Ray B
AH legend
Do you feel better now?…. Dumb ass
Do you feel better now?…. Dumb ass
That little witch and her cohorts and their "Green Energy" ONLY movement is the reason Europe is suffering an energy crisis now and probably a life threatening one if they have a cold upcoming winter. She needs to be parachuted into Afghanistan and talk to the Taliban about her Green Energy policies. LOL
The Mexican (Glock)
But we kept him from using WMD's on others.I would somewhat disagree with the bolded sentence. The Iraq Body Count project represents the most comprehensive and "neutral" source I could find on civilian deaths in Iraq.
This is their official website: https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/costs/human
Iraq Body Count project - Wikipedia
Now I know Wikipedia is not an academically accepted source but the wiki entry on the Iraq Body Count project does a pretty good job of summarizing the key findings and numbers of this project. It also provides a pretty good discussion on the strength and limitations of this project. As well as criticisms and counter-criticisms... As many of these findings are scattered around the website of this project- wiki just summarizes all pretty good- hence why i posted it. Now granted these professors/academics who are running this project are probably left leaning and are obviously anti-war. However they have been criticized by the left for under estimating Iraqi causalities and being pro-American. Simultaneously they have been criticized by the right for being anti-American and inflating Iraqi civilian casualties/ This leads me to believe that their findings are probably balanced and relatively objective. They are in my opinion not trying to over estimate or underestimate civilian casualties.
Which brings me to my next point. Some of these numbers are rather stark and grim. Look in particular at what has been the leading cause of death among Iraqi children. Aerial bombing. Which side was doing the lion's share of aerial bombardment in Iraq ? That's probably thousands of dead kids as a result of coalition airstrikes and tens of thousands of civilian deaths that can directly be attributed to American and coalition forces. These numbers show, at least in my opinion, that collateral damage in America's wars in the past decades are not limited or rare. Rather I would say the issue is that Western mainstream media, especially English speaking ones, do not really report all that much on civilian causalities caused by American or allied/NATO forces. You don't exactly see vigils/gatherings of strollers for the thousands of Iraqi children that have been killed by coalition forces do you ?
Now granted these are just open sources that I have access to, there maybe better/more accurate sources on the civilian death toll of this conflict that i am unaware of or cannot access.
Now Iraq is a pretty strong example because this was a totally pointless war. I honestly laugh when i hear some people claim that Saddam was a threat to the US. This idea of the Iraq War being a preventative war is absurd. Saddam's Iraq was at most a gadfly to America. America spent vast sums of money, lives and caused untold destruction to Iraq for no reason at all really. Much like what Russia is doing in Ukraine at the moment. Although Russia viewing NATO and its eastward expansion as a threat is at least somewhat logical/understandable. America viewing Saddam's Iraq as a viable threat is/was comedy...
MSNBC is sitting in awe and contemplating nominating these guys for an Academy Award.Another clip from the Russian Federation's most popular political talk show. Presented without comment.