The USA is the world leader, period. Sure there needs to be focus upon domestic issues, but the really big game needs to be played more on the world stage. It all takes energy and just as a transmission apportions traction to the front or rear right now it looks like the ratio is all wrong in favour of the domestic side. It must be very hard to focus upon foreign policy when everyone is ankle snapping back home about gender and silliness, and intelligent adults should surely realise that this is the time to elect an intelligent adult who behaves accordingly.
Priorities for my vote, if I had that honour would be:
1. Unify the nation to disempower the silly extremists on either side.
2. Enact domestic policies to strengthen the nation in the short to medium term; you can't build big dreams when you are broke and broken.
3. Enact foreign policy to nip expansionism in the bud with a stick and carrot approach in equal measure. There is nothing more valuable than a soverign world nation that benefits you and is afraid to hurt you, even if they don't like you.