
Which means exactly what? If you invest $1000 and Elon Musk invests $1000 dollars is that the same thing? It is why defense spending goals of NATO allies are based upon percentage of GDP. I agree that NATO members should reach that goal, and thanks to Putin more do now than at any time since the end of the Cold War.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend......We are obliged to fight amongst ourselves, but when you choose to join uninvited we will oblige ourselves to join together to defeat you.

Russia and China would want to occupy North America thus the threat of a nuclear strike from either is less likely for many reasons.

Then and now, probably more so now with all the technology advances, the biggest deterrent to a Russian or Chinese invasion is not so much the Amerixan military, but the well armed don't give a shit Billy Bob, Bubba, etc.backwoods, hillbillies, that often like to shoot any stranger first before asking any questions.

The biggest threat of a nuclear bomb being set off in the US would be from Iran or other anti American terrorist group and North Korea. Their mentality is to prove to the rest of the world how powerful they are. The aftermath of such an attack would be total unhinged American anger focused solely on the total enilation/ genocide of the country responsible.

When America's 2nd Civil War breaks out it will be genocidal. Pretty much white and black will start enilating All You Others, once the AYO's are totally eliminated, It'll be pick your side with the side going into battle firstest with the mostest, wins.
Politicians, former and present
Large, mega money Corporate leaders,
Anti's: hunting, guns, etc.
Animal Rights/ Greenies/ etc.
Illegal immigrants, you look "Hispanic" ancestry, you look Mid Eastern ancestry

While some in Russia might want to occupy the USA. I highly doubt most in power do. The same with China. They are all too busy skimming money and selling products making themselves rich. Without the US, there’s the money going on come from? Answer, nowhere else.
Which means exactly what? If you invest $1000 and Elon Musk invests $1000 dollars is that the same thing? It is why defense spending goals of NATO allies are based upon percentage of GDP. I agree that NATO members should reach that goal, and thanks to Putin more do now than at any time since the end of the Cold War.

Certainly a valid point General. But taking into account our debt load, I will be a bit of a thorn in your side here or pain in the a$$, however you see it, but at the same time acknowledge that our defense spending has been dropping and appears to be near the last low in 2001. But you know $50 billion here, a $100 billion there and sooner or later you're talking about real money. And please note that we spend roughly double the combined total that China and Russia do.

Certainly a valid point General. But taking into account our debt load, I will be a bit of a thorn in your side here or pain in the a$$, however you see it, but at the same time acknowledge that our defense spending has been dropping and appears to be near the last low in 2001. But you know $50 billion here, a $100 billion there and sooner or later you're talking about real money. And please note that we spend roughly double the combined total that China and Russia do.

I am not sure I get your point. It is still a function of comparative GDP. But yes, debt impacts whatever discretionary spending is left available for anything else.
While some in Russia might want to occupy the USA. I highly doubt most in power do. The same with China. They are all too busy skimming money and selling products making themselves rich. Without the US, there’s the money going on come from? Answer, nowhere else.

As a communist country the money comes from those mining, working farms, industry or what's left of it. The money is here for those in power to take. Those in power will pillage anything and everything they can wood, coal, iron, copper, gold silver, etc., etc.
I am not sure I get your point. It is still a function of comparative GDP. But yes, debt impacts whatever discretionary spending is left available for anything else.

Looking at it from a pure dollars point of view, disregarding how much of a percentage of GDP the spend may be. Do we really need to spend more than double that which China and Russia spends? If we "only" spent let's say $750 billion, would we really be hurting our defensive capabilities?

I don't really know the answer to that question nor will I even take a guess. But our newest provocateur, @glen matunas has a point in regards to our debt load. At some point that debt becomes a threat to national security too. Do we need to completely eliminate it? I don't think so, but it sure seems like reducing it from current levels would be wise.

Can that come from only reducing defense spending? I wouldn't think that wise either, but it would seem reasonable that it be part of the solution.
I pay over $800 a month per employee on health care costs (I pay 100%, no employee contributions) plus on average over $10K a month overall payroll costs. I pay about $2,000/month per degreed engineer with minimum 5 years of experience overseas, you do the math.
I need a job in two years.
@glen matunas Stay with the conversation. You are one of the few remaining voices of reason. Be strong............FWB
Sorry but I don't agree with you. I also do not believe Glen is 50. Sounds more like a gung-ho kid just out of boot camp. His grasp on the real world is tenuous at best and his understanding of the modern (dare I say it global) economy is virtually non-existent. And he knows bugger-all about geopolitics!

