
trump found guilty on all 34 counts. im sure you never trumpers are just giddy today as what was left of or republic slowly sinks into a third world cess pool……. happy now?
Ironically this has probably just cemented Trump's victory. It will be overturned, and in doing so sink the corrupt Democrats who are rejoicing.
I believe that most Americans are easily swayed by the MNM. They tell us who to hate, and we obligingly follow suit. ABC and CNN will be effective in using President Trump's conviction to Biden's benefit. The Biden Crime Family are proven liars.....but the media helps keeps them at the public trough. Those who actually hold the power in the United States likely consider this conviction a great victory. ........FWB
It is my understanding that pardons do not extend to state convictions.
Looks like it would have to be governor Hokel, the way she acts not sure she can even spell pardon. On the other hand wasn’t part of the case a mis use of campaign funds in a federal election prosecuted in a state court ? So what do the rules mean to those people.
Looks like it would have to be governor Hokel, the way she acts not sure she can even spell pardon. On the other hand wasn’t part of the case an mis use of campaign funds in a federal election prosecuted in a state court ? So what do the rules mean to those people.
It means the whole thing was an illegitimate procedure from the word go. From parading out the prostitute to allowing a person convicted of several counts of perjury to testify and commit more acts of perjury, the whole thing is a sham and if people can’t see that, well, we deserve whatever hell these scum sucking maggots give us.
Seems to me that the smartest thing for Biden to do would be to Pardon Trump immediately. And no caveat for Hunter.

Of course smart and Biden does not go together so I'm not really expecting this to happen.

I understand where you're coming from, but Biden can't pardon Trump on state charges.

At this point I doubt Trump would accept a pardon from Biden anyway. He will proudly wear the "Scarlet Letter" through the election and milk it for everything he can and rely on appeals at the state level and if not successful, appeal at the Federal level.
I understand where you're coming from, but Biden can't pardon Trump on state charges.

At this point I doubt Trump would accept a pardon from Biden anyway. He will proudly wear the "Scarlet Letter" through the election and milk it for everything he can and rely on appeals at the state level and if not successful, appeal at the Federal level.

Obviously I should have read all the posts before commenting. Looks like this has already been addressed.:cool:
The governor could pardon him..

Considering she made a public comment just 5 days ago calling trump supporters “clowns”, I’m guessing she has no intention of doing that though…
It will be overturned

that SHOULD be correct.. But I certainly wouldnt count on it...

the NY State Court of Appeals was actually a somewhat conservative court (by NY standards.. which really means sorta slightly left leaning, centrist by the US national standard) for a while..

but it now leans pretty far left (left-center by NY standards.. but fairly far left by what I would believe is the US standard)..

These are the justices..

Only one of them is a Republican (Garcia).. and most of the rest of them bring NYC, California, and Ivy League experiences and educations (liberal) to the bench..

then factor in that the governor of NY hates trump (the person that could pardon him.. and also the person that nominates justices to the court of appeals)..

You have a recipe for yet another clown show at the circus.. if they decide they want to go that way...

Granted none of the justices at the Court of Appeals are nearly as radical as Merchan from what I can tell...

But... frankly in this day and age... I've lost almost all faith in the justice system.. so who knows..
Good article. I don't agree with everything but a nice synopsis of current state of American politics. I also find it interesting that in the past few months and years how many life long, intellectual, socially liberal progressives are red pilling themselves.

Shaun Maguire


I just donated $300k to Trump

I also find it interesting that in the past few months and years how many life long, intellectual, socially liberal progressives are red pilling themselves
Nice to see they are dumping out the kool-ade instead of drinking it,)

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