AGENT: WARNING About Northwoods Adventures

I feel for you being cheated, but I realize SCI can't look into every complaint or that's all they would be doing, it takes time and money. I'll bet there are hundreds of complaints every year. SCI doesn't guarantee every advertiser, you can purchase optics, boots, firearms, and accessories in the magazine too, it's a advertising venue. The other leading magazines in the industry don't guarantee their ads either. Research must be done to assure good products.'s a advertising venue. The other leading magazines in the industry don't guarantee their ads either. .........

All the other major magazines are NOT selling to MEMBERS!
SCI publications go to MEMBERS exclusively. I think this has people dropping their guard because they assume their organization has done some vetting for them. WRONG!
(by the way this aspect of the fine print really pisses me off)

The same with buying hunts at a show or auction items.
If you read the fine print it will tell you that SCI will not be responsible for any aspect of your purchase.

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Not meaning to twist the knife on you JC500 and I hope you get your money back along with enough to cover your legals costs. Furthermore it seems you've been to Africa more than I, so I have no extra wisdom to impart on you.

But I think there's something to learn here for anyone reading about this unfortunate event. This package was to include amongst other animals, a Kudu, two Gembsok, Hartebeest, Hartmann's Zebra. The average trophy fees on these alone would just about add up to the price this hunt was listed at and that doesn't take into account the other trophies and 10 days of hunting with pickup at the airport and this is through a booking agent who is going to get his cut too.

This strikes me as one of those too good to be true hunt offers that turned out to be just that.
Brickburn,you no what they say when you assume something, you make an ASS out of U and ME
Brickburn,you no what they say when you assume something, you make an ASS out of U and ME

Help me with your interpretation of this slogan?
"SCI First for Hunters"

How about:
"First for you"

"SCI's two areas of focus, historically has been the interest of hundreds of individuals long before SCI was established."

"... your SCI dedicated to representing and advancing the interests of hunters on a wide range of issues."

"...also fighting to protect..."

Who's side is SCI purporting to be on in all of this?

I can't blame anyone for drawing the conclusion that membership in SCI would mean that this
organization held the hunters interests first. Sadly, like anything else. Read the fine print.

I'm aware that no organization can do everything or please everyone, but I think that SCI does spend a huge amount money in the form of litigation, legal fees, conservation, and many other things that benefit hunters, in that way I think they are first for hunters. I know of no other organization that is involved globally.
I'm aware that no organization can do everything or please everyone, but I think that SCI does spend a huge amount money in the form of litigation, legal fees, conservation, and many other things that benefit hunters, in that way I think they are first for hunters. I know of no other organization that is involved globally.

SCI does not have to do everything for everyone. They would never succeed.
It is not about changing subjects about the good work that is done. It's about improving an already existing service to members.

If this were not a member based organization I would not care about what was being sold or advertised in the publications or at the shows. Buy at your own risk just like everywhere else.

SCI Members assume that the organization is looking after them. Which you can note in the frustration of some folks that have encountered "issues".
The SCI organization even goes as far as banning some people from being members or attending events. So, they do contemplate the concept of protecting the organization and the membership from unscrupulous people. What the criterion are I have no idea. This is also unclear.

If the complaints are occurring at such a significant rate that they need to charge money to "investigate" perhaps some resource expenditure on the front end might be prudent for every members benefit.

I would just like it to be a little more transparent for the membership. :)
I don't really feel I changed the subject, you asked me for my interpretation on SCI First For Hunters and I answered and gave my opinion. You have valid points that I respect.
I don't really feel I changed the subject, you asked me for my interpretation on SCI First For Hunters and I answered and gave my opinion. You have valid points that I respect.

To short in my explanation on my part. Appreciate the discussion.
Its a bad deal all around but that guy has been running that ad for years.I would think if there was a problem happening all the time with this guy they would do something about him.
SCI is not a booking agent and just goes to show that you must do your homework.I dont care if it is sci,dsc,phasa whoever they have no real teeth to be able to do anything to anyone.

I think he should get his money back but it may just cost more then it is worth.The best way to get a scumbag like this is with a post like he did telling us all what he did.We as hunters have the best way to get even with him by not booking hunts and telling others not to.
Send your situation to Hunting Report, they are very good at investigating and talking to both sides. They will publish their conclusions and then give warnings if they find this guy unscrupulous. This is also a good place to get neutral independent evaluations of outfitters.
Its a bad deal all around but that guy has been running that ad for years.I would think if there was a problem happening all the time with this guy they would do something about him.

You would think..... but, I'll give you this hypothetical situation. If it costs you $500 to go after $1000, how many folks are going to lodge that complaint with SCI?
If the folks don't bother why would SCI do anything. There are no complaints on record.

Just like insurance policy claim management. Raise the deductible to such an extent that you reduce or eliminate claims. Are their no longer any injuries occurring or just no claims?

