SOUTH AFRICA: Question For Tootabi Hunting Safaris

I will provide my own experience in working with a new guide in Alaska as a reference as to how I would expect someone to act who is getting started.

Through references, Federal and State Fish & Game (my brother is retired USFW) I found this guide's name. When I spoke to him, he up front told me he was still waiting on his Forest Service Permit which was pending as the Insurance Company had not yet issued his policy. He had may years of assistance guide experience and all of his required guide licenses for the state. We agreed that once he had all of his documents in order, he would get me copies and at that point I would make my travel arrangements and book the hunt. A few weeks later he sent me all documents, told me to wait to pay him until I arrived and we planned the hunt. It ended up being a legal, safe, fun and successful hunt with no shortcuts.

I've known this individual and his wife for 10 years now and Ann and I have done a cruise with them. They have grown their business from guiding out of a commercial salmon fishing trawler to one of the nicest 65 foot yachts in SE Alaska. They do small ship cruises, black bear, brown bear, sitka deer, sea ducks, etc. My point is, that all of us in doing our work or business should start out the right way. That's the way one builds a reputation, grows their business and meets their clients needs.
Interesting to see how many outfits have the name Bushmen or Bushman in their company names, yet no one seems upset.
Well I can say the same thing is happening with loodt.I was waiting for the paper work.I have not paid a dime signed anything saying I am hunting with him.I did book my airfare but I am going on two hunts when there.If it did not work out with loodt I would just make other plans for that time period.I do have the times and animals picked for the hunt put was taking his word on being legal by the time I needed final paperwork for my travel.Now in loodts mind and mine I was his first booked client on are hand shake kind of deal.It may not be for everyone but I was ok with it as he did his part to become a outfitter.
Mike it is ILLEGAL to hunt in SA without an invitation letter from a Licensed Outfitter.

How are you going to import your firearms ?

How are you going to export your trophies ?


What i wrote said " he would work as a middleman " , so the hunters invitation and guns and the trophy export would be done by the legal PH/outfitter that he would be using which i did mention in my post.


Mike Jones

Best of luck to you Loodt, get that outfitter and PH license. You have a lot of great ideas!

The veteran's of AH were just trying to help make sure someone went on a legal hunt. No one likes to hear about permit problems and such. It's hard to trust Africa time, some days she's kind to you and the next time...well TIA
One more funny thing to me is how he has been found guilty by some.The great internet jury we can all be has ruled.I have not see any charges filled or fines yet.I am sure if there was some the guys so worried about us hunters would have posted that info.But nothing has even been in front of a judge or taken anywhere in court.Hell it might not ever be taken depending on what the permit office has done already.Even in the charge most think he is guilty of posting hunt offers has not been taken anywhere thats show that he broke a law.Plus all the guys who made the stink over this really dont even know what he was told about getting his permit with out the Ph coarse.I am not sure being a licensed ph or famous internet law expert reading the rule book can make that judgement.Maybe it works different in SA but I am use to seeing someone get there right to a hearing to prove guilt or innocents.Lets try not to act like what he did was first degree murder.I think the hangman waiting in the wings maybe just alittle to much in this case.
I am surprised by a few things on this thread but will share my opinion on only the following:

Fact: In this country it is illegal to market hunts or accept any form of payment for hunts to or from individuals who do not normally reside within the borders of RSA if you are not a legally licensed Outfitter or acting on behalf of a legally licensed Outfitter. No one can blame potential hunting clients for not knowing this but it is what it is...

Fact: In this country it is illegal to guide foreigners on a hunt for any form of remuneration if you are not a legally licensed Professional Hunter.

Fact: Whether you're young or old, the same laws apply to everyone and ignorance of the Law is not an excuse.

Fact: Many, many "new kids on the block" try to get started in the industry by selling "cheap hunts". Those who bothered to pay attention during their PH course would have known that this is a bad strategy... Those who didn't attend a PH course wouldn't know any better... For this reason attendance of a PH course and successfully completing same is important...

Fact: Typically; the same "new kids on the block" end up realizing that the economics of "cheap hunts" don't work - soon after getting into the business... They then usually end up trying to bring their prices in line with the rest of the industry... More often than not this is too late...

