Canada's boy king Bans Firearms - List of 1500

To all my Canadian friends. Don't panic. This is more liberal politics. Some of you who are not as involved in the "black rifle" world wouldn't know this. By Martin did the exact same thing. He made the Swiss arms, CZ and mini 14 illegal overnight. Then the conservatives fought it and nothing got taken away. But they "met in the middle" and implemented new gun laws but let us keep our guns. So we all said phew we can keep our guns but ignored the new rules. Then the liberals go down as the hero's who implemented tighter gun laws and the evil conservatives brought them back. This is no different.

Richie Rich gave us 2 years to either sell the guns to government or to get a grandfather license and keep them... Which is already showing weakness. But on top of that neither of those Ave been implemented. He said just details to come. If this was bullet proof and he was going to do this. The plan would have been in place the day he made them "illegal". But he did this soft cock method so now rh conservatives on Monday are going to go crazy. And they will fight about nothing for 3-4 months. That entire time there will still be no details for surrender or grandfather. So we will all just sit and wait. Then after a new bill will be passed that will allow us to keep our guns. But new laws will be added that make it even dumber. So the liberals please there crowd of snowflakes. The conservatives will make sure all the gun lobbyists and supporters keep sending there paycheques for "fighting for us". And life will go on. 8-10 years from now it will happen again.
@CJW I live in Alberta, and most people here feel the same as me. I can't really speak for all military or police personnel, but the ones I know of feel the same way too.
I don't see the conservatives getting back in power anytime soon (unfortunately), and even if they did, I think that this will be a hard thing to reverse.
BBC News - Trudeau announces ban on 1,500 kinds of assault weapons
In Australia we had a total ban on ANY ,semi auto weapons including the humble 22. This was a knee jerk reaction by the then prime minister Jackboot John Howard after the Port Arthur massacre. 10s of thousands of weapons including expensive historical firearms were consigned to the crusher.
I find it amazing that a government can do such a thing to law abiding citizens.
I feel American shooter will be next because the constitution only says a citizen may be armed not the type of arms. So watch this space.
The strange thing is in Australia we now have moe licensed firearms and owners than ever before.
Cheers everyone and keep shooting when you can.
Bob Nelson
@Chago Hey Buddy! I didn't hear or read about being able to be grandfathered, but I do know that happened before. When .32 and .25 became prohibited rather than restricted, I was in the midst of getting my paperwork done. My Grandpa had passed, and I inherited his pistol. By the time the paperwork was processed, I was (I think it was about) 14 days past the date the liberals had set. I was told I HAD to turn the firearm in to be destroyed. I had no option to even have it disabled and keep it as a paperweight. No flexibility. Zero. None. I really hope it plays out as simple as you say, but I do honestly have my doubts my friend.
*pumps 110-YO Winchester shotgun* Advance upon my position, brother.
Webley Greene445,
Don't laugh my friend the pump action shotgun was re classified in Australia to make it almost impossible for you to get.
Don't worry about a the pump action rifles tho because they won't kill you tho.
All I can say is sorry for the language but they are like our government COMPLETE FUCKWITS
I don't know about you but none of my rifles have ever assaulted anyone, C ant say the same about the owner tho.
Bob Nelson
What many people won't understand is that Trudeau was elected with 36% of the popular vote. That's right folks. 64% of Canadians wanted anyone but him, and he's who we have. And has the gall to say he has a "strong mandate." This is what passes for democracy in Canada.
All I can say is I bet he won't be there next election and hopefully if this goes thru a new prime minister will repeal it.
Cheers mate Bob
They just keep tightening their hold. Knives hey Dr Ray. I think just came across a morning show that man in Western Australia went on. Rampage yesterday stabbing numerous people I never K-Mart at random. He was shot dead by police, the other one was just a few weeks go and he was knocked down with a police car at low speed to get a hold of him and restrain him. The clip that went viral was heavily edited for publication.

