
Excellent article on the trial and why some never Trumpers (or "never again" Trumpers like me) might be switching. Click on Guy Bensons tweet to open.

Well articulated article. I personally cannot relate to his dilemma, it’s the easiest decision of my life even tho Trump can be so maddening. The alternative has always been untenable to me and if this hasn’t sealed it for many of his ilk my incomprehension of this view is solidified like concrete. The simplicity of, if you’re not with us you’re against us comes to mind.
Bastard's probably behind the whole thing.
The White House visitor logs are public information. All it takes is a little time to see who the President and vice President are meeting with.
“If net zero is reached.” What a joke! If you’ve traveled to Asia, Africa, South America, etc… you have seen that most countries aren’t doing much or anything green. It’s a fantasy.
Yup as I have said before, fuel stations being built here at a rapid rate allover the place
“If net zero is reached.” What a joke! If you’ve traveled to Asia, Africa, South America, etc… you have seen that most countries aren’t doing much or anything green. It’s a fantasy.

I just returned from India. They are trying to clean up the air. The taxis and tuk-tuks are burning CNG, a lot cleaner than gas or diesel.
I just returned from India. They are trying to clean up the air. The taxis and tuk-tuks are burning CNG, a lot cleaner than gas or diesel.
Yes but CNG comes from gas wells and oil wells. Cleaning up the air is a long way from being net zero.
Brad Smith is the former FEC Commissioner that the Trump defense tried to call in the trial. Judge Merchan did not allow Smith to testify as to Federal Election laws. In the following thread, Smith explains how the payments to Stormy Daniels did not constitute a violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act.

There are 24 posts in this thread, hopefully I can get them all to transfer with this connection.

Following the jury verdict, a huge surge in donations, and Trump support, have the Democrats running scared.
Not a snowballs chance of that lunatic Governor granting a pardon.
Any fair appeal's court would certainly overturn that ruling, but it is New York, and I won't hold my breath on the outcome.
First, let me point out that I am an ex-mil. officer and a conservative anti-communist..

When I see all the comments after Trumps conviction...it is beginning to look frightfully alike the way the german nazis fended off political critic.. Trump call it fake news, Goebbels called it Lügenpresse (lying press).

Please take your time and read his Wikipedia piece..look familiar..?

Well, there's at least one courtroom outcome this week that I bet we can universally agree on:

Stories like this are just horrific. It’s a shame he’ll have to probably wait a while to meet his maker.
Stories like this are just horrific. It’s a shame he’ll have to probably wait a while to meet his maker.
It's pretty rare for me to truly wish for the removal of irredeemable souls from this mortal plane, but having had a handful of early life experiences with their ilk of religious nutbags, I could read this couple's mail ever since the story first broke. It's truly sad, and even more tragic that this isn't the first or last time for something like this to happen.
From a more or less conservative relative in his 40s, that did not vote for Trump last time, and did not follow the trial very closely.

"He's now a convicted felon by unanimous vote of a jury that included four Republicans. This will matter to a lot of voters."
Does not think Trump will win, btw.

Just pointing out what others see...
Still wishing the Republicans had nominated a candidate with less baggage and drama. Also still don't think Biden will be the nominee, either but could be wrong.
To echo @shootist~ above, I don't think this verdict is drastically going to change the poll numbers or the election results either way.

My logic; all this does is play into people's confirmation bias. If you're a Trump supporter, then it validates your existing opinion that Trump is the victim who is being unfairly prosecuted by 'the swamp'. If you dislike Trump, it confirms your existing opinion that he's criminal scum.

If you're in the middle, you probably don't care much either way. For some, it'll increase their support a little as they think it's a silly sham trial, for some it decreases their support as they're not keen on having a convicted felon in office. If I had to guess, the net result is basically no change, no more than a point either way, and if it does change anything, it's probably in Biden's favor.

What it will probably do is increase voter turn out overall, increasing Trump's lead in states he'd already carry, whilst increasing Biden's numbers in states he'd already carry. Considering how close this election is likely to be, that +/-1 point swing in swing states may prove to be incredibly important, it may not. But I don't think this outcome suddenly gives Trump a landslide victory. Far from it.

It's certainly interesting to me that my right wing friends see it as a good thing for Trump's chances, whilst my buddies on the left see it as the final nail in his coffin. Those who I've spoken too at the office and within my friendship group who I'd characterize as 'centrist, not that politically engaged' (i.e the swing voter) don't seem to have much of an opinion on the whole topic.

I guess we shall see.

A left wing opinion piece (CNN): https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/01/politics/polls-trump-verdict-election-biden/index.html

A centrist opinion piece (Forbes): https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianb...warning-signs-for-republican/?sh=3cee14e64e6e

A right wing opinion piece (Fox): https://www.foxnews.com/politics/tr...mber-republicans-less-likely-support-him-poll
I tend to agree with the two previous posts, that this will be used by both parties to try to energize their respective troops; thus resulting in what is largely a net-zero effect. Another thing I think worth keeping in mind is that there is a little more than five months until the election; plenty of time for something else(s) to consume the news cycle and public attention.
From a more or less conservative relative in his 40s, that did not vote for Trump last time, and did not follow the trial very closely.

"He's now a convicted felon by unanimous vote of a jury that included four Republicans. This will matter to a lot of voters."
Does not think Trump will win, btw.

Just pointing out what others see...
Still wishing the Republicans had nominated a candidate with less baggage and drama. Also still don't think Biden will be the nominee, either but could be wrong.
Where did you see anything that included republicans on Trumps jury? Only thing I’ve seen is what they did for a living and where they get their news from…. I sincerely doubt there was anything close to a republican on said jury……

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John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
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