
There are two limiting factors.

1. EC (European commission) non elected body issuing legal directives on national legislation for member states. Directive is not mandatory to follow, but gives directions in legislative matters which then member countries try to follow. (or not follow, with protest of Brussels - example Czech republic made CCW right for self defense in national constitution, smart move of Czechs because constitution is above the law, and Eu should not temper with member states national constitutions )

2. National strategy on small arms: There is legal document, approved by parliament, and published in national gazette 2009: "National strategy and action plan of control of small and light arms"

The purpose and objective of the document of national strategy on small arms is following:

Please take note of bolded parts. (Warning, text may cause heart attack on honest pro 2/a American, read with caution. ;) )

OC1 – Reducing the amount of weapons available for illegal activities;

OC2 – Reducing the number of accidents caused by the use of weapons and ammunition;

OC3 – Reducing the visible presence of weapons in the community, and the fight against the culture of weapons;

OC4 – Raising public awareness of the problem of a large number of small arms;

OC5 – Implementation of activities aimed at suppressing illegal arms trade;

OC6 – More effective implementation of international measures to prevent, fight against and eradicate illegal trade in small arms and light weapons;

OC7 – Establishment of a more effective information system;

OC8 – Taking appropriate measures to prevent violations of the arms embargo of the United Nations Security Council, the European Union and other embargoes arising from the international obligations of the Republic of Croatia;

OC9 – Improvement of legal regulations that will establish standards and procedures related to the storage, management and security of weapons in the possession of the police and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia;

OC10 – Continuation of activities of intensified destruction of small and light weapons and ammunition designated for destruction;

OC11 - Cooperation with other countries and international and regional organizations to develop and strengthen partnerships in order to exchange information and combat organized crime.
The EC is trying to implement a policy driven by the UN. The UN wants total control, to be THE ruling body. They have pushed to have the US sign on to their Small Arms Agreement for years (sorry, can't find the link, it was during Obama's failure at being a president). It attempted to nullify the 2nd Amendment via treaty. Quite a number of European countries signed on, as I recall. Fortunately, it was not ratified by our Senate. What you listed under #2 is some of the language found in that agreement.
The UN knows the majority of the population of the US would never consent to UN control of our country, so, the 1st step towards achieving their objective? Try to disarm the American citizenry. As the rest of the world does not have, nor really understand the purpose of, the 2nd Amendment, they don't see the threat; we do. The Democrats in this country (most, not all) would love to see the 2nd Amendment removed, by any means.
The key thing to see and understand in the item #1 you listed, is the EC, and the UN, are unelected bureaucrats trying to seize power/control. They are the threat to freedom.
This is possibly true.
Not only that, most of us legal gun owners in Europe and other places in the world, respect America for this freedom, and speak of America as example in the world on civil rights.

The problem however remains. How to prevent psychos and criminals getting their hands on guns?
Being sarcastic here, the same way we keep them from getting drugs, ban them. At least that's what the politicians and misguided voters believe.
"A fact that goes missed:
In the Palestinian state in Gaza there was no Israeli “occupation” whatsoever.

Not one inch.
Not one Israeli soldier or civilian.

In 2005 Israel officially left the entire Gaza Strip to the very last inch.

We pulled out ALL Israelis and ALL IDF soldiers.

We pulled back to the 1949 borders...."

I hope you read the piece I posted a link to.
It covers everything without picking a side on the two state issue and it's from a reputable Western source.
Two state solution has nothing to do with being pro or against Israel or with current situation.
It's our long term national policy regardless which party is in power.
Whether Israel accepts the two state solution as a matter of public policy, they have permitted a de facto two state (really three at the moment since Hamas runs Gaza) arrangement for a long time. Gaza and the West Bank have been allowed to function independently of Israel by Israel.

There had even been a period of relative peace prior to October 7th which was, as always, broken by the Palestinians. In spite of that, Israel has restricted their offensive to Gaza and left the West Bank alone, because they recognize the two states in practice if not by treaty.

Further, whatever else Israel may be guilty of, they have never had the eradication of the Palestinians as an official policy and they have always been reactive to Palestinian attack. That is not the case with Hamas, or even the PLO which has somehow become the “moderate” wing of the Palestinian cause.

It is laughably naive to tout the two state solution as a real solution when the Palestinians still refuse to recognize the right of Israel to exist. It’s equally silly to suggest that Israel and the Palestinians share equal blame for the two state solution not working.
It is laughably naive to tout the two state solution as a real solution when the Palestinians still refuse to recognize the right of Israel to exist. It’s equally silly to suggest that Israel and the Palestinians share equal blame for the two state solution not working.
Once again I'm not touting anything.
Two state solution is the official US view and has been for decades.
Nobody is saying they share equal blame but what's laughable for you has been considered the only viable solution by our state department and UN forever and won't change soon.
That's a fact and I believe people working on this issue for years are far more knowledgable then the key board warriors like myself here.
Having said that I think this solution has been looking less likely after the recent events and I have no idea how all this will play out.
There are two limiting factors.

1. EC (European commission) non elected body issuing legal directives on national legislation for member states. Directive is not mandatory to follow, but gives directions in legislative matters which then member countries try to follow. (or not follow, with protest of Brussels - example Czech republic made CCW right for self defense in national constitution, smart move of Czechs because constitution is above the law, and Eu should not temper with member states national constitutions )

2. National strategy on small arms: There is legal document, approved by parliament, and published in national gazette 2009: "National strategy and action plan of control of small and light arms"

The purpose and objective of the document of national strategy on small arms is following:

Please take note of bolded parts. (Warning, text may cause heart attack on honest pro 2/a American, read with caution. ;) )

OC1 – Reducing the amount of weapons available for illegal activities;

OC2 – Reducing the number of accidents caused by the use of weapons and ammunition;

OC3 – Reducing the visible presence of weapons in the community, and the fight against the culture of weapons;

OC4 – Raising public awareness of the problem of a large number of small arms;

OC5 – Implementation of activities aimed at suppressing illegal arms trade;

OC6 – More effective implementation of international measures to prevent, fight against and eradicate illegal trade in small arms and light weapons;

OC7 – Establishment of a more effective information system;

OC8 – Taking appropriate measures to prevent violations of the arms embargo of the United Nations Security Council, the European Union and other embargoes arising from the international obligations of the Republic of Croatia;

OC9 – Improvement of legal regulations that will establish standards and procedures related to the storage, management and security of weapons in the possession of the police and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia;

OC10 – Continuation of activities of intensified destruction of small and light weapons and ammunition designated for destruction;

OC11 - Cooperation with other countries and international and regional organizations to develop and strengthen partnerships in order to exchange information and combat organized crime.

OC11 should be OC2 or included with OC1; OC 5 should be OC2 or also included in OC1.

IMO Part 1. Reads the right of the law bidding citizen to legally carry a concealed weapon. As for the purpose of self defense, etc to our 2A.

Part 2 (after and) "The State", will defend Part 1 against anti gun nuts.

OC4. Makes No Sence by its title!

WTF!! DOES this BS mean!?!

Please explain the details so I and others can better understand this OC.

Because a country, any free citizen country, can never have a small arms problem. Law bidding citizens regardless of country, and proven by ruthless dictatorships.

When the law bidding citizens have the means and methods to retaliate against a their tyrannical elected (or military coup, or coup de ta) government, such as the US 2 A provides for the citizens of the USA. Foreign militaries don't fear defenseless civilians. Again here in the good Ole USA, other than for logistical reasons ,which are quickly eroding under our current demcommie regime, foreign countries like Russia, and China, (have always been) our 2 biggest threats for wanting to invade the USA;(OK, Japan prior to WWII, and to their and the Nazi Gremans were the closest to invading the USA, but I digress). These countries don't fear our military strength (or lack of) logistics is the co number 1 problem- the other co number 1 problems:

A: Weaponized citizens:

4. Drug gangs and criminals.
3. Civilian firearms collectors and enthusiasts/shooters.
2. Retired military and avid civilian firearms owners/shooters.
1. "Billy Bob", "Billy Joe", "Bubba", "etc ,etc" aka "hillbillies" that shoot first don't bother to ask questions later just dump the furinners body in a old sink hole or abandoned coal mine shaft.

IMHO F**k politics and political correctness!! Just adopt The USA's 2A with adjustments (as above) to your country's betterment/refinement of our (USA) 2A, and add in to your constitution equivalent our 2A the Right to Abundment and Reasonably Affordable Ammunition for firearms. (An ambiguity our forefathers left out, yet assumed to be included in our 2A).
Once again I'm not touting anything.
Two state solution is the official US view and has been for decades.
Nobody is saying they share equal blame but what's laughable for you has been considered the only viable solution by our state department and UN forever and won't change soon.
That's a fact and I believe people working on this issue for years are far more knowledgable then the key board warriors like myself here.
Having said that I think this solution has been looking less likely after the recent events and I have no idea how all this will play out.

Hopefully Israel will say enough is enough and like the "6 day war", will clarify / force the "2 state" of Palestine / Isreal by total and complete destruction of Gaza and the West Bank.

I sound barbaric and rightfully so, because unlike fighting between soldiers where you know the uniform of your enemy. In todays conflicts terrorists are cowards and do not wear a standard uniform and plead they are innocent civilians. Therefore civilians who allow, condone, such terrorists atrocities are equally guilty of terrorism and need to be equally exterminated.

I said it then (back in the late '60's early mid '70's) and I'll say it now, the only way there can be any peace in the mid east is for Palestine and Isreal to come to terms and become quid pro quo allies, not necessarily friends, but; "your enemy is my enemy", friends---allies. This allows both countries to still hate one another, yet allow for more non violent aggressions between one another other and set up a unilateral defense force(s) for Palestine and Isreal.

....."No matter how much you hate the guy or his uniform beside you, when bullets are flying and he's shooting in the same direction you are; you both became best buddies!, until the shooting stops. Because at that moment both of your lives depend on each other!.".....
I sound barbaric and rightfully so, because unlike fighting between soldiers where you know the uniform of your enemy. In todays conflicts terrorists are cowards and do not wear a standard uniform and plead they are innocent civilians. Therefore civilians who allow, condone, such terrorists atrocities are equally guilty of terrorism and need to be equally exterminated.
So your solution is to exterminate couple million men, women and children who(majority not all) got caught up between a rock and a hard place like pests?
What a great solution.
You know that's exactly what Hamas wants right?
Also do you think if Israel does that they can survive in the region even with our help?
got caught up between a rock and a hard place

They voted Hamas in, they let them govern as an open air prison, they cheered the attacks, if they are refusing to move South based on the warnings...at what do they stop being innocent, and at best complacent, maybe even an accomplice.

IMO, there were over 30 Americans killed by an terrorist organization that is state/government sponsored, the fact that there is any discussion of a ceasefire in this country in mind numbing.

As far as the ceasefire. Have Hamas call Israel and say we will turn in all 50,000 Hamas fighters and release all hostage in exchange for you to stop the bombing and counter attack and spare/save our people. Israel would accept that in a heartbeat, but they won't do it because Hamas doesn't actually care about its people, it is why they have stolen aid and preached hate for 17 years instead of trying to build something for their people.

There is no rock and hard place for the people of Gaza, they are just paying for the consequences of the corrupt elected officials they have supported and cheered.

There was a quote from a Gaza woman, and I wish I could find source, but essentially it was, "when I saw the attack, I thought it was a dream come true, but afterwards I realized it was a nightmare and we are living in hell".
So your solution is to exterminate couple million men, women and children who(majority not all) got caught up between a rock and a hard place like pests?
What a great solution.
You know that's exactly what Hamas wants right?
Also do you think if Israel does that they can survive in the region even with our help?

@LivingTheDream reply states the situation best.

I'll add:
It's either exterminate or be exterminated; Isreal or Gaza. I'm for Isreal, in that they fully exterminate Hamas/Gaza.

As for Isreal's survival in the region after total anialation of Gaza. As after the 6 day war, it'll be an reminder to other nations....You don't screw with Isreal because Isrealis don't screw around.

And as long as the free world nations can continue to keep Iran from becoming a nuclear nation the mid east will remain equal and in check.
They voted Hamas in, they let them govern as an open air prison, they cheered the attacks, if they are refusing to move South based on the warnings...at what do they stop being innocent, and at best complacent, maybe even an accomplice.

