U.S Election reactions

I hope that if there is a dramatic change here, that it will spread to Europe and possibly wipe out the UN. If that happens, you might see a dry up of liberal funds which have ruined parts of Africa with there globalist welfare crap and suppressed the working people that support all of South Africa ( I believe there are only 5 million South Africans who actually pay all the bills for the 55+ million). Non the less, it will be interesting. Almost biblical, if you know what I mean.

Your are 100% correct!!

But saying that here means your a raciest and a colonialist and probably work for the CIA.

How exactly I don't know...
Your are 100% correct!!

But saying that here means your a raciest and a colonialist and probably work for the CIA.

How exactly I don't know...
Well, I guess 2 out 3 could apply to me.....and boys and girls, that ain't bad.

This guy makes some very interesting, and accurate observations (he is a very liberal brit..)..


This guy makes some very interesting, and accurate observations (he is a very liberal brit..)..

The guy is a total A-hole, but he is absolutely correct why the Dems lost.

This guy makes some very interesting, and accurate observations (he is a very liberal brit..)..

Ok wow, i don't even know what to say about that. Yes he makes a handful of valid points but as a whole watching it was like having two pencils slowly pressed into my ears down to the eraser.
Ok wow, i don't even know what to say about that. Yes he makes a handful of valid points but as a whole watching it was like having two pencils slowly pressed into my ears down to the eraser.
I bet an evening of drinking with him would result in him having to get a Courtney boot removed from an orifice and some complicated dental work done!
now now an asshole is useful if only once a day

Damn, I wish I'd have said that. LOL Try going a few days without using it.
I bet an evening of drinking with him would result in him having to get a Courtney boot removed from an orifice and some complicated dental work done!
I bet youre right
I hope that if there is a dramatic change here, that it will spread to Europe and possibly wipe out the UN. If that happens, you might see a dry up of liberal funds which have ruined parts of Africa with there globalist welfare crap and suppressed the working people that support all of South Africa ( I believe there are only 5 million South Africans who actually pay all the bills for the 55+ million). Non the less, it will be interesting. Almost biblical, if you know what I mean.

Actually the US pays the most into the Useless Nations. Trump will likely reappoint Bolton as ambassador and cut funding. There is a god and he has a sense of humor
Damn, I wish I'd have said that. LOL Try going a few days without using it.

I remember an old joke about all the parts of the body arguing who was boss. We all know who won and why :)
Well this is a pretty good analysis on why Hillary lost. I mean look at Trump's Gettysburg speech, he states 28 things. There was a plan and they were things that America wants.

Meanwhile, I listen to people and they say trump is this or trump is that and this will happen and it has no basis on fact and it is because the media created this message of fear. The media is to blame for this protests and the fear that people are feeling. When Obama won people came to where I was sitting at work and talked shit about how McCain lost and how the Republican party was dead and blah blah blah. Trump wins and my company is offering counseling for those distraught over the election. I read an article where some sprayed painted go back to your safe space is being view as a hate crime. People need to grow up! Obama said elections have consequences, they do and all of these babies lost and they don't get their participation trophy and they can't handle reality.

One protestor, some 20 year old girl that goes to NYU that she was proud of millennials because they showed compassion. When asked what have they shown compassion about. She replied I am compassionate that you are blinded by your privilege. If my kid ever says something like that, I am going to lose it.

Sorry for the rant, but too many of Hillary's supports believe their own bullshit and just stay in their own bullshit and have no idea there are people that disagree with their opinions.
He is a FAR left, British, liberal... no doubt that most on this board don't share his world view..


He (in my opinion) sees EXACTLY what occurred on Tuesday.. whereas I'm not sure most of the people on the left in this country actually "get it"...

The liberal agenda of labeling anyone that doesn't agree with them a bigot, racist, misogynist, a homophobe, or whatever else suits your needs.. in an effort to "shame" them into submission has run its course..

