
I think Marco Rubio is smart and well-spoken. Being Hispanic would bring in some votes and Florida. He’s good looking enough and respectful enough for the women. Earlier, I think he was too young for older voters? Plus, everyone got ran over by Trump’s over the top personality and the media’s attention to it.

I like Pompeo as he is plain spoken but not over the top.

Nikki Haley could be formidable if old guard Republicans would support a woman.

I really like John Thune from my home state of South Dakota but I don’t know if he’s ambitious enough or stupid enough to run. Many thought he was going to run in 2012 but he decided against it, probably because he thought Obama was unbeatable.

I would add Condi to your list. She may be too smart to want it but I think she would be an outstanding candidate. I am seriously concerned that Trump will try to run again in four years. Although I voted for him twice, I think he would tear the party apart if he tried for a second term, again.
I afraid he may become the Republican Jesse Jackson.
I think when historians look back at Jan 6, 2021, they will conclude that Pence and McConnell did the right thing following the Constitution and not Trump.

Going forward, hopefully both sides will recognize that the public does not trust the voting system (particularly mail in ballots) and will pursue some sort of reform and standardization. Nobody wants to go through this every four years.

I am also very concerned with Trump lingering around, continuing to split the Grand Old Party and making it easier for the Dems to stay in office.
Kind of true.
Well after four short years with the light turned on, the light has been turned off and the swamp rats can go back to doing whatever they do. Hopefully feeding on each other, but sadly, not enough to affect the population.
This is a sad day for all of us who love our country and what it originally stood for. These beliefs have been nibbled away and gnawed at for so long, we lost a nibble here and a little bit there. I was (back in JFK's time and for a while thereafter) a registered Democrat but switched as I saw where that party was headed. I cannot, however, blame those who have reduced our freedoms, the dignity of work, our freedom to worship as we individually deem appropriate, the habit of obeying the law and so many of our cherished institutions any more than those who have allowed it to happen. While the Democrats have stood unified, no matter what, the Republicans have squabbled over individual bits of turf and have lost the whole country. I feel like this current situation is like the weather. I may not like it one bit, I may, in fact, hate it, however I am powerless to change it. My one vote is offset by the votes of two dead persons, three illegal immigrants with state issued drivers licenses (if anyone even asked to look) and a copier in upstate NY that fills in the ovals with mechanical precision and makes a believable squiggle inside other ovals that never varies, on Mail-In ballots that were never folded. My only choice is to not dilute what little influence I have by keeping the sphere surrounding my influence as small as possible. I will Vote. I will attend local Town Council meetings, speak to the Local Board of Education, be kind to those immediately adjacent to me, wherever I am. I will be positive in all things, knowing that God is in control and this too is a part of His Plan. And I will try to bring one person to God, plant the seed, water if I can, nourish with kindness and a Christ like (as much as possible) attitude and pray for the Harvest. God Bless America!!!
Mike Pence, AKA, Judas Iscariot, announced he will be attending Bidens inauguration. Hell....even George Bush will be there in formal swamp attire.

I hope Trump shows them all a middle finger on the way out. The way this man has been treated, is an embarrassment to the institution, and those of us who support him.
My favorite quotes by democrats:
1. Where does it say that protests need to be peaceful? (Fredo)
2. We need to attack them at every opportunity ( Pad)
3. I'm at the point where I want to put these police in a f'ing grave. I want to take it to congress, ......and burn them the f'xxx down..... BLM leader

none of the above received ANY criticism from democrats over the past year.....the "summer of love" as per the dem mayor of Seattle. Now the "peaceful protests" (per Kamala: "they should NEVER stop") complete with car bombings, looting and murders, have become a "riot". What changed?...........did Chewbacca end the "summer of love"?.....FWB
The problem with the swamp rats is that Trump didn't do anything to get rid of them. All he did was to complain about them but he had no power to rid the country of them. He found out what happens when he went against some and even when he put his name behind others. The voters did the same thing that they always do and put the king rats right back into the seats that were suppose to go to some new swamp rats.

Trump and the others had two years to do some house cleaning as far as laws and policy was concerned, but they accomplished nothing other than to get the voters ticked off enough to switch the house over to the liberals. Then even after seeing what happens when you tick off voters he and others continued on their way and this last election cost them the Senate. Granted they took back a few seats in the house but most of those seats were in conservative areas already that had switched over to the liberals two years ago and the voters saw that the libs were not helping them so they switched back.