I’m not one to make stupid comments , read Facebook or make threats but the following was read out to me yesterday, I quote “Why would the government want to take firearms of their citizens who have held them legally for 224 years, because they are looking to do something that you may want to shoot them for”
Anyway I have to get busyness renovating.
Chris look out mate they are talking about banning cars, knives, baseball and cricket bats oh and I for got hammers.
It's just a knee jerk reaction to make them look good and keep Joe public safe. It will come back and bite them on the arse like it did here mate
Has anyone ran the jueles on .460 weatherby? I would think that they should be approaching 10 000 jueles?
England, Australia, New Zealand... My Canadian friends the writing is on the wall. This may or may not be “The Big One” but you know it is coming eventually, right?
I bet if you talk with gun owners in any of those countries mentioned above they will say Canada is right where they were when they had many or all of their rights to own firearms stripped away.
I have talked with quite a few folks from foreign countries at SHOT Show every year and they kick themselves in the ass for not organizing and fighting harder and now it is too late. I must sound like I’m preaching, and I guess I am. Sorry for that, but how many times have you ever heard someone say they wish they had fought less?
What is the most powerful gun-rights organization in Canada? Post a link and I will join and send a contribution, just as I and many others did with COLFO recently when things when down in NZ. No matter what country we’re from, we need to stick together and support each other.
And now I am going to sound like a real asshole. Forgive me, I truly don’t want or mean to be! I said this exact thing years ago to a very nice gentleman from Australia as strict gun control measures were happening there. He was saying how he was trying to convince his wife they should look into immigrating to the United States. I told him that he seemed like a good guy and would make a good citizen. He was obviously like-minded regarding gun ownership, but I had a question for him.
If he was not willing to stay, stand and fight these measures in his native country, and if he was not willing to die fighting for his country and for his liberty, why would I want him in my country?
I know that is harsh, and it is hard for me to say. I feel bad to say it. But what happens when and if the United States finds itself in the same predicament? And might we have been right there if elections had gone differently just a few short years ago? Had Hilary been elected President we would likely have a very liberal Supreme Court instead of a Conservative leaning Court. What would gun control efforts have looked like here with a liberal Democrat President, a liberal Supreme Court, and a House of Representatives controlled by ultra-liberal democrats? I shudder to even imagine.
So, the indigenous hunters will be allowed to use indirect fire missions in their hunting????
I wish that had happened in OZ because I'm indigenous.
Watch out all them indigenous fellas may rise up and take over with their semi autos and RPGs and don't forget thier 50 cal machine guns.
Well fuck me I shake my head at the stupidity and ignorance of government.
Well we may as well go the full hog and recommission mighty MO and sail it up the Hudson and just blow the shit out of him with one of he 16 inch guns, I don't think tat will produce 10,000 joules.
Bob Nelson
England, Australia, New Zealand... My Canadian friends the writing is on the wall. This may or may not be “The Big One” but you know it is coming eventually, right?
I bet if you talk with gun owners in any of those countries mentioned above they will say Canada is right where they were when they had many or all of their rights to own firearms stripped away.
I have talked with quite a few folks from foreign countries at SHOT Show every year and they kick themselves in the ass for not organizing and fighting harder and now it is too late. I must sound like I’m preaching, and I guess I am. Sorry for that, but how many times have you ever heard someone say they wish they had fought less?
What is the most powerful gun-rights organization in Canada? Post a link and I will join and send a contribution, just as I and many others did with COLFO recently when things when down in NZ. No matter what country we’re from, we need to stick together and support each other.
And now I am going to sound like a real asshole. Forgive me, I truly don’t want or mean to be! I said this exact thing years ago to a very nice gentleman from Australia as strict gun control measures were happening there. He was saying how he was trying to convince his wife they should look into immigrating to the United States. I told him that he seemed like a good guy and would make a good citizen. He was obviously like-minded regarding gun ownership, but I had a question for him.
If he was not willing to stay, stand and fight these measures in his native country, and if he was not willing to die fighting for his country and for his liberty, why would I want him in my country?
I know that is harsh, and it is hard for me to say. I feel bad to say it. But what happens when and if the United States finds itself in the same predicament? And might we have been right there if elections had gone differently just a few short years ago? Had Hilary been elected President we would likely have a very liberal Supreme Court instead of a Conservative leaning Court. What would gun control efforts have looked like here with a liberal Democrat President, a liberal Supreme Court, and a House of Representatives controlled by ultra-liberal democrats? I shudder to even imagine.

That is one of the very issues which I lose sleep over at night. If I am not willing to truely fight for my beliefs do I truely deserve them? Are there like minded individuals out there? Will they stand if I do? Will our collective efforts be bastardized and twisted to vilify us and an further the liberal agenda?

A man has got to stand for somthing to be worth anything. It's choosing when to draw the line that is the hardest decision one can make.
That is one of the very issues which I lose sleep over at night. If I am not willing to truely fight for my beliefs do I truely deserve them? Are there like minded individuals out there? Will they stand if I do? Will our collective efforts be bastardized and twisted to vilify us and an further the liberal agenda?

