
One final comment to the "Drain the swamp crowd." That won't work. Nobody, including Trump, can come into Washington and piss off many or most of the firmly entrenched politicians. What is needed is effective leadership. Trump always acts like he is the boss and can hire and fire on the spot. That doesn't work in DC. Some of the best examples of leadership that I can remember was when Reagan took his case directly to the people. Reagan would do a Presidential address to the nation and lay out his vision to the people. Reagan would then ask people to contact their Congressman and Senators and let them know. Due to Reagans popularity, all the Congressman and Senators fell in line.
Agreed %100.

Nobody can drain the swamp unless:

We have term limits
We get rid of the super packs
We get rid of the lobbyists.

Even then it would take an enormous effort and a polarizing person like Trump is not the guy.
Actually he was part of the swamp contributing a lot of money for favors to both Democrats and Republicans in his past.
So......the people who claimed that Trump would crash the economy and start WW3, are the very same people that crashed the economy and started WW3.

But.....orange man bad.

Draining the swamp needs to start within the ABC agencies. Root out the deep state operatives at all levels. then you can start chipping away at the politicians.
It wont be quick, or easy, but you need the people willing to put in the effort by jumping into the shark tank.
It’s not Congress you have to drain, it’s the administrative state. Congress and Presidents come and go, but the administrative states stays.
You can't touch the administrative side of the government without a proper congress and president who are willing and not afraid.
The issue is draining the swamp isnt something that happens over night...

But people continue to clamor and scream for the entirety of the federal government to change over the course of a single administration or less...

Completely demolishing whats in place.. without having something else ready to launch thats already proven capable of accomplishing what you intend on it accomplishing is frankly foolish and self destructive..

IF/When we the people actually get off our collective asses and put people in office that are no shit willing and capable of fixing what quite frankly everyone on both sides of the aisle admit is broken (we just want to "fix" it in completely different ways).. its going to take a couple of decades to actually "fix" it..

That takes commitment, persistence, and a willingness to endure the discomfort associated with change..

Commitment, persistence, and willingness to endure discomfort isnt exactly something the American people are known for these days..

If we cant understand it in 140 characters or less, or see it on a 45 second tik-tok video.. and if we're going to be denied our venti mocha chai for more than 3 days in a row as a result.. we tend to just bitch and moan about the problem.. and rarely actually do much about it..
My problem is he seems to be a reflexive Trump acolyte. That doesn't mean supporting many of Trump's initiatives wasn't important and wouldn't be in the future should he be elected again, but it does call into question his independent thought. He has sat comfortably cheering on (not leading) the far right of his party, but now he will have to get things done. He will need to bring along moderates in his own party - even democrats. He seems to have little demonstrated understanding of that necessity. The folks back home like him, but no one there would list him as the sharpest arrow in the quiver. His selection seems to have been the lowest common denominator rather than the best person for the job.

He has also jumped on board the isolationist bandwagon - I assume because he believes that is what Trump wants.

Of course we will have another CR or Omnibus next month. An election is approaching and the republicans already look like they have lost their collective minds.

I just pray that he takes a short intensive course in what constitutes our critical national interests and another one in how actually get things done. As you say, time will tell.

Scalise seemed like the middle of the road heir apparent and from some of the things I read, Gaetz and his posse were fine with the Scalise selection. It was evidently McCarthy and the old line group that took Scalise out. Emmer and Jordan, setting on the poles always had a handful that would never support either of them, leaving Johnson as the well liked compromise.

Where I stand apart from many on this thread, I have no problem with Gaetz taking out McCarthy for not fulfilling his promises. Some promises like release of the Jan 6 files and recordings would have relieved a ton of pressure from McCarthy. Also McCarthy didn't allow the Hunter Biden investigation to start until the tea pot was already boiling over. Attempting single issue spending bills was a no go for McCarthy due to the fact it is not as easy to hide pork and Congress would not pass the bills. The attempt however would have probably saved McCarthy's job. In the end, McCarthy broke his promises and lost his job, just like would happen to any of us working a job.

