Prayers for Mark

Great news, Mark!
Great to hear of your improvement Mark. Best of luck getting out of there quickly.

I’ll leave it to you to ask @TOBY458 how he knows what it feels like to break out of prison. :oops:
Great to hear of your improvement Mark. Best of luck getting out of there quickly.

I’ll leave it to you to ask @TOBY458 how he knows what it feels like to break out of prison. :oops:
I've done two long stints in the hospital, with tubes in me as well. So I know the great feeling of getting to go home. I'm sure it has to be similar to breaking out of San Quentin! Lol!
Fantastic news Mark! Thanks for the update! Now we just need Scott to heal up.
Yes, Mark told me earlier today that he might be headed home tomorrow. Awesome news and so glad his scare seems to be in the rear view mirror. I think the prayers really helped.

I’m doing fine but did have more pain today for some reason. I’m only taking Tylenol the past few days. Perhaps I quit the OxyContin a bit too early considering I put my leg in a constant motion machine a few times each day and I’m adding 5 degrees of flex per day. I’m up to 50 degrees of knee flex now. I think I will stay with 50 degrees tomorrow instead of going to 55 and see how it goes. I hope to be catheter free on Friday.
Wow, that’s a rough one! I’ve been through it pretty bad with both wrists and cannot stand OxyContin. Better to grit your teeth than deal with the side effects of that crap! Keeping you in our prayers Scott!
@Scott CWO

Based on advice from of my cardio nurses (somewhat on the QT), you can take ibuprofen with, or in between the Tylenol doses. It worked great for pain control in my case.

May not be advisable in all cases and you don't want to take the ibuprofen long term.

Your doctor may say otherwise of course.
@Scott CWO

Based on advice from of my cardio nurses (somewhat on the QT), you can take ibuprofen with, or in between the Tylenol doses. It worked great for pain control in my case.

May not be advisable in all cases and you don't want to take the ibuprofen long term.

Your doctor may say otherwise of course.

I got the same advice after my last wrist surgery. I refused to take a narcotic so that was their recommendation. For me it was very effective.

It’s no fun when the sins of our youth come home to roost!
@Scott CWO

Based on advice from of my cardio nurses (somewhat on the QT), you can take ibuprofen with, or in between the Tylenol doses. It worked great for pain control in my case.

May not be advisable in all cases and you don't want to take the ibuprofen long term.

Your doctor may say otherwise of course.
Actually it’s been shown now that ibuprofen retards bone growth so it’s Tylenol or opioids only now. I learned this when my son broke his fibula in a high school basketball tournament. We thought he just pulled a muscle and gave him ibuprofen. Then a few weeks later in spring football, he took a helmet hit to the same leg as QB and had to go to the ER where they discovered his fibula was broken previously. Tough kid. My post-op directions clearly state no ibuprofen.
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Well it official.
I am getting discharged later this afternoon. All IVs removed. I still have a drain line in my hip till next week. Will be slowly working my way into more solid foods over next 10 days.

Thank you all for prayers and support thru this.

Hope to see many of you in Dallas at DCS or AH Dinner!

Keep Scott in our prayers on his recovery.
Well it official.
I am getting discharged later this afternoon. All IVs removed. I still have a drain line in my hip till next week. Will be slowly working my way into more solid foods over next 10 days.

Thank you all for prayers and support thru this.

Hope to see many of you in Dallas at DCS or AH Dinner!

Keep Scott in our prayers on his recovery.
Prayer works ! Keep kicking ass and have a Merry Christmas Mark
Well it official.
I am getting discharged later this afternoon. All IVs removed. I still have a drain line in my hip till next week. Will be slowly working my way into more solid foods over next 10 days.

Thank you all for prayers and support thru this.

Hope to see many of you in Dallas at DCS or AH Dinner!

Keep Scott in our prayers on his recovery.
Congrats bud! So glad to hear this. Merry Christmas and enjoy DSC. Wish I could go but won’t be ready yet but will be at SCI.
Great news @Mark Biggerstaff, continue on taking it easy and enjoy the holidays

And @Scott CWO , hang in there and bite through the pain of the revalidation exercises! You’ll be on your way soon as well!
Or translated to Texan - YeeHaw!
Awesome news buddy!

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T/C wrote on Dewald's profile.
Hi Dewald,
I am looking for a copy of Wright's "Shooting the British Double Rifle" (3E).
Please PM me (T/C) if you still have one.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
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Come from cz like that.
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