
Maybe Putin is using Ukraine to actually defeat us. The longer the war last the more we spend. Gas prices go through the roof and Americans have to spend a ton on food and energy. No more money for vacations and entertainment. The nation already divided. This could put it over the edge. I think Putin believes that the US population has no stomach for war after Afghanistan. Covid was made political and I have no doubt that this may also become political.
We are better and smarter than that. After the midterm elections, the radical democrats are finished for a while. Then, hopefully we get a new president in 2024 with similar policies as the last one but a whole lot more professionalism articulated - straight talk without the narcissist.
Appears Putin may have believed his own rhetoric- the part where his troops were liberating Ukraine, that the Ukrainians would meet his troops with cheers, and that the officials would flee for their lives. Looks like it isn't working out as he thought it would.
Unfortunately, I can see this happening very easily. With an enhanced stranglehold on pillaged Ukranian natural resources, raw materials and agricultural products, the FREE Democracies of the world, would now have an economically emboldened Russia in the West and a belligerent China on the east eyeing their dominance of the South China sea trade route, countries in SE Asia and Taiwan. It won't happen overnight, but it may happen soon without the West waking up and having a plan to counter it TOGETHER. Europe buried their heads in the sand when Hitler was building his army. We in the US, buried our heads in the sand while watching Hitler take over Europe and the Japanese taking over everything in the Pacific. It's always "somebody else's" problem, until it's not. We almost lost WW2 due to complacency and our isolationist policy. I'm not advocating the US or NATO get involved militarily in Ukraine at this point. But, make no mistake about it, as long as Putin and Xi Jinping are in power, we will continue to face on onslaught of violations of International Law until countries have decided they've had enough and isolate Russia and China through massive economic sanctions. Much easier to accomplish against Russia then China though?
Just a question to ponder; how much of China's economy is products to the USA?
It seems losing our market would impact China. Maybe they would relish the victory but not the result.
I wonder if becoming a paranoid schizophrenic is a result of a lifetime in the KGB or just a coincidence.
Yeah, could be the “just because your a diagnosed paranoid, doesn’t mean they’re not after you”, KGB mentality?
Appears Putin may have believed his own rhetoric- the part where his troops were liberating Ukraine, that the Ukrainians would meet his troops with cheers, and that the officials would flee for their lives. Looks like it isn't working out as he thought it would.
After Crimea, maybe the Ukrainians have had enough of Putin?
After Crimea, maybe the Ukrainians have had enough of Putin?

They have been fighting a war against basically Russia for I think 14 years on their Eastern front...the 2 breakaway areas have been supported by Russia , and Russian troops and equipment have taken part...even though denied by the Russian military and government....thousands killed and tens of thousands displaced....so the Ukrainians have plenty of reasons to have as you say..had enough of putin
Not good....

BBC News - Ukraine conflict: How Russia forged closer ties with Africa
Very interesting! And your right, not good. Seems like Russia is building alliances in Africa through providing arms and military assistance as China is doing in the East through funding infrastructure and paying off countries’ debt?
If correct interesting information

“20 BILLION a day” to invade Ukraine? What was Putin thinking because his entire military budget is something around $60 billion/YEAR! I guess his Comrade oligarchs must be pouring their wealth into this fiasco?
“20 BILLION a day” to invade Ukraine? What was Putin thinking because his entire military budget is something around $60 billion/YEAR! I guess his Comrade oligarchs must be pouring their wealth into this fiasco?

As said if correct...think that might be a misprint...but not going to be cheap in any case...
I keep hearing this nonsense about the expansion of NATO.

After all that experience, from 1917 until 1991 (and in some cases going into Tsarist times), did anyone really think these former Soviet Republics would have some sort of Stockholm Syndrome?

Being surprised that Poland, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and even Georgia and Ukraine, et al would go running to NATO is like being surprised the wife with two black eyes running from a drunken husband would go to a Battered Wife Shelter. Why are we pretending it's not the husband who is at fault, it's the shelter's fault for simply being there?

NATO didn't "expand", looking for further ways to encircle. A bunch of places were determined to be co-dependent no more.

Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something.
If correct interesting information

Running out of rockets, weapons, fuel, supplies, etc? This Russian invasion is turning into an expensive fiasco for Putin. Ironically, this sounds eerily similar to Hitler’s invasion of Russia during WW2. Tanks and mechanized units “blitzkreiging” across the countryside until they weren’t, because they ran out of fuel! Their fuel, ammo, food and other supplies (no winter gear though) were many miles behind them in wagons being pulled by MULES! Maybe Putin could get mules to pull his dry tanks into Kiev? It’s really unbelievable. You’d think Putin or his Generals would have studied and learned from the failed German invasion of THEIR country, which in part was due similar supply chain issues they’re experiencing now? Arrogance and over confidence! Good for Ukraine!


When it comes to politicians / leaders of countries instigating wars there should be an International law / principle that whoever instigates the war must lead from the front in battle and all able bodied family members of theirs must join them , if they really believe in what they doing they must set the example - lets see how many unnecessary wars will take place then .
Sanna Marin, the Finnish prime minister, has never been a keen supporter of joining NATO.

Back in January, she said her country did not plan to join the military alliance in the near future.

However, the Finnish prime minister seems to have had a change of heart in the wake of Russia's unprovoked attack on its western neighbour.

She told the national broadcaster Yle last week: “Finland is ready to apply for NATO membership if the issue of national security becomes acute."
The USA has labelled both Canada and the EU as threats to their "National Security" in order to justify new duties declared by their military Commander-in-Chief on the international trade of steel and aluminum. So I suggest that USA made products such as firearms and ammunition should be sold exclusively within the USA so Canada and Europe can help our esteemed neighbour defend themselves and improve their national security. Sadly, I have come to the conclusion that Canadians and Europeans should make do with their own products exclusively. For all our AfricaHunting friends in Canada, Europe, Africa and elsewhere, please don't buy any American made products. Lets's support the USA in their concern. One can never be too careful when there are evil guys to deal with, and it is our duty to help, as always.
Only RUSSIAN citizens are being sanctioned!

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?