
The tin foil hat brigades were convinced that Dominion machines were connected to servers located at a secret CIA facility in Germany (or some variation of that allegation). According to this fantasy, US special forces raided it taking Gina Haspel prisoner and taking her to Guantanamo where her forced confession would lead to the arrests of leading political figures representing Trump’s enemies. o_O:rolleyes::unsure:

This is so ludicrous on so many levels that it is stunning anyone with an IQ equal to plant life would believe it. But legions did who surfed the more radical conservative sites. Fairly disheartening.
“This is so ludicrous on so many levels that it is stunning anyone with an IQ equal to plant life would believe it.”

Sorry, I know the subject is serious, but that’s just hilarious!
I wonder if anything positive will come from this (fill in the blank)? (Rally, Protest, Demonstration, Insurgency). The optimist in me truly hopes so, the cynic in me truly doubts it.
One thing is for certain, it could have gone “differently” in so many ways. Many of those really bad.
How many people were there? Non one really knows. I’ve heard numbers thrown around from 30,000 to 300,000. What might have happened if the mass of people there had been more inclined toward the BLM\Antifa mindset and behavior rather than truly peaceful protestors, which most were.
Now that a bit of time for reflection has passed, how many of the 635 members of Congress have asked themselves “What If”? What if this had NOT been a mostly peaceful demonstration, but an angry mob with an actual desire and intent to wreak havoc and exact physical vengeance upon lawmakers they believed guilty of wrongdoing? I think that number might be 635.
And what might be the mindset and response from those members of Congress?
Once again, most “normal” people might stop to reflect upon their duty to the country and their constituents. And how they might proceed forward to address the concerns of the people.
How might someone who is a sociopath react to this type of situation? How many of our elected representatives are “normal” people, how many are merely narcissists and how many are truly sociopaths?
We live in interesting times...
Boycott Amazon
The White RINO's

Boycott Amazon
That is appalling. I will sign on when they are restored. Please let us know if you hear about them getting online again. Hopefully they sue.
That is appalling. I will sign on when they are restored. Please let us know if you hear about them getting online again. Hopefully they sue.
Apple & Google, have also removed Parler from the App store.
What was that music in the background? I thought any minute that poisonous gas was going to come out of the walls.
Very interesting....
If Trump had similarities to Hitler, it's a shame he didn't have time to put the swamp rats into concentration camps where they belong.
Your comparisons are outrageous.
It is a great mystery to me that a cultured person like Jerome offers an underexposed agitator like you a platform to spread his bad breath here for years.
Now that Twitter has demonstrated its intent to exercise editorial control over content, surely they are acting as a publisher?

Would that not make them legally responsible for content?

Could it be that every person on twitter is now a 'reporter' and the publishing platform is responsible for their contributions?

What does it mean to us when a multinational can control the content of, and access to, a primary system of communication; shutting down access to those who do not comply with their corporate/political agenda?

What does it mean when a sitting, democratically elected, President of the USA gets shut out of any means of communication?

How will this go down with the half of the population thus disenfranchised.

What will they do if they consider that their democratic rights have been shut down because it is not convenient to the grand plans of the other half of the electorate?

What does it mean for democracy when free speech is curtailed because society has become so polarised that there is little common ground?

I am staggered how quickly the world can change
Last edited:
I wonder if anything positive will come from this (fill in the blank)? (Rally, Protest, Demonstration, Insurgency).

Best name for the event of Jan 6 that I've heard so far is: Beer Belly Putsch

Your comparisons are outrageous.
It is a great mystery to me that a cultured person like Jerome offers an underexposed agitator like you a platform to spread his bad breath here for years.
Learn how to examine a post. I was not the one who made the Hitler comparison.

Iwaters did

I was just being a smart ass because of what he posted.

Lighten up, Francis.!
Best name for the event of Jan 6 that I've heard so far is: Beer Belly Putsch

As Lysander Spooner put it, the Constitution “has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist.”

That is a direct quote from the article. I find the events that have taken place after the "storming" to be much more troubling to democracy. The censorship, Nancy Pelosi trying to invoke the 25th, impeachment and asking the military to not follow orders, the race baiting by the now president elect, and people like the author above saying the constitution doesn't work.

What I have pondered and deeply sadden about is how did we as a country get to where an unarmed 4 time deployed 14 year veteran is killed in the halls of congress because they lost trust in our democracy? I dont really have an answer but to say it is Trump, the left, or media is too simplistic. But there is going to be hard times ahead.
No thanks.
I agree with you. However a lot of mutual funds own Apple. If you're a mutual fund investor like I am it's almost impossible to avoid owning it. Yes I get I could dump the mutual funds but that has other financial/tax implications that would be ruinous for us.
I Don't use an Apple iPhone, but for those that do, and use Parler....
What was that music in the background? I thought any minute that poisonous gas was going to come out of the walls.

It looks like he is at an event at the Kennedy Center...

Funny how DC is supposed to be locked down, COVID restrictions prohibit gatherings, etc..

Yet the Kennedy Center has remained open and has events almost every night in January lol...
Twitter and Facebook are private companies. They can shut out whoever they want. It just like a bouncer throwing out a rowdy drunk. Trump can always call a news conference. He would have no problem during that.
Now that Twitter has demonstrated its intent to exercise editorial control over content, surely they are acting as a publisher?

Would that not make them legally responsible for content?

Could it be that every person on twitter is now a 'reporter' and the publishing platform is responsible for their contributions?

What does it mean to us when a multinational can control the content of, and access to, a primary system of communication; shutting down access to those who do not comply with their corporate/political agenda?

What does it mean when a sitting, democratically elected, President of the USA gets shut out of any means of communication?

How will this go down with the half of the population thus disenfranchised.

What will they do if they consider that their democratic rights have been shut down because it is not convenient to the grand plans of the other half of the electorate?

What does it mean for democracy when free speech is curtailed because society has become so polarised that there is little common ground?

I am staggered how quickly the world can change

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