His posts sound like someone who has been seriously wronged and is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. His posts sound like the most simplified ultra isolationist, far right wing, simpleton talking points. Pie in the sky wishes to right the world.

Sorry Glen but whinging that the world is a different place while you actually have no real world solutions is wasting your time, my time and maybe more. Maybe take the time to actually research what you are talking about as opposed "non-USA bad, I'm taking my ball and going home".

Unclench dude.
Sounds like we could all use a diversion of thought--here's one for you. Around 1936 the right wingers in Spain felt they had been cheated out of an election. Already unhappy and feeling disenfranchised they reacted violently to an incident in which three of their political leaders were supposedly killed by police. Unbeknownst to them the police were not involved--leftists posing as police were intentionally inciting them. They took the bait and a civil war ensued. Neighborhoods armed themselves, etc. The rest is in the history books.
Fast forward to 2020. An election was stolen, Jan 6 sentiments were equal if not harsher than those motivating the Antifa led riots. WHAT IF it is all as manipulated as the 1936 Spanish civil war. Could we believe that the left is being manipulated by socialists while the right is being inflamed by manipulated events? What might have transpired if Trump had been assassinated? Our own civil war, perhaps? Who would benefit from that the most? Suppose Russia/China/North Korea/Iran wanted to attack us--would there ever be a better time than during a US civil war? Not only weakened, but if attacked from without, confused about where the attack came from and reacting as if it were from fellow citizens?

We will need every modern military friend we have to fight Iran, Russia and China combined.

Recruiting has been seriously damaged by the Covid vaccine mandates, forcing many quality members from its own ranks. Can you imagine our enemies watching the US Military throwing people out because they would not get a flu shot that was not necessary for young healthy adults.

The same shortages hamper the police, fire, nursing, doctors Etc. And for the same reason.

First the Covid mandates. Then DEI, then the disdain for law and order, police and military.

And shockingly. None of this is being discussed 3.5 years later.

Biden and Harris both denounced the Covid vaccines as Trumps vaccine. And would never take it.

then participated in removing police, fire, medical and military from the work force that would not take the vaccine

Then by keeping the economy closed longer than needed. Only opening it on threat of open rebellion in many states. They started the “Transitory” inflation debacle with the Covid business shutdown

3.5 years later and no one remembers the devastation this incompetent regime has had on our financial and physical security.

They then project ineptitude and weakness during the Afghanistan withdrawal and our enemies pounce. Why wouldn’t they
Now we have Iran and Russia on the muscle.

I remember whenever everybody called Reagan a loose canon and would have us in World War III

Then they said that about Trump.

Maybe these dictators are actually afraid of loose cannons and what they will potentially do.

not weak incompetent leaders
Let me make sure I’ve got this. Your cost for a degreed engineer with 5 or more years of experience is $24K per year?
youd be amazed at how inexpensive highly qualified foreign labor can be...

one of our employees is an attorney in guatemala.. she isnt just any run of the mill common attorney.. she has acted as an advisor to their supreme court, teaches at the law school in guatemala city, etc... she also has a background in accounting and finance, speaks absolutely perfect english, and is among the hardest working and most dedicated employees we've ever had...

I wont disclose her salary since she still works at my firm.. but.. what I will say is what we pay her in a year is SIGNIFICANTLY LESS than what we pay our US attorneys in a month (she is well less than 1/12th the cost of our US attorneys)...

While she clearly isnt able to practice in the US courts.. she is fully capable of doing contract reviews, conducting legal analysis, assisting in negotiations, etc.. and has saved us an absolute fortune over the years compared to what we would have had to pay to get those types of services stateside.. she has also been absolutely crucial to our work efforts across latin america..

another example where I will disclose salary... we had another attorney that worked for us several years ago.. she attended law school in France and had practiced law in Sierra Leone for a long time, ultimately rising to the position of the senior most judge in their juvenile court system.. she had also spent time working in The Hague in a support role to the International Court of Justice... we hired her under contract to act as an advisor to the government of Morocco on juvenile justice reforms on behalf of the US State Department.. We paid her $32K a year.. which seems like a pittance compared to what a US based attorney would have cost to do the same work.... but was a Kings Ransom for her.. she was super happy to have the job.. busted her ass every day.. did exceptional work (was personally commended by the King of Morocco on multiple occasions for her efforts)... and continued to work for us for the duration of the contract (5 years).. at that wage..
Not saying Carter was a great President, but I can remember Gerald Ford's WIN (whip inflation now) buttons. It didn't start with Carter.
Yes, overseas. Before Venezuela went to crap Simon Bolivar University used to provide very competent engineers, I even brought some over. Same for similar ones in Argentina and Brazil. There are also some real good engineers in Georgia, Egypt etc.. By the way the $2K I mentioned is above the local rates.