The idea that you can say whatever you want, and do whatever you want, and that's ok.. but no one else has the freedom to say what they want or do what they want if it doesn't adhere to your agenda and world view... has pissed people off.. and they are responding..

The truth is liberals make up roughly half the population (and have since this country was founded)... we don't all have the same values.. and we don't all believe the same thing..

Liberals did win the "culture war" that he describes.. we entered a couple of decades long period of "political correctness".. and watched conservatives mind their manners, bite their tongues, etc... for fear of being labeled, condemned, and ridiculed.. rather than standing up for what they actually believe in and taking the fight back to the liberals..

That time has passed.. political correctness is on its way to the grave (as evidenced by a POTUSe that has said exactly what is on his mind, made a ton of politically incorrect statements, and got elected despite it...).. Labeling and shaming no longer works.. conservatives are at the point of "I don't give a shit".. call me what you want... I'm going to do what I believe is right.. and you can go to hell if you don't like it..

If liberals want their opinions valued, their beliefs heard, and their agendas pushed.. they are now going to have to start debating them and convincing people of that they have a good idea... the days of "we have to pass the law to know whats in it" are gone.. the days of someone saying "you didn't vote for Barak? youre a racist!" mattering have passed..

I'd love to think that one day in the future I could actually have a reasonable and rational discussion on a social issue with an extreme liberal.. and that I could listen to their point of view.. and they could listen to mine.. without the conversation being filled with blind, false accusations, rhetoric, name calling, and general assclownery..

you have an issue.. great.. lets hear it... justify your position.. tell me why you believe what you do... and lets talk about both sides of the coin...

Instead of you telling me what you expect me to do and what you want.. and then throwing a temper tantrum, name calling, and threatening to burn the inner city if you don't get it RIGHT NOW!
You mention Political Correctness. I love a quote attributed to Truman where he defines it as: "... the philosophy that you can pick up a turd by the clean end..."
We are a divided nation......and I believe in a big part due to our educational system going off track. We need to get back to educating young Americans about our country, its freedoms, and how those freedoms were won. Include in that education some scenes from Normandy, Korea, and Viet Nam.....young people have to understand what it took to give the rest of us what we have. And they need to be educated about the tried and failed systems of socialism and why it won't work....not difficult to understand from a human, common sense view. Frankly, I'm glad the election process was nasty....things got said that needed to be said....corruption needed to be called out.....sick of the "sweet" approach....I wanted a fighter to hold Hillary to account.....and Trump did that. He has his problems but I think he has the best interest of our country. Thank you to the vets and their families that have made the ultimate sacrifice for us! .............And warm spit to those in our country who curse the American flag......
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DMV lol I even had some liberals whine and just beg to get there faces rubbed in SHIT! And I was more than happy to grind there greenie liberal faces in shit (y) just as deep as I could and I will continue to do so whenever I get the chance and I urge everyone to do the same. They called us deplorable, dinasaurs, etc now its their turn to eat shit. the 1st amendment is for all americans now its our turn to voice ours too loud and strong.
I agree. It's time conservative values come out of seclusion and start inserting themselves as mainstream. Somehow we allowed the left to control the narrative and set the standard publicly on what's acceptable behavior. With the wind at our backs we need to run rough shod over the liberal efforts to control the American experience. Even if your only a generation or 2 removed here. Our forefathers blood wets this soil and I for one will not befoul their legacy by just turning this country over to people who had no fight for it. And that goes for anywhere. Men died so you could be free and have a life. Don't let some limp male or the girl who didn't get asked to the dance tell you what life means
George Will, a very conservative columnist who "left" the Republican over Trump's nomination has an interesting column in the Washington Post (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opin...b9e804-a6a3-11e6-ba59-a7d93165c6d4_story.html)

Will points out the changing demographics in the US will require political parties to pitch a bigger tent.

"In 2016, Republicans won a ruinous triumph that convinced them that they can forever prosper by capturing an ever-larger portion of an ever-smaller portion of the electorate."