Some learn from these experiences - some never will...
One more funny thing to me is how he has been found guilty by some.The great internet jury we can all be has ruled.I have not see any charges filled or fines yet.I am sure if there was some the guys so worried about us hunters would have posted that info.But nothing has even been in front of a judge or taken anywhere in court.Hell it might not ever be taken depending on what the permit office has done already.Even in the charge most think he is guilty of posting hunt offers has not been taken anywhere thats show that he broke a law.Plus all the guys who made the stink over this really dont even know what he was told about getting his permit with out the Ph coarse.I am not sure being a licensed ph or famous internet law expert reading the rule book can make that judgement.Maybe it works different in SA but I am use to seeing someone get there right to a hearing to prove guilt or innocents.Lets try not to act like what he did was first degree murder.I think the hangman waiting in the wings maybe just alittle to much in this case.

Billc, you are a hard working guy, that takes his son hunting a lot, hard for me not to like you a lot but what Loodt did was wrong. Not trying to hang him, but it was A MAJOR NO NO!!! No if ands about it! I don't want to get in a pissing contest about it. Maybe he jumped the gun, got bad advise...whatever but it was wrong. I can move on about. I can understand why other outfitters might get upset about it.
One thing for certain, and am glad an outfitter pointed this out, some new kids on the block with their cheap prices aren't around for the long haul, I just cross referenced pricing between the insinuated outfitter, and the inferred outfitter and the insinuated outfitter is more expensive on some animals, and a bit cheaper on others, overall I would say they are comparable in price with none of them appearing to be the "cheap" version.

Fact: Mud slinging from anyone isn't productive, however its disguised

He admits he did wrong, as I said in my earlier post, I always look for the intent, regardless of what law has been broken before I cast judgement
I am surprised by a few things on this thread but will share my opinion on only the following:

Fact: In this country it is illegal to market hunts or accept any form of payment for hunts to or from individuals who do not normally reside within the borders of RSA if you are not a legally licensed Outfitter or acting on behalf of a legally licensed Outfitter. No one can blame potential hunting clients for not knowing this but it is what it is...

Fact: In this country it is illegal to guide foreigners on a hunt for any form of remuneration if you are not a legally licensed Professional Hunter.

Fact: Whether you're young or old, the same laws apply to everyone and ignorance of the Law is not an excuse.

Fact: Many, many "new kids on the block" try to get started in the industry by selling "cheap hunts". Those who bothered to pay attention during their PH course would have known that this is a bad strategy... Those who didn't attend a PH course wouldn't know any better... For this reason attendance of a PH course and successfully completing same is important...

Fact: Typically; the same "new kids on the block" end up realizing that the economics of "cheap hunts" don't work - soon after getting into the business... They then usually end up trying to bring their prices in line with the rest of the industry... More often than not this is too late...

Some learn from these experiences - some never will...

+1, i agree, the law is the law...cost a lot a year just to be legit...and now you have competition with unlicensed ones...
Yes, bushwack we all know the law is the law and a piece of paper makes everything all right.Even keeping a dying mans depsosit was made right for you by a piece of paper.Again easy to say a law was broke. Please one of you show me were he has been charge by the people having the power to do so not by one of you internet judges.How does the temp permit not make him legal.How does having a licensed ph doing the hunt not legal.Both the points everyone is saying he does not have are in place.Unless the temp permit stops him from being able to run ads which without seeing that or seeing the law about a temp permit just maybe all is ok.
Yes, bushwack we all know the law is the law and a piece of paper makes everything all right.Even keeping a dying mans depsosit was made right for you by a piece of paper.Again easy to say a law was broke. Please one of you show me were he has been charge by the people having the power to do so not by one of you internet judges.How does the temp permit not make him legal.How does having a licensed ph doing the hunt not legal.Both the points everyone is saying he does not have are in place.Unless the temp permit stops him from being able to run ads which without seeing that or seeing the law about a temp permit just maybe all is ok.

As it turns out he didn't have ANY PAPERWORK at all.
The temporary paperwork was turned down by Mr. Jaap Pienaar of the Dept.

