AGENT: WARNING About Northwoods Adventures

surly we as outfitters can not be charging a flat rate for a decade and a half? ;)

Of course not Jaco!!!! We expect the cost to go down as you pay off your fixed costs!!!! ;)
Which would be?(n)
Wahahaha I think it could save some money on h2o that way ;)

You made it home safe?
Holy crap they are looking at me funny on the plane as I burst into uncontrollable laughter... :)
Wahahaha I think it could save some money on h2o that way ;)

You made it home safe?

Yes, my friend. Thank you.
Safe travels and remember to recycle. It will help you reduce costs and remain competitive.
Yes, my friend. Thank you.
Safe travels and remember to recycle. It will help you reduce costs and remain competitive.

I just saw the SCI pics....

If I hunt with Jaco I will be getting my water straight from the river!!!I will risk the crocs! :A Stretcher:
I just saw the SCI pics....

If I hunt with Jaco I will be getting my water straight from the river!!!I will risk the crocs! :A Stretcher:

so you dont take whisky with your water then? mind you those bottles were squeezed empty and the last drops sucked from them!!! so you would be ok :E Rofl:
so you dont take whisky with your water then? mind you those bottles were squeezed empty and the last drops sucked from them!!! so you would be ok :E Rofl:

I'm OK with the squeezed empty part, it is the recycling method that has me concerned!!!! :A Banana Sad:
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I'm OK with the squeezed empty part, it is the recycling method that has me concerned!!!! :A Banana Sad:

we use empty brandy, whiskey , vodka etc bottles for storing filtered water and the cook got mixed up with the bottles and put a bottle with brandy in in the fridge . i thought it was water and not paying too much attention used it to dilute some mazoe ........this was breakfast time and i also dont like brandy, so when i started gulping it down:confused: it got sprayed everywhere, and after that i smell the bottle now just in case............
Buyer must always beware. However, I find it ( as a lifetime SCI member) unconscionable that they would actually charge you $500.00 to do an inquiry into a dispute with one of its advertisers. Something advertised in the SCI mag or newsletter adds credibility that you are dealing with a reputable player. IMO, they have an obligation to protect their members and fellow hunters...especially if they are indeed "first for hunters"

SCI may not can stop this outfitter from advertising, but they can for sure stop him from advertising in Safari Magazine! And to charge you $500 to do an inquiry, something is very wrong with this situation! Maybe you are taking the wrong people to court! The B/S covers both the outfitter and certain members of SCI.
Jaco, I feel your pain.
I love when someone targets one thing without knowing the facts!!!
What about the price of Ammo, Guns, Trucks, Fuel, ETC??!!!
We hear it all the time about shipping and the costs related to the safari....People who have hunted years ago cannot compare those costs with the costs today.
It's called INFLATION.....They don't realize the containment of prices can only be for so long before they have to be in line with the economics of doing business!!!
Life goes on......
I was not attacking anyone. Inflation in the rise of hunting costs is WAY higher than wage raises....not complaining. That is the way life goes. I just readjust my hunting goals along the way and keep hunting within my budgetary means.
i have found that sci could care less about the rank and file member that pays his or her dues every year.if your not lining their pockets with BIG CONTRIBUTIONS every year your of no concern to them.PERIOD!!!i am a member strictly for the mag,and that has become a glossy field and stream and new yorker rag.ill cancel my membership as soon as they start advertising E.D. advertisements.thats comming next,im all about BIG BUCKS!!!use to have hunting in africa stories,now your lucky to get one or two at hunting gazette is my mag to go to>

