If you want a good Texas hunting experience, try low fence hunting Axis deer near Sonora, TX. Spot & stalk with no feeders or anything like that. You'd more than likely make a shot off of sticks. Leases down there have gotten out of hand and any hunting ranch is going to charge $4k or more just to shoot a free range buck, but the does are still cheap. They taste way better than WT tooMy best friend and I were having this very discussion on the way back from deer hunting yesterday.
I'm not opposed to high fence hunting, just the sort of high fence hunting that's common in large swaths of Texas.
If I walk long miles and do a lot of sweating, and my guide has a reasonable idea of where the animals are (but can't just walk me straight to them) even if it's a fenced operation, I'm down with that.
50,000 fenced acres is still 78 square miles of territory.
If i'm driven out to a ground blind and know the animals will show up for feeding between 0800 and 0830, well, that's just not any damned fun at all, not to me.
I'm more proud of this ugly cull than just about any animal I've ever killed because of the effort I put into finally killing him.
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By far the best hunting experience I have had in Texas.