
Since you are from Texas, I will mention that Texas was in a position to go blue in 2020. Harris County was implementing mail in ballots and ballot harvesting. (a couple other counties were waiting on Harris to get completed) If not for Paxton, the count would probably have been stopped in Texas like it was in the other states on election night and ballots would have been found.

There was an ulterior motive to removing Paxton from office last year.

For 2020 not a chance. It’s no secret, that in order for Texas to turn blue the D’s need Williamson, Travis, Hays, Comal, Bexar and keep what they have. They have all but Comal and they are working hard on getting Comal blue.
Not like it has anything to do with Ukraine or real important shit like that…… real guys are doing real shit, but who gives a fk right?
I’m going to give red legs a chance to respond to this before I rip him and any one like him a new azzzplace…… what’s your take on this one? Anything like the mayaguez? It was their fault? Go ahead give it your best if the admin allow it…., not impressed at all with your “I was a general “bs, I was a staff sgt! Who gives a fk! Out in the real world what’s the real deal? Nobody fking cares.

You may just want to see post #30,327 on page 1517. Just sayin'
Be interesting to see what ploy is used by the left tour de force this time. After $419m zuckerbucks alone were spent on selectively located drop boxes and "harvesting" last time.
They "say" they want everyone's vote to come in...but will a Democrat harvester bring in Republican ballots or ditch them? Why isn't that danger addressed, with the overwhelming number of Biden votes late at night last presidential election?
The lie that no one gets left behind is that, a fucking lie. There were a lot left behind and you can tell all the lies you want but way to many got left behind!
The open border of President Obama and his trained monkey Joey is having effects far beyond Texas. The current terror and chaos in Ecuador, for example. (Chinese Fentanyl, Mexican Cartels and their spread) Nothing happens in a vacuum. The Sniffer has destabilized much of the World, not just Eastern Europe, the Middle East and North Central Africa. Let's get him out before this spreads any further.................FWB
My previous entry was harsh. I want to apologize. I compared Joe Biden to a monkey. I should not have done so.
I promise to show monkeys more respect from now on.
If you are unfamiliar with ballot harvesting rules for your state.

A proper use of States Rights

The picture below is taken on the Rio Grande in Big Bend National Park. The right side is the U. S. and the left side is Mexico. It is a beautiful river running through a very stark and beautiful land.

How your state determines your election commission. It is each state’s responsibility to set the rules for its elections.

I have a Mail in ballot sent to me. I fill it out at my leisure, and on election day, I personally deliver it to my local polling station, and put it in the lock box myself.

I dont trust the USPS. I've heard rumors.

He is correct. I have been scratching my head about this. I would have put the likelihood as "impossible." If for no other reason, he is under 24hr DOD security overwatch from USAPSP.
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I’ve asked brickburn to delete my account. Time for me to go. I apologize for my rude behavior.
John, I am quite certain all of us wish you would not. Discussions like these do not lend themselves well to the typed word where facial expression and tone can't be observed. Impressions are created when none were intended.

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John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
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cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
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ghay wrote on professor's profile.
Would you consider selling just the Barnes 235's and 250g TTSX's?
Hunt27 wrote on Tra3's profile.
Spain, i booked through a consultant, i book almost everything through him now and he's done me right. his contact 724 986 7206 if interested and he will have more info to share,
I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.