mid-seventies until the late eighties the Bundeswehr was a formidable force. Their new Leopard tanks were far better than our aging M-60's, their Marder IFV made our II3 look like a tin target on tracks, and their artillery was superb. I was liaison officer to the 12th Panzer Artillery during the Reforger exercise of '77 or 78 and watched a brigade of the division "destroy" the deployed elements of the 101st Abn. They were easily as good as any three Soviet Divisions they would have faced. Sadly, the collapse of the Soviet Union also heralded the collapse of the Bundeswehr. Soldiers were organized by labor unions, budgets were cut, the real professionals eventually retired and it is now a shadow of what it was.You also have to want to fight.
It is not enough to put our green youth in green clothes.
The training is bleak, too.
For military night marches, if you bring a doctor's certificate, you are driven to the destination.....
You really have no idea what it's like here.
Armchair quarterback much?8 hits with a 9mm. I suppose he kept shooting until the guy was down, which means that the guy was upright until shot 6 or so. Nothing was said about the guy wearing body armor- so I must conclude that most of the hits were superficial until the last few that put him down and killed him. 40 yards or no, seems like a few well aimed shots would have been more effective if less sensational.
My post reflected my belief and agreement that he did it and it was phenomenal marksmanship and that few, very few, well trained and experienced shooters could accomplish his shooting under those circumstances.Believe it or not, agree or disagree, it happened and has not been altered in any way. Fantastic shooting and the way one handles such a situation. So much for gun free zones. What would have happened if that young man had been unarmed? How many innocent lives would have been sacrified? He did the right thing whether he should or should not have been armed.
However, the place where we disagree is that I do not think that China is a threat or a perceived threat to the world as a whole. I would not be surprised if many non-Western countries are happy that the world is becoming multi or bipolar again. And that America's hegemony is being challenged.
You also have to want to fight.
It is not enough to put our green youth in green clothes.
The training is bleak, too.
For military night marches, if you bring a doctor's certificate, you are driven to the destination.....
You really have no idea what it's like here.
I appreciate you clarifying your assessment..
Here is mine..
Any country that does not perceive China as an existential threat is likely beholden to them in one way or another. They are likely economic slaves, pawns, or both. In any case, those countries you are referring to who welcome China's challenge of power to the United States are, in my view, enemies or bad actors at the very least. So, I could care less what their opinion of the United States is.
Let's see how happy these countries are when China controls every facet of their existences.
Times may change but the theme is always the same.. Everyone hates the United States until they need us..
8 hits with a 9mm. I suppose he kept shooting until the guy was down, which means that the guy was upright until shot 6 or so. Nothing was said about the guy wearing body armor- so I must conclude that most of the hits were superficial until the last few that put him down and killed him. 40 yards or no, seems like a few well aimed shots would have been more effective if less sensational.
For an alternative view:
Any time an officer fires his/her weapon (other than training) he/she is immediately placed on administrative leave and a review of the shooting is conducted. the officer is asked to recall the sight picture for every round fired, what was between the gun and the target and what was behind the target. If the sight picture did not have a part of the body of the target that would lead to incapacitation, or worse, was not on the target, or even worse, involved an innocent that happened to be behind the target, why was the trigger pressed? Given the circumstances of the shooting, the outcome that the bad shooter died and that there was no collateral damage or injuries it ends well- but God help us from the ambulance chasers that would have come out of the woodwork had it ended with some bystander being hit by a ricochet fragment.
Geez dude yer a piece of work. The guy did what I’m sure is a great job and here you are busting his chops over some total bull narrative you made up. Sorry but you haven’t got a clue.Any time an officer fires his/her weapon (other than training) he/she is immediately placed on administrative leave and a review of the shooting is conducted. the officer is asked to recall the sight picture for every round fired, what was between the gun and the target and what was behind the target. If the sight picture did not have a part of the body of the target that would lead to incapacitation, or worse, was not on the target, or even worse, involved an innocent that happened to be behind the target, why was the trigger pressed? Given the circumstances of the shooting, the outcome that the bad shooter died and that there was no collateral damage or injuries it ends well- but God help us from the ambulance chasers that would have come out of the woodwork had it ended with some bystander being hit by a ricochet fragment.