I am getting very worried about the midterms. According to Trafalgar, a friendly to conservatives polling group, Blake masters is losing to Kelly by two in Arizona, and Johnson is trailing to Barnes in Wisconsin. Another Trump pick, Mehmet Oz, is trailing a guy in a hoodie who can't string two sentences together in Pennsylvania. The senate could easily go from 50/50 to Democrats up by 3 or 4.
Meanwhile the erstwhile leader of my party is still grousing about the last election and offering amusing, if extra-constitutional remedies.
Yes, he has a legitimate argument to make. So make it a positive about supporting candidates in the mid-term who can shine the bright light of republican led hearings, both houses, over the harm that was done. But no, he is entirely too self-centered to make that logical leap. Instead, we are on the verge of wasting the greatest political opportunity since Jimmy Carter.
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