Search results

  1. Paul Raley

    Rhino Poachers killed By Lions in South Africa

    Of course we are all happy when Lions or other animals kill poachers , but for Lions there is a dual problem , if they kill people they will more than likely be destroyed as man eaters , the other issue is that Lions are also being poached. According to staff in the Kruger Park nearly all the...
  2. Paul Raley

    Backup Handgun

    In SA one is not permitted to use a semi-auto firearm for hunting purposes so I doubt a semi - auto pistol will be allowed into the country for the purposes of hunting . If one was attending a legitimate and recognised sport shoot such and one was invited then a semi-auto pistol will most...
  3. Paul Raley

    I'm finally retired - Another Chapter Closes

    Congratulations on your retirement , may you have many happy years of hunting and shooting in your retirement , and may the buffalo hunt become a reality . All the best !
  4. Paul Raley

    Caliber 30-30 use in Africa???

    Spike.t - if I am correct it looks like you are in Zambia , are you not able to get ammo or at least reloading components from SA ?
  5. Paul Raley

    Caliber 30-30 use in Africa???

    Thanks for the advice , I need to experiment some more , but until now most of the ammunition which I have shot with the rifle has been 170 grn factory ammo of various makes and all of them print all over the place . The only ammo that has grouped well is the reload I mentioned above . From...
  6. Paul Raley

    Caliber 30-30 use in Africa???

    Hunter Habib I agree with you , the 30-30 is good for a lot of African plains game animals , but for sure too light and too weak under most circumstances for anything bigger or tougher than Blue Wildebeest , and definitely too little gun for dangerous game , and then some might say it might be...
  7. Paul Raley

    Caliber 30-30 use in Africa???

    Obviously it has been a "couple" of years now since the original discussion above , but for those of you that might be interested , I managed to find a fairly accurate load for my Marlin micro groove barrelled 30-30 . I used 150 gr Sierra FN bullets with 33 gr of South African S335 powder and...
  8. Paul Raley

    RSA vote count underway

    Not if the current ruling party forms coalitions with parties similar to themselves , then it could get worse .
  9. Paul Raley

    Some not so common Handguns

    I dont remember Charles Bronson having a 458 Webley , he did have the 475 Wildey though .
  10. Paul Raley

    Cz 550 rigby bolt face build

    Great news ! We will wait for the photos .
  11. Paul Raley

    9.3x64 Brenneke

    Hi Killerangel. Use the search function by using "brenneke" and you will find some old posts about the 9,3 x 64 , as well as some advice about obtaining brass . I see in the one thread "Rookhawk" gave some information as to where one might obtain some brass . Good luck with your search . What...
  12. Paul Raley

    Musgrave Brno Mauser 3006?

    Here is some more information I found , I cannot confirm how accurate it is , but seems some more research of your rifle would be warranted . Apparently there is a guy called Daan Els who is a Musgrave fundi that could possibly help if you were able to find him - see the "copy paste " info below...
  13. Paul Raley

    Musgrave Brno Mauser 3006?

    Does your rifle have a "V" in the serial nr ? I see on another forum there is a person that also has an old original Musgrave thats serial nr starts with OB but the serial nr has a "V" in it too . If so it is described as a "Vrystaat" model , which according to the post is apparently quite a...
  14. Paul Raley

    Musgrave Brno Mauser 3006?

    7x57Joe is correct . The original Musgraves were built by Musgrave in Bloemfontein . They used M98 actions of various makes to build their rifles , and made their own barrels . The old Musgraves were well made and accurate . The association of your rifle to Brno is that they used a Brno made...
  15. Paul Raley

    CBL Debate Over, CBL Loses

    The issue of canned lion hunting / CBL is obviously very emotive and divisive , but as it is an argument based on each persons own perception of ethics , morality and principles it is an argument that cannot be "won" by either viewpoint as both sides believe they are right , irrespective of any...
  16. Paul Raley

    CBL Debate Over, CBL Loses

    Most of these lions are being bred to be killed anyway , the end result for the lions is the same.
  17. Paul Raley

    CBL Debate Over, CBL Loses

    Any so called "hunting" that involves the breeding of wild animals in circumstances where they are unable to breed and behave as if they were in the wild to me is unacceptable . Animals that are bred in small cages such as the case with predators or small camps such as with buck/buffalo/antelope...
  18. Paul Raley


    I have only shot one animal with my 45-70 and that was a mature Impala ram at about 70 m . I used a 250gr "flat nosed" monolithic which punched a hole through both shoulders , the buck ran about 5 m and fell over dead , almost no meat damage .
  19. Paul Raley

    Sako 375 H&H

    I have the exact same rifle in 375 h&h , it is extremely accurate and easily shoots MOA at 100 m if the shooter does his part . It is a pleasure to carry in the bush and one of my favourite rifles .
  20. Paul Raley

    Exhibition Rising block single shot

    Beautiful rifle ! Bailey you are talented and this rifle you made is stunning , thank you for sharing .
  21. Paul Raley

    Some not so common Handguns

    Have you hunted anything with this pistol yet ?
  22. Paul Raley

    Living in South Africa as an expat

    Hi Derek049 I live in SA in the Johannesburg area , not on the coast but can give you some idea of what to expect . Under the current government we have many problems such as high crime rates , electricity load shedding , irregular water supply , failing infrastructure , corrupt state...
  23. Paul Raley

    Piper Rifles .500J

    Congratulations , you have a beautiful rifle , I wish you many happy hunts with it ! ( I am envious )
  24. Paul Raley

    Safety Glasses Saved the Day

    Sorry to hear that you had such an incident but sounds like you got off with superficial injuries which is good news obviously , and yes wearing shooting glasses is the right thing to do to protect ones eyes , "accidents" happen very easily . It would be good to try and determine the exact...
  25. Paul Raley

    I've got a .243!

    Congrats on your new 243 , may you have many happy hunting memories with it . My son has the same rifle but in 308 , it is reliable and accurate . Respect to your kindhearted friends , one is blessed to have such friends .
  26. Paul Raley

    My “Old but New” Winchester Pre-64 .375 H&H

    I think your upgraded pre-64 looks beautiful , appears to be a fine job done . Cant wait to see what your 300 H&H will look like . Congratulations , I hope all your dreams come true with an African hunt .
  27. Paul Raley

    S&W Model 19

    Just for interest sakes in SA the Model 19s sell for about R6500 which is about 345 USD . Colt Pythons sell for about 1000 USD . Interesting how prices differ around the world .
  28. Paul Raley

    S&W Model 19

    I also have the exact same one in pristine condition , definitely one of the best classic revolvers made . I hope the one advertised above finds a good home .
  29. Paul Raley

    When should a Professional Hunter provide follow up shots?

    I have never hunted DG but have hunted areas where there is , so no experience with actually shooting DG . My opinion on whether a PH ( or another person ) should shoot ones animal must be dictated by safety requirements and to end the suffering of any wounded animal as quick as possible . I...
  30. Paul Raley

    Beretta S56E

    They are good shotguns , but like mentioned above they are light and the recoil is obviously felt more than a heavier gun . I also bought one a few years ago and eventually gave it to my son . In SA in the 70s ( maybe 80s ) they were imported and sold by Musgrave , some were also branded...
  31. Paul Raley

    A new old revolver

    Nothing wrong with collecting firearms , whether it be hunting rifles or handguns , they are a source of fun and enjoyment ( most times ) . The old Colts are normally quite collectable and these days can often cost a pretty penny . I have a couple of Colts , old genuine World War 2 A1 pistol ...
  32. Paul Raley

    A new old revolver

    Hi Jay . Looks like you have acquired a nice little revolver and being a Colt I am sure it is quite collectable . It looks very similar to the Smith & Wesson Military and Police revolver which shoots the same cartridge . The 38 S&W cartridge is by no means a powerful cartridge but it is easy (...
  33. Paul Raley

    Looking For 243 For Kid's Hunting Rifle

    I have decided that some of the members on this forum are "terrible" people . The original poster asked for very specific help at the beginning of this thread , but instead of getting what he asked for he has received a lot of suggestions and advice that he did not request . Some of the advice...
  34. Paul Raley

