The EC is trying to implement a policy driven by the UN. The UN wants total control, to be THE ruling body. They have pushed to have the US sign on to their Small Arms Agreement for years (sorry, can't find the link, it was during Obama's failure at being a president). It attempted to nullify the 2nd Amendment via treaty. Quite a number of European countries signed on, as I recall. Fortunately, it was not ratified by our Senate. What you listed under #2 is some of the language found in that agreement.There are two limiting factors.
1. EC (European commission) non elected body issuing legal directives on national legislation for member states. Directive is not mandatory to follow, but gives directions in legislative matters which then member countries try to follow. (or not follow, with protest of Brussels - example Czech republic made CCW right for self defense in national constitution, smart move of Czechs because constitution is above the law, and Eu should not temper with member states national constitutions )
2. National strategy on small arms: There is legal document, approved by parliament, and published in national gazette 2009: "National strategy and action plan of control of small and light arms"
The purpose and objective of the document of national strategy on small arms is following:
Please take note of bolded parts. (Warning, text may cause heart attack on honest pro 2/a American, read with caution.)
OC1 – Reducing the amount of weapons available for illegal activities;
OC2 – Reducing the number of accidents caused by the use of weapons and ammunition;
OC3 – Reducing the visible presence of weapons in the community, and the fight against the culture of weapons;
OC4 – Raising public awareness of the problem of a large number of small arms;
OC5 – Implementation of activities aimed at suppressing illegal arms trade;
OC6 – More effective implementation of international measures to prevent, fight against and eradicate illegal trade in small arms and light weapons;
OC7 – Establishment of a more effective information system;
OC8 – Taking appropriate measures to prevent violations of the arms embargo of the United Nations Security Council, the European Union and other embargoes arising from the international obligations of the Republic of Croatia;
OC9 – Improvement of legal regulations that will establish standards and procedures related to the storage, management and security of weapons in the possession of the police and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia;
OC10 – Continuation of activities of intensified destruction of small and light weapons and ammunition designated for destruction;
OC11 - Cooperation with other countries and international and regional organizations to develop and strengthen partnerships in order to exchange information and combat organized crime.
The UN knows the majority of the population of the US would never consent to UN control of our country, so, the 1st step towards achieving their objective? Try to disarm the American citizenry. As the rest of the world does not have, nor really understand the purpose of, the 2nd Amendment, they don't see the threat; we do. The Democrats in this country (most, not all) would love to see the 2nd Amendment removed, by any means.
The key thing to see and understand in the item #1 you listed, is the EC, and the UN, are unelected bureaucrats trying to seize power/control. They are the threat to freedom.