Had to copy that sentence twice.

First of all, I agree with you. Where we obviously differ is with respect to any confidence one should have as to whether or not Trump will pick those competent advisers with respect to foreign policy or any other area. His track record the first time around was not exactly one to inspire confidence. Moreover, the idiots he listened to and whose efforts he lauded like Sydney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, and the Pillowman (!) following the general election created the situation we are in right now by throwing the Georgia runoff for senate to the democrats.
Powell, a conspiracy theorist and lawyer, called on voters to boycott the January 2021 elections at a Wednesday rally.
That totally selfish, misguided strategic blunder flipped the senate and allowed the appointment of every radical in the executive branch departments and agencies, and the passage of the Biden agenda (all of that required Senate approval). Donald J. Trump accomplished that - no one else. But, his loyal 35% gives him a total pass as they do on a host of other issues from Covid response to January 6. And yet that is somehow a recommendation that someone like me should give him another shot at it?!
Secondly, this war does indeed need to be brought to an end. But it must not be brought to an end in Russia's favor. A ceasefire in place is a Russian victory. The Ukrainian people won't stand for it, and anyone with a modicum of understanding of our national interests should oppose it as well. What he should do, unlike the Biden administration, is convince his buddy in the Kremlin that we will provide Ukraine whatever materiel it needs to win and secure its sovereignty. That is the surest way to get the Russians into real negotiations. I have seen no hint, much less an actual demonstration, that Trump has any intent to do anything like that.
Clearly, none of this is any sort of recommendation for Biden. I despise him, the agenda of his party, and that party's vision for the country. It is why have repeatedly said that these are two abysmal choices. I have zero enthusiasm for either, and simply pray that in spite of Trump, we are able to retake the senate where a few remaining adults may have some control over either.