Edward, I agree fully. I subscribed to Safari mag in the early 90s when you could get the mag without being a member of SCI. The magazine was a different animal then. I joined SCI two years ago, but don't know how long I will stay. I am much more comfortable with the Dallas Safari Club, and attended their conventions when they were held at the Hyatt Hotel in the middle of DFW Airport.
I m sorry to hear about your situation. I too was just involved with a booking agent on my upcoming hunt for leopard. I have hesitated to post his name and company name on this site because he told me if I did he would sue me for slander! I can say this, I would only post the truth and only the truth about the way he has handled me a paying customer. HAS......I cancelled my hunt with him and re booked with another Outfit. But I too am out money $1500. He wanted $2500 up front for a HUNT THAT WAS ORIGINALLY THREE YEARS OUT. I refused luckily and only sent him 1,500. Anyone wanting to know who he was can PM me. I will say he does not advertise here.
I was not attacking anyone. Inflation in the rise of hunting costs is WAY higher than wage raises....not complaining. That is the way life goes. I just readjust my hunting goals along the way and keep hunting within my budgetary means.
Enysse not at all I know, but in most corporate business and upper management salaries are adjusted between 2 - 8 % per annum, if we take into consideration that SA's inflation is in the mid teens all of us suffer just the same.

Now I do understand that we are marketing luxury items but an 20% increase devided over 15 years is not much over a 1,1% increase per annum and that most definitely does not equate to current inflation rates, and quite stable IMO

I understand that you were not attacking or hinting, that's a given. I just wanted to mention the flip side.
My best to you and yours
Inflation is a relative term too. The costs for goods and services (PH, food and accommodations) has always been very fair to low rise in costs. Certain animals have risen dramatically and that is related to supply and demand. Elephant, leopard, lion and Cape buffalo hunts are definitely going to be in high demand. Where warthog and impala remain highly affordable-cheap.
Sorry to hear about your troubles and loss of money. Not cool! Sounds like you were fortunate to cut your losses when you did. Things would have probably just gone down hill from there.
Here's some thoughts on the subject of the booking agent. This is free and it is on the internet, so the value has been established ;)
A booking agent who threatens to sue you for telling about your experience with him on a hunting website is a crook, a scumbag and a BLOWHARD!!!
He is obviously resorting to intimidation to keep you from passing on negative information to people who may be his future victims.
Slander is one of the very hardest claims to prove in court. Damages from slander are also extremely difficult to prove in most cases. What could his damages possibly be? Is he going to go interview hunters around the globe and ask them if they might have booked a hunt with him someday, but they might change their mind because of your report? And by the way, who's out 1500 bucks! Sounds like you are the one with damages!
The point is, this guy isn't going to sue anybody! I would just write your story and post it up. Then send him a link to it with a message that says OK pal, you thought you could intimidate me into silence. Think again. If you want to tell your side of the story, here's your chance.
He will probably make all kinds of threats, but in the end what's he going to do? Tell him to go pound sand.
Remember, honest people try to make things right when it all goes sideways. Honest people value their customers and hope their clients spread the word about the great experience they have had with them. Crooks try to cover up their shady dealings through lies, manipulation and intimidation.
I know, it's easy for me to say. I have no skin in the game and no exposure. I just hate people who pull this kind of crap. I've had my share of dealings with people like this too. I feel your pain bro.
It does sound like there is a bright side, though. You're going Leopard hunting! Congrats!
When something is to good to be true then it normally is. We as Outfitters in South Africa do see these adds and that puts lots of concern in our minds. Many Outfitters spend lots of money to fly to the States and spend 4 - 6 weeks doing show after show, meeting face to face with the potential clients, putting them to ease that what we offer is Legit. Then one Outfitter comes along and spoils the whole industry with crap like that.

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Longfeather1 wrote on Cmwkwarrwn's profile.
Hello Clark
Thanks for the interest in my rifle. If you want to discuss it further you can email me direct at [redacted] or call my cell number [redacted].
Look forward to talking with you.
Jack Kramer
quacker attacker wrote on JMV375's profile.
Hello, My wife and I hunted with Marius 2 years ago. He fit us into his schedule after a different outfitter "bailed" on us. He was always very good with communications and although we didn't end up meeting him personally, he called us multiple times during our hunt to make sure things were going well. We were very happy with him.
TERMINATOR wrote on Cuthberto's profile.
Reach out to the guys at Epic Outdoors.

They will steer you right for landowner tags and outfitters that have them.

I have held a membership with them for years and they are an invaluable resource.

Way better that asking random people on the internet...WAY better

Raskolnikov743 wrote on skydiver386's profile.

Did you ever find your 30-06 CZ550? I own a fairly solid conditioned one, if you wanted to talk.
