
But to hit a moving target?
Mostly moving directly away from him, if he was in fact one of the shooters. The shots would not have been easy, but doable for a reasonably competent shooter,, again.. if he was one of the shooters.
We may never know for certain, but someone did it.
Something is clearly Rotten in Denver.

If everything was as we have been led to believe, why were 14,000 documents kept secret for 60 years

The classified documents were supposed to be released by now.

Even Trump kept the documents classified. so that tells you it would be hugely damaging if the citizens knew what really happened.

Yeah, and I meant Denver. like every other liberal city. It’s going down the tubes.

You can bet the dirty CIA and FBI have their dirty little fingers in it somehow

Somehow, it’s got to be linked to Russia and or Cuba and the Mob. and there must be concern that the citizens would demand retaliation.

It would also explain why we refuse to lift the sanctions on Cuba, even though they are crippled

Who knows, it may show Kennedy was compromised and colluding with foreign powers.
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Something is clearly Rotten in Denver.

If everything was as we have been led to believe, why were 14,000 documents kept secret for 60 years

The classified documents were supposed to be released by now.

Even Trump kept the documents classified. so that tells you it would be hugely damaging if the citizens knew what really happened.

Just like Occam’s Razor, the insistence by a government agency to keep some or all the documents related to an investigation secret from the general public, is a great litmus test that there are shenanigans going on.
I have always had a sneaking suspicion that jughead johnson(LBJ) was involved in that. I don't think Oswald was smart enough or had the resources and connections to pull it off by himself. And johnson sealed all info until after his death and even then not much came out. Too many unanswered questions.
LBJ and his utter lack of morals certainly makes him a good candidate for it.

One might be tempted to call him corrupt, but to be corrupted, a thing must have been good in the first place. Like we used to say in the police department, you can't polish a turd. You'll just get to another layer of turd.
But to hit a moving target?
It's not THAT difficult. The picture of the dead piggy I posted yesterday was crossing me at about 20-30º, popped him right in the grape from about 65 yards or so.

I'm certainly not in the same class as this guy.

It's not THAT difficult. The picture of the dead piggy I posted yesterday was crossing me at about 20-30º, popped him right in the grape from about 65 yards or so.

I'm certainly not in the same class as this guy.

Wow! That guy can certainly work that bolt action. Wonder what cartridge he’s using?
Mostly moving directly away from him, if he was in fact one of the shooters. The shots would not have been easy, but doable for a reasonably competent shooter,, again.. if he was one of the shooters.
We may never know for certain, but someone did it.
Yes, I've been there and looked at it. The car was not moving very fast, the relative angles between the shooter and victim (s) created by the car's movement was very small and the distance not great. Little to no "lead" needed for the shots. Deceiving perspectives make the shot (s) seem more difficult than they really were. Shots were very possible for a shooter with any experience. The shot through the head certainly involved some luck but very doable. All the forensic evidence gathered points to only one shooter, one gun, one source/type/lot of ammo. The unique "forensic, quantitative fingerprint" of the metallurgical analysis of all the bullets and fragments match the ammo and rifle used by LHO. The only question that lingers for me is the true motive of Ruby for taking out LHO ??
My thought is whoever. Had his sight picture on the head, and as he is squeezing, the lock time and bullet travel and Not swinging through the target accounts for hitting the neck almost centerline.
Wow! That guy can certainly work that bolt action. Wonder what cartridge he’s using?
IDK in this video, but he's used a bunch - 270, 30-06, etc. He's shooting a straight pull in this video - Blaser, Heym, Mauser...IDK, I'm not around high end guns much.

He's descended of German royalty, so he pretty much shoots whatever he wants.
To offer a small break from the conspiracy theorizing - I mean after all if your doctor, big Pharma, the CIA, FBI, the lying media, the Swamp and the Fed are all going to get you, the situation is likely already hopeless - Strieff has published his latest weekly update on the war. It is thorough and informed as always. To remind, it is published over on the reliably right wing RedState site https://redstate.com/ . Though, unlike Revolver and CFP it is somewhat less conspiratorial.

His best line this week is "Victoria Nuland, who has been blamed for everything from crop failure to boils on the ass, announced she is retiring from the State Department. Don't expect anything to change."