I don't know much about Johnson but am certainly willing to give him a chance.
Where I stand apart from many on this thread, I have no problem with Gaetz taking out McCarthy for not fulfilling his promises. Some promises like release of the Jan 6 files and recordings would have relieved a ton of pressure from McCarthy. Also McCarthy didn't allow the Hunter Biden investigation to start until the tea pot was already boiling over. Attempting single issue spending bills was a no go for McCarthy due to the fact it is not as easy to hide pork and Congress would not pass the bills. The attempt however would have probably saved McCarthy's job. In the end, McCarthy broke his promises and lost his job, just like would happen to any of us working a job.

I agree with you..

At the end of the day.. McCarthy was dealt a tough hand of cards to play.. but he absolutely knew what he agreed to.. and when the chips were down.. he misplayed his hand and lost..

Old school politics games didnt work for him..

He failed to acknowledge that Gaetz and company are to the right the same thing that AOC and "the squad" are to the left..

While the overwhelming majority of their peers in the house think they are idiots and/or not worthy of their seats on the hill.. the reality is there are enough votes in those extreme groups to make a difference when the house is so narrowly divided.. and.. youre going to have to give them a measured amount of support.. or they are more than willing to risk everything, make a huge scene, and go out of their way to damage you if you dont..

The left figured that shit out pretty quickly.. they dont exactly rally behind the lunacy of Talib, Omar, AOC, etc.. but they give them a little something to nibble on with enough frequency to keep them content and keep them generally on target with larger party needs..

The right (specifically McCarthy) clearly didnt figure things out quickly enough to prevent his own demise..
Islam's stated aim is the TOTAL islamification of the globe; don't agree? They will endeavour to destroy us ...
Isn't that the same goal of Christianity. Seem the Jewish faith didn't seek many converts.
Commitment, persistence, and willingness to endure discomfort isnt exactly something the American people are known for these days..

I agree with everything you have stated on general principle. Your statement above sums up the problem and the solution in one sentence.

Here's my problem with all of this.. We only have a very small handful of House and Senate members who are actually serious about this commitment and the willingness of their constituents to endure the discomfort that goes along with it. Yet, ironically, instead of being recognized and respected for their willingness to tell this very uncomfortable truth, they are being mocked as agitators and traitors by the so-called moderates who continue to preach compromise and capitulation with a democratic party that has completely abandoned logic, reason, and the rule of law.
My problem is he seems to be a reflexive Trump acolyte. That doesn't mean supporting many of Trump's initiatives wasn't important and wouldn't be in the future should he be elected again, but it does call into question his independent thought. He has sat comfortably cheering on (not leading) the far right of his party, but now he will have to get things done. He will need to bring along moderates in his own party - even democrats. He seems to have little demonstrated understanding of that necessity. The folks back home like him, but no one there would list him as the sharpest arrow in the quiver. His selection seems to have been the lowest common denominator rather than the best person for the job.

He has also jumped on board the isolationist bandwagon - I assume because he believes that is what Trump wants.

Of course we will have another CR or Omnibus next month. An election is approaching and the republicans already look like they have lost their collective minds.

I just pray that he takes a short intensive course in what constitutes our critical national interests and another one in how actually get things done. As you say, time will tell.

Bingo. I will keep an open mind. Certainly, for me, the prospect of a conservative Christian in a leadership position is a good thing. But what gave me pause was Trump giving such strong approval after he was announced.
If you wanted to “take out”McCarthy the time to do that would have been the start of the next session and not in the middle of the current one. Now, we are stuck with another continuing resolution.
Mike Johnson is my Congressman, but I admit to know very little about him. However, several life long friends that have lived in this area for most of their adult lives speak highly of Johnson. Granted, this is fairly typical that people like their own Congressman and Senators, it's the other guys in Washington that are the idiots. Johnson came from humble beginnings, his dad was a fireman. Johnson attended public high school in Shreveport (same HS my wife attended) and went on to LSU for an undergrad and law school degree. He is a Constitutional Law specialist. In 2004, Johnson defended and supported a Louisiana Constitutional amendment that defined marriage as between one man and one woman. The amendment was supported by Louisiana voter by 78% to 22% vote. The US Supreme Court, in 2015, overturned the Louisiana law banning same sex marriage.

