I am at work and don't have time for a 30 minute post, but I will touch.
I have followed Joe Biden's career, and he is certainly a different man than he was 30-40 years ago. He was a young arrogant lawyer who no doubt was on the wrong side of history on key issues (as where most of his peers); and he has said that. You can't change the past, but you can learn from it and move forward. If he had not learned from his mistakes, SC Rep Clyburn would not have endorsed him (which is what made the difference in democratic primary last year).
As he aged, he transitioned into a much more softer gentler man. Gaffs, oh yes; but that is also what makes Joe Crazy Uncle Joe (like it or hate it). He is a man who consoles those who need him. Last election cycle I shared a video of Biden hugging an emotionally distraught disabled child bawling in him arms. The counter to that was Donald Trump who only referred to disabled people by flailing his hands in the air and barking like a seal. I would have liked to have made that up, but sadly that happened...
The 2008 primary he was about 66 years old and still had quite a bit of spunk in him. 12 years later of playing 2nd fiddle and the loss of his son certainly slowed him down and aged him, what is he 77 or 78. To say he is senile is an inaccuracy. Is he slipping, sure, he is almost 80 - plus his life long stutter. Ronald Reagan had Alzheimers his last couple years of office; this is not Joe Biden's present situation as some of my friends on the right say. He would not have been able to campaign, debate, interview, or perform that speech last night. He wouldn't have been able to defeat Donald Trump when others couldn't. Donald Trump from the start saw Joe Biden as his biggest threat, and that's what got him impeached (you know...the first time...).
We live in a deep partisan divide. As the President said last night, we have to determine if democracies are going to lead the world in the 21st century. This administration would prefer to work in a bi-partisan manner because that is who Joe Biden fundamentally is. If it can't be done, he will not hesitate to issue executive orders or use Senate Reconciliation (since no republicans were willing to pass a bill they passed 2x before). The Senate is broken and this can not continue, but that is a different topic.
Joe Biden is not the perfect president and he very well may choose to serve one term. He's not going to be transformative. He is going to be transitional though. Whether the next President of the United States is a Republican or Democrat, they are going to inherent what Joe Biden gives them. Joe was elected to ensure the federal government functions again, see the nation through a pandemic, an associated economic collapse, and to save us from each other. He intends on doing that; he is doing that; and I believe history will look very favorably on his presidency.
I have no doubt you believe what you are saying, and I recognize the courage it takes to type what you did when an opinion is unpopular. I sense that you believe in the basic goodness of this country and its institutions. I believe that Joe Biden did at one point as well. But the man who is President now is anything but the non-partisan independent thinker he once was.
He has done nothing to curb the outrageous racist reinvention of our country's history by the more radical elements of your party. He seemingly has embraced every radical element that has been crammed into both HR1 and the Covid relief measures which will result in among other catastrophes, the largest tax increases in this country since the fifties. These measures are anti-small business, anti-capitalist, and stunningly, when combined with rampant immigration, anti-labor. No Republican will support such a revolutionary reordering of our country with such obvious detrimental generational impact.
You can "believe" anything you want to to the exclusion of any facts you wish to ignore. But I would interested to see you marshal your thoughts and explain to those of us who have studied the history of this country, who have created and/or run businesses large and small, just how the measures he is proposing are positive, and how those measures will not be economically detrimental to the country and to people just like you.
The capital gains issue is a particularly insidious one. Most Americans now will be dependent upon their 401K savings when they retire. Twenty years ago when such savings plans were displacing defined retirement programs, a million dollars seemed like a lot of money - now, not so much. And that devaluation occurred over a period of very low inflation. Think how much money your children and grandchildren are really going to need. Assuming they are frugal and diligent in their savings, they will be upon retirement, by the democratic definition of the term, "wealthy." Wonder how that tax rate which dad or grandpa supported will seem to them then?
More insidiously, it will also cause investors to look for other investment options than traditional stocks and bonds. Profitable corporations are the economic backbone of this country. They sell shares in order to generate capital to grow and become more prosperous. Apparently, lots of uneducated people believe that "prosperity" goes into the CEO's pocket. I assume you understand that is nonsense - though your party continues to espouse such idiocy when justifying increasing the corporate tax rate. That capital, instead, grows the business, creates jobs, retires debt, and is deployed in a host of other economically positive ways. Raising the capital gains taxes does nothing but sharply diminish that access to investor capital.
Finally, I don't like being played. Last night the few people in the room were all vaccinated. According to the CDC's own guidance, they did not need to be masked. But the democrat leadership demanded it as part of television theater. They need to keep as many people in the country as possible afraid. They clearly have determined that collective fear offers them the best chance of ramming through an agenda that would never have reached the floor for debate at any other time in our history. I am not sure which is worse - the gullibility of so many of the electorate or the cold blooded calculated hypocrisy of the their leadership.
I could go on and on. That isn't what I merely believe. A host of businessmen and economists are out there shouting the same warnings right now.