Also, the UK MOD publishes a brief intel summary and this one caught my eye because it talks to the surprising success of Ukraine's strategic strikes against the Russian petroleum production industry.

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Not really.
It is sometimes called the Carcano Mannlicher but only because the original design incorporated some Mannlicher and Mauser features, the magazine, stripper clips etc., but the design of the action is Italian, and they were built in Italy.
Mannlicher nor Steyr had anything to do with it.
But to hit a moving target?
Not really all that hard to do at less than 100 yards. Buy a cheap soccer ball, go to the range and have someone throw the ball out and try it. You’ll be surprised at the results. The speed of the motorcade was at a walking pace and as was said it was mostly going straight away from LHO position.
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In my area, the variety popular was designed for the promiscuous, prostitutes, etc. Those high risk groups weren’t interested in the vaccine, so pharma lobbied to give it to children and won.

One of many studies:

The World Health Organization [WHO] recommends a genotype-specific human papillomavirus [HPV] vaccination as a primary prevention strategy to control the burden of cervical cancer globally. In Ethiopia, where the non-vaccine-targeted HPV genotypes have not been adequately studied, a vaccination initiative was launched in 2018 targeting HPV-6,-11, -16, and -18 for girls aged 14–18 years. The co-existence of both vaccine-targeted and non-targeted genotypes is a serious concern, as it can accelerate cancer progression. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the prevalence of non-vaccine-targeted HPV genotypes and assess the level of multiple infections with other genotypes in eastern Ethiopia. A health facility-based cross-sectional study including 110 women with positive HPV DNA results was conducted from April to August 2021. A structured questionnaire to collect demographic and clinical data was used. Cervical swabs were collected using L-shaped FLOQSwabs. Women's cytological profile was determined based on Pap smear test results. An automated nucleic acid extraction system using STARMag 96 ProPrep Universal Extraction Kit was utilized following the manufacturer's protocol. An amplification assay in real-time was employed to amplify and identify the HPV Late 1 [L1] gene, which is utilized for genotyping purposes. Following this, the collected data was entered into Epi data version 3.1 software, and the analysis was performed using STATA version 14. A total of 110 women [age range 30–60 years, mean age = 36.5 years and SD ± 6.9] had positive HPV DNA results and were included in the study. Among these, 108 women had valid co-testing [Pap test and HPV DNA test] results for further analysis, and the results of the remaining 2 women were rejected. Overall, the prevalence of non-vaccine-targeted HPV was 56 (51.8%, 95%CI [0.42, 0.61]), of which 28 women (25.4%, 95%CI [0.18, 0.34]) had a single non-vaccine HPV genotype infection. The remaining 29 women (26.4%, 95% CI: 0.190–0.355) experienced multiple infections. The non-vaccine-targeted genotypes of HPV-35 accounted for 11 cases (10%, 95%CI [0.06, 0.17]), HPV-68 was detected in 9 women (8.2%, 95%CI [0.04, 0.15]), HPV-56 and HPV-66 were both found in 8 cases each (7.3%, 95%CI [0.04, 0.14]) of the total. In addition, out of these 108 women, 93 (86.1%, 95%CI [0.78, 0.91]) had low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions, 13 (12%, 95%CI [0.07, 0.20]) no intraepithelial lesion or malignancy, and two (1.9%, 95%CI [0.01, 0.07]) high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions. Furthermore, there was no statistical difference [p = 0.755] between vaccine-targeted and non-vaccine-targeted genotypes as the primary cause of cervical lesions. In conclusion, the findings of the present study highlight the existence of a notable prevalence of multiple infections caused by non-vaccine-targeted HPV genotypes. Therefore, it is recommended that both the Federal and regional health bureaus to evaluate the range of hr HPV genotypes protected by the current HPV vaccine and explore the option of transitioning from the quadrivalent HPV vaccine to a novavalent vaccine that includes seven high-risk HPV genotypes.

What was the mean age of shot 1 and two?
How many were lost to follow up after shot one?
Was the cold chain adhered to in Ethiopia?
Were all the test subjects’ HIV status known?
Were all the test subjects’ HPV status known prior to vaccination?

Given their age I assume that a fair amount were sexually active?

Wow… Lots of biases in that article.