From what I heard today on the radio as I was driving a couple hundred miles Trump is going to be lucky to serve out the rest of his term, that is only thirteen more days.
A topic a little different: The latest stupid act of Da Gov AKA the Los Vegas mobster: Now when you go into a restaraunt you not only have to wear a mask but---wait for it-- you have to wear it while you eat. How? Well, that idiot says you pull the mask down, take a bite, pull the mask up, chew, swallow, pull the mask down and repeat. As if it made any difference, this twit is a commucrat. Just another link in his chain of utter stupidity.
I will not eat in a restaurant that requires a mask. It is just not appetizing to me.
A topic a little different: The latest stupid act of Da Gov AKA the Los Vegas mobster: Now when you go into a restaraunt you not only have to wear a mask but---wait for it-- you have to wear it while you eat. How? Well, that idiot says you pull the mask down, take a bite, pull the mask up, chew, swallow, pull the mask down and repeat. As if it made any difference, this twit is a commucrat. Just another link in his chain of utter stupidity.
The rats are jumping ship. The protesters that attacked the castle walls scared the swamp dwellers. Something they should think very hard about. No doubt, Moscow Mitch told his wife to bail.
The latest stupid act of Da Gov AKA the Los Vegas mobster:
It's just following Califs example- Where dining is possible that's the requirement- wear the mask, slip the food in around it, return mask. Just one more step into showing us that THEY are the BOSS.
Let me give you my view on several issues.
First I voted for Trump both times because of his policies. In ‘16 there was no way on God’s green earth I was going to vote for that witch bi—h HRC. I wanted someone who stood for the 2nd Amendment, anti abortion, pro American business and strong military. Even though he was attacked from day one, he accomplished the things I wanted to see. However, I did disagree with some of his firings and his constant Tweets.
When C-19 came along, overall I felt he handled it well. However, I wish he didn’t turn his C-19 Taskforce daily updates into two hour news conferences on everything under the sun. He should have answered two or three questions on C-19 and turned it over to Faucci and Pence. I also wish he would have put on a mask just before walking out to speak and then take it off. At least give the appearance of following what the Dr’s said.
As far as the GA runoffs, all Republicans had to do was get the people that voted in Nov. to come out for this election. They have themselves to blame. Voter fraud in the November election was real in my opinion. Once again Republicans needed to step up. As soon as non legislative bodies started making up rules, suits should have been filed BEFORE the election. In MI, as soon as they found that the Dominion machines were tallying votes wrong, they should have sued for an audit of ALL Dominion machines everywhere they were being used.
Yesterday’s incursion of the Capital was in my opinion wrong. I do think ANTIFA was largely responsible but there were Trump people in there too. Evidenced by the tragic shooting of the Air Force vet. Outside of the building itself there were some clashes but overall the group was peaceful.
What infuriates me is how MSM is calling this a mob and that the amount of violence and destruction is over the top, yet the burning, looting and destruction this summer by BLM and others was considered ”peaceful“.
Something disturbing that was being said by all the talking heads on the liberal stations and Michele Obama today is that this was a racial thing. That blacks would have been treated different. Maybe so, but this isn’t what his was about. I didn’t see a lot of arrests or people being shot by police during BLM “protests”. Why was race even brought into this to the point is was a major talking point? Forty some arrests were made, one woman was shot and three other people died. It sounds like as much as if not more was done to these people yesterday than one night of rioting this past summer.
Biden talks of unity. He’s going to have his hands full, as yesterday was just a handful of the millions of very PO’d Americans that are angry about election fraud but also about Congress.
My feeling on Biden‘s length in office is one of that one of two things will occur: 1) A deal has already been made that he will serve several months and resign due to failing health. 2) The Dems already have the dirt on Ukraine and China on both him and Hunter and will threaten to go public if he doesn’t resign.
Let’s face it, the Republicans screwed the pooch this election. Although I’m afraid that the Republicans may never regain any legislative or executive position, I do hold out hope that in 2022 there will be a groundswell of Republican enthusiasm and we can regain The House.
In 2024, I‘d like to see Nikki Halley, Tim Scott, Kristi Noem or Josh Hawley run. The Republicans have to get away from being the party of old white guys. Get Hershel Walker and Candace Owens into positions as well.
Going forward we need to inundate our state legislature with calls, emails and letters, demanding election laws that matter: voter ID, signature verification, only ballots sent to those that request them, cut offs for mail in ballots to be received, voter rolls to be managed more closely.
Now I’ve vented. Those are my views. Take ‘em or leave ‘em.
I would add Condi to your list. She may be too smart to want it but I think she would be an outstanding candidate. I am seriously concerned that Trump will try to run again in four years. Although I voted for him twice, I think he would tear the party apart if he tried for a second term, again.
Condi would be great but she has said she's not interested.
Let me give you my view on several issues.
First I voted for Trump both times because of his policies. In ‘16 there was no way on God’s green earth I was going to vote for that witch bi—h HRC. I wanted someone who stood for the 2nd Amendment, anti abortion, pro American business and strong military. Even though he was attacked from day one, he accomplished the things I wanted to see. However, I did disagree with some of his firings and his constant Tweets.
When C-19 came along, overall I felt he handled it well. However, I wish he didn’t turn his C-19 Taskforce daily updates into two hour news conferences on everything under the sun. He should have answered two or three questions on C-19 and turned it over to Faucci and Pence. I also wish he would have put on a mask just before walking out to speak and then take it off. At least give the appearance of following what the Dr’s said.
As far as the GA runoffs, all Republicans had to do was get the people that voted in Nov. to come out for this election. They have themselves to blame. Voter fraud in the November election was real in my opinion. Once again Republicans needed to step up. As soon as non legislative bodies started making up rules, suits should have been filed BEFORE the election. In MI, as soon as they found that the Dominion machines were tallying votes wrong, they should have sued for an audit of ALL Dominion machines everywhere they were being used.
Yesterday’s incursion of the Capital was in my opinion wrong. I do think ANTIFA was largely responsible but there were Trump people in there too. Evidenced by the tragic shooting of the Air Force vet. Outside of the building itself there were some clashes but overall the group was peaceful.
What infuriates me is how MSM is calling this a mob and that the amount of violence and destruction is over the top, yet the burning, looting and destruction this summer by BLM and others was considered ”peaceful“.
Something disturbing that was being said by all the talking heads on the liberal stations and Michele Obama today is that this was a racial thing. That blacks would have been treated different. Maybe so, but this isn’t what his was about. I didn’t see a lot of arrests or people being shot by police during BLM “protests”. Why was race even brought into this to the point is was a major talking point? Forty some arrests were made, one woman was shot and three other people died. It sounds like as much as if not more was done to these people yesterday than one night of rioting this past summer.
Biden talks of unity. He’s going to have his hands full, as yesterday was just a handful of the millions of very PO’d Americans that are angry about election fraud but also about Congress.
My feeling on Biden‘s length in office is one of that one of two things will occur: 1) A deal has already been made that he will serve several months and resign due to failing health. 2) The Dems already have the dirt on Ukraine and China on both him and Hunter and will threaten to go public if he doesn’t resign.
Let’s face it, the Republicans screwed the pooch this election. Although I’m afraid that the Republicans may never regain any legislative or executive position, I do hold out hope that in 2022 there will be a groundswell of Republican enthusiasm and we can regain The House.
In 2024, I‘d like to see Nikki Halley, Tim Scott, Kristi Noem or Josh Hawley run. The Republicans have to get away from being the party of old white guys. Get Hershel Walker and Candace Owens into positions as well.
Going forward we need to inundate our state legislature with calls, emails and letters, demanding election laws that matter: voter ID, signature verification, only ballots sent to those that request them, cut offs for mail in ballots to be received, voter rolls to be managed more closely.
Now I’ve vented. Those are my views. Take ‘em or leave ‘em.
Very accurate summation in my view Meigsbucks. Many of the AH contributors have solid sensible views, but what is needed now is a concrete plan, and the time to start it is right now. The objective is to win back both the house and the senate in 2022, and add the white house in 2024.
Here are some ideas for an action plan that makes the best of the situation right now and capitalise upon it:
1. Trump did a great job to pull off the 2016 victory of all three objectives, but the first part of the new strategy is to thank him, but bring in the new Republican guard forthwith.
2. Reinforce the groundswell feeling that the election process in the USA is tainted and no longer trusted by around half of the population (absolutely true, even the Dems know they went too far out of the box). The Capitol demonstration was real, people were willing to put their lives on the line because of the level of real anger and frustration. Turn this energy into a massive peaceful force for electoral reform that can restore trust, but also galvanise Republican purpose. Consistent measures that are rammed forward repeatedly so they take form and cant be ignored.
3. Formulate a set of ideals that you wish the nation to stand for and put them out in manifesto's and on bill boards so that everyone knows exactly what they are and can constanty identify with them. For example: strong economy, equality for all, strong borders, equitable workable health care, strong international America, pro-life, quality education for all. These are all known of course, but put them all together in one place, consistently, repeatedly.
4. Banish critisism of the Democrats, it just embroils you and wastes energy. Push your cause hard instead. The burden of performance is now on the Democrats, they will start to critisise themselves and far easier for them and the independents to see an alternative option when they are not being forced to defend their leader's failures.
5. Finally, lighten up on yourselves, you didn't do too shabbily at all. The courts are far more evenly balanced, especially SCOTUS, the House strength increased, you got 50% of the Senate. Now move on, move up and race ahead.
Let me give you my view on several issues.
First I voted for Trump both times because of his policies. In ‘16 there was no way on God’s green earth I was going to vote for that witch bi—h HRC. I wanted someone who stood for the 2nd Amendment, anti abortion, pro American business and strong military. Even though he was attacked from day one, he accomplished the things I wanted to see. However, I did disagree with some of his firings and his constant Tweets.
When C-19 came along, overall I felt he handled it well. However, I wish he didn’t turn his C-19 Taskforce daily updates into two hour news conferences on everything under the sun. He should have answered two or three questions on C-19 and turned it over to Faucci and Pence. I also wish he would have put on a mask just before walking out to speak and then take it off. At least give the appearance of following what the Dr’s said.
As far as the GA runoffs, all Republicans had to do was get the people that voted in Nov. to come out for this election. They have themselves to blame. Voter fraud in the November election was real in my opinion. Once again Republicans needed to step up. As soon as non legislative bodies started making up rules, suits should have been filed BEFORE the election. In MI, as soon as they found that the Dominion machines were tallying votes wrong, they should have sued for an audit of ALL Dominion machines everywhere they were being used.
Yesterday’s incursion of the Capital was in my opinion wrong. I do think ANTIFA was largely responsible but there were Trump people in there too. Evidenced by the tragic shooting of the Air Force vet. Outside of the building itself there were some clashes but overall the group was peaceful.
What infuriates me is how MSM is calling this a mob and that the amount of violence and destruction is over the top, yet the burning, looting and destruction this summer by BLM and others was considered ”peaceful“.
Something disturbing that was being said by all the talking heads on the liberal stations and Michele Obama today is that this was a racial thing. That blacks would have been treated different. Maybe so, but this isn’t what his was about. I didn’t see a lot of arrests or people being shot by police during BLM “protests”. Why was race even brought into this to the point is was a major talking point? Forty some arrests were made, one woman was shot and three other people died. It sounds like as much as if not more was done to these people yesterday than one night of rioting this past summer.
Biden talks of unity. He’s going to have his hands full, as yesterday was just a handful of the millions of very PO’d Americans that are angry about election fraud but also about Congress.
My feeling on Biden‘s length in office is one of that one of two things will occur: 1) A deal has already been made that he will serve several months and resign due to failing health. 2) The Dems already have the dirt on Ukraine and China on both him and Hunter and will threaten to go public if he doesn’t resign.
Let’s face it, the Republicans screwed the pooch this election. Although I’m afraid that the Republicans may never regain any legislative or executive position, I do hold out hope that in 2022 there will be a groundswell of Republican enthusiasm and we can regain The House.
In 2024, I‘d like to see Nikki Halley, Tim Scott, Kristi Noem or Josh Hawley run. The Republicans have to get away from being the party of old white guys. Get Hershel Walker and Candace Owens into positions as well.
Going forward we need to inundate our state legislature with calls, emails and letters, demanding election laws that matter: voter ID, signature verification, only ballots sent to those that request them, cut offs for mail in ballots to be received, voter rolls to be managed more closely.
Now I’ve vented. Those are my views. Take ‘em or leave ‘em.
You lose me on the getting rid of Biden thought but the rest of this is DEAD ON TARGET!!
You lose me on the getting rid of Biden thought

