
At least the Democrats can be counted upon to fumble any opportunity to maintain the high ground. This was about as tone death and stupid a speech as Biden could possibly have given if he thought growing the Democrat base before '22 was in his party's interest.

I am confident we will be subjected to lots of material to generate republican voter recommitment over the next 18 months.

When exactly was it that the dems held the high ground on anything? I must have missed that..:E Confused:

I'm just now listening to Biden's latest address while doing my best not to vomit. Although nothing should surprise any of us at this stage, I am still confounded at how this man is taken seriously by anyone of note. He can barely read the teleprompter, his feigned emotional reactions are not in sync with his words, and his content is completely out of touch to the urgency and priorities of the times. It's sad, scary, and maddening all at the same time. God help us...
I haven't noticed the Republicans being particularly adept at capitalizing on Democrat mistakes.
When exactly was it that the dems held the high ground on anything? I must have missed that..:E Confused:

I'm just now listening to Biden's latest address while doing my best not to vomit. Although nothing should surprise any of us at this stage, I am still confounded at how this man is taken seriously by anyone of note. He can barely read the teleprompter, his feigned emotional reactions are not in sync with his words, and his content is completely out of touch to the urgency and priorities of the times. It's sad, scary, and maddening all at the same time. God help us...

One thing that a lot of people don't know about Biden is that as a child he had a very bad stutter and watching him answer questions or giving a speech I do notice it. Some like I though before I learned that he had mostly overcame the stuttering think that he is having other types of problems.

But I still don't like him, I just understand a problem that he mostly overcame.
In 1887 Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior: "A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which Democracy is) always followed by a Dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage."

Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota believes the United States is now somewhere in the "complacency to apathy" phase of the above phases of Democracy, and, with more than forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase, the US is well toward the "apathy to dependence" phase.

Tough to turn this around, no matter who we elect.
I haven't noticed the Republicans being particularly adept at capitalizing on Democrat mistakes.
No. They have not, and the sad part is that there have been more mistakes an opportunities provided by the left than anyone could have dreamed of.... It would seem that a party who, in large part, bases the bulk of their agenda in fantastical and nonsensical ideologies that no serious person would buy into, has managed to leverage a massive political superiority in this country by ANY MEANS NECESSARY. But, at lease republicans have the moral high ground right? LOL...

While most republicans have been too busy securing their own personal agendas, or actually continuing to waste time believing that the dems are actually interested in bipartisan governance, the dems with the help of the MSM have managed to create the most glaring double standard of hypocrisy the world has ever witnessed. As a bonus, they have managed to set back race relations 50 years, steal (yes, I said STEAL) a Presidential election, gain control over 2/3rds of the government, and completely demonize and disenfranchise half of the US population.

As I watch the news over the last 2 days, it breaks my heart to see so many republicans who I once respected declaring outrage and pointing fingers all the while exhibiting the same tone-deafness as the dems as to the root causes of the recent events. None of them seem to grasp the underlying frustrations of millions upon millions of disenfranchised Americans that have led us to where we are today.

While the left is salivating and wringing their hands with delight over their opportunity to demonize Trump once and for all, the rest of the swamp rats are scurrying for cover. It's pretty amazing to watch how they were so emboldened following Trump into the field of battle only to leave this poor bastard on the field all by himself holding the flag once the shots starting whizzing by... To those of you who say that Trump brought this upon himself, I would say that you have not been paying attention, or you are as deluded as those on the left. To the pundits who say Trump's political future is over, I would remind them that Trump did not come to power by the will of the political machine. He came to power defying it... He did it the old fashioned way which is that he actually struck a chord with the common people, and it is the people who will ultimately decide both Trump's political future, and his legacy.

I laugh at anyone who would count Trump out, and I pity the naivety of anyone who thinks this country will actually be better off on January 20th without him in the White House. If you doubt me, go watch a few minutes of Biden speaking anytime in the last year, and get back to me... Then watch his own pack of communist jackals waiting to pick his bones at the first opportunity...
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I just understand a problem that he mostly overcame.