"Demography need not dictate for Republicans a grim destiny but it soon will, unless they act to counter adverse trends. Republicans should absorb Tim Alberta’s data in National Review: Arizona whites have gone from 74 percent to 54 percent of the population in 25 years; minorities will be a majority there by 2022. Texas minorities became a majority in 2004; whites are now 43 percent of the population. Nevada is 52 percent white and projected to be majority-minority in 2020. Georgia is 54 percent white, heading for majority-minority in 2026. Because of inexorably rising minorities, Clinton, an epically untalented candidate, did better than Obama did in 2012 in Georgia, Texas, Arizona and where 1 in 8 Americans lives — California."
Obama's failures cost Hillary this election, just as Bush's failures cost McCains election.We always seem to get 8 years of failures from whatever party is in charge.

Trump & the Republican party have a golden opportunity. If Trump does well, and gets a second term without taking the lame duck path, it could setup another Republican President after Trumps 8 years. We could set this Liberal movement back a long time.

The one thing that could destroy this opportunity is establishment Senators & representatives. They may tear everything down around them to maintain control, and oppose Trump at every turn. I hope Trump game plans for this, and start calling them out and shaming them into doing the right things. Hopefully the voters can get them replaced.

I was hoping Kelli Ward would beat McCain in the Arizona primary, but John has the money to outspend her, and the blue hair retirees like him.

I had to vote for McCain in the general election, but I had to take a long shower aftetwards. I still feel tainted.

The RINO's need to go.
He is a FAR left, British, liberal... no doubt that most on this board don't share his world view..


He (in my opinion) sees EXACTLY what occurred on Tuesday.. whereas I'm not sure most of the people on the left in this country actually "get it"...

The liberal agenda of labeling anyone that doesn't agree with them a bigot, racist, misogynist, a homophobe, or whatever else suits your needs.. in an effort to "shame" them into submission has run its course..

The idea that you can say whatever you want, and do whatever you want, and that's ok.. but no one else has the freedom to say what they want or do what they want if it doesn't adhere to your agenda and world view... has pissed people off.. and they are responding..

The truth is liberals make up roughly half the population (and have since this country was founded)... we don't all have the same values.. and we don't all believe the same thing..

Liberals did win the "culture war" that he describes.. we entered a couple of decades long period of "political correctness".. and watched conservatives mind their manners, bite their tongues, etc... for fear of being labeled, condemned, and ridiculed.. rather than standing up for what they actually believe in and taking the fight back to the liberals..

That time has passed.. political correctness is on its way to the grave (as evidenced by a POTUSe that has said exactly what is on his mind, made a ton of politically incorrect statements, and got elected despite it...).. Labeling and shaming no longer works.. conservatives are at the point of "I don't give a shit".. call me what you want... I'm going to do what I believe is right.. and you can go to hell if you don't like it..

If liberals want their opinions valued, their beliefs heard, and their agendas pushed.. they are now going to have to start debating them and convincing people of that they have a good idea... the days of "we have to pass the law to know whats in it" are gone.. the days of someone saying "you didn't vote for Barak? youre a racist!" mattering have passed..

I'd love to think that one day in the future I could actually have a reasonable and rational discussion on a social issue with an extreme liberal.. and that I could listen to their point of view.. and they could listen to mine.. without the conversation being filled with blind, false accusations, rhetoric, name calling, and general assclownery..

you have an issue.. great.. lets hear it... justify your position.. tell me why you believe what you do... and lets talk about both sides of the coin...

Instead of you telling me what you expect me to do and what you want.. and then throwing a temper tantrum, name calling, and threatening to burn the inner city if you don't get it RIGHT NOW!

Its like you read my mind!

Best post I have read.
Can you imagine how Trump's gonna age though.

Say what you want but look at Obama. He looks 20 years older after just 8. Being POTUS is probably the most thankless, exhausting job out there.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?