IMO, there were over 30 Americans killed by an terrorist organization that is state/government sponsored, the fact that there is any discussion of a ceasefire in this country in mind numbing.

As far as the ceasefire. Have Hamas call Israel and say we will turn in all 50,000 Hamas fighters and release all hostage in exchange for you to stop the bombing and counter attack and spare/save our people. Israel would accept that in a heartbeat, but they won't do it because Hamas doesn't actually care about its people, it is why they have stolen aid and preached hate for 17 years instead of trying to build something for their people.

There is no rock and hard place for the people of Gaza, they are just paying for the consequences of the corrupt elected officials they have supported and cheered.

There was a quote from a Gaza woman, and I wish I could find source, but essentially it was, "when I saw the attack, I thought it was a dream come true, but afterwards I realized it was a nightmare and we are living in hell"
So you believe Israel can finish Hamas by dropping bombs in Gaza or conducting ground operations?
Let's be realistic here, this is no different than us trying to finish Taliban in Afghanistan and we all know what happened.
Oh btw I lost couple people there who were friends for a big nothing!
Hamas are terrorists and savages no doubt but they are much more savvy and sophisticated than most people think and give them credit for.
Netanyahu government has no long term plan and just trying to save face and all my friends in Israel are concerned about what the future will bring and the fate of hostages.
This is not as simple or easy as let's kill them all!
This situation needs calmer heads and tactful minds,
@LivingTheDream reply states the situation best.

I'll add:
It's either exterminate or be exterminated; Isreal or Gaza. I'm for Isreal, in that they fully exterminate Hamas/Gaza.

As for Isreal's survival in the region after total anialation of Gaza. As after the 6 day war, it'll be an reminder to other nations....You don't screw with Isreal because Isrealis don't screw around.

And as long as the free world nations can continue to keep Iran from becoming a nuclear nation the mid east will remain equal and in check after
Let's exterminate them all and suppress the rest so we'll keep them in check.
I wish things would be that simple like you see in the movies or nowadays in our media.
I'll excuse myself out of this conversation because it's like beating a dead horse and trying to argue with people who think they have an instant solution to an ongoing conflict for the last 30 years.
Last edited:
There are two limiting factors.

1. EC (European commission) non elected body issuing legal directives on national legislation for member states. Directive is not mandatory to follow, but gives directions in legislative matters which then member countries try to follow. (or not follow, with protest of Brussels - example Czech republic made CCW right for self defense in national constitution, smart move of Czechs because constitution is above the law, and Eu should not temper with member states national constitutions )

2. National strategy on small arms: There is legal document, approved by parliament, and published in national gazette 2009: "National strategy and action plan of control of small and light arms"

The purpose and objective of the document of national strategy on small arms is following:

Please take note of bolded parts. (Warning, text may cause heart attack on honest pro 2/a American, read with caution. ;) )

OC1 – Reducing the amount of weapons available for illegal activities;

OC2 – Reducing the number of accidents caused by the use of weapons and ammunition;

OC3 – Reducing the visible presence of weapons in the community, and the fight against the culture of weapons;

OC4 – Raising public awareness of the problem of a large number of small arms;

OC5 – Implementation of activities aimed at suppressing illegal arms trade;

OC6 – More effective implementation of international measures to prevent, fight against and eradicate illegal trade in small arms and light weapons;

OC7 – Establishment of a more effective information system;

OC8 – Taking appropriate measures to prevent violations of the arms embargo of the United Nations Security Council, the European Union and other embargoes arising from the international obligations of the Republic of Croatia;

OC9 – Improvement of legal regulations that will establish standards and procedures related to the storage, management and security of weapons in the possession of the police and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia;

OC10 – Continuation of activities of intensified destruction of small and light weapons and ammunition designated for destruction;

OC11 - Cooperation with other countries and international and regional organizations to develop and strengthen partnerships in order to exchange information and combat organized crime.
As to "reducing the visible presence of guns in the community" it seems like only yesterday that hunters took place in parades, carrying drillings, etc as a statement that they were free men--that hunting was not only for royalty.
A group of anti-Israel rioters stormed a Russian airport because they heard a plane with Jews on it was there.