Biden is just a place holder. I think that none of the Democrat wheels consider him presidential material. That is why they had to cheat to get him elected. Now that he'll be in they have no further use for him and he can go. For two reasons. 1. He has too many skeletons in the closet and would certainly be impeached plus his son and possibly other relatives would go to prison & 2. He is completely unqualified for the negotiations that he would need to lead. Xi would smoke him like Hunter smoked coke. I'd place the O/U time in office for Bidet to be 90 days and I'd pick Under- the only problem so far is I can find no one that is willing to bet on Over.
I’m curious - how many here vote with their $ interests in mind over the general good of the country? Lots of people I know here in Aus vote for whatever will help them make a buck.
I'm certain the underlying powers, including Obama, already have the scripts, news releases drafted and ready for the sycophantic media for when the time comes..... "Due to unforeseen medical issues, Joe has decided to temporarily step aside and let his most loyal and qualified VP take over the reins of the everyday duties of the Presidency". "Joe, being the true American hero, statesman and patriot he is, will remain fully engaged to advise and steer VP Harris and the country for the most critical decisions just as all great American Presidents do." "Let's all give one up for our Joe as he returns to his home and work-a-day lunchbucket roots in the coal and steel country of Pennsylvania to heal and take a much needed rest."
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Jason Coryell
VonJager wrote on Mauser3000's profile.
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