
Of course it will come out. The Demonrats have no further use for the Bidet so he' and his family will be going under the bus with a noticeable thump, then the real candidate for president (who never could have been actually elected) Ms Horrible will be in charge.
I hope the Biden family's foreign dealings do take him down but with the MSM bias in this country, I'm not holding my breath. I hope it happens. However, I don't understand some people thinking Pelosi and the other Democrat leaders are going to throw Biden under the bus and get rid of him quickly in favor of Harris. Harris has been a minor player compared to Biden's eight years as VP and 47 years in office. Biden has a lot of friends in powerful places. If he mentally cannot do the job or if Hunter's $$ deals take him down, okay great. But to think the rank and file Democrats and leaders are going to turn on him is far-fetched rhetoric. He might be a trojan horse, but they are not going to kick him to the curb with out substantial reasons.

It is extremely hard to remove a sitting President, for good reason. The cabinet and VP have to vote and agree to do it due to mental or physical incapacities that have to be based in medical facts, not just some conspiracy. Biden's cabinet appointees will be loyal to him for appointing them. To think that there is already some secret inside deal already formed right now between Harris and the cabinet members is ridiculous. Almost nobody in Washington (or anywhere) can keep secrets, let alone something this big. You all might fear a Harris presidency (I know I do), but don't let that fear over run the constitution and the difficulties involved in getting rid of Biden.
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Not exactly how I would articulate it, but you are correct. No corporation is in favor of communism - not a single one. They typically also aren't comfortable with socialism either - particularly anything involving communications which can be easily nationalized.

What the big tech companies are in favor of is minimal regulation (remember Trump championed 230 regulation), and easy access to foreign (read Asian) labor with technical degrees (because we keep producing history, and women's studies majors). They also want to maintain their near monopolies - again, republicans, currently at least, are more likely to support legislation to treat them like Ma Bell.

They are clearly acting in their perceived self-interests.

They also believe that by assisting with suppression of some of the louder and more outlandish voices on the right (Flynn) along with the President, that they are currying legislative favor with the party that currently runs Washington. Again, self-interest. Though, a lot of educated informed people, some of whom hold ownership positions in these companies truly believe they are also doing the right thing. But they are walking a razor's edge with the more radical elements of their chosen benefactors who apparently really believe this Marxist nonsense.

But it is indeed a form of tyranny. And tyranny, under whatever altruistic or self-interest guise, is just as dangerous as any other form of despotism. Particularly when the tyrants do nothing to suppress equally egregious speech from the other side.

These decisions might be challengeable in the courts - we'll almost certainly see. But because we forgot holding on to the senate was at least as important as maintaining the presidency, there isn't much we can do about it legislatively until '22. Someone with sufficient resources could form a truly independent network (Parler isn't) - perhaps Trump? Regrettably, it largely would be an echo chamber, but it would beat silence.
You forgot market access to the Chinese market. Many CEO's complain about technology theft but look the other way – intellectual property theft impacts companies long term in contrast to market access which boosts revenue and bonuses short term. Most CEO's will be gone when it becomes a critical operational issue.
You forgot market access to the Chinese market. Many CEO's complain about technology theft but look the other way – intellectual property theft impacts companies long term in contrast to market access which boosts revenue and bonuses short term. Most CEO's will be gone when it becomes a critical operational issue.

That is exactly what happened to Nortel:

I know exactly what a communist is, and the tactics they use against the people.

Commie. Tyrant. Dictator. Choose whatever word you like to describe it.

China. North korea. Russia. Cuba(Castro)

The suppression tactics of these countries leaders, are exactly what's beginning to happen here.
I recently watched a very interesting documantary on Netflicks titled "Hiltler and his circle of Evil". The similarities between events depicted and current events are chilling, as are the similarities between Hitler and Trump. No one going to argue that Hitler was not a tyrant or dictator. But he sure wasn't a communist... words do matter.
GESTAPO was short for Geheime Staatspolizei, Secret police of the state.