Hmmmm ....I wonder where they got that intel!
A group of anti-Israel rioters stormed a Russian airport because they heard a plane with Jews on it was there.

Hmmmm ....I wonder where they got that intel!
It wasn't hard to get.
Plane was coming from Tel-Aviv, Israel!
And yes, our airlines stopped flying to Israel but Russians still do.
So you believe Israel can finish Hamas by dropping bombs in Gaza or conducting ground operations?
Let's be realistic here, this is no different than us trying to finish Taliban in Afghanistan and we all know what happened.
Oh btw I lost couple people there who were friends for a big nothing!
Hamas are terrorists and savages no doubt but they are much more savvy and sophisticated than most people think and give them credit for.
Netanyahu government has no long term plan and just trying to save face and all my friends in Israel are concerned about what the future will bring and the fate of hostages.
This is not as simple or easy as let's kill them all!
This situation needs calmer heads and tactful minds,

I don't believe you can finish Hamas with bombs or ground invasion, that would be naive. If not Hamas some other group with pop up. But I do believe that their day to day operations can be greatly disrupted.

The point I was trying to make was we can feel bad for the what is about to happen to the people of Gaza (I do) but elected this government and cheered the killing of civilians, the rape of woman, and of families being take hostage, they aren't 100% innocent in all this.

We can argue about the execution of Afghanistan, and the end result, but unfortunately we had to be there.

I have lost friends, and know a bunch that a permanently disabled, I am tired of seeing people die. I honestly don't have any tolerance for it. Just as we are seeing today, rich men away from the front lines (seriously Hamas in Qatar) sending others to kill and die. What is going on in the Sahel region of Africa, Ukraine, and now the Middle East, it all sucks.

To your point, you can't kill them all, and the moment you stop killing/fighting, best case scenario is you bought yourself 16 to 18 years before the next group of young men come of age, and if there is no hope and no purpose to their lives then we are destined to keep having these situations. It is why ever man fears for their children, they know the evil that is out there and it is only a matter of time until it shows itself. I don't have the answers.
Let's exterminate them all and suppress the rest so we'll keep them in check.
I wish things would be that simple like you see in the movies or nowadays in our media.
I'll excuse myself out of this conversation because it's like beating a dead horse and trying to argue with people who think they have an instant solution to an ongoing conflict for the last 30 years.

Israelis are not as sensitive bleeding hearts over people's feelings getting hurt like soft warm hearted Americans (that's a rant of its own).

The Isreali government doesn't play touchie-feelie politics when it comes time to fight the Israeli military doesn’t fight with their hands tied by politician like our sh:t for brains American (mostly) democrat presidents restrict US military forces.

The Six-Day War of 1967 was Isreal vs Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. Isreal came out on top.

I don't like or trust reporters or any news media because never have either one reported/told the whole story from both sides. If the story can't be dramatized or used to manipulate the public to their way of thinking it's not worth reporting.

Movies are just entertainment with a lot of retakes.

When words cease to work, at what point does one stop be bullied and by what recourse, means, or opportunity does one resort to stop being bullied?

Hamas started this war by killing innocent civilians. Why is it wrong for Isreal to retaliate in kind?
As to "reducing the visible presence of guns in the community" it seems like only yesterday that hunters took place in parades, carrying drillings, etc as a statement that they were free men--that hunting was not only for royalty.
When implemented in the law, this actually means when you display gun in the public, you loose the gun. There are several clauses in law describing how guns are transported or carried, in order not to be visible.
If visible, then the person displaying the gun, is considered disturbing other citizens and in our wonderful politically correct world guns are confiscated.
An answer for Gaza, not the only one, but a possible one would be a huge and bold undertaking, on the scale of the Marshall plan:
1. Get rid of Hamas.
2. Instill a new order and thinking towards useful and productive life based upon prosperity.
3. Simultaneously start rebuilding physically including production centres and commerce.
4. Create a business system based upon cooperation with Israel, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
5. Create a very strong police force to keep things in check.

Yes I know, apple pie stuff, but I really don’t see an alternative other than perpetual conflict until the biblical prophesies are fulfilled.

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