I sincerely hope this gets resolved and this is a one off mistake.

SCI is not a booking agent and just goes to show that you must do your homework. I dont care if it is sci,dsc,phasa whoever they have no real teeth to be able to do anything to anyone. .........

I agree, SCI is not a booking agent.
They are an organization founded and maintained for it's MEMBERSHIP.

One place SCI does have some teeth. Banning from participation!
No more advertising, no more attendance at shows, etc.
The exposure of SCI MEMBERS to this kind of behaviour is stopped instantly.

Caveat Emptor!
I just think the buyer made a few mistakes and not sure this falls on sci to do anything at this point.If he is taken to court and loses the case then I think he should be thrown out of sci.

To not go and look at the website or researching the guy more then looking at the ad is a mistake.It is just a mess and no good for anyone.I had emailed the guys years ago when I was a sci member.With in one email back from him I took him off my list of guys I would book a hunt with.

I can see it already sci looks into it.Guys says it is clear on my website no refund on deposit right there in writing.Sometimes people need to do things on there own and not look for others to make things right.Member or not this buyer did not do the homework that would have more then likely made him run away.

It is in no way right he is keeping the money but getting it back in a long shot with a scumbag like this.With this post and more like it though he will lose more then that 1000 in the long run.
a thousand bucks , deposit , before any info is shared , this guys a prostitute..............
good luck with this , think your gunna need it......

thought SCI , was the hunters ,helper in the name of a hunting orginisation.
they must have some duty of care , allowing him to advertise in there magazine

the legal proccese ,may find you out even more in the pocket.

welcome to AH , enjoy the site.
l hope the rest of your participation , is a whole better experience ........

prostitute? they have some ethics, the guy is a bludger
I just think the buyer made a few mistakes and not sure this falls on sci to do anything at this point.If he is taken to court and loses the case then I think he should be thrown out of sci.

To not go and look at the website or researching the guy more then looking at the ad is a mistake.It is just a mess and no good for anyone.I had emailed the guys years ago when I was a sci member.With in one email back from him I took him off my list of guys I would book a hunt with.

I can see it already sci looks into it.Guys says it is clear on my website no refund on deposit right there in writing.Sometimes people need to do things on there own and not look for others to make things right.Member or not this buyer did not do the homework that would have more then likely made him run away.

It is in no way right he is keeping the money but getting it back in a long shot with a scumbag like this.With this post and more like it though he will lose more then that 1000 in the long run.

The best way to deal with people like him is to spread the word and cost him business. AH is one site so sign up to others and spread the word far and wide.
What a shame.
Hope you track him down and ....
Icq has the right idea for sure!

I have observed that this is your first post, and i have been watching the post since you made your posting. While you indicated that this is a troubling post for you to make, you have not returned to AH to add to or expand on your first posting. I am wondering why?

Many on AH are guessing and thinking, what really happen, and why you have not come back to add supporting information. So members are taking great liberty with your initial post and moving on in what they perceive should maybe help or take place.

We on AH do not know who you are, or what you may be up to. I have witnessed prior posters making a first posting concerning an alleged deal gone bad or the bad mouthing of another outfitter or PH, and your posting comes close to those postings on the internet.

Whats in it for you, are you representation another PH or outfitter with similar advertising? Or are you bashing SCI?

JC500, As many on here have noted, usually money or a deposited is sent after a contract is signed. And your deposit being returned with the contract you agreed to.

I think you started a posting on AH and we will not see you again.. Good luck on your quest...
James, have noticed the same thing. Many times we see a complaint is the first post made by a new member. Nothing wrong with someone being motivated to join by a bad experience, but when you combine this with few, if any, posts on any other threads, it does make one wonder . . .
Welcome to AH...
You do not have to be a member of SCI to advertise in the magazine. So if you are a member, you should demand that they look into this without a charge.

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Longfeather1 wrote on Cmwkwarrwn's profile.
Hello Clark
Thanks for the interest in my rifle. If you want to discuss it further you can email me direct at [redacted] or call my cell number [redacted].
Look forward to talking with you.
Jack Kramer
quacker attacker wrote on JMV375's profile.
Hello, My wife and I hunted with Marius 2 years ago. He fit us into his schedule after a different outfitter "bailed" on us. He was always very good with communications and although we didn't end up meeting him personally, he called us multiple times during our hunt to make sure things were going well. We were very happy with him.
TERMINATOR wrote on Cuthberto's profile.
Reach out to the guys at Epic Outdoors.

They will steer you right for landowner tags and outfitters that have them.

I have held a membership with them for years and they are an invaluable resource.

Way better that asking random people on the internet...WAY better

Raskolnikov743 wrote on skydiver386's profile.

Did you ever find your 30-06 CZ550? I own a fairly solid conditioned one, if you wanted to talk.