Seen from Europe, this two old fools are your candidates? Seriously.....
Well there are a lot of Americans, myself included, that totally agree with you.
I recently watched a very interesting documantary on Netflicks titled "Hiltler and his circle of Evil". The similarities between events depicted and current events are chilling, as are the similarities between Hitler and Trump. No one going to argue that Hitler was not a tyrant or dictator. But he sure wasn't a communist... words do matter.
If Trump had similarities to Hitler, it's a shame he didn't have time to put the swamp rats into concentration camps where they belong.
Usually the rat that replaces him could end up worse. The country isn't that bad.
If Trump had similarities to Hitler, it's a shame he didn't have time to put the swamp rats into concentration camps where they belong.
Very interesting....
The only thing that is interesting is that any sane human being would take this idiot seriously. He is a complete and certifiable raving lunatic. One of his really shining moments was claiming live on Fox that Malaysia Flight 370 (March 2014) that was lost over the Indian Ocean had been highjacked by terrorists and flown to either Pakistan or Sudan for use in a future mass casualty attack. He is also a birther. He further claimed that John McCain had been a traitor while a POW (for which he eventually apologized). Think what you will of McCain, but he withstood years of torture at the hands of the North Vietnamese, refusing early release (McCain's father was a famous admiral and the Vietnamese wanted to use McCain for propaganda value - he would not cooperate). Fox eventually dumped McInerney when they realized he was batshit crazy. He was most recently one of the idiots claiming that US forces seized a server farm in Germany - I think even the nuttier conspiracy theorists have moved on from that insanity. I can speak for every other senior officer that I know that he is an abject embarrassment to the US military.
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The only thing that is interesting is that any sane human being would take this idiot seriously. He is a complete and certifiable raving lunatic. One of his really shining moments was claiming live on Fox that Malaysia Flight 370 (March 2014) that was lost over the Indian Ocean had been highjacked by terrorists and flown to either Pakistan or Sudan for use in a future mass terrorist attack. He is also a birther. He further claimed that John McCain had been a traitor while a POW (for which he eventually apologized). Think what you will of McCain, he withstood years of torture at the hands of the North Vietnamese, refusing early release. Fox eventually dumped him when they realized he was batshit crazy. He was most recently one of the idiots claiming that US forces seized a server farm in Germany - I think even the nuttier conspiracy theorists have moved on from that insanity. I can speak for every other senior officer that I know that he is an embarrassment to the US military.
Probably why they sought him out for an interview, as they knew he would say something controversial. You can't trust anything on social media these days, and it was only good for a chuckle.
Probably why they sought him out for an interview, as they knew he would say something controversial. You can't trust anything on social media these days, and it was only good for a chuckle.
If you hadn't noticed, he seriously embarrasses and angers me. :cautious: Other than that, I have no strong feelings about him.
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Seen from Europe, this two old fools are your candidates? Seriously.....
Well, why not? I was just reviewing "Home Alone 2" (it's Christmas), where Trump played himself - he's pretty funny. By the way, by a strange chance, I saw him on the street here in Moscow, though long ago, when he was still engaged in business. It looked good.
Another thing is strange: if you believe what the parties say, Putin's agents are fighting against the Communists there, in Washington. It's a little hard to believe. In general, why are Biden and Co - left? Are they for public ownership of the means of production? Kung-tzu said that changes should start with correcting names, and it seems that he was right.
I will only note that you should not hope for some information from Ukraine that will "destroy Biden". Biden is one of the organizers of what happened there, he is the owner there.
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The only thing that is interesting is that any sane human being would take this idiot seriously. He is a complete and certifiable raving lunatic. One of his really shining moments was claiming live on Fox that Malaysia Flight 370 (March 2014) that was lost over the Indian Ocean had been highjacked by terrorists and flown to either Pakistan or Sudan for use in a future mass casualty attack. He is also a birther. He further claimed that John McCain had been a traitor while a POW (for which he eventually apologized). Think what you will of McCain, but he withstood years of torture at the hands of the North Vietnamese, refusing early release (McCain's father was a famous admiral and the Vietnamese wanted to use McCain for propaganda value - he would not cooperate). Fox eventually dumped McInerney when they realized he was batshit crazy. He was most recently one of the idiots claiming that US forces seized a server farm in Germany - I think even the nuttier conspiracy theorists have moved on from that insanity. I can speak for every other senior officer that I know that he is an abject embarrassment to the US military.
Pardon my ignorance, but what is a "server farm"?
Pardon my ignorance, but what is a "server farm"?
The tin foil hat brigades were convinced that Dominion machines were connected to servers located at a secret CIA facility in Germany (or some variation of that allegation). According to this fantasy, US special forces raided it taking Gina Haspel prisoner and taking her to Guantanamo where her forced confession would lead to the arrests of leading political figures representing Trump’s enemies. o_O:rolleyes::unsure:

This is so ludicrous on so many levels that it is stunning anyone with an IQ equal to plant life would believe it. But legions did who surfed the more radical conservative sites. Fairly disheartening.
Yeah I remember hearing people talk about this and here is my how I processed in less than 5 minutes.

Server in Germany - ok wow that probably is bad but given cloud technology could be possible.

DOD raided and took the server - what? Why? How that does make sense.

The director the CIA is being held in GITMO for treason - Oh God, I hope no one believes this BS.

The internet is a wonderful thing, but it does give a platform for some ridiculous stuff.

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