Let me give you my view on several issues.
First I voted for Trump both times because of his policies. In ‘16 there was no way on God’s green earth I was going to vote for that witch bi—h HRC. I wanted someone who stood for the 2nd Amendment, anti abortion, pro American business and strong military. Even though he was attacked from day one, he accomplished the things I wanted to see. However, I did disagree with some of his firings and his constant Tweets.
When C-19 came along, overall I felt he handled it well. However, I wish he didn’t turn his C-19 Taskforce daily updates into two hour news conferences on everything under the sun. He should have answered two or three questions on C-19 and turned it over to Faucci and Pence. I also wish he would have put on a mask just before walking out to speak and then take it off. At least give the appearance of following what the Dr’s said.
As far as the GA runoffs, all Republicans had to do was get the people that voted in Nov. to come out for this election. They have themselves to blame. Voter fraud in the November election was real in my opinion. Once again Republicans needed to step up. As soon as non legislative bodies started making up rules, suits should have been filed BEFORE the election. In MI, as soon as they found that the Dominion machines were tallying votes wrong, they should have sued for an audit of ALL Dominion machines everywhere they were being used.
Yesterday’s incursion of the Capital was in my opinion wrong. I do think ANTIFA was largely responsible but there were Trump people in there too. Evidenced by the tragic shooting of the Air Force vet. Outside of the building itself there were some clashes but overall the group was peaceful.
What infuriates me is how MSM is calling this a mob and that the amount of violence and destruction is over the top, yet the burning, looting and destruction this summer by BLM and others was considered ”peaceful“.
Something disturbing that was being said by all the talking heads on the liberal stations and Michele Obama today is that this was a racial thing. That blacks would have been treated different. Maybe so, but this isn’t what his was about. I didn’t see a lot of arrests or people being shot by police during BLM “protests”. Why was race even brought into this to the point is was a major talking point? Forty some arrests were made, one woman was shot and three other people died. It sounds like as much as if not more was done to these people yesterday than one night of rioting this past summer.
Biden talks of unity. He’s going to have his hands full, as yesterday was just a handful of the millions of very PO’d Americans that are angry about election fraud but also about Congress.
My feeling on Biden‘s length in office is one of that one of two things will occur: 1) A deal has already been made that he will serve several months and resign due to failing health. 2) The Dems already have the dirt on Ukraine and China on both him and Hunter and will threaten to go public if he doesn’t resign.
Let’s face it, the Republicans screwed the pooch this election. Although I’m afraid that the Republicans may never regain any legislative or executive position, I do hold out hope that in 2022 there will be a groundswell of Republican enthusiasm and we can regain The House.
In 2024, I‘d like to see Nikki Halley, Tim Scott, Kristi Noem or Josh Hawley run. The Republicans have to get away from being the party of old white guys. Get Hershel Walker and Candace Owens into positions as well.
Going forward we need to inundate our state legislature with calls, emails and letters, demanding election laws that matter: voter ID, signature verification, only ballots sent to those that request them, cut offs for mail in ballots to be received, voter rolls to be managed more closely.
Now I’ve vented. Those are my views. Take ‘em or leave ‘em.