Do you understand what you simply copied and pasted?
"I mean after all if your doctor, big Pharma, the CIA, FBI, the lying media, the Swamp and the Fed are all going to get you, the situation is likely already hopeless."


Facing that slate of potential threats to my existence? Heck, I may just stay in bed today, where it's safe. (it's 6:30 here) :p
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What was the mean age of shot 1 and two?
How many were lost to follow up after shot one?
Was the cold chain adhered to in Ethiopia?
Were all the test subjects’ HIV status known?
Were all the test subjects’ HPV status known prior to vaccination?

Given their age I assume that a fair amount were sexually active?

Wow… Lots of biases in that article.

Do you understand what you simply copied and pasted?
It would be interesting to know who compiled this study. I always find the source of a cite, regardless of subject, is usually as informative as the material presented.
I wish you good luck finding them. The super majority joined a religious cult in exchange for their independent thinking and their doctor-patient relationship.
Coming from a family full of doctors and other types of healthcare providers, having one preemie baby and another special needs kid, and doing business with most of the major healthcare and big pharma companies over the last 25 years; I'd say from far more personal experience than I ever wanted that there's no blanket statement in either direction that applies to all of them. Practicing with an MD or DO attached to your name is nothing more than a testament to one's ability to pass med school and the state licensing board. It says nothing about their integrity and professionalism; and there are both good and very bad apples in the profession (and plenty in between). And big pharma is an industry that creates customers...period.

At the end of the day, in the same way that you are your own first responder, you are your own primary care provider.
Coming from a family full of doctors and other types of healthcare providers, having one preemie baby and another special needs kid, and doing business with most of the major healthcare and big pharma companies over the last 25 years; I'd say from far more personal experience than I ever wanted that there's no blanket statement in either direction that applies to all of them. Practicing with an MD or DO attached to your name is nothing more than a testament to one's ability to pass med school and the state licensing board. It says nothing about their integrity and professionalism; and there are both good and very bad apples in the profession (and plenty in between). And big pharma is an industry that creates customers...period.

At the end of the day, in the same way that you are your own first responder, you are your own primary care provider.

Adding to that @cash_tx when I had small children I lived in one the largest metros in the USA. Supposedly infinite choice. We could not find a pediatrician that would discuss risk-reward with us whatsoever, they explicitly said the answer is all of what the Feds demand, no negotiation. We were told we were bad parents for even contemplating a risk-reward with particularly irrelevant vaccines, deferred schedules, etc. When I had a child with cancer, the oncologist spent perhaps 3 minutes discussing treatment progression with us, but 10 minutes writing copious notes that we had firearms in the home which the AMA believes is a serious factor to be discussed with your physician.

In the end, we had to drive an hour each way for an absolute crack-pot pseudo-science physician that would do whatever we wanted, because there was no actual doctor available to have a pragmatic and reasonable conversation about what is best for ME and MY family in light or risk factors, side effects, etc. So you have two choices: you get an automaton of a blind, unthinking parrot of a doctor, or you get a quack where you just tell them whatever you want done, but there is no independent thinking, science based doc that will have a discussion and assist determining the best course.
I tend to view health care advice from "medical professionals" who make a LOT of money from prescribing drugs from large companies like I do "national security advice" from military and defense industry big-shots who have their entire lives vested in the foreverwar industry.
Do they know more than I do about the subject at hand? Yes, they do.
Do they have a vested interest in lying to me about the best course of action? Quite probably.
So what to do. I hear their opinion, ask myself "What do they gain if I act as they urge?" and proceed as seems best to me.
My credentials and experience: Not an MD but dated a rheumatologist for a year and a GP for almost a year.

Rheumatologist was in charge of African and the Middle East "blood related drugs" for Pfizer and Novatis and doctors pushed what they were told is the best. Kickbacks may be a factor but not in all cases.

GP said the same, She also said that they don't have time to read all peer reviewed articles as there are new drugs every day. They rely on "common acceptance" and if they hear of any negative side effects they proceed with caution until they get a governmental directive.

So trust your GP but also know they are not the be all and end all of medical knowledge.

Think of any number of horror stories of pharma pushing "safe" drugs in the past that your GP blindly trusted. It's largely not the GP's fault...


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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?