Like I said, we all see things a bit differently.

I would love to hear your take... I think it would be an informative, and inciteful perspective.
In a political debate of this size, the individual that differentiates themselves often gains more ground. Ramaswamy definitely did that, leaving the other seven to split what is a larger portion of the pie yet end up with smaller pieces.
Ramaswamy was the brightest candidate. Quickest on his feet in unscripted responses. His smartest move was getting his hand raised first and then letting the other candidates look around and slowly raise theirs. It looked like a bunch of first graders on the stage! In my opinion he won the debate and will rise the most in the polls. He also positioned himself to become Trump's VP, which I think his candidacy is all about.
Haley did second best among the mainstream Republicans and will rise in the polls.
DeSantis had a good performance and probably has the best publicly known record of all the candidates. I don't know if he will rise in the polls or not. His timing his campaign to coincide with the start of the Trump indictments to try and siphon off Trump voters was off-putting to the Trump base and seen as a betrayal. I don't see him ever recovering from that.
Pence performed well but seemed stiff, and is viewed as part of the establishment. He won't get any votes from people under 50.
Christie's only job as a candidate is to attack Trump and walk away from the campaign with a few million in his pocket. He is a bitter man and will continue to fall.
Scott is a good guy and I like him. He is as you said, "underwhelming".
The other two aren't worth mentioning as candidates and the debate would have been better served if they hadn't participated and their time been allotted to the other candidates.
In the next debate I see the field whittled down to Ramaswamy, Haley, DeSantis, Pence and Christie, with Christie only to attack Trump.
At this point I don't see any of the above candidates being able to give Trump a run for the money. Millions more people watched Trump in a head to head interview than watched the other eight candidates combined in a debate. In my opinion, Trump became the Republican candidate somewhere around the time of the third indictment.
Many will disagree with these thoughts and that is fine. It is what makes America great.