AGENT: WARNING About Northwoods Adventures

The 12 Animals 11 Days at $6395.00 would make me think twice about this hunt.
Then he says NEVER BEFORE and NEVER GAIN that just tells me he is going to bull shit somebody along the line. The price on this just sounds too good to be true.

Not everyone in the hunting industry is a crook
But all the crooks are in the hunting industry
Hi All and thank you very much for your replies and support - The reason I have not replied sooner is that I am 75 an not very computer literate, so a friend of mine and my daughter has been doing my typing for me. Rest assured that I do not represent any other interests. The purpose of my post is cautionary. I hope to answer some of your posts individually soon.
i have found that sci could care less about the rank and file member that pays his or her dues every year.if your not lining their pockets with BIG CONTRIBUTIONS every year your of no concern to them.PERIOD!!!i am a member strictly for the mag,and that has become a glossy field and stream and new yorker rag.ill cancel my membership as soon as they start advertising E.D. advertisements.thats comming next,im all about BIG BUCKS!!!use to have hunting in africa stories,now your lucky to get one or two at hunting gazette is my mag to go to>
I don't remember how many years ago this way, it was probably 8 years ago, I called Gary on a weekend to get clarification on the details of his ad. He went on '" sale pitch ", about how this was a once in a lifetime deal, he needed money immediately to secure me a spot. Time is money. I told him if he needed money that bad, then the deal was too good to be true and more problems could develop down the line, because someone might not have got enough money. And this was really the tip of the iceburg.....he is just full of sh*t.
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i have found that sci could care less about the rank and file member that pays his or her dues every year.if your not lining their pockets with BIG CONTRIBUTIONS every year your of no concern to them.PERIOD!!!i am a member strictly for the mag,and that has become a glossy field and stream and new yorker rag.ill cancel my membership as soon as they start advertising E.D. advertisements.thats comming next,im all about BIG BUCKS!!!use to have hunting in africa stories,now your lucky to get one or two at hunting gazette is my mag to go to>


I too was a member for the magazine. Was a member since the mid 70's. (There were a couple of years I missed in there) Got tired of all the articles on jewelry, cigars, wine, etc. Like you I would only read a couple of articles. Let the membership lapse this year. Things will have to change for me to return. I emailed and called them. Got no response other than they would pass the info on.

About ten years ago I cleaned out a closet and threw all the old magazines away.(Kind of wish I hadn't) It took 2-3 months to throw them away as I would reread them. Some of the outfitters would have photos of the seasons ivory with 6-8 100 pounders coming out of the Selous or Sudan. There would be ten or so great articles including full bag hunts. The last magazine I got had only a couple of pg hunts. Nothing wrong with them but where are the hunts that make you dream, set goals and save money.

Now they have advertisements by people like Northwoods and charge $500 to investigate. Northwoods, if you are out there feel free to respond to this thread. We would like to hear from you. There are two sides to every story. By this time someone has told you about or you have read this thread. Your silence is condemning.

Today I get my hunting reports here and a couple of other places online. Keep the hunting reports coming.....I'm addicted!
I'm with Phoenix Phil.... That deal seems way too incredible to be true. Looks at first blush to be half price or more. I am sure sorry for your loss, I hate to see anybody get hornswoggled, hoodwinked, bamboozled, cheated, rooked, cheated, swindled or just plain poked in the ass. However, if you can't get your money back.... try to get even. You have his email address & phone number. Sign up his email for every thing you can think of. Register him to dirty spam riddled websites, have kids prank call his phone day & night.... Until he has to get a new phone, website, email.... at least make him spend $1000 to get away from you.... HAHAHAHA! :P Cowboy:
While this thread began as a comment on Northwood Adventures, I think it is quite appropriate to comment on SCI and their advertisements for hunts. I have attended SCI conventions a few times, and bought three auction hunts. Even here, where they make a fortune, it is "buyer beware". They do little or nothing to vet the offers or enforce their compliance.
I like this website and the 'in your face" feedback helps keep everyone on the level. I feel pretty good about the sponsors listed to the right, will probably do business with them in the future, but will not buy any more SCI auction hunts. ..............and some of the legitimate offers are as good as the bogus Northwoods offer, so a great price is not reason enough to ignore an offer.FWB
This made its way into my lap today at SCI.
Also on the desk outside the main entrance at the show.


FRAUD ALERT was the heading.

I really don't want to kick the hornet's nest again, but if it seems too good to be true . . .
Moral to the story.... Don't buy on price!!!! Vet, vet,vet the outfitter!

I went to countless shows, forums, etc....

And only after face to face was I down to 3 or 4.... All outfitters that are credible by this site.

End of the day.... Go with gut..... And lots of references.
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Absolutely disgusting. Sorry for your loss but dont give up. There are very many great outfitters in Africa. Good luck.
M'bogo (Rauf)
I just hate to take another swipe at SCI….but….if you are the kind of outdoorsman who needs public recognition from his peers for shooting stuff, SCI is the place for you. Clearly, a long list of super-duper-magnificous trophies is expensive as Hell so SCI, and organizations like it, have inevitably become rich men's clubs. A person of average means simply can't afford to bump off even average representatives of the 20-30 world's sheep. He probably can't afford to hunt even one of them. If you don't mind that trophy standards have been….ahhhh….shaved along the edges to get a few more paying customers "in the book", then you have found a home.