Johnson was elected speaker, not for what he is, but for what he isn't. Johnson has the least amount of negatives, as far as Republicans are concerned. I am concerned that he has a record of being against more Ukraine support, but appears to be solid behind Israel.

Johnson's election as speaker reminds me of when Pete Rozelle was elected Commissioner of the NFL. There were only 12 teams in the late 50s and it took 23 ballots. Rozelle was viewed as a placeholder and very little was expected of him. Rozelle ended up being the guy that led the NFL to spectacular growth and profits. Maybe, just maybe, Johnson can do the same.

One final comment to the "Drain the swamp crowd." That won't work. Nobody, including Trump, can come into Washington and piss off many or most of the firmly entrenched politicians. What is needed is effective leadership. Trump always acts like he is the boss and can hire and fire on the spot. That doesn't work in DC. Some of the best examples of leadership that I can remember was when Reagan took his case directly to the people. Reagan would do a Presidential address to the nation and lay out his vision to the people. Reagan would then ask people to contact their Congressman and Senators and let them know. Due to Reagans popularity, all the Congressman and Senators fell in line.

Thank you for all of that good sir.
@mdwest ... "Completely demolishing whats in place.. without having something else ready to launch thats already proven capable of accomplishing what you intend on it accomplishing is frankly foolish and self destructive.."

I know a guy who's up to the job... ;)

Mike Johnson is my Congressman, but I admit to know very little about him. However, several life long friends that have lived in this area for most of their adult lives speak highly of Johnson. Granted, this is fairly typical that people like their own Congressman and Senators, it's the other guys in Washington that are the idiots. Johnson came from humble beginnings, his dad was a fireman. Johnson attended public high school in Shreveport (same HS my wife attended) and went on to LSU for an undergrad and law school degree. He is a Constitutional Law specialist. In 2004, Johnson defended and supported a Louisiana Constitutional amendment that defined marriage as between one man and one woman. The amendment was supported by Louisiana voter by 78% to 22% vote. The US Supreme Court, in 2015, overturned the Louisiana law banning same sex marriage.

Johnson was elected speaker, not for what he is, but for what he isn't. Johnson has the least amount of negatives, as far as Republicans are concerned. I am concerned that he has a record of being against more Ukraine support, but appears to be solid behind Israel.

Johnson's election as speaker reminds me of when Pete Rozelle was elected Commissioner of the NFL. There were only 12 teams in the late 50s and it took 23 ballots. Rozelle was viewed as a placeholder and very little was expected of him. Rozelle ended up being the guy that led the NFL to spectacular growth and profits. Maybe, just maybe, Johnson can do the same.

One final comment to the "Drain the swamp crowd." That won't work. Nobody, including Trump, can come into Washington and piss off many or most of the firmly entrenched politicians. What is needed is effective leadership. Trump always acts like he is the boss and can hire and fire on the spot. That doesn't work in DC. Some of the best examples of leadership that I can remember was when Reagan took his case directly to the people. Reagan would do a Presidential address to the nation and lay out his vision to the people. Reagan would then ask people to contact their Congressman and Senators and let them know. Due to Reagans popularity, all the Congressman and Senators fell in line.
Excellent post! I for one would like to see what Johnson does and what he can do before condemning him.

I hope he takes hold and does lead. I love that he is a Constitutional law expert, came from humble beginnings and is a solid conservative.

I just pray that he takes a short intensive course in what constitutes our critical national interests and another one in how actually get things done. As you say, time will tell.
Well, one cannot get things done without compromise in a divided Government. If he does that, then Gaetz and GOP "Chaos Caucus" along with the Democrats will take him out just like they did McCarthy.

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