There is a very competent pool of talent overseas if one knows where to look and have the right connections, and all fluent in English.

So you pay engineers $2K per month above the local rates then? For example if in Venezuela and engineer was making $40,000 a year on average, they'd get paid $40K plus an additional $24K per year if they came to work for you, correct?
I don’t think Carter was stupid, I believe he did graduate from the Naval Academy but he had piss poor policies but I was young and may not remember correctly. My family was trying to build a house at the time and it’s the first time I had ever heard of something called “interest rates”
youd be amazed at how inexpensive highly qualified foreign labor can be...

one of our employees is an attorney in guatemala.. she isnt just any run of the mill common attorney.. she has acted as an advisor to their supreme court, teaches at the law school in guatemala city, etc... she also has a background in accounting and finance, speaks absolutely perfect english, and is among the hardest working and most dedicated employees we've ever had...

I wont disclose her salary since she still works at my firm.. but.. what I will say is what we pay her in a year is SIGNIFICANTLY LESS than what we pay our US attorneys in a month (she is well less than 1/12th the cost of our US attorneys)...

While she clearly isnt able to practice in the US courts.. she is fully capable of doing contract reviews, conducting legal analysis, assisting in negotiations, etc.. and has saved us an absolute fortune over the years compared to what we would have had to pay to get those types of services stateside.. she has also been absolutely crucial to our work efforts across latin america..

another example where I will disclose salary... we had another attorney that worked for us several years ago.. she attended law school in France and had practiced law in Sierra Leone for a long time, ultimately rising to the position of the senior most judge in their juvenile court system.. she had also spent time working in The Hague in a support role to the International Court of Justice... we hired her under contract to act as an advisor to the government of Morocco on juvenile justice reforms on behalf of the US State Department.. We paid her $32K a year.. which seems like a pittance compared to what a US based attorney would have cost to do the same work.... but was a Kings Ransom for her.. she was super happy to have the job.. busted her ass every day.. did exceptional work (was personally commended by the King of Morocco on multiple occasions for her efforts)... and continued to work for us for the duration of the contract (5 years).. at that wage..


Perhaps when you state a foreign workers salary that is hired, works, lives, and has no plans of relocating to the US. You state their salary in local currency, USD to local currency, and the average annual income of their comparable peers.

And perhaps a bit more information on how the USD to local currency is not kept in check USD can destabilize that country's economy.

Some years ago in South America US soldiers spent rampant amounts of USD because alike items were 10, 20, 100 times cheaper there than in the US.

Locals annual income was around $2.25USD or $300.00 in local currency. When 1 US soldier spends $10.00, $20.00, $30.00 dollars per day it doesn't take long to turn the poor into kings. Times 1US soldier by 100+ soldiers visiting multiple shops and suddenly the village is filled with kings.

Command refused to transport soldiers to a nearby village 10 miles away. To prevent the threat of the distant village going to war with the local village outside our base camp we had to set up protective barriers and provide unplanned security needs.

Another case is Zimbabwe that wants to base its economy on the USD. Zimbabwe money is practically worthless. And the locals have no concept on the value of USD. A 16 oz bottle of Coke Cola is around $4.00USD that same bottle of Coke is around $2.00USD. A $5.00USD KFC Fill Up meal in the US was $8.00USD Zimbabwe. And this was in 2021. Have no idea what their prices are now.
youd be amazed at how inexpensive highly qualified foreign labor can be...

Probably not as much as you may be thinking. My previous company had a mfg facility in the Philippines that I spent time at. My current company has mfg facilities in the U.S. and abroad.

My personal experience working with those abroad mostly mirrors my life experiences. Normally you get what you pay for. On some occasions you do get more than what you paid for.

What I can for sure tell you is that I'd never go to work as even a newly graduated engineer for the pay that some in other countries do. It's not because I'm greedy, it's a question of economics, I can't compete in cost of living to these other places.

If you offered me $32K per year at this time as a newly graduated engineer much less an experienced one and I'd spit in your eye. I didn't go to college for a degree in something many don't have the talent for to get paid that. I started my first job in 1990 at $36K. I was living okay on that, but certainly didn't have money to burn.

Glad the retirement light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter I guess.
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