Biden is not suffering from a stutter, speech impediment, or any other physical handicap.

Make no mistake that Biden is suffering from dementia or a similar cognitive mental disorder which has become more noticeably pronounced over the last year... I would never mock another human being for any such impediment. Certainly not his fault, but no less dangerous considering the gravity of the office.
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If Murkowski gives the Ds committee majorities and full chairmanships, that would be a massive kick in the nuts.
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I am not a fan of Trump's leadership style, but he is very likable compared to most other Republican politicians. The guy was out working his butt off holding rallies for some of them and now they want to remove him in addition to doing everything they can to tarnish him. It was perhaps not a particularly brilliant idea holding that protest but the President did not let the rioters in. A lot of the ordinary protesters also tried to stop the Antifa people and other hooligans. I would not be surprised if he was set up by someone who let them in just to create chaos. There is a reason no sane people want to go into politics anymore. The only people worse than politicians are those in the media.
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Biden is not suffering from a stutter, speech impediment, or any other physical handicap.

Make no mistake that Biden is suffering from dementia or a similar cognitive mental disorder which has become more noticeably pronounced over the last year... I would never mock another human being for any such impediment. Certainly not his fault, but no less dangerous considering the gravity of the office.

Not to start a argument but I can back my statement up by facts, can you do the same?

That has been a problem with this whole election period. Statements without facts to back it up.

And as I said I am not a Biden fan
I am not a fan of Trump's leadership style,

Signed: Everyone that has ever been fired by Trump or resigned under pressure...LOL...

Joking aside, you would be surprised to know that Trump's staff turnover percentage is only slightly over par when compared to the averages of the last 4 administrations before him which is about 70% over the 4-year term. Trump's firings have gotten noticeably more attention than those of his predecessors specifically because of the MSM's contempt for him and their desire to create the narrative that Trump is an impossible tyrant to work for.

However, Trump's cabinet turnover did exceed the average which also feeds the narrative simply because of the notoriety of the positions. Reagan actually fired many more sub-cabinet staffers than Trump that you would never have heard of otherwise if it wasn't for the media relentlessly covering it.
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Not to start a argument but I can back my statement up by facts, can you do the same?

That has been a problem with this whole election period. Statements without facts to back it up.

And as I said I am not a Biden fan

I never said or implied that you were a Biden fan, and what does that have to do with objectively assessing his cognitive abilities?

In regard to your challenge for me to provide proof of Biden's cognitive decline, I have no scientific proof. I am not his personal physician, nor do I have access to his personal medical records which would be a HIPPA violation. All I have to offer is what I can see with my own eyes and hear with my own ears and compare that to the Biden of a year ago or ten years ago for that matter.

Regrettably, I also have a couple of my own family members who have suffered from similar cognitive and mental deficiencies which were officially diagnosed as senility and Alzheimer's disease. They exhibited nearly identical tendencies as Biden. It's a terrible thing to witness no matter who is afflicted.. But, with the difference being, my Uncle and Grandmother were not in charge of what is (at least for a while) the most powerful nation on the planet.

So, if it makes you feel better, you got me...! I have no proof, just common sense..
one of my professors at school said there was an old saying- I don't recall the origin but it was Pauper to Pauper in Three generations. Defined it meant the first generation was born a pauper and not caring for poverty worked hard and put off spending trying to save and build the business. By the time he retired the family was well off. His son was born at the time the family was poor and recalls well the poverty situation but notes that by the time he reached adulthood the business was quite prosperous and he lacked for nothing. So when his son was born (the third generation) the child had no appreciation of the difference between poverty and wealth since he had known nothing but wealth. He had little desire to do anything but live the life of a playboy, frittering away what he grandfather and father had worked and saved to build, so by the time the third generations son came to adulthood there was nothing left and he was back in poverty just as his great grandfather had been.

Seem s to me this story is parallel to the one above regarding countries and the various sequences.
I think you've just described the Murdoch dynasty. Keith wasn't exactly born into poverty but still worked damn hard and first built a career and then a newspaper. Rupert turned it into worldwide empire (for better or not). The next generation----------
In 1887 Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior: "A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which Democracy is) always followed by a Dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage."

Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota believes the United States is now somewhere in the "complacency to apathy" phase of the above phases of Democracy, and, with more than forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase, the US is well toward the "apathy to dependence" phase.

Tough to turn this around, no matter who we elect.
Seems to me that you have two completely different stages going on in one country at the dame time: on the conservative right wing side Courage to Liberty to Abundance, and on the liberal side Dependance Back Into Bondage. The Abundance group supply the funds to enable the Dependancy group. Is this a viable model? Actually it could be if both sides were happy to leave eachother alone to get on with their part. However the left is hell bent on getting the right to be like them. Damn stupid really because they are shooting themselves in the foot, biting the hand that feeds them. Answer? Two countries. No, you cant have a civil war, the different sides live cheek by jowl. But what you can do is elect really staunch governors and officials in the state that leans your way and have it run your way. Sort of what you have now, just limit the power and effect of DC over you and live in your State Country. Pipe dream?
The problem with that plan is that the states aren't Conservative or Liberal- most are both. For example, the recent election showed the Atlanta and a couple other urban areas of Georgia went DemonRat while the remainder of the state, primarily rural went Republican. Most states have one to three large urban areas and the remainder of the state is at least suburban or rural. Except those cities that have large manufacturing operations, such as previously demonstrated in Detroit, most are net users of government services, while the rural areas are net payers. The solution to obtain unity would be for each governor to develop a plan whereby the benefits and costs are shared equally by both areas and that the "entitlements" do not outweigh the taxes, that is, each state should have a balanced budget. The federal government should have a balanced budget but that is not a reasonable expectation by any measure.
No. They have not, and the sad part is that there have been more mistakes an opportunities provided by the left than anyone could have dreamed of.... It would seem that a party who, in large part, bases the bulk of their agenda in fantastical and nonsensical ideologies that no serious person would buy into, has managed to leverage a massive political superiority in this country by ANY MEANS NECESSARY. But, at lease republicans have the moral high ground right? LOL...

While most republicans have been too busy securing their own personal agendas, or actually continuing to waste time believing that the dems are actually interested in bipartisan governance, the dems with the help of the MSM have managed to create the most glaring double standard of hypocrisy the world has ever witnessed. As a bonus, they have managed to set back race relations 50 years, steal (yes, I said STEAL) a Presidential election, gain control over 2/3rds of the government, and completely demonize and disenfranchise half of the US population.

As I watch the news over the last 2 days, it breaks my heart to see so many republicans who I once respected declaring outrage and pointing fingers all the while exhibiting the same tone-deafness as the dems as to the root causes of the recent events. None of them seem to grasp the underlying frustrations of millions upon millions of disenfranchised Americans that have led us to where we are today.

While the left is salivating and wringing their hands with delight over their opportunity to demonize Trump once and for all, the rest of the swamp rats are scurrying for cover. It's pretty amazing to watch how they were so emboldened following Trump into the field of battle only to leave this poor bastard on the field all by himself holding the flag once the shots starting whizzing by... To those of you who say that Trump brought this upon himself, I would say that you have not been paying attention, or you are as deluded as those on the left. To the pundits who say Trump's political future is over, I would remind them that Trump did not come to power by the will of the political machine. He came to power defying it... He did it the old fashioned way which is that he actually struck a chord with the common people, and it is the people who will ultimately decide both Trump's political future, and his legacy.

I laugh at anyone who would count Trump out, and I pity the naivety of anyone who thinks this country will actually be better off on January 20th without him in the White House. If you doubt me, go watch a few minutes of Biden speaking anytime in the last year, and get back to me... Then watch his own pack of communist jackals waiting to pick his bones at the first opportunity...
I agree with your points except that I don’t think I’m deluded that Trump brought some of this on himself. I think your ears are plugged. His behavior and words are so narcissistic and his behavior in the first debate was ridiculous. He dropped 14% in the polls and never fully recovered. He didn’t need to win you and I over, he needed to win over other voters. As @Red Leg mentioned, he only spoke to his base this time. At his rallies, it was a wash, rinse and repeat of his last one. Nothing fresh. He had no clue about broadening his appeal, none. He won’t take advice even from his family and friends.

