Also we are often the sum of our experiences. Being born and raised in California, then spending most of my adult life there minus my time in the military, then spending 25 years in law enforcement there policing a large population at the street level for most of my career and later commanding officers on patrol and various critical incidents perhaps gives me a different perspective than you and we’re specifically talking about urban matters here.
I have literally watched this once great state disintegrate before my very eyes. Of course one could write a book about it so it would be impossible for me to sum up in a few paragraphs the various reasons that caused this like decriminalizing laws and arbitrarily flushing thousands of violent criminals out of the prisons in the name of social justice to prey upon citizens. The decline is real, the disintegration is real and it is occurring in almost every major city in the U.S. Whether this is by design I won’t comment but it is happening. If we cannot maintain law and order, maintain the rule of law in this great country, we will have chaos. One could say you get what you vote for, but even the average voter with the attention span of a gnat didn’t intend for this.
Due to the nature of this forum, African hunting, more than a few members are of means and have accrued some amount of wealth (certainly not all) and are shielded from much of this blight in their community and perhaps in their day to day lives but it’s starting to bleed over even into the affluent areas and even celebrities in California are being directly impacted, even affecting their lives now. Go on a ride along and see for yourself In any large city.
How is this even relevant to Russia and Ukraine? I freely admit I am a novice on these international matters, only educating myself by having an interest in history and attempting to dissect the news from a variety of sources since it’s difficult to obtain unbiased information. The disintegration in the U.S. is real, it’s alarming and I’ve been an eye witness to it. It is so concerning to me that I simply cannot dismiss it in lieu of international crisis. Can we as a country manage various international crisis simultaneously, well sure, but let’s not forget Rome is burning. Clearly, there are those who are not alarmed but I suspect they are sheilded from this by a certain amount of wealth but it will come knocking at their door eventually. Hopefully this gives you some perspective on my thought process.