So I'm not surprised when SCI tries to make a few pennies to 'investigate' a bad actor. Why not? Money makes the world go round. I remember good old J. R. [not his correct initials]. I remember when the 105 y.o. magazine caudillo dedicated an entire glossy issue to his 18 y.o. bride, "HILARY'S [not her real name] SWABIA." [not the right country]. You know, "Hilary shoots a mouflon." "Hilary hits a marmot at 1,200 meters." "Hil paints lipstick on her lower lip." I remember being in Ethiopia in the middle of a civil war between Haile Mengistu and the secessionist forces of Eritrea and Tigre. I can distinctly remember barely getting out of the country alive and finding the entire U.S. Embassy staff---scared puke green---in the airport's "get out of Dodge" area [They didn't think they'd get out alive, either]. Later, I told good ole J. R. that I'd made a mistake going to Ethiopia during a killing war and no other hunter should go there until things cooled off. Next issue of the magazine stated, I'll paraphrase, "Ronnie Ranger says that nobody should go hunting to Ethiopia right now but if you are a REAL hunter and a REAL man with REAL sand in your craw and REAL hair on your pancreas, you won't be discouraged by a little shootemup." I understand that the next group of hunters to go there were damn-near blasted out of their hotel beds by a mortar round.

I had an unfortunate experience with a Free State guide. I had $1,000.00 stolen by the maid and, later [unrelated event] my Sikh friend [those guys are born tough] managed to wrestle a shoulder-holstered pistol away from a drunken local [yeah, there's a lot more to this story]. The PH not only didn't get my money back, he didn't even give me an explanation. He never thanked us for potentially saving the lives of several people. When I complained to SCI, they acted like they didn't want to hear about it.

Still…..for all its faults….SCI has done a world of good for international hunting. It's kind of like Capstick. Some of Capstick's stories….well….he did write an entertaining story. Nevertheless, no matter where the truth actually lies, Capstick did a world of good for the hunting industry.

The other two people who were very important in the South African hunting scene---and I can no longer even remember their names--started putting inexpensive farm hunts together in the early 1970s in Rhodesia [now THAT was an experience during the war], Southwest Africa and South Africa. I think these fellows were instrumental in making southern African hunting--and international hunting, in general--what it has become today. And I can't even remember their names.
Not convinced you hated to take another swipe!
Not convinced you hated to take another swipe!
I'm ambivalent. Yeah, I don't mind getting that Ethiopian business off my chest. I think what old J.R.--or one of his employees--wrote was pretty low. It could also have got somebody ruined or killed. On the other hand, the movers and shakers of the world--especially politicians and industrial magnates--are oftentimes cut from a different cloth than I approve of. Donald Trump, for example, married a beautiful much younger woman. Now, as a man I can certainly understand wanting and even marrying such a beauty. But if I had done such a thing, I would have done it in Outer Slobovia in the middle of the night. Trump made it a huge gala affair--a great white wedding and invited the wealthy and privileged of the world to attend. He BELIEVES in advertising and he believes in himself.

I think it was like that for J.R. "Hilary's Swabia" is a case in point. He advertised big and he was not embarrassed. I was embarrassed for him but he definitely wasn't embarrassed for himself. J.R. was a mover and shaker. I am not. J.R. transformed international hunting. I have not. J.R. could afford to hunt those 20-30 wild sheep--at least I think he could. I might be wrong about what he could actually afford but the J.R.s of the world try to leave the impression that they are very high rollers. They roll the dice and they win or lose big.

I believe that SCI is a J.R. organization that especially appeals to the J.R.s of the hunting world. Many hunters are entirely satisfied to slip quietly through the forest in hopes of a nice common baldebok. Any recognition they get will be from other hunters around the fire or perhaps from his 'woman'. "Got that baldebok, yet?" "Sure did, Honey Bunny. Hanging from the pole." Others, however, want to be publicly recognized for their accomplishment. It's not that one type of person is better than the other but the one type of person is certainly different than the other.

Many people really do want to get their names in that book. They'll do what they have to do and spend what they have to spend to accomplish it. This fact has injected a lot of money into hunting all over the world. To a certain extent this has been highly inflationary but in other cases increased competition by PHs and ranchers has held prices down and has also increased opportunities for all of us. Farms, for example, in South Africa and Texas have gone over entirely to game. Private lands previously closed to hunting are now advertising for hunters. In some cases this phenomenon has taken on an unnatural life of its own which is probably bad [game sale auctions of mutant color phases and 'hunts' for highly bred and inbred whitetails and manipulated red deer] but up until now the trend has been good for trophy hunting. At one time, an African safari was only for the rich and famous. Now, a hunt for a good impala, wildebeest, whitetail deer, caribou, black bear is in the reach of most of us….BUT….as I look at pricing I'm worried. Hunting 'safari' prices seem, overall, to be inflating faster than general inflation rates. Supply and Demand.
At one time, an African safari was only for the rich and famous. Now, a hunt for a good impala, wildebeest, whitetail deer, caribou, black bear is in the reach of most of us….BUT….as I look at pricing I'm worried. Hunting 'safari' prices seem, overall, to be inflating faster than general inflation rates. Supply and Demand.

I agree, but there is not much I can do about it.
Ahhhhhh one of those low cost hunt problems again (linked to pricing) I'm going to count them this year....

As far as inflation rates and price escalation goes, please take countries like SA and Nam and Zimbabwe into consideration... We are way below our inflation rates in price increase...

I was selling hunts 15 years ago on 1x1 daily rates for $375 per day I have increased in daily rate by $75 in 15 years an increase of $5 per year and I still deal at $400 so almost a $1 per year in the majority of quotes....????surly we as outfitters can not be charging a flat rate for a decade and a half? ;)

My best always
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Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.
Ready for the next hunt