After the 2016 primaries, he moderated his behavior, was way more professional and beat Hillary. She was a hell of a lot better candidate than Biden. She made some mistakes but Trump spoke to a wider audience than he did this time. His rhetoric might make you like him more but it makes moderates like him less. I don’t understand why some Trump lovers don’t get this! This wasn’t a primary, it was a general election.
The problem with that plan is that the states aren't Conservative or Liberal- most are both. For example, the recent election showed the Atlanta and a couple other urban areas of Georgia went DemonRat while the remainder of the state, primarily rural went Republican. Most states have one to three large urban areas and the remainder of the state is at least suburban or rural. Except those cities that have large manufacturing operations, such as previously demonstrated in Detroit, most are net users of government services, while the rural areas are net payers. The solution to obtain unity would be for each governor to develop a plan whereby the benefits and costs are shared equally by both areas and that the "entitlements" do not outweigh the taxes, that is, each state should have a balanced budget. The federal government should have a balanced budget but that is not a reasonable "
Very accurate summation in my view Meigsbucks. Many of the AH contributors have solid sensible views, but what is needed now is a concrete plan, and the time to start it is right now. The objective is to win back both the house and the senate in 2022, and add the white house in 2024.
Here are some ideas for an action plan that makes the best of the situation right now and capitalise upon it:
1. Trump did a great job to pull off the 2016 victory of all three objectives, but the first part of the new strategy is to thank him, but bring in the new Republican guard forthwith.
2. Reinforce the groundswell feeling that the election process in the USA is tainted and no longer trusted by around half of the population (absolutely true, even the Dems know they went too far out of the box). The Capitol demonstration was real, people were willing to put their lives on the line because of the level of real anger and frustration. Turn this energy into a massive peaceful force for electoral reform that can restore trust, but also galvanise Republican purpose. Consistent measures that are rammed forward repeatedly so they take form and cant be ignored.
3. Formulate a set of ideals that you wish the nation to stand for and put them out in manifesto's and on bill boards so that everyone knows exactly what they are and can constanty identify with them. For example: strong economy, equality for all, strong borders, equitable workable health care, strong international America, pro-life, quality education for all. These are all known of course, but put them all together in one place, consistently, repeatedly.
4. Banish critisism of the Democrats, it just embroils you and wastes energy. Push your cause hard instead. The burden of performance is now on the Democrats, they will start to critisise themselves and far easier for them and the independents to see an alternative option when they are not being forced to defend their leader's failures.
5. Finally, lighten up on yourselves, you didn't do too shabbily at all. The courts are far more evenly balanced, especially SCOTUS, the House strength increased, you got 50% of the Senate. Now move on, move up and race ahead.
One more action item, get your own media going to eclipse CNN etc. Fox has lost it.
"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:
I'm not quite sure what was thrown into the mix to create these strange statistics.
But ancient Greece and ancient Rome played a major role in shaping the development of European civilization. Their history covers about 1,500 years, Rome's 1,000..........

Nations come and go.Why should it be any different for us.
Carpe diem
Not even sworn in and the Biden platform is advocating DC as a state, strict gun control, possible confiscation, green deal with the hammer on fossil fuels and greater EPA involvement in every facet including agriculture. Imagine if the oil industry shut everything down for a month, ammunition and military manufacturing weapons terminated production, farmers ceased all sales of any grain, and livestock sales for a short period of time....unemployment would skyrocket, food and supplies come at a snails crawl and transportation dependent on gas would stop....extortion ..yes..but it would bring all these radical changes that we are facing to a halt and reality would set in...industry threatened can react with extreme measures to protect themselves against what is on the horizon from this administration and their arrogance with control of the Congress and the President. Social media seems to be very influential in the outcome and future of this country.....but let industry of the essential items break that chokehold by shutting down, and the radical left will drop to their knees. I can not believe that 50 per cent of this country wants socialism or a pseudo form of communism.

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