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  1. Roan

    U.S Election reactions

    I suspect the markets will rebound when all the dust settles. Think is not unlike what happened with Brexit.
  2. Roan

    U.S Election reactions

    Hi All Interested in your views of your election? World markets seemed not to take the news to well. What you got to say?
  3. Roan

    Coming Soon... App

    Great news! Looking forward to the launch.
  4. Roan

    Trijicon RMR

    You don't get them a lot in RSA but I love the 1 MOA. The 3.25 will also work cause you aren't going to shoot over 150 meters. You could also look at aim point.
  5. Roan

    Best double rifle for the money $$

    Cant go wrong with any of the rifles on that list. Some guy love Chapuis other dont car for it. I know of a couple of Ph's that says the Chapuis are pretty guns but a little soft for the bush. If I had to buy another double it would be VC only because they fit the rifle to you.
  6. Roan

    Months Of The Sun By Ian Nyschens

    Maybe we should start a book club like all the woman have. Sit talk about hunting books, smell some gunpowder and drink beer!:D Beers:
  7. Roan

    Best double rifle for the money $$

    Have to go and play with one to see if it fits. I have a Merkel and I and very happy with it! You should be able to get one in State for under 10k.
  8. Roan

    Anyone have experience with a Sabatti BIG 5 EDL

    Looks great! They should have sorted the regulation issues by now. Cant you guys get Merkels for around 7k there? If you can I would rather get a Merkel. (I might be a bit biased though)
  9. Roan

    Mounts are home from SA!

    Looks like a awesome place to sit have a couple of beers and talk hunting!
  10. Roan

    Months Of The Sun By Ian Nyschens

    Het Safari outdoor of Zimbi books nie?
  11. Roan

    First Go With My New .375 And Peregrine Bulletsbullets

    Nice setup! Glad you got everything sorted!
  12. Roan

    Promotion Video For Our South African Hunting Concession

    Super super video! Some lucky hunters gonna hunt what looks like a awesome concession!
  13. Roan

    Namibian Desert Elephant Hunt Oct/Nov 2016

    Why do I suspect most of us South Africans wont be able to afford a Ellie in Nam. But hey we can save on fuel cost to there! so that's something.:)
  14. Roan

    Warthog Pictures

    Lekker man!
  15. Roan

    Small family owned hunting farms

    Hi I am not a outfitter but I can put you in touch with one that has a couple of small family style farms that he hunts on. Cheers,
  16. Roan

    Springbok Pictures

    Nice Pics all. Without a doubt my favorite animal to hunt!
  17. Roan

    What did you hunt this year?

    He was a real old grumpy fighter!
  18. Roan

    What did you hunt this year?

    You didn't have a bad year yourself @CAustin! The looking back is always great. Good friend places and hunts are what life's about.
  19. Roan

    What did you hunt this year?

    Both were super fun hunts.
  20. Roan

    What did you hunt this year?

    Thanks @rookhawk
  21. Roan

    What did you hunt this year?

    @Environ You were busy! Would love to hunt those Chinese water deer! Congrats man
  22. Roan

    Gun Porn...

    My favorite! I think you should send it here to Africa for me to look after it!:sneaky:
  23. Roan

    What did you hunt this year?

    Had a similar experience last year with my nephew.
  24. Roan

    What did you hunt this year?

    Agreed!! best thing ever to see young ones on their first hunts!
  25. Roan

    Gun Porn...

    Also that 3rd one? Beauty!!! What is it?
  26. Roan

    Gun Porn...

    What cal is that first No1 of yours?:E Eek:
  27. Roan

    Gun Porn...

    Thanks @Bullthrower338.
  28. Roan

    Gun Porn...

    No fair Rookhawk! I want everyone of those!! You make it very difficult not to envy!!
  29. Roan

    What did you hunt this year?

    Some years are easier than others! At least you spent time outdoors, that's most of the fun of hunting. You never know what next year's gonna bring...
  30. Roan

    Gun Porn...

    Here is my contribution. My 375H&H.
  31. Roan

    What did you hunt this year?

    As the year draws to a close lets see what you guys have shot this year. I myself have been quite lucky this year taking some nice trophy's. Here are a couple of pics of some of my bag. This is what I got this year. 5 Impala rams 6 Worthog 2 Kudu Bull 1 Duiker 1 Bushbuck 1 Njala 2 Blue...
  32. Roan

    Newest Dangerous Game Rifle

    Cant get much better than Ruger No1! Looks nice in the Stainless. Congrats!
  33. Roan

    Buffalo Pictures

    My self guided buff.
  34. Roan

    Kimber Caprivi

    If you looking at other options I would suggest Mauser Mo3. I have a couple of them and they are super.
  35. Roan

    Kimber Caprivi

    I once played with one in a shop. The action was smooth as butter and better than most of the really expensive German rifles. Cheers
  36. Roan

    SOUTH AFRICA: BOWHUNT: Matswani Safaris Aug/Sept 2016

    Haha love that you whacked that bushpig!! Absolutely monster Kudu congratulations! Great report!
  37. Roan

    English 450/400 Nitro Express Bolt Rifle For sale

    You really have some great rifles! Hope it's sells fast! As it should.
  38. Roan

    Prey: Dutch Lion Horror Movie

    Haha... KILLER KLOWNS! What a movie... Must watch that one again sometime.
  39. Roan

    ZIMBABWE: Hunting In Zimbabwe... By An African "Insider"

    Did you drive your trophy out with you or did you have to dip and pack?
  40. Roan

    ZIMBABWE: Hunting In Zimbabwe... By An African "Insider"

    Nice report, video, pictures and good shot. First day before 6! Man I wish I was as lucky! How far was that first shot? North is way better for buff than south. Looks super dry there. all that grass at South was water when we were there. Congratulations!
  41. Roan

    Prey: Dutch Lion Horror Movie

    Looks like Sharknado with Lions.
  42. Roan

    ZIMBABWE: Hunting In Zimbabwe... By An African "Insider"

    Hi Gillie Lekker intro to your report. We also went with Martin a couple years back. Which camp you go to North or South? Looking forward to your report.
  43. Roan

    Hunt In Namibia

    So it looks like a couple of Mausers are going to see Africa again? Just to let you know my rifles are always keen to travel. :whistle:
  44. Roan

    SOUTH AFRICA: BOWHUNT: Matswani Safaris Aug/Sept 2016

    Nice report. I don't think I would have been able to shoot the Impala with that big monkey sitting there staring at me! Mr Baboon would have had a nice arrow shaped hole through him.
  45. Roan

    Facebook a pro-hunting prospect?

    I agree with you. Something does seem quite right. Maybe its just me being cynical.
  46. Roan

    Excellent & Affordable Hunting Opportunities Now In Tanzania

    Best prices I have seen for Tanzania. Can you do a Sitatunga hunt alone or does it have to be added to a Buff?
  47. Roan

    Sable Hunt Special South Africa 2017 $4,400

    Nice offer! Even for us local guys this would be affordable.
  48. Roan

    Unusual/Deformed/Freak Species Pictures

    My most unusual would be Bontebok and Scimitar Oryx. Going to hunt Tsessebe in two weeks time so hopefully can add that one. Cheers