    Looking For 243 For Kid's Hunting Rifle

    I think you are doing the correct thing , the caliber is great and sticking to traditional wood and blueing will hopefully make them appreciate the simple beauty of wood and blued steel . Let us know what you eventually get them .
  35. Paul Raley

    Looking For 243 For Kid's Hunting Rifle

    I also decided a couple of years ago that the "grandkids" needed a .243 to shoot with . I managed to find a beautiful old Sako that easily shoots half MOA . I really enjoying shooting it , obviously I need to test it out to make sure it is reliable and accurate before the grandkids are able to...
  36. Paul Raley

    Not The Best South African Tourist Advert

    Reading all the above posts and comments I think most people feel the same about violent crime and corruption , and most people seem to be on the "same page " regarding the issues our countries are facing . Where there are some differences of opinion seems to be where some of us do not really...
  37. Paul Raley

    Not The Best South African Tourist Advert

    The photo below is of a family that had rocks thrown at them earlier this week in Cape Town , notice the young child that is injured , obviously the whole family will be traumatised too . In my opinion anyone that behaves in a way that terrorises and hurts innocent people , especially children...
  38. Paul Raley

    Not The Best South African Tourist Advert

    As a SA resident let me explain the reality of how we live and survive . Since the ruling party took over in 1994 they have destroyed nearly all state departments , companies and municipalities with incompetence and corruption . Our infrastructure such as roads , railways , water supply and...
  39. Paul Raley

    Not The Best South African Tourist Advert

    Farm murders are a reality in SA , very often brutal and violent attacks take place . Many farmers are old and vulnerable and they are not spared the torture and trauma of savage attacks . Here is another recent attack .
  40. Paul Raley

    9.3x64 Brenneke

    Thank you Enrico , a great article and very informative . I have a Wilhelm Brenneke 9,3x64 rifle which is an extremely well built and accurate rifle , your article makes me want to experiment more with it .
  41. Paul Raley

    Help me figure out a rifle

    The 7x57 , great round , decent ballistics and wont be too rough on your shoulder .
  42. Paul Raley

    .44 Mag Lever Action for Small Cats/ Antelope

    Correct - I used a semi jacketed lead hollow point with my 357 Magnum on a big bodied Impala at about 60m , I assume there was little to no expansion as the Impala just had a 357 sized entry and exit hole on both shoulder , almost zero meat damage . There was also no blood that we could find ...
  43. Paul Raley

    .44 Mag Lever Action for Small Cats/ Antelope

    Both the 44 mag and 357 mag in lever action will be suitable for what you want to hunt . I have taken big Impala rams with both and they are more than upto the task , you just need to ensure that you use the right ammunition for decent accuracy and performance . I used 158 gr PMP soft nose...
  44. Paul Raley

    San Francisco Bay Halibut

    I am not a big fish eater , I am a typical South African meat eater but a few years ago I had Halibut in Sweden and I must admit it is some of the best fish I have ever eaten .
  45. Paul Raley

    Got my back up gun for Africa!

    Seeing that this thread has been resurrected give us some feedback of what has transpired since the original message . What have you done to the rifles and what have you hunted with them ? Sounds like you have been busy with them , might make for some interesting feedback . Post photos too .
  46. Paul Raley

    Wanted 416 Rem LH

    Zastava is one of the rifle manufacturers that seems to make quite a few LH rifles but I don't think they make any in 416 caliber but they do make one in 458 Win Mag . They not bad quality , a bit rough but good shooters ( Nothing that a bit of gun smithing wont sort out like the CZs ) . The...
  47. Paul Raley

    New In Box Cz 550 450 Rigby Fancy Grade & CZ 550 416 Rigby Fancy Grade & Ammo For Sale

    What is sold ? The whole package or only part of it ? Apologies for being inquisitive .
  48. Paul Raley

    Is South Africa Going The Way Of Zimbabwe?

    The above link of an SA programme discussing firearms might be of interest if the link works .
  49. Paul Raley

    Is South Africa Going The Way Of Zimbabwe?

    I suspect our govt officials and ministers are at another level when compared to yours , regarding incompetence and corruption ours are over performers , and exceed all expectations !