There is a lot I can't comment on.
If anyone has received hunt offers or hunt quotes from Loodt can you please forward the original emails to me.
Best regards
Till we all know all the facts, we should be careful about judging one way or the other.
It is clear that Loodt has made some mistakes. I am sure the future will reveal how serious it is.
Yes, .......... easy to say a law was broke. ....

Here you go bill. I'll bring it all into one post.
By Loodts own admission he acted before he had lawful authorization.

Dear friends, members and all interested parties;

RE: Outfitters Licence
I made a big blunder by advertising safaris and services before I had a lawful and authorized hunting contractor license. ............

Kind regards,


Here's the law to back up Loodt's own conclusion:


[Chapter VIA inserted by s. 25 of Ord. 15 of 1983.]


72A For the purposes of this Chapter
(b) Hunting contractor means a person who, for reward, offers or organises the hunting of a wild animal to or for some other person not normally resident in the Republic, the Territory of South West Africa or a territory which formerly formed part of the Republic.
72B Subject to the provisions of any regulations made under section 72C (a), no person shall act as a ................ hunting contractor without a permit.


72D Subject to the provisions of section 86 (2) every person who contravenes the provisions of section 72B shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction in accordance with the provisions of section 86 (1) (b).

If Loodt had picked the name out of the blue I would agree with you. I think the point that is being missed though is that Tootabi is the name Loodt's family farm goes by and has for years, well before the other outfitter began to use the name for his business. I know that if I was in Loodt's position you would have been hard pressed to convince me that I shouldn't use the name I grew up with just because someone else decided to use it in another form (Valley).

Just my opinion

Royal, I can't find a farm property named Tootabi. (Garmin Topo Maps has all these details in it)

The Coordinates offered for Tootabi Hunting Safaris on the website is:
GPS co-ordinates: S 33 21'21.06"| E 25 57'20.54
Which is:
Addo Olifantskop Lodge, Bellvue, Eastern Cape
Bed and Breakfast accommodation near Addo and Eastern Cape Game Parks
The contact and apparent owner is: Hillary Du Preez
The property/farm surrounding this location is called Vooruitzicht 61

Right across the road from this to the north is a locality called Tootabi which is located on a farm called Tootobie Valley 39
Down the road to the east is a hiking trail named Toetebee
Which also presents Toetebe Fishing & Toetebee Bed & Breakfast which appears to be located on farm Middelpan 42.

Kleinvlakte 144/1 is a farm name owned by Loodts father where a Chicken Rearing Facility application Environmental Decision is under appeal with the Eastern Cape DEDEAT.
The farm is on the outskirts of Paterson.

Just more information and I am not sure what to conclude from all of this.
Thanks brickburn for posting the rules to see.I myself already see away any good lawyer will use to defend loodt in the case if it even goes that far.Now I must say I am only licensed in my own mind to offer any legal advice.I have seen many of so called guilty people not end up guilty of anything after they get there day in court.The shame of it is seems to be a few hoping he is guilty of something.I wonder why that would be $$$$$$$$$$$$$.No my bad those perfect people are only doing it to save us few.And lets just say i dont know if he is guilty or innocent and feel it is best to wait till they prove him guilty before saying so.He does not need to prove he is innocent unless it works backwards in SA.
One quetion for dave of leopardsvalley.You yourself post the fact he had the temp permit in your first perfect post.You had at that point talked to the same guy who now your saying has said he does not.So again that shows some fact maybe true some not.Seems you are going out of your way to make this your personal trail of someone.I know you have never did wrong in your life as perfect people like you never make mistakes.If he is innocent or guilty in my eyes you and your friends have more then hunters in mind trying to stop him now from getting licensed.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Loss of Big Picture

What is the purpose of PHASA?
I don't know directly as I'm not a member, but from their website:

Aims & Objectives:
to promote and safeguard the interests and good name of PHASA and its members;
to promote and safeguard the hunting profession in South Africa;
to promote and participate in the conservation of Africas natural resources;
to promote and facilitate sustainable hunting as a conservation tool;
to promote and facilitate the empowerment of all South Africans wishing to participate in the hunting profession, conservation and related activities;
to engage with the national and provincial Governments of the Republic of South Africa and other countries, in all matters affecting professional hunting, conservation and related activities;
to collaborate with and assist, wherever possible and to the extent reasonably feasible, all officers of organisations and authorities tasked with the conservation of natural resources;
to co-operate with other persons and organisations in Africa and elsewhere having objects similar to those of this Association;
to promote and market South Africa as a leading international hunting destination;
to co-operate with those (wherever situated) who by business or other circumstances are connected with hunting and to provide opportunities for discussion between them and members of the Association on matters of common interest;
to promote adherence to its Code of Conduct by all PHASA members and to sanction members who contravene its Code of Conduct or act contrary to these Aims and Objects or other provisions of the Constitution of the Association;
to render assistance to and serve the needs of members of the Association;
to render assistance to and serve the needs, wherever possible and to the extent reasonably feasible, of the clientele of PHASA members;
to regulate or prohibit, as the case may be, the publication in the Republic of South Africa or elsewhere by members of advertisements, interviews or press releases, that may be contrary to the objects of the Association; and
to develop fellowship and cooperation among professional hunters.

PHASA Website: Mission

My understanding, and please correct me if I'm wrong PHASA members, is that PHASA has no authority to enforce any laws. They can only report suspect violations of the law to RSA authorities. They can sanction members, which I would guess to mean suspension or cancellation of their PHASA memberships. So how really do PHASA members support the first two Aims and Objectives I've put in bold above?

What is the purpose of
Well I'm not Jerome but I have been a member here for a few years. My opinion is that this website's purpose is a place to both receive and provide information in regards to any matters relevant to hunting Africa, other places too, but primarily Africa. In regards to members looking to book a hunt in Africa, information here can help ensure that the hunter goes on a hunt with a reputable law abiding outfitter. This helps to ensure not only does the hunter have the safari he's wanting but that it is also conducted appropriately protecting the hunter from any violations of African as well as international laws.

Accusations were made against Loodt by PHASA members that Loodt was not operating with all of the necessary permits. These accusations were then substantiated and confirmed to be true by Loodt himself.

So in my opinion, this "system" has worked. has served a purpose by providing a place for information about hunting in RSA, information that specifically if taken to heart by prospective clients would prevent them from violations of hunting laws by hunting with an unauthorized outfitter. PHASA members have contributed by bringing these facts to light and have therefore served one of its objectives of safeguarding the hunting profession in South Africa.

Guilt or innocence in a court of law is NOT what this is about. Now Loodt may in fact find himself in court and then again maybe he won't. But that's irrelevant to this website or PHASA.

What is relevant is that if you are someone who has or is considering booking and hunting with Loodt, you have been provided critical information, confirmed by Loodt himself, that if you do so, you could find yourself in a bad spot.

billc you've questioned the motives of the outfitters. How would you if you were a PHASA member/oufitter bring to light situations which are threatening to safari hunting in RSA and to prospective clients in such a way that motives cannot be questioned?

You have also suggested that this thread has turned into some sort of internet trial. By the way, I also hate those types of trials when they come up. In those "trials" normally intelligent mature adults somehow turn into immature children who leap to conclusions unhampered by actually having all or even a majority of the facts. However there is some irony here. Earlier in the thread you brought up to Bushwack that he did not refund a deposit to a man who was and has now died due to cancer. I don't know if you realize it or not, but this situation with Loodt has not only been brought up here on AH, but also on another website. On that other website's Loodt thread, AH has received strong criticism about "welcoming with open arms" Bushwack. That we here on AH defended his actions and we're not REAL men for not being more critical of him.

So in one camp AH is way too hard/critical and in another way too soft/accepting.

Personally I appreciate the manner in which this thread has been conducted by both the gents bringing this matter to light and for Loodt being willing to be honest and not try to cover up. If and when and its most likely just a matter of time, a situation comes up like this, that it be handled in the exact same manner as this one.

But if you have suggestions for improvement for such, I know I'm willing to listen/read them.
One thing is for sure, many members on the other website totally lack the ability to discuss in a civilized and respectful way.
When the wolfpack there smells blood, they go in for the kill with no regard to what is facts and what is fiction.

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EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on MarcoPani's profile.
Happy Birthday, from Grahamstown, South Africa.
I hope your day is great!
EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on Ilkay Taskin's profile.
Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
Cheers, Marius
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Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID