
Oswald, or anyone else cannot fire two of the shots as closely together as they were WITH A MANNLICHER RIFLE. the bold handle is forward of the trigger, and requires two extra motions to complete a bolt cycle by hand. Try it, I have. And this is without the additional effort of bolt lift after a shot has been fired and somewhat sticky in the chamber. Impossible to my mind, and I am a BIG Mannlicher fanboy.
I guess I work my Mannlicher action differently, not requiring extra steps.

Palm along the stock after pulling the trigger. This lifts the bolt. Rotate wrist clockwise, you're now grasping the bolt, palm up. Pull. Push. Rotate wrist anti-clockwise and slap the bolt down. Finger on the trigger and fire.
Adding to that @cash_tx when I had small children I lived in one the largest metros in the USA. Supposedly infinite choice. We could not find a pediatrician that would discuss risk-reward with us whatsoever, they explicitly said the answer is all of what the Feds demand, no negotiation. We were told we were bad parents for even contemplating a risk-reward with particularly irrelevant vaccines, deferred schedules, etc. When I had a child with cancer, the oncologist spent perhaps 3 minutes discussing treatment progression with us, but 10 minutes writing copious notes that we had firearms in the home which the AMA believes is a serious factor to be discussed with your physician.

In the end, we had to drive an hour each way for an absolute crack-pot pseudo-science physician that would do whatever we wanted, because there was no actual doctor available to have a pragmatic and reasonable conversation about what is best for ME and MY family in light or risk factors, side effects, etc. So you have two choices: you get an automaton of a blind, unthinking parrot of a doctor, or you get a quack where you just tell them whatever you want done, but there is no independent thinking, science based doc that will have a discussion and assist determining the best course.
Serious question. What ratio of risk/reward are you looking for?

If I recall correctly, you have stated in the past that your job had to do with risk assessment or something along those lines?
Serious question. What ratio of risk/reward are you looking for?

If I recall correctly, you have stated in the past that your job had to do with risk assessment or something along those lines?

Probability of infection * impact unvaccinated


Probability of infection * impact vaccinated

Subtract probability of side effect

= Net benefit based upon my risk factors
Probability of infection * impact unvaccinated


Probability of infection * impact vaccinated

Subtract probability of side effect

= Net benefit based upon my risk factors
What did you find out? Care to share the numbers?
What did you find out? Care to share the numbers?

The one I have the biggest issue with is the COVID mRNA vaccines, because various nations have suppressed some of the data required to make a fulsome analysis.

What I saw in one US study of children under 18 with no co-morbidities, there were zero deaths from Covid-19. Yet they were pushing the vaccine on youths. I found that immoral because there is a fair amount of data related to vaccine adverse reactions causing endocarditis and myocarditis. An unrelated recent study showed strong correlation in all age groups between painful swelling at the injection site and heart inflammation.

Then we go to the question of how many Covid immunizations are requried to save one life, absent any side effects? I've seen 17,000 and 30,000 cited. I have not seen data that strips out the elderly and those with comorbidities to find out what the benefit is for the healthy adult.

Unrelated, I'm greatly displeased by the numerous medical cases of rapid onset Cruetzfeld-Jakob's Disease (mad cow) immediately after mRNA injection. I thought it couldn't possibly be true and it must be conspiracy nuts, but sure enough, there are longitudinal studies already, plus numerous case workups from a broad swath of medical texts on this topic. How the hell can a vaccine cause introduction or acceleration of prion folding? I have no idea, but that is a mind blowing subset of side effects.

I've not spent enough time on the full mRNA and Covid vaccine topic to speak with much authority. I saw enough to draw my personal conclusions and make my decisions for myself and my family.

One thing that is definitely true, an emergency use authorization for a fast-tracked vaccine cannot tolerate one thing: any alternative options. Pharma's ability to use the vaccines hinged on the notion there is no alternative FDA approved medicine that can be used off-label to prevent or reduce symptoms. I don't like the incentives that such a system creates, nor do I like that it incentivizes trials that are poorly constructed to bolster the emergency use at the cost of all other options.
The one I have the biggest issue with is the COVID mRNA vaccines, because various nations have suppressed some of the data required to make a fulsome analysis.

What I saw in one US study of children under 18 with no co-morbidities, there were zero deaths from Covid-19. Yet they were pushing the vaccine on youths. I found that immoral because there is a fair amount of data related to vaccine adverse reactions causing endocarditis and myocarditis. An unrelated recent study showed strong correlation in all age groups between painful swelling at the injection site and heart inflammation.

Then we go to the question of how many Covid immunizations are requried to save one life, absent any side effects? I've seen 17,000 and 30,000 cited. I have not seen data that strips out the elderly and those with comorbidities to find out what the benefit is for the healthy adult.

Unrelated, I'm greatly displeased by the numerous medical cases of rapid onset Cruetzfeld-Jakob's Disease (mad cow) immediately after mRNA injection. I thought it couldn't possibly be true and it must be conspiracy nuts, but sure enough, there are longitudinal studies already, plus numerous case workups from a broad swath of medical texts on this topic. How the hell can a vaccine cause introduction or acceleration of prion folding? I have no idea, but that is a mind blowing subset of side effects.

I've not spent enough time on the full mRNA and Covid vaccine topic to speak with much authority. I saw enough to draw my personal conclusions and make my decisions for myself and my family.

One thing that is definitely true, an emergency use authorization for a fast-tracked vaccine cannot tolerate one thing: any alternative options. Pharma's ability to use the vaccines hinged on the notion there is no alternative FDA approved medicine that can be used off-label to prevent or reduce symptoms. I don't like the incentives that such a system creates, nor do I like that it incentivizes trials that are poorly constructed to bolster the emergency use at the cost of all other options.

I was also wondering about the cancer treatment.
When it comes to the Covid vaccine, there's one undeniable truth. We don't know what if any long term side effects will be. I'm not challenging those in the short term that have been documented here. I'm only talking about the long term, as in years, many of them. It's only been about what 3 years now that the vaccine has been available? There's no way to know what down the road what if any serious side effects will show up, there simply has not been enough time to know. For those that have received it around the world, understand you are part of the guinea pig population. You will be part of the long term study group in the end.

I say this not to scare anyone who had the jab, nor to disagree with those who have refused it. I respect everyone's right to choose to be or not be vaccinated. You make your choice based on what you think is best for you and live with the results. Endless speculation will just drive you nuts.

Oh and while I don't have any alternate theories, there's just too many questions around LHO being the lone gunman, or even THE gunman that I'll ever believe he acted alone. I'm not a conspiracy nut, again I have no proposals of what really happened, just not buying what the Warren Commission told us happened.
What did you find out? Care to share the numbers?

Cancer is a pretty barbaric treatment in general, we are literally in the stone ages, operating on the three pillars approach: you can cut it out, you can burn it (radiation), or you can poison it (chemo).

We were blessed in that the type our family dealt with utilizes a moderate chemotherapy coupled with steroids, OR curettage and cadaver bone grafts as the treatment. Modern science doedn’t really understand why it works, but it creates a desirable immune response in our situation. We chose the combined, former treatment option because the data had very good outcomes. Most people don’t draw the lucky straw with the type of cancer they or their loved ones get.

The future for cancer treatments overall is bright, but we’re 20-30 years away from the end of the “three pillars” approach. Using neutered, DNA altered diseases to infect the cancerous tissue, followed by a targeted therapy for those “marked” cells is one of several futures. They are playing with polio, hiv, and smallpox as the neutered pathogens to infect and mark the cancers, making them easy to kill. There have been remarkable clinical trials in this arena, but its far from mainstream yet.

Immunotherapies will be the other treatment of promise moving forward. We all get cancer every day, our immune system detects and destroys the aberrant cells. Rebooting or enhancing the immune system so the body can fight the cancer is another frontier that is being heavily explored. We had a loved one that drew the short straw and contracted an incurable cancer. He exhausted the world’s finest and most expensive traditional options with six months to live. His doctors basically said: “you’re affluent, and we’ve tried every trick in the book, feel free to try something unconventional at this point”. He did a variety of immunotherapies including IV vitamin C and B-vitamins. It bought him 7 years and he got to know his children before he passed.

The only bleak aspect of the future of cancer treatment is the pharma industry’s involvement. They make money by people staying sick for a very long time, whereas they don’t make much money on cures. Hence, treatments that extend lung cancer patient’s life for a few years is a lucrative drug, but a drug that eradicates a cancer completely isn’t likely to be funded much by pharma.

The good guys in cancer research are definitely university research more so than private pharma due to conflicting interests.
The one I have the biggest issue with is the COVID mRNA vaccines, because various nations have suppressed some of the data required to make a fulsome analysis.

What I saw in one US study of children under 18 with no co-morbidities, there were zero deaths from Covid-19. Yet they were pushing the vaccine on youths. I found that immoral because there is a fair amount of data related to vaccine adverse reactions causing endocarditis and myocarditis. An unrelated recent study showed strong correlation in all age groups between painful swelling at the injection site and heart inflammation.

Then we go to the question of how many Covid immunizations are requried to save one life, absent any side effects? I've seen 17,000 and 30,000 cited. I have not seen data that strips out the elderly and those with comorbidities to find out what the benefit is for the healthy adult.

Unrelated, I'm greatly displeased by the numerous medical cases of rapid onset Cruetzfeld-Jakob's Disease (mad cow) immediately after mRNA injection. I thought it couldn't possibly be true and it must be conspiracy nuts, but sure enough, there are longitudinal studies already, plus numerous case workups from a broad swath of medical texts on this topic. How the hell can a vaccine cause introduction or acceleration of prion folding? I have no idea, but that is a mind blowing subset of side effects.

I've not spent enough time on the full mRNA and Covid vaccine topic to speak with much authority. I saw enough to draw my personal conclusions and make my decisions for myself and my family.

One thing that is definitely true, an emergency use authorization for a fast-tracked vaccine cannot tolerate one thing: any alternative options. Pharma's ability to use the vaccines hinged on the notion there is no alternative FDA approved medicine that can be used off-label to prevent or reduce symptoms. I don't like the incentives that such a system creates, nor do I like that it incentivizes trials that are poorly constructed to bolster the emergency use at the cost of all other options.
Can not disagree with that at all. My spouse and I did the base vaccine and one booster to travel during the pandemic. Like you, mandating this for children seemed illogical and our granddaughter was never vaccinated. Fortunately we live in s state where those decisions were permissible for children in public school.

Had we been dealing with a disease which actually entailed the original British mortality rate estimate, then the draconian vaccine measures put in place would have made far more sense. Those rates did not of course come close to materializing. What was disappointing was the inability for government, leadership or bureaucracy, to adjust its strategy to emerging reality. We witnessed the same political investment with regard to treatment options and protocols.
"On Friday, U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton turned away a Republican challenge to a Biden Administration program that flies 30,000 'asylum seekers' a month directly into the United States."
From an article today by Ward Clark at Red State.
For those who said it's not happening.
What is scary, is the alarming number of kids with Autism, ADD, ADHD, etc, etc, and on some type of mediation. What is causing all these disorders? I'm sure most of us come from moms that smoked and drank while pregnant, and I won't say we are normal :ROFLMAO:, but here we are.
What is scary, is the alarming number of kids with Autism, ADD, ADHD, etc, etc, and on some type of mediation. What is causing all these disorders? I'm sure most of us come from moms that smoked and drank while pregnant, and I won't say we are normal :ROFLMAO:, but here we are.
It is easier to drug them than try and discipline them.
It is easier to drug them than try and discipline them.

I was going to type that, but figure since we are on big pharma, maybe big pharma had something to do with it. :E Shrug::E Shrug: I believe we also burned all that energy by playing outside all day.
I was going to type that, but figure since we are on big pharma, maybe big pharma had something to do with it. :E Shrug::E Shrug: I believe we also burned all that energy by playing outside all day.

I was reading a study recently that is relevant. There is no recorded case of a person born blind being diagnosed with Schizophrenia. The inference? Insanity comes through the eyes. Let your kids play outside and experience what used to be called normal childhood and they’ll probably turn out as normal as blind people.
It is easier to drug them than try and discipline them.

So all kids who are ADD/ADHD or even Autism come from homes that didn't discipline? Hmmm, that seems like big wide paintbrush. And it's easier to drug them? You should do your usual research on this one and go study the side effects of the drugs used and see just how many side effects there are with those drugs on many who take them and how that makes things so much easier for both child and parent.

Yah, ask me how I know. Sorry Joe, you're just little off on this one and hitting a nerve.
Serious question. What ratio of risk/reward are you looking for?

If I recall correctly, you have stated in the past that your job had to do with risk assessment or something along those lines?
WRT the mRNA vaccine from my point of view...

  • I knew we were being lied to in late 2020 when we were told it was safe. I'd have been a lot more comfortable if they'd just said "ya pays yer money and ya takes yer chances."
  • By the first half of 2021, we had a really good idea of what the mortality numbers looked like, and almost everybody who died from it had an average of 4 comorbidities (95% of the mortalities, as I recall).
    • people with BMI north of 30
    • people with uncontrolled hypertension
    • T2 diabetics
    • people with metabolic syndrome
    • people who had other symptoms of inflammatory disease processes and CVD
All of those things come with a lot of systemic inflammatory problems, and this virus itself seems to cause inflammatory problems. Being a fatty with the rest of those problems is like going into overtime in a football game and spotting your opponent 95 yards, then trying to keep them from scoring. For people without any of those inflammatory issues, you were giving your opponent the ball on their own 5 yard line. Yeah, they could still drive the 95 yards, but the probability is low.

My probability of dying from that virus (I've had it 4x now) is near zero. Every single medication you put in your body has the potential for causing injury, even common OTC stuff like motrin. The risk is low for most of them, of course, but the risk of injury from the vaccine was unknown. So assume it's at least as high as the pathogen itself. Why compound the risk of the vaccine on top of the pathogen?

Today we all view Jonas Salk as a hero. But the early trials of his polio vaccines went poorly - he infected something like 50K people with polio, and no small number of them died.

Not that he needed my counsel, but I told my best friend (6'0" and about 325 lbs) he should definitely take the jab. But me at 6'6" and 225 lbs and not on meds for anything other than joint pain from arthritis, and my wife at 5'10" and 160 lbs, there was no way on earth we were going to take the jab.
... What was disappointing was the inability for government, leadership or bureaucracy, to adjust its strategy to emerging reality. We witnessed the same political investment with regard to treatment options and protocols.
Problem was that the pandemic policies, along with the border, Ukraine etc. got politicized. If one side is for it, then the other side is against it regardless of its positive or negative impact on the country.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?