A man has got to stand for somthing to be worth anything. It's choosing when to draw the line that is the hardest decision one can make.
Amen brother
If a million AR/Black Gun owners descended on the capitol, I bet they'd back down and quick. When Reagan was elected he started rumblings about messing with Social Security. A couple hundred thousand showed up in Washington and you never heard anything more about it. Politicians know what side of their bread is buttered on.
Amen brother

The other factor which cripples us is we don't have a legal "right" to bare arms. In Canada guns are classified a privilege. So of and in itself any act of agression is treason.
More people in Canada are killed by Drunk Drivers than any kind of firearms
So let's ban all vehicles. See how far the Govt gets with that!
I wish that had happened in OZ because I'm indigenous.
Watch out all them indigenous fellas may rise up and take over with their semi autos and RPGs and don't forget thier 50 cal machine guns.
Well fuck me I shake my head at the stupidity and ignorance of government.
Well we may as well go the full hog and recommission mighty MO and sail it up the Hudson and just blow the shit out of him with one of he 16 inch guns, I don't think tat will produce 10,000 joules.
Bob Nelson

The indigenous people here wouldn't need to raise arms to take over the country, they simply have to raise a sign and chant a little.
England, Australia, New Zealand... My Canadian friends the writing is on the wall. This may or may not be “The Big One” but you know it is coming eventually, right?
I bet if you talk with gun owners in any of those countries mentioned above they will say Canada is right where they were when they had many or all of their rights to own firearms stripped away.
I have talked with quite a few folks from foreign countries at SHOT Show every year and they kick themselves in the ass for not organizing and fighting harder and now it is too late. I must sound like I’m preaching, and I guess I am. Sorry for that, but how many times have you ever heard someone say they wish they had fought less?
What is the most powerful gun-rights organization in Canada? Post a link and I will join and send a contribution, just as I and many others did with COLFO recently when things when down in NZ. No matter what country we’re from, we need to stick together and support each other.
And now I am going to sound like a real asshole. Forgive me, I truly don’t want or mean to be! I said this exact thing years ago to a very nice gentleman from Australia as strict gun control measures were happening there. He was saying how he was trying to convince his wife they should look into immigrating to the United States. I told him that he seemed like a good guy and would make a good citizen. He was obviously like-minded regarding gun ownership, but I had a question for him.
If he was not willing to stay, stand and fight these measures in his native country, and if he was not willing to die fighting for his country and for his liberty, why would I want him in my country?
I know that is harsh, and it is hard for me to say. I feel bad to say it. But what happens when and if the United States finds itself in the same predicament? And might we have been right there if elections had gone differently just a few short years ago? Had Hilary been elected President we would likely have a very liberal Supreme Court instead of a Conservative leaning Court. What would gun control efforts have looked like here with a liberal Democrat President, a liberal Supreme Court, and a House of Representatives controlled by ultra-liberal democrats? I shudder to even imagine.
Ida Ram
Our government passed the legislation before we could do anything .
In Australia we are now known as LAFOS
LAW ABIDING FIREARM OWNERS what a load of croc shit before all this I was just a simple gun owner.
Bob Nelson
Webley Greene445,
Don't laugh my friend the pump action shotgun was re classified in Australia to make it almost impossible for you to get.
Don't worry about a the pump action rifles tho because they won't kill you tho.
All I can say is sorry for the language but they are like our government COMPLETE FUCKWITS
I don't know about you but none of my rifles have ever assaulted anyone, C ant say the same about the owner tho.
Bob Nelson
Well if my rifle was used during a combat assault in 1940-something, does that count? Cause most of them are guaranteed to have been used in battle. I'm certainly not laughing at any confiscation or bans; we in the original 13 went to war with His Majesty George the Turd for that, among other reasons, in 1776.

But I was referring to the under-50-killing virus, since I'm under 50. Just cause a lot of younger folks are utter imbeciles doesn't mean we all are!
Well if my rifle was used during a combat assault in 1940-something, does that count? Cause most of them are guaranteed to have been used in battle. I'm certainly not laughing at any confiscation or bans; we in the original 13 went to war with His Majesty George the Turd for that, among other reasons, in 1776.

But I was referring to the under-50-killing virus, since I'm under 50. Just cause a lot of younger folks are utter imbeciles doesn't mean we all are!

I fall in the same boat being in my mid twenties I missed the first waves of legislation. The gun registry was imposed before I was old enough to vote so legally I had no say. I was lucky enough to vote for the government whom repealed it. Hopefully some day we'll be able to say we were able to vote in a government who repealed this ban.
I fall in the same boat being in my mid twenties I missed the first waves of legislation. The gun registry was imposed before I was old enough to vote so legally I had no say. I was lucky enough to vote for the government whom repealed it. Hopefully some day we'll be able to say we were able to vote in a government who repealed this ban.
You have my utmost sympathies. I'm sorry that y'all fellow ex-colonials are having to endure this bullcrap all over again and hope you're able to do so as well. And I hope that my fellow Americans who live in states under tyrannic anti-gun rule get their own bans etc repealed as well. But hey, when this COVID stuff is done with, if we're still standing, Georgia is welcoming of y'all gun fellas and I bet there's a buncha folks here on AH who'd love to have you visit.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.