
He had no clue about broadening his appeal, none. He won’t take advice even from his family and friends
Scott you have been pretty much spot on so far in most of what you have said. But the exit results actually tell a different story. I have seen it written in a few different places, but essentially white men didn't vote for Trump at the same percentage that they did previous and Trump made gains with Latinos and African Americans.

With all of that said, I feel like a Kristi Noem, Rick DeSantis or Niki Haley someone who isn't afraid to fight and push back to the media but also can articulate why an American first best for America (I cant believe I actually have to write that) without all of Trumps blunders will win. They even win bigly!
One thing that a lot of people don't know about Biden is that as a child he had a very bad stutter and watching him answer questions or giving a speech I do notice it. Some like I though before I learned that he had mostly overcame the stuttering think that he is having other types of problems.

But I still don't like him, I just understand a problem that he mostly overcame.
the one problem he has never overcome is his mendacity: from the 70s, about the nature of his wife's death, and his plagiarism, which didn't come to light until the 80s during his first presidential run; corn pop; constantly referring to his EdD wife as "doctor"; "unity". I'm sure you can think of others

The purpose of lying so blatantly over things about which the truth is actually known or easily discoverable is to prove one can get away with it. That is such a depraved level of contempt for the people he is lying to, it puts him in the same group as Obama and HRC.
Scott you have been pretty much spot on so far in most of what you have said. But the exit results actually tell a different story. I have seen it written in a few different places, but essentially white men didn't vote for Trump at the same percentage that they did previous and Trump made gains with Latinos and African Americans.

With all of that said, I feel like a Kristi Noem, Rick DeSantis or Niki Haley someone who isn't afraid to fight and push back to the media but also can articulate why an American first best for America (I cant believe I actually have to write that) without all of Trumps blunders will win. They even win bigly!
I'm with you on Noem and maybe DeSantis.

I used to like Haley, but she has proven herself to be a swamp creature.
I agree with your points except that I don’t think I’m deluded that Trump brought some of this on himself. I think your ears are plugged. His behavior and words are so narcissistic and his behavior in the first debate was ridiculous. He dropped 14% in the polls and never fully recovered. He didn’t need to win you and I over, he needed to win over other voters. As @Red Leg mentioned, he only spoke to his base this time. At his rallies, it was a wash, rinse and repeat of his last one. Nothing fresh. He had no clue about broadening his appeal, none. He won’t take advice even from his family and friends.

After the 2016 primaries, he moderated his behavior, was way more professional and beat Hillary. She was a hell of a lot better candidate than Biden. She made some mistakes but Trump spoke to a wider audience than he did this time. His rhetoric might make you like him more but it makes moderates like him less. I don’t understand why some Trump lovers don’t get this! This wasn’t a primary, it was a general election.

As far a my reference of being "deluded" to those who felt Trump did this to himself, I was speaking specifically to the left's demonization of Trump over the events of the last few days... I would agree with your assertion that Trump has refused to conform into a more congenial form of what many first-time reluctant Trump voters hoped he would have morphed into over the last 4 years.. That certainly didn't happen... Yet, I would remind everyone that the Trump that is leaving office on the 20th is the same exact Trump that came down the escalator in 2015 to announce his candidacy. His demeanor and character in all it's facets ( for better or worse) is what got him elected in the first place. Had Trump listened exclusively to his advisors and the pundits in 2015, he would never gotten elected.

Regardless, this talking point is based on the assumption that Trump didn't get the votes and actually lost the 2020 election. My contention is that he did...

As a final note, I am not a "Trump lover". I am a Trump supporter... Big difference. I switched from republican to independent after the republican party platform lost me at the end of Reagan's term... Like many, I held my nose and voted for Trump in 2016 because the alternative at the time (HRC) was unthinkable.... The Harris-Biden alternative is unthinkable to the 10th power, and I don't understand why some Trump-haters don't get that! I simply cannot fathom the thinking of anyone who believes that the Harris-Biden People's Worker Party is a more appealing choice over Trump regardless of how distasteful you find his personal character. If that is truly the case, the American people are far more stupid that I feared. With all of his flaws and shortcomings, Trump was the last firewall between a free republic and a banana republic that we now face. Whether you hate him or not, you have to ask yourself if you love your country more? Anyone with a lick of common sense should be able to recognize that...
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I read that junk about some poll(s) indicating white men shifting their vote this election to Biden/Harris. What, all three of them swung the election? Yah and it's all Trump's fault for losing those three! What a bunch of crp! If anything the hesitant Trump voters of 2016, including "white men", were even more inclined to vote for Trump this time. I never saw or heard about a single "white man" purposefully shifting over to Dopey, Demented Joe for any reason. There is a reason he was hidden or was hiding during the campaign! No more complicated than that- just like the vote fraud.... evidence hiding in plain sight, yet never Trumper RINOS, those with Trump Derangement Syndrome hatred or those smug and delusional independent gutless fence sitters simply parrot talking points as suggested by the left or media. "No evidence, nothing to see here, why investigate when we see no evidence or Joe ran a brilliant campaign by hiding and not campaigning."

Trump impeached for talking to the President of Ukraine about the Biden's shady dealings with Ukraine. Contrasted to the, "Nothing to see here" response to the beloved Lunchbucket on video tape bragging about blackmailing the Ukranian official with a bunch of the "Big Guy's" (Obama's) dollars to force the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor/investigator looking into Hunter's shady relationship with the Ukrainian energy company. "Nope, nothing to see here, no evidence, all Russian misinformation". Give me a break!
Google just barred parlor app. From play store. Communist? No its the company store. Stock Market is going up because they soon will have it all.Wait tell farm land can be owned by mutual funds.
Trumps twitter account was also key in helping him win 2016. The Big Tech commie tyrants ,waited until congress confirmed the electors, before banning Trump for bullshit reasons. They knew if Trump remained President, they wouldn't get away with banning him, and escape serious repercussions.
Now, the masters of the universe are trying to silence all of us by stripping us of our voice on their social media platforms.
These actions are what happens in communist countries, not the land of the free.

We need a new Republican party that knows how to fight. Fight dirty, and relentlessly, Just like the other side does.
Time to get rid of the old white swamp dwellers in the GOP.

Time to punch them all in the mouth.

The Commies just blacklisted the twitter accounts of Michael Flynn, and Sydney Powell.

They are going to purge anyone that supports the right

I have never had a Twitter account, and never will.

What needs to be done, is to get some billionaire conservatives together, and form a new social media platform, and political news stations, that can't be touched, or manipulated by the the commie tech thugs.

Trump T.V talk show? That would have them all foaming at the mouth
Brent you don't know what a communist is. No major corporation is for communism. Like my brother said the pussy generation they couldn't handel a tour with the 1st air cav in Vietnam in 1967 He says they will be crying like babies when the army mows them down. I'll open beer and watch the show.
Trumps twitter account was also key in helping him win 2016. The Big Tech commie tyrants ,waited until congress confirmed the electors, before banning Trump for bullshit reasons. They knew if Trump remained President, they wouldn't get away with banning him, and escape serious repercussions.
Now, the masters of the universe are trying to silence all of us by stripping us of our voice on their social media platforms.
These actions are what happens in communist countries, not the land of the free.

We need a new Republican party that knows how to fight. Fight dirty, and relentlessly, Just like the other side does.
Time to get rid of the old white swamp dwellers in the GOP.

Time to punch them all in the mouth.

Brent you don't know what a communist is. No major corporation is for communism. Like my brother said the pussy generation they couldn't handel a tour with the 1st air cav in Vietnam in 1967 He says they will be crying like babies when the army mows them down. I'll open beer and watch the show.
I know exactly what a communist is, and the tactics they use against the people.

Commie. Tyrant. Dictator. Choose whatever word you like to describe it.

China. North korea. Russia. Cuba(Castro)

The suppression tactics of these countries leaders, are exactly what's beginning to happen here.
I can see what those that live in the "country" ie rural or suburban areas can do with their "weapons of war" that the Horrible is out to ban (I see an investment opportunity in hermetically sealable boxes of sufficient size to hold relevant items and suitable for burial) but what about all those city dwellers that have nothing but asphalt and concrete around them? Trips to rural acquaintances or national forests?
American State Police/ Astapo : US version of German State Police, shortened to Ge Sta Po. I think Bidet won't get it done in his less than 90 days but it's on Horribles ToDo list.
Brent you don't know what a communist is. No major corporation is for communism. Like my brother said the pussy generation they couldn't handel a tour with the 1st air cav in Vietnam in 1967 He says they will be crying like babies when the army mows them down. I'll open beer and watch the show.

Not exactly how I would articulate it, but you are correct. No corporation is in favor of communism - not a single one. They typically also aren't comfortable with socialism either - particularly anything involving communications which can be easily nationalized.

What the big tech companies are in favor of is minimal regulation (remember Trump championed 230 regulation), and easy access to foreign (read Asian) labor with technical degrees (because we keep producing history, and women's studies majors). They also want to maintain their near monopolies - again, republicans, currently at least, are more likely to support legislation to treat them like Ma Bell.

They are clearly acting in their perceived self-interests.

They also believe that by assisting with suppression of some of the louder and more outlandish voices on the right (Flynn) along with the President, that they are currying legislative favor with the party that currently runs Washington. Again, self-interest. Though, a lot of educated informed people, some of whom hold ownership positions in these companies truly believe they are also doing the right thing. But they are walking a razor's edge with the more radical elements of their chosen benefactors who apparently really believe this Marxist nonsense.

But it is indeed a form of tyranny. And tyranny, under whatever altruistic or self-interest guise, is just as dangerous as any other form of despotism. Particularly when the tyrants do nothing to suppress equally egregious speech from the other side.

These decisions might be challengeable in the courts - we'll almost certainly see. But because we forgot holding on to the senate was at least as important as maintaining the presidency, there isn't much we can do about it legislatively until '22. Someone with sufficient resources could form a truly independent network (Parler isn't) - perhaps Trump? Regrettably, it largely would be an echo chamber, but it would beat silence.
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I remember the term that was used when the Muslim suicide bombers where blowing themselves up. It was called radicalization. There is alot of that going on in this country right now.
All you have to is go on Facebook and the radical left and right have a ton of false posts. Go to their profile page and it's easy to see that they are obsessed and have mental issues. If I can see it so can the FBI. It's becoming a big problem. Even my stupid son in law buys into the stuff. They get all their news from Facebook. Typical millennial who had everything given to them. Let them have their revolution and ill have my beer.

I know exactly what a communist is, and the tactics they use against the people.

Commie. Tyrant. Dictator. Choose whatever word you like to describe it.

China. North korea. Russia. Cuba(Castro)

The suppression tactics of these countries leaders, are exactly what's beginning to happen here.
BTT for those who think Trump had nothing to do with the insurrection.

Of course it will come out. The Demonrats have no further use for the Bidet so he' and his family will be going under the bus with a noticeable thump, then the real candidate for president (who never could have been actually elected) Ms Horrible will be in charge.
Scott you have been pretty much spot on so far in most of what you have said. But the exit results actually tell a different story. I have seen it written in a few different places, but essentially white men didn't vote for Trump at the same percentage that they did previous and Trump made gains with Latinos and African Americans.

With all of that said, I feel like a Kristi Noem, Rick DeSantis or Niki Haley someone who isn't afraid to fight and push back to the media but also can articulate why an American first best for America (I cant believe I actually have to write that) without all of Trumps blunders will win. They even win bigly!
@LivingTheDream you are assuming that the Republican white men on this site are the same as the white men you are referring to. I was referring to people on this site like Brent and myself. Trump already had our vote. If Trump did lose some white males, although exit polls are notoriously inaccurate, this would prove my point even more that he needed to moderate his rhetoric to be elected.

Some posters on here mention that we need to fight and fight hard. That's great but we cannot lose the middle or we lose the fight anyway. Once elected, Trump could have said almost anything he wanted. Instead, he did that BEFORE the election. A big mistake.

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