
It is a bit more complicated than that.

Our willingness to use force - whether our industrial power, wealth, technology, or armed forces - should be determined by national interest. Our involvement in the Middle East, a historic area of British and French interest, has been driven by oil - ever since the first contracts between Standard Oil and the Saudi Royal family in the thirties.

Indeed, one can argue Israel is the something of an outlier in that cold assessment of national interests. But in that case, we can trace a moral imperative that dates to the refusal by this country to take Jewish refugees from Germany in the late thirties as World War II and the eventual Holocaust loomed.

The one tends to complicate the other as we have dealt with and responded to terrorist threats or attacks that have seldom had much to do with the economic imperative of commercial access to the region's natural resources. Though, those too often can be traced, at least in part, to decisions made in support of our commercial national interests - i.e. Iran.

Obviously, our employment of power, military or otherwise, often comes with strings. The Saudis, for instance, have never deployed military forces to support us, but they have underwritten much of our clandestine activity in the region since the fifties.

Ukraine is another example of national interests. Most people with a bit of memory of the Cold War have an understanding of the role Russia is capable of playing in undermining the stability of Western Europe and thus our commercial relationships with the region. Preventing a revitalized Russia from playing a meaningful role in our growing contest with China is another. To your point, Ukraine did send contingents as part of the NATO support of our efforts in Afghanistan. Though, those deployments were clearly in their national interests as well as Ukrainian officers gained practical experience in the Western way of war from their NATO counterparts.
Agreed; Israel is the one exception (apart from each other) to my comment. The Saudis are a welcome support. Meanwhile Australia's current socialist leadership ( including most of our individual states are about as worthy as a dead cane toad.
Saw the daily feed on Google from CNN. “Iran surprised by Hamas attack”. The continual spin and complicit brainwashing is amazing to witness.
Don’t they need a full majority of the entire house?
Not to be the Republican nominee. To be elected speaker requires majority.

The Democrats would be more willing to vote for Scalise over Jordan.
One is more establishment, the other has bigger balls.
Smart lady. Have always been impressed by her. Oh and I think she is exactly correct - at least in regard to the next few weeks.

I am not sure she is entirely right about Trump. Not with regard to the effect of low oil prices, but rather with respect to the effect of normalization of relations with Israel. Those efforts were going even faster thanks to the Abraham Accords, and Iran would have felt the same pressure to act in some way to derail that process.
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I don’t know about “message in a bottle”

So much as a message in a missile to the Iranian foreign minister when they (the Israelis) parked a munition on Damascus airport a day before the Iranian’s visit

Message as follows

… we ain’t fooled chum….
Not to be the Republican nominee. To be elected speaker requires majority.

The Democrats would be more willing to vote for Scalise over Jordan.
One is more establishment, the other has bigger balls.
Understood, corrected myself a couple of post later.
What are the odds of another terrorist attack on American soil? It's been awhile.
I just spoke with a good client friend in VA this morning about an elk hunt. He works for the NSA. He said his biggest worry right now is the people coming across our border. He should know.
@Scott CWO I would not call out the agency out of respect for him. That said it is unfortunately to late to worry about that now. More have come across than we would care to imagine.
@Scott CWO I would not call out the agency out of respect for him. That said it is unfortunately to late to worry about that now. More have come across than we would care to imagine.
NSA has zero ability to do anything about it. They are solely an intel gathering agency. I have no doubt they have provided reams of intercepts to the NCA of cell conversations taking place among these people crossing the border.
I wonder if Navy Seals will be used to help the IDF locate any American hostages?

Bill Barr is basically calling for the eradication of Iran's nuclear facilities, but not going so far as to say that the American military should do it. He stated that we should support an Israeli strike on Iran. Would that not require Israeli planes having to use Iraqi airspace to get to Iran?
We already have SF in Israel. Whether they are used or not, nobody knows. However, Israeli SF are some of the best in the world.
I just spoke with a good client friend in VA this morning about an elk hunt. He works for the NSA. He said his biggest worry right now is the people coming across our border. He should know.

Some of that MIGHT slow down for a little while.. although it has zero to do with the USG actually trying to secure the border..

I was in Guatemala much of last week... at the time I was there, there were daily, truly peaceful protests going on (lots of dancing, singing, playing marimbas, praying, etc) in the streets which was causing pretty serious traffic back ups for anyone trying to enter or exit Guatemala City..

Things changed on Monday.. looting and some rioting started to occur (thankfully we flew out on Monday afternoon)..

Today the Guatemalan govt announced that they intend on shutting everything down, to include the borders effective Saturday morning.. They have advised citizens to go to the bank, go to the grocery stores, etc... and get everything they need to sustain themselves until they resolve the problem(s)..

Since the only way for the rest of Central America (with the exception of Belize, which isnt really a big part of the caravan/waves of people coming north) to get to the US is through Guatemala and then through Mexico.. the Guatemalan border being shut down SHOULD slow down the number of people coming north out of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, etc..etc..

It wont last forever.. and certainly not all of the migrants coming north are from Guatemala and the countries south of there.. but.. I'd guess there will be some pretty significant impact for at least a little while..

If you know anything about Guatemalan police and their military.. they aren't exactly known for being friendly, understanding, or accommodating... I find it very doubtful that people wanting to move north are going to challenge them at the border..
So.. a correction to the above post..

I just followed up with Guatemalan contacts... its not the govt in Guatemala shutting everything down...

its the protestors..

they have basically put the govt on notice.. they are going to kill all electricity, all water, etc. to all of the cities/towns that they can.. they are going to shut down all roads.. etc..

in a nutshell, they recently had an election.. and the attorney general refuses to swear in the new government.. the old govt is still in place.. and the people are pissed..

things are about to get pretty seriously froggy in Guatemala I would guess..

if/when the police and military get engaged.. depending on which side of this conflict they decide to land.. I think things will be over pretty quickly... or will get ugly for a very long period of time.. I doubt there is much middle ground..


Yael Bar Tur wins the internet with the tweet of the day...
Wonder if stuff like this will make corporate ceo's think twice about funding BLM.


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